Wood-Block Printing / A Description of the Craft of Woodcutting and Colour Printing Based on the Japanese Practice

Wood-Block Printing / A Description of the Craft of Woodcutting and Colour Printing Based on the Japanese Practice
Author: F. Morley Fletcher
Pages: 114,588 Pages
Audio Length: 1 hr 35 min
Languages: en


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Plate XI.—Third printing.Deep Blue.Strong at the bottom, paler at the top.

Plate XII.—Fifth printing.Bright Orange.

(The fourth printing, not shown, is a similar small block, printing a faint tone over the road in the foreground.)

Plate XIII.—Sixth printing.Indian Red.Gradation.

Plate XIV.—Seventh printing.Green.Printed flat.

Plate XV.—Eighth printing.Bluish green.Gradation.

Plate XVI.—Reproduction of a colour print by Hiroshigé.

Plate XVII.—Reproduction of a portion of the print shown on the preceding page, actual size, showing the treatment of the foliage and the expressive drawing of the tree trunk and stems.

Plate XVIII.—Reproduction of another portion of the print shown on page 111 (actual size), showing the expressive use of line in the drawing of the distant forms.

Plate XIX.—Reproduction of a colour print by Hiroshigé.

Plate XX.—Reproduction of a portion (actual size) of the print on the preceding page, showing treatment of tree forms and distance.

Plate XXI.—Reproduction of a colour print by Hiroshigé.

Plate XXII.—Reproduction of a portion (actual size) of the print on the preceding page, showing treatment of tree and blossom.

Plate XXIII.—The Tiger.Reproduction of a colour print by J.D.Batten.

Plate XXIV.—Lapwings.Reproduction of a colour print by A.W.Seaby.


"Tools and Materials illustrating the Japanese Method of Colour Printing."A descriptive catalogue of a collection exhibited in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.Price Twopence.Victoria and Albert Museum Catalogues.1913.

"The Colour Prints of Japan."By Edward F.Strange.The Langham Series of Art Monographs.London.

"Japanese Colour Prints."By Edward F.Strange.(3rd Edition.)Victoria and Albert Museum Handbooks.London.

"Japanese Wood Engravings."By William Anderson, F.R.C.S.London, Seeley & Co., Ltd.New York, Macmillan & Co.1895.

"Japanese Wood-cutting and Wood-cut Printing."By T.Tokuno.Edited and annotated by S.R.Kochler.Report of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, for the year ending June 30, 1892.Issued in pamphlet form by the U.S.A.National Museum, Washington.1893.

Other works containing descriptions and references to the craft of wood-block printing in the Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, are the following:—

"The Industries of Japan."By J.J.Rein.(Paper, pp.389.)London.1889.

"Bungei Ruisan," By Yoshino Sakakibara.Essays on Japanese literature, with additional chapters describing the manufacture of paper and the processes of printing and engraving.(The Museum copy has MS. translations of the portion relating to engraving.)Tokyo.1878.

[2] The preparation of the ink for printing is described on p. 54

[3] See also p. 75

[4] See CHAPTER VIII for further experience on this point.

[5] Further experience on this point is given in CHAPTER VIII on Co-operative Printing.


Alum, 50

Andreani, Andrea, xi

Baldung, Hans, x

Bamboo-sheath, 62

Baren, 11, 61, 62

Baren, manner of using, 72

Baren, to re-cover, 63, 64

Baren, to re-cover (diagram), 64

Batches, size of, 89

Batten, J. D. , 2

Block cutting, materials, 17

Blocks, cutting of, 17, 23

Blocks, mounting of, 18

Blocks, planning of, 23

Books of reference, 129

Bowie, Henry P. , 86

British Museum Print Room, 43

Brushes, 65

Brushes, drawing of, 66

Carborundum stone, 21

Cherry wood, 17

Chiaroscuro, x

Chinese ink, 55

Chisel, grip of, 34, 35

Chisels, 20

Clearing of spaces, 33

Clearing of wood between knife cuts, 35

Colour, 56

Colour block, diagram of section, 42

Colour blocks, plan of, 39

Colour blocks, planning, 40, 41

Colour blocks, printing from, 73

Colour design, 87

Commercial development, 5

Conventions of design, 82

Co-operative printing, 89

Craft in Japan, 61

Craftsmen, training of, 24

Cranach, Lucas, x

Crane, Walter, ix

Creasote, 56

Cutting, 25

Da Carpo, Ugo, x

Damping, 14

Damping sheets, 51

Design, 27

Design, conventions in, 82

Designing, 81

Designing wood-block prints, principles of, 81

Design of key-block, 26

Diagram of knife cuts, 33

Drying of colour, 77

Drying of prints, 79

Errors of register, 43

Eve and the Serpent, print of, 2

Flat treatment, 26, 27

Foliage, 85

Gelatine, 48

Giles, William, 65

Glue solution with colour, 58, 75

Gouge, method of holding, 35

Gradations, printing of, 75

Grip of chisel, 34, 35

Hands, position of, in cutting, 30, 31

Herkomer, ix

Hiroshigé, 84

Impressions, possible number of, 92

Ink, 54

Inking of block, 69

Ink, preservative for, 56

Italian woodcuts, ix

Jackson, T. B. , xii

Japan, craft in, 4, 23

Japanese blocks, 43

Japanese craftsmen, 61

Japanese drawing, 27

Japanese key-block, 33

"Japanese Painting, The Laws of," 86

Japanese paper, 54

Japanese printers, 52, 80

Japanese prints, 83

Key-block, 25, 27, 84, 85

Key-block impressions, 5, 26, 33

Knife, 19

Knife, drawing of, 19

Knife, use of, 24

Knife cuts, diagram of, 33

"Laws of Japanese Painting," 86

Light and shade, 85

Line block, cutting of, 32

Line, development of, 32

Line of key-block, 26

Mallet, 21

Mallet, drawing of, 21

Mantegna, xi

Millboards for drying, 79

Modern prints, 83

Mordant, alum as, 50

Mould, 79

Mulberry fibre, 47

Museums, sets of blocks at, 43

Number of impressions, 92

Offsetting, 71, 77

Oilstones, 21

Orlik, Prof. Emil, 7

Outamaro, 24

Pad, 61

Paper, 47

Paper, damping of, 51

Paper, manner of holding, 70

Paper, mould in, 79

Paper, need of white, 54

Paper, sizing of, 48

Paper, sizing of (drawing), 49

Paste, 58

Paste, amount used in printing, 74

Paste, preparation of, 59

Plank, preparation of, 18

Planning of blocks, 24

Position of hands, 30, 31

Posters, 86, 87

Printing, 67

Printing, co-operative, 89

Printing, detailed method of, 61

Printing from colour blocks, 73

Printing, general description of, 9

Printing of gradations, 75, 76, 77

Printing pad, 62

Prints, designing, 81

Prints, drying of, 79

Register, 71, 78

Register, errors of, 41, 43

Register marks, 36, 37, 42

Register marks, position of, 37

Register marks, section of, 38

Rice flour, 59

Rice paste, 58

Rubber, glass, 65

Rubber, printing, 61

Shadows, treatment of, 85

Shallow cuts, 34

Shrinking of paper, 41

Siberian bear hair brushes, 66

Size, amount of, in paper, 75

Size, excess of, 75

Sizing of paper, 48, 49

Smithsonian Institution pamphlet, 2

South Kensington Museum, 43

Spots in paper, 79

Table, plan of, 11

Tokuno, T. , 2

Tools for block-cutting, 19

Training of designers, 86

Treatment of form, 93

Tree-forms, 85, 93

Variety of line, 82, 83

Washita oilstone, 22

Wood, 17

Woodcuts, Italian, ix

Work-table, plan of, 11

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