The Angel in the House
by Coventry Patmore
The Book of the Courtier
by conte Baldassarre Castiglione
The Aeneid of Virgil
by Virgil
Great short stories, Volume III (of 3)
by Various
Ivanhoe: A Romance
by Walter Scott
Philippine Folk Tales
by unknown
On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
by Thomas Carlyle
A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan
by John U. Wolff
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
by Arthur Conan Doyle
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Complete
by Ulysses S. Grant
The Interpretation of Dreams
by Sigmund Freud
Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems (1798)
by William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Andersen's Fairy Tales
by H. C. Andersen
Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil
by W. E. B. Du Bois
The Garden Party, and Other Stories
by Katherine Mansfield
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 33, 1519-1522 / Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century
by Antonio Pigafetta
The Railway Children
by E. Nesbit
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals
by Immanuel Kant
The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come / Delivered under the similitude of a dream, by John Bunyan
by John Bunyan
The Woman in White
by Wilkie Collins
Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims
by François duc de La Rochefoucauld
The Complete Herbal / To which is now added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult qualities physically applied to the cure of all disorders incident to mankind: to which are now first annexed, the English physician enlarged, and key to Physic.
by Nicholas Culpeper
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 / 1588-1591 / Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century
by unknown
Peter and Wendy
by J. M. Barrie