The Poems of John Donne, Volume 1 (of 2) / Edited from the Old Editions and Numerous Manuscripts

The Poems of John Donne, Volume 1 (of 2) / Edited from the Old Editions and Numerous Manuscripts
Author: John Donne
Pages: 807,877 Pages
Audio Length: 11 hr 13 min
Languages: en


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To the &c. 1650-69


To John Donne.

Note (Supp.)

D ONNE, the delight of Phoebus, and each Muse,

 Who, to thy one, all other braines refuse;

Whose every work, of thy most early wit,

Came forth example, and remaines so, yet:

Longer a knowing, than most wits doe live;

And which no'n affection praise enough can give!

To it, thy language, letters, arts, best life,

Which might with halfe mankind maintain a strife;

All which I mean to praise, and, yet, I would;

But leave, because I cannot as I should!


To John Donne. 1650-69, following the Hexastichon ad Bibliopolam.

Note (Supp.)

To Lucy, Countesse of Bedford,
with M.Donnes Satyres.

L VCY, you brightnesse of our Spheare, who are

 Life of the Muses day, their morning Starre!

If works (not th'Authors) their own grace should look

Whose poems would not wish to be your book?

But these, desir'd by you, the makers ends

Crown with their own.Rare Poems ask rare friends.

Yet, Satyres, since the most of mankind bee

Their unavoided subject, fewest see:

For none ere took that pleasure in sins sense,

But, when they heard it tax'd, took more offence.

They, then, that living where the matter is bred,

Dare for these Poems, yet, both ask, and read,

And like them too; must needfully, though few,

Be of the best: and 'mongst those best are you;

Lucy, you brightnefle of our Spheare, who are

The Muses evening, as their morning-Starre.


To John Donne.

W  HO shall doubt, Donne, where I a Poet bee,

   When I dare send my Epigrammes to thee?

That so alone canst judge, so'alone do'st make:

And, in thy censures, evenly, dost take

As free simplicity, to dis-avow,

As thou hast best authority, t'allow.

Read all I send: and, if I finde but one

Mark'd by thy hand, and with the better stone,

My title's seal'd.Those that for claps doe write,

Let punees, porters, players praise delight,

And, till they burst, their backs, like asses load:

A man should seek great glory, and not broad.


To Lucy &c. To John Donne &c. 1650-69, in sheets added 1650

See Text and Canon &c.

Note (Supp.)





This was for youth, Strength, Mirth, and wit that Time

Most count their golden Age; but t'was not thine.

Thine was thy later yeares, so much refind

From youths Drosse, Mirth, & wit; as thy pure mind

Thought (like the Angels) nothing but the Praise

Of thy Creator, in those last, best Dayes.

Witnes this Booke, (thy Embleme) which begins

With Love; but endes, with Sighes, & Teares for sins

iz: wa:

Will: Marshall sculpsit

From the engraving prefixed to the Poems in the
Editions of 1635, 1639, 1649, 1650, 1654




The good-morrow.

I WONDER by my troth, what thou, and I

  Did, till we lov'd?  were we not wean'd till then?

But suck'd on countrey pleasures, childishly?

Or snorted we in the seaven sleepers den?

  5T'was so; But this, all pleasures fancies bee.

If ever any beauty I did see,

Which I desir'd, and got, t'was but a dreame of thee.

And now good morrow to our waking soules,

Which watch not one another out of feare;

10For love, all love of other sights controules,

And makes one little roome, an every where.

Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,

Let Maps to other, worlds on worlds have showne,

Let us possesse one world, each hath one, and is one.

15My face in thine eye, thine in mine appeares,

And true plaine hearts doe in the faces rest,

Where can we finde two better hemispheares

Without sharpe North, without declining West?

What ever dyes, was not mixt equally;

20If our two loves be one, or, thou and I

Love so alike, that none doe slacken, none can die.

SONGS AND SONETS. 1635-69: no division into sections, 1633

The good-morrow. 1633-69, A18, L74, N, TCC, TCD: no title, A25, B, C, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, P, S: Elegie. S96

2 lov'd? 1639-69: lov'd, 1633-35

3 countrey pleasures, childishly? 1633-54, D, H40, H49, Lec: childish pleasures seelily? 1669, A18, A25, B, JC, L74, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC

4 snorted 1633-54, D, H40, H49, Lec, O'F, S96: slumbred 1669, A18, A25, JC, L74, N, P, TC seaven sleepers 1633: seven-sleepers 1635-69

5 this,] as 1669

10 For 1633-69, D, H40, H49, Lec: But rest of MSS

13 to other, worlds on 1633-54: to other worlds our 1669: to others, worlds on D, H49, Lec, and other MSS

14 one world 1633-69, D, H49, Lec: our world rest of MSS

17 better 1633, D, H40, H49, Lec: fitter 1635-69, and rest of MSS

19 was not] is not 1669

20-1 or, thou and I ... can die. 1633, D, H40, H49, Lec: or, thou and I ... can slacken, ... can die. Chambers:

both thou and I

Love just alike in all, none of these loves can die.

1635-69, JC, O'F, P:

or thou and I

Love just alike in all, none of these loves can die.

A18, A25, B, L74, S96, TC

As thou and I &c.


And thou and I &c.




G OE, and catche a falling starre,

  Get with child a mandrake roote,

Tell me, where all past yeares are,

Or who cleft the Divels foot,

  5Teach me to heare Mermaides singing,

Or to keep off envies stinging,

And finde

What winde

Serves to advance an honest minde.

10If thou beest borne to strange sights,

Things invisible to see,

Ride ten thousand daies and nights,

Till age snow white haires on thee,

Thou, when thou retorn'st, wilt tell mee

15All strange wonders that befell thee,

And sweare

No where

Lives a woman true, and faire.

If thou findst one, let mee know,

20Such a Pilgrimage were sweet;

Yet doe not, I would not goe,

Though at next doore wee might meet,

Though shee were true, when you met her,

And last, till you write your letter,

25Yet shee

Will bee

False, ere I come, to two, or three.

Song. 1633-69: Song, A Songe, or no title, A18, A25, B, C, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TCC, TCD

3 past yeares] times past 1669: past times P

11 to see] go see 1669, S, S96: see most other MSS

20 sweet; 1669: sweet, 1633-54

24 last, till] last so till O'F, S, S96

27 False, ... three] False, ere she come to two or three. 1669]

Womans constancy.

N   OW thou hast lov'd me one whole day,

 To morrow when thou leav'st, what wilt thou say?

Wilt thou then Antedate some new made vow?

Or say that now

  5We are not just those persons, which we were?

Or, that oathes made in reverentiall feare

Of Love, and his wrath, any may forsweare?

Or, as true deaths, true maryages untie,

So lovers contracts, images of those,

10Binde but till sleep, deaths image, them unloose?

Or, your owne end to Justifie,

For having purpos'd change, and falsehood; you

Can have no way but falsehood to be true?

Vaine lunatique, against these scapes I could

15Dispute, and conquer, if I would,

Which I abstaine to doe,

For by to morrow, I may thinke so too.

Womans constancy. 1633-69, A18, L74, N, O'F, TCC, TCD: no title, B, D, H40, H49, Lec, P, S

8 Or, 1633, 1669: For, 1635-54 (ll. 8-10 in brackets)


The undertaking.

I  HAVE done one braver thing

  Then all the Worthies did,

And yet a braver thence doth spring,

Which is, to keepe that hid.

  5It were but madnes now t'impart

The skill of specular stone,

When he which can have learn'd the art

To cut it, can finde none.

So, if I now should utter this,

10Others (because no more

Such stuffe to worke upon, there is,)

Would love but as before.

But he who lovelinesse within

Hath found, all outward loathes,

15For he who colour loves, and skinne,

Loves but their oldest clothes.

If, as I have, you also doe

Vertue'attir'd in woman see,

And dare love that, and say so too,

20And forget the Hee and Shee;

And if this love, though placed so,

From prophane men you hide,

Which will no faith on this bestow,

Or, if they doe, deride:

25Then you have done a braver thing

Then all the Worthies did;

And a braver thence will spring,

Which is, to keepe that hid.

The undertaking. 1635-69: no title, 1633, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, P, S: Platonique Love. A18, N, TCC, TCD

2 Worthies] worthies 1633

3 And yet] Yet B, D, H49, Lec

7-8 art ... it, 1669: art, ... it 1633-54

16 their] her B

18 Vertue'attir'd in 1633, A18, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, S, TC: Vertue in 1635-69, O'F, Chambers

26 did; Ed: did. 1633-39: did, 1650-69

27 spring,] spring 1633-39


The Sunne Rising.

BUSIE old foole, unruly Sunne,

Why dost thou thus,

Through windowes, and through curtaines call on us?

Must to thy motions lovers seasons run?

  5Sawcy pedantique wretch, goe chide

Late schoole boyes, and sowre prentices,

Goe tell Court-huntsmen, that the King will ride,

Call countrey ants to harvest offices;

Love, all alike, no season knowes, nor clyme,

10Nor houres, dayes, moneths, which are the rags of time.

Thy beames, so reverend, and strong

Why shouldst thou thinke?

I could eclipse and cloud them with a winke,

But that I would not lose her sight so long:

15If her eyes have not blinded thine,

Looke, and to morrow late, tell mee,

Whether both the'India's of spice and Myne

Be where thou leftst them, or lie here with mee.

Aske for those Kings whom thou saw'st yesterday,

20And thou shalt heare, All here in one bed lay.

She'is all States, and all Princes, I,

Nothing else is.

Princes doe but play us; compar'd to this,

All honor's mimique; All wealth alchimie.

25Thou sunne art halfe as happy'as wee,

In that the world's contracted thus;

Thine age askes ease, and since thy duties bee

To warme the world, that's done in warming us.

Shine here to us, and thou art every where;

30This bed thy center is, these walls, thy spheare.

The Sunne Rising. 1633-69: Sunne Rising. A18, L74, N, TCC, TCD: Ad Solem. A25, D, H49, JC, O'F, S, S96: To the Sunne. Cy, Lec, O'F (as a second title): no title, B

3 call] look 1669

6 and] or 1669

sowre] slowe B, Cy, P

8 offices;] offices, 1633

11-14 Thy beames, ... so long: 1633 and all MSS.:

Thy beames so reverend, and strong

Dost thou not thinke

I could eclipse and cloude them with a winke,

But that I would not lose her sight so long?    1635-69

17 spice] space 1650-54

18 leftst 1633: left 1635-69

23 us;] us, 1633

24 wealth] wealth's A25, C, P

alchimie. Ed: alchimie; 1633-69

26 thus; Ed: thus. 1633-69


The Indifferent.

I   CAN love both faire and browne,

  Her whom abundance melts, and her whom want betraies,

Her who loves lonenesse best, and her who maskes and plaies,

Her whom the country form'd, and whom the town,

  5Her who beleeves, and her who tries,

Her who still weepes with spungie eyes,

And her who is dry corke, and never cries;

I can love her, and her, and you and you,

I can love any, so she be not true.

10Will no other vice content you?

Wil it not serve your turn to do, as did your mothers?

Or have you all old vices spent, and now would finde out others?

Or doth a feare, that men are true, torment you?

Oh we are not, be not you so,

15Let mee, and doe you, twenty know.

Rob mee, but binde me not, and let me goe.

Must I, who came to travaile thorow you,

Grow your fixt subject, because you are true?

Venus heard me sigh this song,

20And by Loves sweetest Part, Variety, she swore,

She heard not this till now; and that it should be so no more.

She went, examin'd, and return'd ere long,

And said, alas, Some two or three

Poore Heretiques in love there bee,

25Which thinke to stablish dangerous constancie.

But I have told them, since you will be true,

You shall be true to them, who'are false to you.

The Indifferent. 1633-69, A18, N, TCC, TCD: A Songe, Songe, or no title, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, S, S96: Sonnet. P

3 lonenesse] lovers 1669

maskes] sports 1669, S

and 1669: & 1633-39: om. 1650-54

12 spent] worn 1669

15 mee, 1633: me; 1635-69

17 travaile] spelt travell, travel 1635-69

19 sigh] sing 1669

20 sweetest Part,] sweetest sweet, 1669, P, S

21 and that it 1633, B, D, H49, Lec, S: it 1635-69, H40, P: and it A18, JC, N, O'F, S96, TC


Loves Vsury.

F OR every houre that thou wilt spare mee now,

I will allow,

Usurious God of Love, twenty to thee,

When with my browne, my gray haires equall bee;

  5Till then, Love, let my body raigne, and let

Mee travell, sojourne, snatch, plot, have, forget,

Resume my last yeares relict: thinke that yet

We'had never met.

Let mee thinke any rivalls letter mine,

10And at next nine

Keepe midnights promise; mistake by the way

The maid, and tell the Lady of that delay;

Onely let mee love none, no, not the sport;

From country grasse, to comfitures of Court,

15Or cities quelque choses, let report

My minde transport.

This bargaine's good; if when I'am old, I bee

Inflam'd by thee,

If thine owne honour, or my shame, or paine,

20Thou covet most, at that age thou shalt gaine.

Doe thy will then, then subject and degree,

And fruit of love, Love I submit to thee,

Spare mee till then, I'll beare it, though she bee

One that loves mee.

Loves Vsury. 1633-69, L74: no title, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, Lec, O'F, P, S: Elegie. S96

5 raigne, 1633, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, L74, Lec, P, S: range, 1635-69, O'F, S96. See note

6 snatch, 1633, 1669: match, 1635-54

7 relict] relique 1669

12 that] her 1669

13 sport; 1669: sport 1633-54: sport, most MSS.

15 let report 1633, 1669, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, L74, Lec, P, S: let not report 1635-54, O'F, S96, Chambers. See note

19 or paine 1633, 1669, and most MSS.: and paine 1635-54, O'F

22 fruit] fruites B, D, H49, Lec, O'F, S96

24 loves 1633, 1669 and all the MSS.: love 1635-54


The Canonization.

F  OR Godsake hold your tongue, and let me love,

Or chide my palsie, or my gout,

My five gray haires, or ruin'd fortune flout,

With wealth your state, your minde with Arts improve,

  5Take you a course, get you a place,

Observe his honour, or his grace,

Or the Kings reall, or his stamped face

Contemplate, what you will, approve,

So you will let me love.

10Alas, alas, who's injur'd by my love?

What merchants ships have my sighs drown'd?

Who saies my teares have overflow'd his ground?

When did my colds a forward spring remove?

When did the heats which my veines fill

15Adde one more to the plaguie Bill?

Soldiers finde warres, and Lawyers finde out still

Litigious men, which quarrels move,

Though she and I do love.

Call us what you will, wee are made such by love;

20Call her one, mee another flye,

We'are Tapers too, and at our owne cost die,

And wee in us finde the'Eagle and the Dove.

The Phœnix ridle hath more wit

By us, we two being one, are it.

25So to one neutrall thing both sexes fit,

Wee dye and rise the same, and prove

Mysterious by this love.

Wee can dye by it, if not live by love,

And if unfit for tombes and hearse

30Our legend bee, it will be fit for verse;

And if no peece of Chronicle wee prove,

We'll build in sonnets pretty roomes;

As well a well wrought urne becomes

The greatest ashes, as halfe-acre tombes,

35And by these hymnes, all shall approve

Us Canoniz'd for Love:

And thus invoke us; You whom reverend love

Made one anothers hermitage;

You, to whom love was peace, that now is rage;

40Who did the whole worlds soule contract, and drove

Into the glasses of your eyes

(So made such mirrors, and such spies,

That they did all to you epitomize,)

Countries, Townes, Courts: Beg from above

45A patterne of your love!

The Canonization. 1633-39, A18, Cy, D, H49, Lec, N, O'F, P, TCC, TCD: Canonization. 1650-69, S: Canonizatio. S96: no title, B, H40, JC

3 five 1633, 1669: true 1635-54

fortune] fortunes 1669

4 improve, 1650-69: improve 1633-39

7 reall] Roiall Lec

14 veines] reynes 1669

15 more, 1633-54, Lec: man 1669, A18, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC

17 which] whom 1669

18 Though] While 1669

22 Dove. Ed: dove, 1633-69

24 are it. 1633-69: are it; Chambers and Grolier

25 So 1650-69: So, 1633-39. See note

fit, D, H49, Lec: fit. 1633-69. See note

29 tombes and 1633-54: tomb or 1669

30 legend] legends 1633

35 these 1633: those 1635-69

36 Love:] Love. 1633

39 rage; Ed: rage, 1633-69

40 contract] extract A18, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, Lec, N, O'F, S, S96, TCC

41 eyes 1633-69: eyes; Chambers

42-3 brackets, Ed

44 Courts: Beg] Courts Beg 1669: courts beg Chambers. See note

from] frow 1633

45 your 1669, A18, B, H40, JC, N, O'F, P, S96, TC: our 1633-54, D, H49, Lec

love! Ed: love. 1633-69


The triple Foole.

I AM two fooles, I know,

 For loving, and for saying so

In whining Poëtry;

But where's that wiseman, that would not be I,

  5If she would not deny?

Then as th'earths inward narrow crooked lanes

Do purge sea waters fretfull salt away,

I thought, if I could draw my paines,

Through Rimes vexation, I should them allay,

10Griefe brought to numbers cannot be so fierce,

For, he tames it, that fetters it in verse.

But when I have done so,

Some man, his art and voice to show,

Doth Set and sing my paine,

15And, by delighting many, frees againe

Griefe, which verse did restraine.

To Love, and Griefe tribute of Verse belongs,

But not of such as pleases when'tis read,

Both are increased by such songs:

20For both their triumphs so are published,

And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;

Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.

The triple Foole. 1633-69, A18, L74, N, TCC, TCD: Song or no title, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, HN, JC, Lec, O'F, P, S, S96

4 the wiser man, 1669

5 If he should not deny? P

6 narrow om. P: crooked om. B

lanes] vaines Cy, P

9 allay, 1633-39: allay. 1650-69, Chambers

10 numbers] number 1669

11 For, he tames it] He tames it much B

13 and] or 1669


Lovers infinitenesse.

I F yet I have not all thy love,

  Deare, I shall never have it all,

I cannot breath one other sigh, to move,

Nor can intreat one other teare to fall,

  5And all my treasure, which should purchase thee,

Sighs, teares, and oathes, and letters I have spent.

Yet no more can be due to mee,

Then at the bargaine made was ment,

If then thy gift of love were partiall,

10That some to mee, some should to others fall,

Deare, I shall never have Thee All.

Or if then thou gavest mee all,

All was but All, which thou hadst then;

But if in thy heart, since, there be or shall,

15New love created bee, by other men,

Which have their stocks intire, and can in teares,

In sighs, in oathes, and letters outbid mee,

This new love may beget new feares,

For, this love was not vowed by thee.

20And yet it was, thy gift being generall,

The ground, thy heart is mine, what ever shall

Grow there, deare, I should have it all.

Yet I would not have all yet,

Hee that hath all can have no more,

25And since my love doth every day admit

New growth, thou shouldst have new rewards in store;

Thou canst not every day give me thy heart,

If thou canst give it, then thou never gavest it:

Loves riddles are, that though thy heart depart,

30It stayes at home, and thou with losing savest it:

But wee will have a way more liberall,

Then changing hearts, to joyne them, so wee shall

Be one, and one anothers All.

Lovers infinitenesse. 1633-69: Mon Tout. A25, C: no title, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, P, S: Elegie. S96

Query Loves infinitenesse.

3 move, Ed: move; 1633-69

4 fall, Ed: fall. 1633: fall; 1635-69

6 teares,] teares 1633

spent. Ed: spent, 1633-69 and Grolier: spent; Chambers

8 Then 1633-35, 1669: That 1639-54

9 were] was 1669

partiall] generall A25, C

11 Thee 1633: It 1635-69 (it 1669)

12 gavest] givest 1669

13 then; 1635-54: then, 1633

17 and letters 1633: in letters 1635-69

19 thee. 1639-69: thee, 1633-35

20 it] is 1633

21 is 1633, 1669: was 1635-54

25-6 And since my heart doth every day beget New love, &c. A25


Except mine come when thine doth part

And in such giving it, thou savest it:  A25, C

Perchance mine comes, when thine doth parte,

And by such losing it, &c.  JC

31 have] love 1669: find A25, C

32 them] us 1669



S  WEETEST love, I do not goe,

   For wearinesse of thee,

Nor in hope the world can show

A fitter Love for mee;

  5But since that I

Must dye at last, 'tis best,

To use my selfe in jest

Thus by fain'd deaths to dye;

Yesternight the Sunne went hence,

10And yet is here to day,

He hath no desire nor sense,

Nor halfe so short a way:

Then feare not mee,

But beleeve that I shall make

15Speedier journeyes, since I take

More wings and spurres then hee.

O how feeble is mans power,

That if good fortune fall,

Cannot adde another houre,

20Nor a lost houre recall!

But come bad chance,

And wee joyne to'it our strength,

And wee teach it art and length,

It selfe o'r us to'advance.

25When thou sigh'st, thou sigh'st not winde,

But sigh'st my soule away,

When thou weep'st, unkindly kinde,

My lifes blood doth decay.

It cannot bee

30That thou lov'st mee, as thou say'st,

If in thine my life thou waste,

Thou art the best of mee.

Let not thy divining heart

Forethinke me any ill,

35Destiny may take thy part,

And may thy feares fulfill;

But thinke that wee

Are but turn'd aside to sleepe;

They who one another keepe

40Alive, ne'r parted bee.

Song. 1633-69: Song. or no title, A18, A25, B, C, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TCC, TCD: in A18, N, TCC, TCD, this with Send home my long stray'd eyes and The Bait are given as Songs which were made to certain ayres which were made before.

1-4 In most MSS.these lines are written as two long lines, and so with ll. 9-12, 17-20, 25-28, 33-36

4 mee; 1650-69: mee, 1633-39

5-8 But since ... dye; 1633, A18, A25, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, P, S, S96, TC:

At the last must part 'tis best,

Thus to use my selfe in jest

By fained deaths to dye;  1635-54, O'F:

Must dye at last, 'tis best,

Thus to use my self in jest

By fained death to dye;  1669

15 Speedier] Hastier 1669

20 recall! Ed: recall? 1633-69

25 not wind 1633: no wind 1635-69

32 Thou 1633 and MSS.generally: That 1635-54: Which 1669

best 1633-54: life 1669

36 may 1633-35, 1669: make 1639-54

fulfill; Ed: fulfill, 1633-69

38 turn'd] lai'd 1669


The Legacie.

WHEN I dyed last, and, Deare, I dye

As often as from thee I goe,

Though it be but an houre agoe,

And Lovers houres be full eternity,

  5I can remember yet, that I

Something did say, and something did bestow;

Though I be dead, which sent mee, I should be

Mine owne executor and Legacie.

I heard mee say, Tell her anon,

10That my selfe, (that is you, not I,)

Did kill me, and when I felt mee dye,

I bid mee send my heart, when I was gone,

But I alas could there finde none,

When I had ripp'd me,'and search'd where hearts did lye;

15It kill'd mee againe, that I who still was true,

In life, in my last Will should cozen you.

Yet I found something like a heart,

But colours it, and corners had,

It was not good, it was not bad,

20It was intire to none, and few had part.

As good as could be made by art

It seem'd; and therefore for our losses sad,

I meant to send this heart in stead of mine,

But oh, no man could hold it, for twas thine.

The Legacie. 1633-69: Legacie. L74: Song. or no title, A25, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, Lec, O'F, P, S, S96: Elegie. A18, N, TCC, TCD

1 When I dyed last,] When last I dyed, 1669

1-4 (and deare ... eternity) Grolier

7 sent 1633, 1669: meant 1635-54

should be] might be 1669

10 that is 1635-69: that's 1633: brackets from A18, N, TC

13 none, 1633-69: none. Chambers and Grolier

14 When ... did 1633, A25 (doe), D, H40, H49, Lec, S, S96: When I had ripp'd, and search'd where hearts should 1635-69, A18, L74, N, TC lye; Ed: lye, 1633-69, Chambers and Grolier. See note

18 But] For 1650-69

20 part. 1633-39: part: 1650-69

22 seem'd; Ed: seem'd, 1633-69, Grolier, and Chambers

our losses sad, 1633-54, A18, A25, L74, N, O'F, P, S96, TC: our loss be sad, 1669: our loss be ye sad. B, Cy, D, H40, H49, Lec, S: our losses sad; Grolier: our loss be sad. Chambers

23 meant] thought A18, L74, N, O'F, TC

this 1633: that 1635-69


A Feaver.

O H doe not die, for I shall hate

  All women so, when thou art gone,

That thee I shall not celebrate,

When I remember, thou wast one.

  5But yet thou canst not die, I know;

To leave this world behinde, is death,

But when thou from this world wilt goe,

The whole world vapors with thy breath.

Or if, when thou, the worlds soule, goest,

10It stay, tis but thy carkasse then,

The fairest woman, but thy ghost,

But corrupt wormes, the worthyest men.

O wrangling schooles, that search what fire

Shall burne this world, had none the wit

15Unto this knowledge to aspire,

That this her feaver might be it?

And yet she cannot wast by this,

Nor long beare this torturing wrong,

For much corruption needfull is

20To fuell such a feaver long.

These burning fits but meteors bee,

Whose matter in thee is soone spent.

Thy beauty,'and all parts, which are thee,

Are unchangeable firmament.

25Yet t'was of my minde, seising thee,

Though it in thee cannot persever.

For I had rather owner bee

Of thee one houre, then all else ever.

A Feaver. 1633-69, D, H40, H49, Lec, S96: Of a fever. L74: The Fever. B, Cy, O'F, P: Fever. A18, N, TCC, TCD: no title, JC

5 know; Ed: know, 1633-69

8 with] in 1669

16 might] must TCC

18 beare] endure 1669

torturing] tormenting JC, O'F (corr.from torturing)

19 For much 1633, A18, B, D, H40, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, S, S96, TC: For more 1635-69, O'F: Far more Cy, P

22 is soon] soon is 1669

24 Are] Are an 1669, P, S96

25 Yet 'twas of 1633-54: And here as 1669

27 For] Yet 1669


Aire and Angels.

TWICE or thrice had I loved thee,

Before I knew thy face or name;

So in a voice, so in a shapelesse flame,

Angells affect us oft, and worship'd bee;

  5Still when, to where thou wert, I came,

Some lovely glorious nothing I did see.

But since my soule, whose child love is,

Takes limmes of flesh, and else could nothing doe,

More subtile then the parent is,

10Love must not be, but take a body too,

And therefore what thou wert, and who,

I bid Love aske, and now

That it assume thy body, I allow,

And fixe it selfe in thy lip, eye, and brow.

15Whilst thus to ballast love, I thought,

And so more steddily to have gone,

With wares which would sinke admiration,

I saw, I had loves pinnace overfraught,

Ev'ry thy haire for love to worke upon

20Is much too much, some fitter must be sought;

For, nor in nothing, nor in things

Extreme, and scatt'ring bright, can love inhere;

Then as an Angell, face, and wings

Of aire, not pure as it, yet pure doth weare,

25So thy love may be my loves spheare;

Just such disparitie

As is twixt Aire and Angells puritie,

'Twixt womens love, and mens will ever bee.

Aire and Angels. 1633-69, A18, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TCC, TCD: no title, B, H40

4 bee; Ed: bee, 1633-69

5 came,] came 1633

6 I did] did I 1669

see. Ed: see, 1633-69

7 since Ed: since, 1633-69

11 who, Ed: who 1633-69

14 lip, eye,] lips, eyes, 1669, Chambers

19 Ev'ry thy 1633-39, A18, B (Even), D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, S (Ever), S96, TC: Thy every 1650-69

22 scatt'ring Ed: scattring, 1633-35: scattering 1639-69

27 Aire 1633-54 and all MSS.: Airs 1669, Chambers


Breake of day.

'T  IS true, 'tis day; what though it be?

   O wilt thou therefore rise from me?

Why should we rise, because 'tis light?

Did we lie downe, because 'twas night?

  5Love which in spight of darknesse brought us hether,

Should in despight of light keepe us together.

Light hath no tongue, but is all eye;

If it could speake as well as spie,

This were the worst, that it could say,

10That being well, I faine would stay,

And that I lov'd my heart and honor so,

That I would not from him, that had them, goe.

Must businesse thee from hence remove?

Oh, that's the worst disease of love,

15The poore, the foule, the false, love can

Admit, but not the busied man.

He which hath businesse, and makes love, doth doe

Such wrong, as when a maryed man doth wooe.

Breake of day, 1633-69, A18, L74, N, TCC, TCD: no title or Sonnet, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, P, S, S96: A Songe. A25

1 day;] day, 1633

5 in spight of 1633-39, 1669, A25, JC, S96: in dispight 1650-54, A18, D, H40, H49, L74, Lec, N, S, TC

6 in despight 1633, 1650-69: in spight 1635-39

keepe] holde A18, L74, N, S96, TC

9 were] is A18, L74, N, O'F, S TC

11 I lov'd] I love JC, N, O'F, TC

12 him, that had them 1633-54, D, H49, Lec, S: him that had them (or it) A25, B, C, L74, N, O'F, TC: her, that had them, 1669: her that hath them B, JC (it), S96

15 foule,] foole, H40

18 as when ... doth 1633, 1669, A25, C, D, H40, H49, Lec, S, S96: as if ... should A18, B, JC, L74, N, O'F, TC: as when ... should 1635-54


The Anniversarie.

A LL Kings, and all their favorites,

  All glory of honors, beauties, wits,

The Sun it selfe, which makes times, as they passe,

Is elder by a yeare, now, then it was

  5When thou and I first one another saw:

All other things, to their destruction draw,

Only our love hath no decay;

This, no to morrow hath, nor yesterday,

Running it never runs from us away,

10But truly keepes his first, last, everlasting day.

Two graves must hide thine and my coarse,

If one might, death were no divorce.

Alas, as well as other Princes, wee,

(Who Prince enough in one another bee,)

15Must leave at last in death, these eyes, and eares,

Oft fed with true oathes, and with sweet salt teares;

But soules where nothing dwells but love

(All other thoughts being inmates) then shall prove

This, or a love increased there above,

20When bodies to their graves, soules from their graves remove.

And then wee shall be throughly blest,

But wee no more, then all the rest;

Here upon earth, we'are Kings, and none but wee

Can be such Kings, nor of such subjects bee.

25Who is so safe as wee?where none can doe

Treason to us, except one of us two.

True and false feares let us refraine,

Let us love nobly, and live, and adde againe

Yeares and yeares unto yeares, till we attaine

30To write threescore: this is the second of our raigne.

The Anniversarie. 1633-69, A18, N, TCC, TCD: no title, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, P, S: Ad Liviam. S96

3 times, as they passe, 1633, 1669 (which brackets which ... pass), MSS.: times, as these pass, 1635-54: time, as they pass, Chambers, who attributes to 1633, 1669

12 divorce. Ed: divorce, 1633-69

17 love Ed: love; 1633-69

20 to their graves] to their grave 1635-39

22 wee A18, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC: now 1633-69. See note

rest; Ed: rest. 1633-69

23 none om.1669, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, S, S96

24 None are such Kings, 1669, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, S, S96

nor] and D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, S, S96, bee. Ed: bee; 1633-69

27 refraine,] refraine. 1669

30 threescore: Grolier: threescore, 1633-69


A Valediction: of my name, in the window.


MY name engrav'd herein,

Doth contribute my firmnesse to this glasse,

Which, ever since that charme, hath beene

As hard, as that which grav'd it, was;

  5Thine eye will give it price enough, to mock

The diamonds of either rock.


'Tis much that Glasse should bee

As all confessing, and through-shine as I,

'Tis more, that it shewes thee to thee,

10And cleare reflects thee to thine eye.

But all such rules, loves magique can undoe,

Here you see mee, and I am you.


As no one point, nor dash,

Which are but accessaries to this name,

15The showers and tempests can outwash,

So shall all times finde mee the same;

You this intirenesse better may fulfill,

Who have the patterne with you still.


Or, if too hard and deepe

20This learning be, for a scratch'd name to teach,

It, as a given deaths head keepe,

Lovers mortalitie to preach,

Or thinke this ragged bony name to bee

My ruinous Anatomie.


25Then, as all my soules bee,

Emparadis'd in you, (in whom alone

I understand, and grow and see,)

The rafters of my body, bone

Being still with you, the Muscle, Sinew, and Veine,

30Which tile this house, will come againe.


Till my returne, repaire

And recompact my scattered body so.

As all the vertuous powers which are

Fix'd in the starres, are said to flow

35Into such characters, as graved bee

When these starres have supremacie:


So, since this name was cut

When love and griefe their exaltation had,

No doore 'gainst this names influence shut;

40As much more loving, as more sad,

'Twill make thee; and thou shouldst, till I returne,

Since I die daily, daily mourne.


When thy inconsiderate hand

Flings ope this casement, with my trembling name,

45To looke on one, whose wit or land,

New battry to thy heart may frame,

Then thinke this name alive, and that thou thus

In it offendst my Genius.


And when thy melted maid,

50Corrupted by thy Lover's gold, and page,

His letter at thy pillow'hath laid,

Disputed it, and tam'd thy rage,

And thou begin'st to thaw towards him, for this,

May my name step in, and hide his.


55And if this treason goe

To an overt act, and that thou write againe;

In superscribing, this name flow

Into thy fancy, from the pane.

So, in forgetting thou remembrest right,

60And unaware to mee shalt write.


But glasse, and lines must bee,

No meanes our firme substantiall love to keepe;

Neere death inflicts this lethargie,

And this I murmure in my sleepe;

65Impute this idle talke, to that I goe,

For dying men talke often so.

A Valediction: Of &c. D, H49: A Valediction of &c. 1633-69, H40, Lec; Valediction of &c. A18, N, TCC, TCD: A Valediction of my name in the Glasse Window Cy: A Valediction to &c. B: Valediction 4: of Glasse O'F: Valediction in Glasse P: The Diamond and Glasse S: Vpon the ingravinge of his name with a Diamonde in his mistris windowe when he was to travel. S96 (This is added to the title in O'F.): similarly, JC

4 was; Ed: was, 1633-69

5 eye] eyes A18, B, Cy, JC, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC

8 I, 1633-54: I 1669

12 am you.] see you. 1669

14 accessaries 1633-69, O'F, S: accessary A18, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, P, S96, TC

15 tempests 1633, 1669: tempest 1635-54

19 Or, Ed: Or 1633-69

32 so. 1633-35: so, 1639-69, Chambers. See note

34 flow Ed: flow, 1633-69

36 these 1633: those 1635-69

have] had 1669

supremacie: 1633-69: supremacie. 1650-69. See note

37 So, Ed: So 1633-69

39 shut; Ed: shut, 1633-69

44 ope 1633-69, O'F, S96: out A18, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, P, S, TC

48 offendst] offends 1669

50 and] or 1669, JC, O'F, S96


Disputed thou it, and tame thy rage.

If thou to him begin'st to thaw for this, 1669

55 goe] growe JC, O'F, S

56 againe; 1633: againe: 1635-69

57 this] my 1669

58 pane. 1633: Pen, 1635-69, O'F, S

60 unaware] unawares B, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC

64 this] thus 1635-69, O'F, P, S, S96


Twicknam garden.

B LASTED with sighs, and surrounded with teares,

 Hither I come to seeke the spring,

And at mine eyes, and at mine eares,

Receive such balmes, as else cure every thing;

  5But O, selfe traytor, I do bring

The spider love, which transubstantiates all,

And can convert Manna to gall,

And that this place may thoroughly be thought

True Paradise, I have the serpent brought.

10'Twere wholsomer for mee, that winter did

Benight the glory of this place,

And that a grave frost did forbid

These trees to laugh, and mocke mee to my face;

But that I may not this disgrace

15Indure, nor yet leave loving, Love let mee

Some senslesse peece of this place bee;

Make me a mandrake, so I may groane here,

Or a stone fountaine weeping out my yeare.

Hither with christall vyals, lovers come,

20And take my teares, which are loves wine,

And try your mistresse Teares at home,

For all are false, that tast not just like mine;

Alas, hearts do not in eyes shine,

Nor can you more judge womans thoughts by teares,

25Then by her shadow, what she weares.

O perverse sexe, where none is true but shee,

Who's therefore true, because her truth kills mee.

Twicknam garden. 1633-69: do.or Twitnam Garden. A18, L74 (in margin), N, O'F, P, S, S96, TCC, TCD: In a Garden. B: no title, A25, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, P

3 eares] years 1669

4 balms ... cure 1633, A25, D, H49: balm ... cures 1635-69, A18, B, Cy, L74, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC

thing; Ed: thing, 1633: thing: 1635-69

6 spider] spiders 1669

8 thoroughly 1633-39: throughly 1650-69

12 did] would A18, A25, N, TC

13 laugh,] laugh 1633

14 that I may not] since I cannot 1669

15 nor yet leave loving, 1633: om.D, H40, H49, Lec: nor leave this garden, 1635-69, A18, A25, Cy, JC, L74, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC

17 groane A18, D, H40, H49, N, TC: grow 1633-69, B, L74, Lec, O'F, P, S, S96

18 my yeare, 1633, 1669, D, H40, H49, Lec: the yeare. 1635-54, A18, A25, L74, N, O'F, P, TC

20 loves] lovers 1639

24 womans A18, D, H40, H49, L74, N, TC: womens 1633-69, Lec, P, S96


A Valediction: of the booke.

I'LL tell thee now (deare Love) what thou shalt doe

To anger destiny, as she doth us,

How I shall stay, though she Esloygne me thus

And how posterity shall know it too;

  5How thine may out-endure

Sybills glory, and obscure

Her who from Pindar could allure,

And her, through whose helpe Lucan is not lame,

And her, whose booke (they say) Homer did finde, and name.

10Study our manuscripts, those Myriades

Of letters, which have past twixt thee and mee,

Thence write our Annals, and in them will bee

To all whom loves subliming fire invades,

Rule and example found;

15There, the faith of any ground

No schismatique will dare to wound,

That sees, how Love this grace to us affords,

To make, to keep, to use, to be these his Records.

This Booke, as long-liv'd as the elements,

20Or as the worlds forme, this all-graved tome

In cypher writ, or new made Idiome,

Wee for loves clergie only'are instruments:

When this booke is made thus,

Should againe the ravenous

25Vandals and Goths inundate us,

Learning were safe; in this our Universe

Schooles might learne Sciences, Spheares Musick, Angels Verse.

Here Loves Divines, (since all Divinity

Is love or wonder) may finde all they seeke,

30Whether abstract spirituall love they like,

Their Soules exhal'd with what they do not see,

Or, loth so to amuze

Faiths infirmitie, they chuse

Something which they may see and use;

35For, though minde be the heaven, where love doth sit,

Beauty a convenient type may be to figure it.

Here more then in their bookes may Lawyers finde,

Both by what titles Mistresses are ours,

And how prerogative these states devours,

40Transferr'd from Love himselfe, to womankinde,

Who though from heart, and eyes,

They exact great subsidies,

Forsake him who on them relies,

And for the cause, honour, or conscience give,

45Chimeraes, vaine as they, or their prerogative.

Here Statesmen, (or of them, they which can reade,)

May of their occupation finde the grounds:

Love and their art alike it deadly wounds,

If to consider what 'tis, one proceed,

50In both they doe excell

Who the present governe well,

Whose weaknesse none doth, or dares tell;

In this thy booke, such will their nothing see,

As in the Bible some can finde out Alchimy.

55Thus vent thy thoughts; abroad I'll studie thee,

As he removes farre off, that great heights takes;

How great love is, presence best tryall makes,

But absence tryes how long this love will bee;

To take a latitude

60Sun, or starres, are fitliest view'd

At their brightest, but to conclude

Of longitudes, what other way have wee,

But to marke when, and where the darke eclipses bee?

A Valediction: of &c. Ed: A Valediction of the Booke A18, N, TCC, TCD: Valediction of the booke. D, H49, Lec: Valediction 3: Of the Booke O'F: The Booke Cy, P: Valediction to his booke. 1633-69, S: A Valediction of a booke left in a windowe. JC

18 Records, 1633-69: records, Grolier

20 tome 1633-35: to me 1639-54: Tomb. 1669, A18, Cy, Lec, N, S

21 Idiome, Ed: Idiome; 1633-69

22 instruments: Ed: instruments, 1633-69. See note

25 and Goths inundate us, A18, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, Lec, N, TC: and the Goths invade us, 1633-54, S: and Goths invade us, 1669, H40, JC (or), O'F, P

26 were safe; 1633: rest omit semicolon

Universe 1633-39: Universe, 1650-69

30 abstract] abstracted 1669

32 Or, ... amuze Ed: Or ... amuze, 1633-69

33 infirmitie,] infirmities, 1669, D, H49, Lec

38 titles] titles, 1663

39 these states] those rites A18, N, TC

40 womankinde, Ed: womankinde. 1633-54: womankinde: 1669

43 relies, Ed: relies 1633: relies; 1635-69

44 give,] give; 1635-69

46 Statesmen] Tradesmen Cy, P

47 grounds: Ed: grounds, 1633-69

49 'tis, one] 'tis on 1669

53 their nothing 1635-54, A18, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC (nothings), Lec, N, O'F, S, TC (but the MSS.waver between their and there): there something 1633, 1669, P

55 vent 1633, 1669: went 1635-54

thoughts; abroad] thoughts abroad: 1669

56 great heights] shadows O'F

63 1669 omits darke


G OOD wee must love, and must hate ill,

   For ill is ill, and good good still,

But there are things indifferent,

Which wee may neither hate, nor love,

But one, and then another prove,

  5As wee shall finde our fancy bent.

If then at first wise Nature had

Made women either good or bad,

Then some wee might hate, and some chuse,

10But since shee did them so create,

That we may neither love, nor hate,

Onely this rests, All, all may use.

If they were good it would be seene,

Good is as visible as greene,

15And to all eyes it selfe betrayes:

If they were bad, they could not last,

Bad doth it selfe, and others wast,

So, they deserve nor blame, nor praise.

But they are ours as fruits are ours,

20He that but tasts, he that devours,

And he that leaves all, doth as well:

Chang'd loves are but chang'd sorts of meat,

And when hee hath the kernell eate,

Who doth not fling away the shell?

Communitie. 1635-69: no title, 1633, A18, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TCC, TCD

3 there 1635-69, A18, B, N, O'F, S, TC, &c.: these 1633, D, Cy, H49, Lec

7 had Ed: had, 1633-39

12 All, all 1633-54: All men 1669

15 betrayes: 1650-69: betrayes, 1633-39

21 well: Ed: well, 1633-69


Loves growth.

ISCARCE beleeve my love to be so pure

As I had thought it was,

Because it doth endure

Vicissitude, and season, as the grasse;

  5Me thinkes I lyed all winter, when I swore,

My love was infinite, if spring make'it more.

But if this medicine, love, which cures all sorrow

With more, not onely bee no quintessence,

But mixt of all stuffes, paining soule, or sense,

10And of the Sunne his working vigour borrow,

Love's not so pure, and abstract, as they use

To say, which have no Mistresse but their Muse,

But as all else, being elemented too,

Love sometimes would contemplate, sometimes do.

15And yet no greater, but more eminent,

Love by the spring is growne;

As, in the firmament,

Starres by the Sunne are not inlarg'd, but showne.

Gentle love deeds, as blossomes on a bough,

20From loves awakened root do bud out now.

If, as in water stir'd more circles bee

Produc'd by one, love such additions take,

Those like so many spheares, but one heaven make,

For, they are all concentrique unto thee.

25And though each spring doe adde to love new heate,

As princes doe in times of action get

New taxes, and remit them not in peace,

No winter shall abate the springs encrease.

Loves growth. 1633-69, A18, N, TCC, TCD: The Spring. or Spring. B, Cy, D, H49, Lec, O'F, P, S, S96: no title, JC

9 paining 1633, A18, B, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, S96, TC: vexing 1635-69, Cy, O'F, P, S

10 working 1633 and above: active 1635-69 and above

11 pure, and] pure an 1669, O'F

14 do.] do 1633

18-19 Starres ... showne. Gentle love Ed: Starres ... showne, Gentle love 1633-69:

Stars are not by the sunne enlarg'd; but showne

Greater; Loves deeds  P. See note

24 thee. Ed: thee, 1633-69

28 the 1633, A18, B, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, S96, TC: this 1635-69, Cy, O'F, P, S


Loves exchange.

LOVE, any devill else but you,

Would for a given Soule give something too.

At Court your fellowes every day,

Give th'art of Riming, Huntsmanship, or Play,

  5For them which were their owne before;

Onely I have nothing which gave more,

But am, alas, by being lowly, lower.

I aske no dispensation now

To falsifie a teare, or sigh, or vow,

10I do not sue from thee to draw

A non obstante on natures law,

These are prerogatives, they inhere

In thee and thine; none should forsweare

Except that hee Loves minion were.

15Give mee thy weaknesse, make mee blinde,

Both wayes, as thou and thine, in eies and minde;

Love, let me never know that this

Is love, or, that love childish is;

Let me not know that others know

20That she knowes my paines, least that so

A tender shame make me mine owne new woe.

If thou give nothing, yet thou'art just,

Because I would not thy first motions trust;

Small townes which stand stiffe, till great shot

25Enforce them, by warres law condition not.

Such in loves warfare is my case,

I may not article for grace,

Having put Love at last to shew this face.

This face, by which he could command

30And change the Idolatrie of any land,

This face, which wheresoe'r it comes,

Can call vow'd men from cloisters, dead from tombes,

And melt both Poles at once, and store

Deserts with cities, and make more

35Mynes in the earth, then Quarries were before.

For this, Love is enrag'd with mee,

Yet kills not.If I must example bee

To future Rebells; If th'unborne

Must learne, by my being cut up, and torne:

40Kill, and dissect me, Love; for this

Torture against thine owne end is,

Rack't carcasses make ill Anatomies.

Loves exchange. 1633-69, A18, N, TCC, TCD: no title, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, P

4 or] and most MSS.

Play D: play 1633-69

9 or sigh, or vow, 1633-54: a sigh, a vow, 1669

18 is; Ed: is. 1633-69

20 paines] paine A18, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, P, TC

21 1669 omits new

28 Love D: love 1633-69

this] his 1669

36 For this, Ed: For, this 1633-69

Love D: love 1633-69

37 not. If Ed: not; if 1633-39: not: if 1650-69


Confined Love.

SOME man unworthy to be possessor

Of old or new love, himselfe being false or weake,

Thought his paine and shame would be lesser,

If on womankind he might his anger wreake,

  5And thence a law did grow,

One might but one man know;

But are other creatures so?

Are Sunne, Moone, or Starres by law forbidden,

To smile where they list, or lend away their light?

10Are birds divorc'd, or are they chidden

If they leave their mate, or lie abroad a night?

Beasts doe no joyntures lose

Though they new lovers choose,

But we are made worse then those.

15Who e'r rigg'd faire ship to lie in harbors,

And not to seeke new lands, or not to deale withall?

Or built faire houses, set trees, and arbors,

Only to lock up, or else to let them fall?

Good is not good, unlesse

20A thousand it possesse,

But doth wast with greedinesse.

Confined Love 1635-69: no title, 1633, A18, B, D, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, O'F, TCC, TCD: To the worthiest of all my lovers. Cy: To the of all my loves my virtuous mistriss. P

3 his] this 1669

lesser] the lesser A18, Cy, JC, P

6 might 1633-69: should B, Cy, D, H49, JC, L74, Lec, O'F, S, TC

9 lend] bend 1669

11 mate, 1633-39: meate, 1650: meat, 1669

a night (i.e. a-night) 1633-54: all night 1669

12 Beasts] Beast 1635

15 ship] ships 1669, Chambers

16 seeke new lands 1633-35 and MSS.: seeke lands 1639-69, Chambers, whose note is incorrect

withall 1633: with all 1635-69

17 built 1633-35: build 1639-69


The Dreame.

Note (Supp.)

D EARE love, for nothing lesse then thee

  Would I have broke this happy dreame,

It was a theame

For reason, much too strong for phantasie,

  5Therefore thou wakd'st me wisely; yet

My Dreame thou brok'st not, but continued'st it,

Thou art so truth, that thoughts of thee suffice,

To make dreames truths; and fables histories;

Enter these armes, for since thou thoughtst it best,

10Not to dreame all my dreame, let's act the rest.

As lightning, or a Tapers light,

Thine eyes, and not thy noise wak'd mee;

Yet I thought thee

(For thou lovest truth) an Angell, at first sight,

15But when I saw thou sawest my heart,

And knew'st my thoughts, beyond an Angels art,

When thou knew'st what I dreamt, when thou knew'st when

Excesse of joy would wake me, and cam'st then,

I must confesse, it could not chuse but bee

20Prophane, to thinke thee any thing but thee.

Comming and staying show'd thee, thee,

But rising makes me doubt, that now,

Thou art not thou.

That love is weake, where feare's as strong as hee;

25'Tis not all spirit, pure, and brave,

If mixture it of Feare, Shame, Honor, have.

Perchance as torches which must ready bee,

Men light and put out, so thou deal'st with mee,

Thou cam'st to kindle, goest to come; Then I

30Will dreame that hope againe, but else would die.

The Dreame. 1633-69: do.or similarly, A18, A25, B, C, Cy, D, H49, L74, Lec, N, O'F, P, RP31, S, S96, TCC, TCD

6 brok'st ... continued'st] breakest ... continuest 1669, A25, C, P, S

7 so truth, 1633, A18, D, H49, L74, Lec, N, TC: so true, 1635-69, A25, B, C, Cy, O'F, P, S. See note

10 act] doe A25, B, Cy, D, H49, L74, Lec, O'F, P, S, S96

14 an Angell,] but an Angell, A18, D, H49, L74, Lec, N, TC

16 thoughts,] om.comma Grolier and Chambers. See Note

17 then thou knew'st when 1669

19 must] doe A18, A25, B, Cy, D, H49, Lec, N, O'F, P, TC

20 Prophane,] Profaness A18, D, H49, L74, Lec, N, S96, TC

24 feare's as strong 1635-54, A18, D, H49, L74, Lec, TCC: feares are strong 1669, B, Cy, O'F, P, S, S96: feare is strong, N, TCD

26 have. 1669: have; 1633-54

29 cam'st] com'st 1669

Then I] Thus I A18, D, H49, L74, Lec, N, TC (RP31 agrees with this group throughout)


A Valediction: of weeping.

LET me powre forth

My teares before thy face, whil'st I stay here,

For thy face coines them, and thy stampe they beare,

And by this Mintage they are something worth,

  5For thus they bee

Pregnant of thee;

Fruits of much griefe they are, emblemes of more,

When a teare falls, that thou falst which it bore,

So thou and I are nothing then, when on a divers shore.

10On a round ball

A workeman that hath copies by, can lay

An Europe, Afrique, and an Asia,

And quickly make that, which was nothing, All,

So doth each teare,

15Which thee doth weare,

A globe, yea world by that impression grow,

Till thy teares mixt with mine doe overflow

This world, by waters sent from thee, my heaven dissolved so.

O more then Moone,

20Draw not up seas to drowne me in thy spheare,

Weepe me not dead, in thine armes, but forbeare

To teach the sea, what it may doe too soone;

Let not the winde

Example finde,

25To doe me more harme, then it purposeth;

Since thou and I sigh one anothers breath,

Who e'r sighes most, is cruellest, and hasts the others death.

A Valediction: of &c. Ed: A Valediction of weeping. 1633-69: Valediction of Weeping. A18, N, TCC, TCD: A Valediction. B, D, H40, H49, L74, Lec: A Valediction of Teares. Cy, S, S96: Valediction 2. Of Tears. O'F: no title, JC

3 beare, 1633: beare; 1635-69

6 thee; Ed: thee, 1633-69

8 falst 1633-69: falls A18, D, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, S, TC

9 shore.] shore, 1633

13 All, 1633: All 1635: All. 1639: All: 1650-69

16 world] would 1669

20 up seas] thy seas 1669

22 soone; Ed: soone, 1633-69

25 purposeth; Ed: purposeth, 1633-69


Loves Alchymie.

SOME that have deeper digg'd loves Myne then I,

Say, where his centrique happinesse doth lie:

I have lov'd, and got, and told,

But should I love, get, tell, till I were old,

  5I should not finde that hidden mysterie;

Oh, 'tis imposture all:

And as no chymique yet th'Elixar got,

But glorifies his pregnant pot,

If by the way to him befall

10Some odoriferous thing, or medicinall,

So, lovers dreame a rich and long delight,

But get a winter-seeming summers night.

Our ease, our thrift, our honor, and our day,

Shall we, for this vaine Bubles shadow pay?

15Ends love in this, that my man,

Can be as happy'as I can; If he can

Endure the short scorne of a Bridegroomes play?

That loving wretch that sweares,

'Tis not the bodies marry, but the mindes,

20Which he in her Angelique findes,

Would sweare as justly, that he heares,

In that dayes rude hoarse minstralsey, the spheares.

Hope not for minde in women; at their best

Sweetnesse and wit, they'are but Mummy, possest.

Loves Alchymie. 1633-69: Mummye. A18, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, L74 (or Alchymy. added in a later hand), Lec, N, O'F, S, S96, TCC, TCD: Elegie. P: no title, A25

14 Bubles

Bubless 1669]

15 my 1633-69 and MSS. : any S96, 1855, and Grolier (perhaps from some copy of 1633)

23-4 punctuation from MSS:

at their best,

Sweetnesse, and wit they'are, but, Mummy, possest.    1633-54:

1669 omits all punctuation in these lines


The Flea.

MARKE but this flea, and marke in this,

How little that which thou deny'st me is;

It suck'd me first, and now sucks thee,

And in this flea, our two bloods mingled bee;

  5Thou know'st that this cannot be said

A sinne, nor shame, nor losse of maidenhead,

Yet this enjoyes before it wooe,

And pamper'd swells with one blood made of two,

And this, alas, is more then wee would doe.

10Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare,

Where wee almost, yea more then maryed are.

This flea is you and I, and this

Our mariage bed, and mariage temple is;

Though parents grudge, and you, w'are met,

15And cloysterd in these living walls of Jet.

Though use make you apt to kill mee,

Let not to that, selfe murder added bee,

And sacrilege, three sinnes in killing three.

Cruell and sodaine, hast thou since

20Purpled thy naile, in blood of innocence?

Wherein could this flea guilty bee,

Except in that drop which it suckt from thee?

Yet thou triumph'st, and saist that thou

Find'st not thy selfe, nor mee the weaker now;

25'Tis true, then learne how false, feares bee;

Just so much honor, when thou yeeld'st to mee,

Will wast, as this flea's death tooke life from thee.

The Flea is placed here in the 1633 edition: 1635-69 place it at beginning of Songs and Sonets: The Flea. or no title, A18, A25, B, C, Cy, D, H40, H49, L74, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TCC, TCD

3 It suckt mee first, 1633-54, D, H49, Lec, S96: Mee it suck'd first, 1669, A18, A25, B, C, Cy, L74, N, P, S, TC

and now sucks] and now it sucks 1669

5 Thou know'st that 1633-54, D, H49, Lec: Confess it. This cannot be said 1669, A18, A25, B, Cy, H40, L74, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC

6 nor shame, nor losse 1633-54 (shame 1633), D, H49, Lec: or shame, or loss 1669, A18, A25, B, Cy, H40, L74, N, O'F, P, TC

9 would] could 1669

11 yea, 1633-54, D, H49, Lec: nay, 1669, A18, A25, B, C, H40, L74, N, O'F, S, TC

16 you] thee A18, Cy, N, O'F, S, S96, TC

21 Wherein] In what A18, A25, B, Cy, L74, N, O'F, S, S96, TC

22 drop] blood 1669


The Curse.

WHO ever guesses, thinks, or dreames he knowes

Who is my mistris, wither by this curse;

His only, and only his purse

May some dull heart to love dispose,

  5And shee yeeld then to all that are his foes;

May he be scorn'd by one, whom all else scorne,

Forsweare to others, what to her he'hath sworne,

With feare of missing, shame of getting, torne:

Madnesse his sorrow, gout his cramp, may hee

10Make, by but thinking, who hath made him such:

And may he feele no touch

Of conscience, but of fame, and bee

Anguish'd, not that'twas sinne, but that'twas shee:

In early and long scarcenesse may he rot,

15For land which had been his, if he had not

Himselfe incestuously an heire begot:

May he dreame Treason, and beleeve, that hee

Meant to performe it, and confesse, and die,

And no record tell why:

20His sonnes, which none of his may bee,

Inherite nothing but his infamie:

Or may he so long Parasites have fed,

That he would faine be theirs, whom he hath bred,

And at the last be circumcis'd for bread:

25The venom of all stepdames, gamsters gall,

What Tyrans, and their subjects interwish,

What Plants, Mynes, Beasts, Foule, Fish,

Can contribute, all ill which all

Prophets, or Poets spake; And all which shall

30Be annex'd in schedules unto this by mee,

Fall on that man; For if it be a shee

Nature before hand hath out-cursed mee.

The Curse. 1633-69: A Curse. or The Curse. A18, A25, B, C, D, H40, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, O'F, S, TCC, TCD: Dirae. P, Q

2 curse] course 1669

3 His only, and only his purse 1633-54, A18, A25, B, C, D, H40, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, O'F, S, TC: Him, only for his purse 1669, Chambers: His one and his onely purse P

4 heart 1633-54 and MSS.: whore 1669 and Chambers

5 And she yeeld then to 1633-54 and MSS.: And then yield unto 1669, Chambers

8 getting, Ed: getting 1633-69

torne: Ed: torne; 1633-54: torne. 1669. Compare 16 and 24

9 cramp,] cramps, 1669, Chambers, and most MSS.

10 him 1633-54 and MSS.: them 1669, Chambers

12 fame,] shame; A18, A25, N, P, TC

14-16 In early and long scarceness ... an heire begot: 1633, B, D, H40, H49, Lec, O'F (which gives alternate version in margin), S:

Or may he for her vertue reverence

One that hates him onely for impotence,

And equall Traitors be she and his sense.

1635-69, A18, A25, C, JC, N, P, Q, S, TC

18 Meant] Went A18, N, TC

26 Tyrans, 1633-35: Tyrants, 1639: tyrants, 1650-69

27 Mynes, A18, A25, B, H40, JC, L74, N, O'F, P, Q, S, TC: Myne, 1633-69, D, H49, Lec

28 ill 1669: ill, 1633-54


The Message.

S END home my long strayd eyes to mee,

Which (Oh) too long have dwelt on thee;

Yet since there they have learn'd such ill,

Such forc'd fashions,

  5And false passions,

That they be

Made by thee

Fit for no good sight, keep them still.

Send home my harmlesse heart againe,

10Which no unworthy thought could staine;

But if it be taught by thine

To make jestings

Of protestings,

And crosse both

15Word and oath,

Keepe it, for then 'tis none of mine.

Yet send me back my heart and eyes,

That I may know, and see thy lyes,

And may laugh and joy, when thou

20Art in anguish

And dost languish

For some one

That will none,

Or prove as false as thou art now.

The Message. 1635-69: no title, 1633: Song. or no title, A25, B, Cy, D, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, S, S96: Sonnet. P: Songes wch were made to &c. (vid.sup. p. 18) A18, N, TCC, TCD

2 thee; Ed: thee, 1633-69

3 But if they there 1669, S

10 staine;] staine, 1633-69

11 But 1635-69: Which 1633, A18, A25, D, H49, Lec, N, TC

14 crosse, A18, A25, B, Cy, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC: breake 1633-69

16 Keep it still 'tis 1669

19 And may laugh, when that Thou D, H49, Lec

24 art now.] dost now. 1669


A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day,

Being the shortest day.

TIS the yeares midnight, and it is the dayes,

Lucies, who scarce seaven houres herself unmaskes,

The Sunne is spent, and now his flasks

Send forth light squibs, no constant rayes;

  5The worlds whole sap is sunke:

The generall balme th'hydroptique earth hath drunk,

Whither, as to the beds-feet, life is shrunke,

Dead and enterr'd; yet all these seeme to laugh,

Compar'd with mee, who am their Epitaph.

10Study me then, you who shall lovers bee

At the next world, that is, at the next Spring:

For I am every dead thing,

In whom love wrought new Alchimie.

For his art did expresse

15A quintessence even from nothingnesse,

From dull privations, and leane emptinesse:

He ruin'd mee, and I am re-begot

Of absence, darknesse, death; things which are not.

All others, from all things, draw all that's good,

20Life, soule, forme, spirit, whence they beeing have;

I, by loves limbecke, am the grave

Of all, that's nothing.Oft a flood

Have wee two wept, and so

Drownd the whole world, us two; oft did we grow

25To be two Chaosses, when we did show

Care to ought else; and often absences

Withdrew our soules, and made us carcasses.

But I am by her death, (which word wrongs her)

Of the first nothing, the Elixer grown;

30Were I a man, that I were one,

I needs must know; I should preferre,

If I were any beast,

Some ends, some means; Yea plants, yea stones detest,

And love; All, all some properties invest;

35If I an ordinary nothing were,

As shadow, a light, and body must be here.

But I am None; nor will my Sunne renew.

You lovers, for whose sake, the lesser Sunne

At this time to the Goat is runne

40To fetch new lust, and give it you,

Enjoy your summer all;

Since shee enjoyes her long nights festivall,

Let mee prepare towards her, and let mee call

This houre her Vigill, and her Eve, since this

45Both the yeares, and the dayes deep midnight is.

A nocturnal &c. 1633-69, A18, N, O'F, TCC, TCD

7 beds-feet,] beds-feet 1633-69

12 every 1633, A18, N, O'F (altered to a very), TC: a very 1635-69

16 emptinesse: 1719: emptinesse; Chambers and Grolier: emptinesse 1633-54: emptinesse, 1669. See note

20 have; Ed: have, 1633-69

31 know;] know, 1633

32 beast,] beast; Grolier

34 love; All, all Ed: love, all, all 1633-69

invest; Ed: invest, 1633: invest 1635-69

37 renew. 1633: renew, 1635-69

41 all; Ed: all, 1633-69 and Chambers, who places a full stop after festivall

44 Eve, 1650-69: eve, 1633-39

Witchcraft by a picture.

I FIXE mine eye on thine, and there

  Pitty my picture burning in thine eye,

My picture drown'd in a transparent teare,

When I looke lower I espie;

  5Hadst thou the wicked skill

By pictures made and mard, to kill,

How many wayes mightst thou performe thy will?

But now I have drunke thy sweet salt teares,

And though thou poure more I'll depart;

10My picture vanish'd, vanish feares,

That I can be endamag'd by that art;

Though thou retaine of mee

One picture more, yet that will bee,

Being in thine owne heart, from all malice free.

Witchcraft &c. 1633-69, A18, N, TCC, TCD: The Picture. or Picture. Cy, JC, O'F, P, S96: A Songe. B

4 espie; Ed: espie, 1633-69

6 to kill, Ed: to kill? 1633-39: to kill; 1650-69

9 And though] Although 1669 And though thou therefore poure more will depart; B, H40

10 vanish'd, vanish feares, 1633, A18, B, Cy, H40, JC, N, P, S96, TC: vanished, vanish all feares 1635-54, O'F: vanish, vanish fears, 1669

11 that] thy JC, O'F, S96

14 all] thy B, H40, S96

Note: Music

The Baite.

C OME live with mee, and bee my love,

 And wee will some new pleasures prove

Of golden sands, and christall brookes,

With silken lines, and silver hookes.

  5There will the river whispering runne

Warm'd by thy eyes, more then the Sunne.

And there the'inamor'd fish will stay,

Begging themselves they may betray.

When thou wilt swimme in that live bath,

10Each fish, which every channell hath,

Will amorously to thee swimme,

Gladder to catch thee, then thou him.

If thou, to be so seene, beest loath,

By Sunne, or Moone, thou darknest both,

15And if my selfe have leave to see,

I need not their light, having thee.

Let others freeze with angling reeds,

And cut their legges, with shells and weeds,

Or treacherously poore fish beset,

20With strangling snare, or windowie net:

Let coarse bold hands, from slimy nest

The bedded fish in banks out-wrest,

Or curious traitors, sleavesilke flies

Bewitch poore fishes wandring eyes.

25For thee, thou needst no such deceit,

For thou thy selfe art thine owne bait;

That fish, that is not catch'd thereby,

Alas, is wiser farre then I.

The Baite. 1635-69: no title, 1633: Song. or no title, D, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, P, S96, Walton's Compleate Angler: Fourth Day: Chap.XII.: Songs that were made &c. (vid.sup.p. 18) A18, N, TCC, TCD

2 some new] all the P

3 brookes, Ed: brookes: 1633-69

5 whispering 1633: whispring 1635-69

6 thy] thine 1669, A18, N, TC

7 inamor'd] enamelled Walton

stay] play 1669

11 to] unto JC, O'F, P: to see N: Most amoroussly to thee will swim Walton

15 my selfe] mine eyes Walton: my heart A18, N, TC

18 with] which 1633

20 snare,] snares, Walton

windowie] winding 1669. See note

23 Or 1633-69: Let Walton

sleavesilke 1635: sleave silke 1639-69 and Walton: sleavesicke 1633

24 To witch poor wandring fishes eyes. Walton

25 thou needst] there needs D, H49, Lec, S96

26 bait; Ed: bait, 1633-69

27 catch'd 1633-69: catch't Walton: caught P

28 Is wiser far, alas Walton


The Apparition.

WHEN by thy scorne, O murdresse, I am dead,

And that thou thinkst thee free

From all solicitation from mee,

Then shall my ghost come to thy bed,

  5And thee, fain'd vestall, in worse armes shall see;

Then thy sicke taper will begin to winke,

And he, whose thou art then, being tyr'd before,

Will, if thou stirre, or pinch to wake him, thinke

Thou call'st for more,

10And in false sleepe will from thee shrinke,

And then poore Aspen wretch, neglected thou

Bath'd in a cold quicksilver sweat wilt lye

A veryer ghost then I;

What I will say, I will not tell thee now,

15Lest that preserve thee'; and since my love is spent,

I'had rather thou shouldst painfully repent,

Then by my threatnings rest still innocent.

The Apparition. 1633-69: do.or An Apparition. A18, A25, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TCC, TCD

2 that thou thinkst] thou shalt think 1669

3 solicitation] solicitations JC, O'F

5 thee, ... vestall, Ed: thee ... vestall 1633-39: thee ... Vestall 1650-69

7 then] 1669 omits

10 in false sleepe will from 1633, Cy, D, H49, Lec, S: in false sleepe from 1635-54: in a false sleepe even from 1669: in a false sleepe from A25, P: in a false sleepe will from A18, N, TC

13 I;] I, 1633, some copies

17 rest still] keep thee A25, Cy, JC, O'F, P


The broken heart.

HE is starke mad, who ever sayes,

  That he hath beene in love an houre,

Yet not that love so soone decayes,

But that it can tenne in lesse space devour;

  5Who will beleeve mee, if I sweare

That I have had the plague a yeare?

Who would not laugh at mee, if I should say,

I saw a flaske of powder burne a day?

Ah, what a trifle is a heart,

10If once into loves hands it come!

All other griefes allow a part

To other griefes, and aske themselves but some;

They come to us, but us Love draws,

Hee swallows us, and never chawes:

15By him, as by chain'd shot, whole rankes doe dye,

He is the tyran Pike, our hearts the Frye.

If 'twere not so, what did become

Of my heart, when I first saw thee?

I brought a heart into the roome,

20But from the roome, I carried none with mee:

If it had gone to thee, I know

Mine would have taught thine heart to show

More pitty unto mee: but Love, alas,

At one first blow did shiver it as glasse.

25Yet nothing can to nothing fall,

Nor any place be empty quite,

Therefore I thinke my breast hath all

Those peeces still, though they be not unite;

And now as broken glasses show

30A hundred lesser faces, so

My ragges of heart can like, wish, and adore,

But after one such love, can love no more.

The broken heart. 1633-69: Broken Heart. L74: Song. or no title, A18, A25, B, Cy, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, S, TCC, TCD: Elegie. P, S96

8 flaske 1633, A25, B, C, Cy, D, H40, Lec, O'F (corrected from flash), P, S: flash 1635-69, A18, H49, N, TC

10 come! Ed: come? 1633-69

12 some; Ed: some, 1633-69

15 chain'd shot] chain-shott A18, A25, N, TC

16 tyran] Tyrant 1669

our hearts] and we 1669

17 did] could A18, A25, B, C, L74, O'F, N, TC: would B, Cy, M, S

20 mee: 1650-69: mee; 1633-39

23 alas,] alas 1633

24 first] fierce A18, B, N, TC

30 hundred] thousand A18, A25, B, Cy, L74, M, N, P, S, TC


A Valediction: forbidding mourning.

A S virtuous men passe mildly away,

  And whisper to their soules, to goe,

Whilst some of their sad friends doe say,

The breath goes now, and some say, no:

  5So let us melt, and make no noise,

No teare-floods, nor sigh-tempests move,

T'were prophanation of our joyes

To tell the layetie our love.

Moving of th'earth brings harmes and feares,

10Men reckon what it did and meant,

But trepidation of the spheares,

Though greater farre, is innocent.

Dull sublunary lovers love

(Whose soule is sense) cannot admit

15Absence, because it doth remove

Those things which elemented it.

But we by a love, so much refin'd,

That our selves know not what it is,

Inter-assured of the mind,

20Care lesse, eyes, lips, and hands to misse.

Our two soules therefore, which are one,

Though I must goe, endure not yet

A breach, but an expansion,

Like gold to ayery thinnesse beate.

25If they be two, they are two so

As stiffe twin compasses are two,

Thy soule the fixt foot, makes no show

To move, but doth, if the'other doe.

And though it in the center sit,

30Yet when the other far doth rome,

It leanes, and hearkens after it,

And growes erect, as that comes home.

Such wilt thou be to mee, who must

Like th'other foot, obliquely runne;

Thy firmnes makes my circle just,

35And makes me end, where I begunne.

A Valediction: forbidding &c. Ed: A Valediction forbidding &c. 1633-69: Valediction forbidding &c. A18, N, TCC, TCD: Valediction agaynst &c. A25, C: A Valediction. B, Cy, D, H40, H49, Lec: Vpon the partinge from his Mistris. O'F, S96: To his love upon his departure from her. JC: Elegie. L74, P: also in Walton's Life of Donne (1675)

4 The breath goes now, 1633-54, and all the MSS.: Now his breath goes, 1669, Chambers

no: Ed: no. 1633-54: No; 1669

30 the other] my other Walton

31 It] Thine Walton

32 that] mine Walton

34 runne; Ed: runne. 1633-69

35 circle] circles 1639-54

36 makes me] me to Walton


The Extasie.

WHERE, like a pillow on a bed,

A Pregnant banke swel'd up, to rest

The violets reclining head,

Sat we two, one anothers best.

  5Our hands were firmely cimented

With a fast balme, which thence did spring,

Our eye-beames twisted, and did thred

Our eyes, upon one double string;

So to'entergraft our hands, as yet

10Was all the meanes to make us one,

And pictures in our eyes to get

Was all our propagation.

As 'twixt two equall Armies, Fate

Suspends uncertaine victorie,

15Our soules, (which to advance their state,

Were gone out,) hung 'twixt her, and mee.

And whil'st our soules negotiate there,

Wee like sepulchrall statues lay;

All day, the same our postures were,

20And wee said nothing, all the day.

If any, so by love refin'd,

That he soules language understood,

And by good love were growen all minde,

Within convenient distance stood,

25He (though he knew not which soule spake,

Because both meant, both spake the same)

Might thence a new concoction take,

And part farre purer then he came.

This Extasie doth unperplex

30(We said) and tell us what we love,

Wee see by this, it was not sexe,

Wee see, we saw not what did move:

But as all severall soules containe

Mixture of things, they know not what,

35Love, these mixt soules, doth mixe againe,

And makes both one, each this and that.

A single violet transplant,

The strength, the colour, and the size,

(All which before was poore, and scant,)

40Redoubles still, and multiplies.

When love, with one another so

Interinanimates two soules,

That abler soule, which thence doth flow,

Defects of lonelinesse controules.

45Wee then, who are this new soule, know,

Of what we are compos'd, and made,

For, th'Atomies of which we grow,

Are soules, whom no change can invade.

But O alas, so long, so farre

50Our bodies why doe wee forbeare?

They are ours, though they are not wee, Wee are

The intelligences, they the spheare.

We owe them thankes, because they thus,

Did us, to us, at first convay,

55Yeelded their forces, sense, to us,

Nor are drosse to us, but allay.

On man heavens influence workes not so,

But that it first imprints the ayre,

Soe soule into the soule may flow,

60Though it to body first repaire.

As our blood labours to beget

Spirits, as like soules as it can,

Because such fingers need to knit

That subtile knot, which makes us man:

65So must pure lovers soules descend

T'affections, and to faculties,

Which sense may reach and apprehend,

Else a great Prince in prison lies.

To'our bodies turne wee then, that so

70Weake men on love reveal'd may looke;

Loves mysteries in soules doe grow,

But yet the body is his booke.

And if some lover, such as wee,

Have heard this dialogue of one,

75Let him still marke us, he shall see

Small change, when we'are to bodies gone.

The Extasie. 1633-69: do.or Extasie. A18, A25, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TCC, TCD

3 reclining 1633-54: declining 1669

4 best. Ed: best; 1633-54

Sate we on one anothers breasts. 1669

6 With 1633, A18, A25, B, D, H49, JC, Lec, P, S, TC: By 1635-69, Chambers

8 string; Ed: string, 1633-69

9 to'entergraft 1633, A18, D, H40, H49, Lec, N, P, S, TC: to engraft 1635-69, A25, JC, O'F, Chambers

11 in 1633-69, P: on A18, A25, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, S, TC

15 their 1633 and most MSS.: our 1635-69, O'F, P

18 lay; Ed: lay, 1633-69

25 knew 1635-69, A18, A25, B, H40, H49, JC, N, P, TC: knowes 1633, D, Lec

29 doth] do 1669

31 sexe, 1669: sexe 1633-54

42 Interinanimates A18, A25, B, H40, H49, JC, N, O'F, P, TC: Interanimates 1633-69, D, Lec

44 loneliness] loveliness 1669

46 made, 1633-39: made: 1650-69

47 Atomies 1633-54: Atomes 1669

48 are soules, 1633, 1669: are soule, 1635-54

51 though they are not A18, A25, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, S, S96, TC: though not 1633-69

52 spheare. A18, A25, B, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, S96, TC: spheares. 1633-69

55 forces, sense, A18, A25, D, H40, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, S, S96, TC: senses force 1633-69

59 Soe A18, A25, B, H40, JC, N, P, S, S96, TC: For 1633-69, D, H49, Lec

64 makes] make 1635-39

72 his] the 1669

76 gone. 1633, A18, A25, B, D, H49, JC, Lec, O'F, S, TC: growne. 1635-69, P, S96

Loves Deitie.

I LONG to talke with some old lovers ghost,

  Who dyed before the god of Love was borne:

I cannot thinke that hee, who then lov'd most,

Sunke so low, as to love one which did scorne.

  5But since this god produc'd a destinie,

And that vice-nature, custome, lets it be;

I must love her, that loves not mee.

Sure, they which made him god, meant not so much,

Nor he, in his young godhead practis'd it;

10But when an even flame two hearts did touch,

His office was indulgently to fit

Actives to passives.Correspondencie

Only his subject was; It cannot bee

Love, till I love her, that loves mee.

15But every moderne god will now extend

His vast prerogative, as far as Jove.

To rage, to lust, to write to, to commend,

All is the purlewe of the God of Love.

Oh were wee wak'ned by this Tyrannie

20To ungod this child againe, it could not bee

I should love her, who loves not mee.

Rebell and Atheist too, why murmure I,

As though I felt the worst that love could doe?

Love might make me leave loving, or might trie

25A deeper plague, to make her love mee too,

Which, since she loves before, I'am loth to see;

Falshood is worse then hate; and that must bee,

If shee whom I love, should love mee.

Loves Deitie. 1633-69, A18, A25, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, O'F, S, S96, TCC, TCD: Elegye. P

8 much, 1639-69: much: 1633: much? 1635

9 it; Ed: it. 1633-69

13 subject] Subject 1669

14 Love, ... mee. 1633, 1669, A25, B, C, Cy, D, H40 (who), H49, JC, L74, N, P, S (lov'd), TCD: Love, if I love, who loves not me. 1635-54, O'F

19 Oh ... wak'ned] Were we not weak'ned 1669

21 That I should love, who loves not me. A18, A25, C, Cy, D, H49, JC, L74, Lec, N, P, S, S96, TC: O'F reads as these but alters to as in printed edd.

24 might make A18, A25, B, Cy, D, H40, H49, JC, L74, N, P, S, S96, TC: may make 1633-69, Lec

26 Which,] Which 1633


Loves diet.

TO what a combersome unwieldinesse

 And burdenous corpulence my love had growne,

But that I did, to make it lesse,

And keepe it in proportion,

  5Give it a diet, made it feed upon

That which love worst endures, discretion

Above one sigh a day I'allow'd him not,

Of which my fortune, and my faults had part;

And if sometimes by stealth he got

10A she sigh from my mistresse heart,

And thought to feast on that, I let him see

'Twas neither very sound, nor meant to mee.

If he wroung from mee'a teare, I brin'd it so

With scorne or shame, that him it nourish'd not;

15If he suck'd hers, I let him know

'Twas not a teare, which hee had got,

His drinke was counterfeit, as was his meat;

For, eyes which rowle towards all, weepe not, but sweat.

What ever he would dictate, I writ that,

20But burnt my letters; When she writ to me,

And that that favour made him fat,

I said, if any title bee

Convey'd by this, Ah, what doth it availe,

To be the fortieth name in an entaile?

25Thus I reclaim'd my buzard love, to flye

At what, and when, and how, and where I chuse;

Now negligent of sport I lye,

And now as other Fawkners use,

I spring a mistresse, sweare, write, sigh and weepe:

30And the game kill'd, or lost, goe talke, and sleepe.

Loves diet. 1633-69, A18, A25, B, C, Cy, D, H40, H49, L74, Lec, N, O'F, P, S, TCC (torn out of TCD): Amoris Dieta. S96

12 mee. Ed: mee; 1633-35: mee: 1639-69

18 For,] Her 1669

19 Whatever ... that, 1633-39, 1669: Whate'er might him distast I still writ that, 1650-54: Whatsoever hee would distast I writt that, A18, N, TC

20 But burnt my letters; When she writ to me, 1633: But burnt her letters when she writ to me, 1635: But burnt her letters when she writ to me; 1639-54, Chambers: But burnt my letters which she writ to me; 1669

21 that that 1633: if that 1635-69. See note

24 name] man 1669

25 reclaim'd 1635-69, A18, A25, B, D, H40, H49, L74, N, O'F, S, TCC: redeem'd 1633, Lec

26 chuse] chose 1669

27 sport 1635-69, A18, B, D, H40, H49, L74, Lec, S, S96, TCC: sports, 1633

30 and 1633 and most MSS.: or 1635-69, Cy, O'F, S


The Will.

BEFORE I sigh my last gaspe, let me breath,

  Great love, some Legacies; Here I bequeath

Mine eyes to Argus, if mine eyes can see,

If they be blinde, then Love, I give them thee;

  5My tongue to Fame; to'Embassadours mine eares;

To women or the sea, my teares.

Thou, Love, hast taught mee heretofore

By making mee serve her who'had twenty more,

That I should give to none, but such, as had too much before.

10My constancie I to the planets give;

My truth to them, who at the Court doe live;

Mine ingenuity and opennesse,

To Jesuites; to Buffones my pensivenesse;

My silence to'any, who abroad hath beene;

15My mony to a Capuchin.

Thou Love taught'st me, by appointing mee

To love there, where no love receiv'd can be,

Onely to give to such as have an incapacitie.

My faith I give to Roman Catholiques;

20All my good works unto the Schismaticks

Of Amsterdam; my best civility

And Courtship, to an Universitie;

My modesty I give to souldiers bare;

My patience let gamesters share.

25Thou Love taughtst mee, by making mee

Love her that holds my love disparity,

Onely to give to those that count my gifts indignity.

I give my reputation to those

Which were my friends; Mine industrie to foes;

30To Schoolemen I bequeath my doubtfulnesse;

My sicknesse to Physitians, or excesse;

To Nature, all that I in Ryme have writ;

And to my company my wit.

Thou Love, by making mee adore

35Her, who begot this love in mee before,

Taughtst me to make, as though I gave, when I did but restore.

To him for whom the passing bell next tolls,

I give my physick bookes; my writen rowles

Of Morall counsels, I to Bedlam give;

40My brazen medals, unto them which live

In want of bread; To them which passe among

All forrainers, mine English tongue.

Thou, Love, by making mee love one

Who thinkes her friendship a fit portion

45For yonger lovers, dost my gifts thus disproportion.

Therefore I'll give no more; But I'll undoe

The world by dying; because love dies too.

Then all your beauties will bee no more worth

Then gold in Mines, where none doth draw it forth;

50And all your graces no more use shall have

Then a Sun dyall in a grave.

Thou Love taughtst mee, by making mee

Love her, who doth neglect both mee and thee,

To'invent, and practise this one way, to'annihilate all three.