The Daughter of Heaven
Play Sample
In memory of this hero the people erected a temple!——
The same, the CROWD, then an OFFICER
[For the last few minutes the CROWD has been protesting more violently against the slaughter.As a new group of prisoners is brought to the place, the protest becomes more insistent.]
The Ministers of the Empire are a set of butchers!
A MAN [Raising himself on the shoulders of his neighbours]
Enough, enough!Death to the tigers!
FAITHFUL PRINCE [In the tent, seeing the TARTAR GENERAL rise.] No doubt my time has come.
No!No!Remain where you are, we shall be told.
Yes, death to the tigers!
[He leans over and dips the end of his girdle into the blood] I am going to write it on this wall.Death to the tigers!
[He gets up on a stone, and begins to trace some characters with the end of his girdle.The GENERAL comes out of the tent.]
Some men here at once!——Disperse this insolent crowd!——Arrest the man who is writing.
TARTAR GENERAL [Advancing quickly]
Who dares to give orders without my consent?
My lord, when a riot is beginning, is it not my duty?
You have no other duty than to obey.[With a gesture he dismisses the SOLDIERS, who have advanced to seize the man.] The executioners must be tired.Let their chief give them leave to rest again.
For how many minutes?
As long as my sword shall remain fixed here.
[He plunges his sword into the ground.]
[In a whisper to the General.] Take care, my generous enemy.Perhaps it may be thought that you are afraid.
Of the living, no!——But of spectres, yes, it is true; I am afraid of spectres.
[They enter the tent together.The crowd, whose excitement is increasing, moves away from the execution-ground, thereby giving a full view of the headless bodies which are lying on the ground, and of the pools of blood.The street-sellers re-commence their cries and their music.]
Royal peonies, lotus of all kinds, every flower of the season.
You see, I am compromising myself like the hero of your legend, and yet no temple will be raised in my honour.
But you do not hope to save those of my men who are still alive?
Who knows, as long as their heads are on their shoulders?——You heard the noise outside?——The angry crowd grew greater and greater.A short riot has often delivered many victims. I may be compelled to yield.Heaven grant it!
Your noble generosity encourages me to ask a favour of you.
It will be a great joy to me to grant it.
Before taking my place against that bloody wall, I would greatly desire to have one hour's freedom, on my word of honour——
The word of a man such as you are is stronger than a chain of iron on his feet, or a canque of cedar wood about his shoulders——an hour, yes!Even an hour and a half, we can wait——The use which you wish to make of it perhaps I can imagine.You dream of seeing again your adored Empress——There, alas!I am unable to aid you.May the gods come to your assistance!——[Offering him a robe embroidered in gold, which is hanging from the tent-pole.] One thing alone I can do for you.Consent to wear one of my robes.It will be a safeguard for you.
How could I dare?
I beseech you——This garment will be to me the more precious because it has protected you [He passes the robe to FAITHFUL PRINCE, who no longer protests, then he raises a curtain at the back to the tent.] Go that way, Prince!——
[There is a great stir in the crowd, which is shouting wildly.In the distance trumpets are heard.The TARTAR GENERAL, coming out of his tent, speaks to an OFFICER.]
What is that?The ceremonial salute.What is happening now?
A courier from the Emperor.[The SOLDIERS stand in file on either side and bend the knee.The COURIER is on horseback, and is carrying over his shoulder a small packet, wrapped in yellow silk.]
COURIER [As he dismounts]
An order from the Emperor![Two SOLDIERS place a table on which the letter is deposited, then the incense-sticks are lighted.The TARTAR GENERAL quickly dons his ceremonial robe, salutes the message three times, and at last takes it.]
TARTAR GENERAL [To the COURIER, after he has examined the envelope] Why does that order arrive so late?It was sent at daybreak from the Forbidden City, and the distance is not long.
That is true, my lord.But ill-intentioned men were posted at several places along my route.I had to take a roundabout course, and my horse knocked over many people before surmounting the obstacles.
TARTAR GENERAL [In a low voice]
May Heaven deliver our Emperor from the evil ones who oppose his will!
COURIER [also speaking low]
May Heaven hear your prayer, for the well-being of the people!
TARTAR GENERAL [Opens the letter.In an aside after having read it] This saves many lives, without counting my own——[To the CROWD.]Order of the Emperor.All listen!"This is my express will.I grant unconditional pardon to all the captives of war, chiefs and soldiers, and give them their entire liberty.Respect this."
[He shows the Imperial seal.]
Ten thousand years, ten thousand years to our Emperor.
[The Soldiers at once set the prisoners free.]
Listen again.This order should have arrived in time to save all the condemned.The obstacles set in the path of the messenger are the cause of a misfortune which cannot be repaired.Our master was disobeyed and is not responsible.
Curse upon the unfaithful ministers!Death to the tigers!
[The women also hasten to unchain the prisoners, who draw near the General.]
ONE OFFICER [In a whisper to another]
What seditious cries our General permits!
Say rather he encourages them.
My friends, listen to wise advice.Do not remain long in this accursed place.All around the mighty Dragon who has freed you, wild beasts are shrieking, exasperated because they have lost their prey.——Go at once, do not lose a moment.But do not escape by way of the country, you would be too easily found.Disperse and wander through the great city.In the Chinese Quarter the crowd will not betray you.
We will follow your advice.May Heaven bestow its choicest blessings upon you!
[They bow and disperse.The GENERAL takes his sword, which he had stuck into the ground and slowly replaces it in its scabbard.]
Death to the tigers!Ten thousand years to our Emperor!
[As the curtain is lowered the shouts of PEDLARS are heard.]
Royal peonies, Lotus of all kinds, every flower of the season!
All the latest styles in my stock!Look, young women; have a look, young girls!
Second Tableau
[The great throne-room in the palace at Peking, entirely decorated in red and gold.The throne is in the middle of a dais, to which lead three staircases flanked by incense-burners and emblems. Pillars of red laquer support a lofty ceiling, on which are enormous writhing dragons among red clouds; the largest standing out so clearly that it looks ready to fall from heaven, holds in its jaws a golden orb, just above the throne.The floor is covered by a yellow carpet, with dragons more than fifty feet in length woven into the design.On one side of the stage is a marble chime, suspended by golden chains from a huge frame work, whose feet are of gold and represent monsters and whose upper angles are ornamented with golden phoenixes spreading their wings toward the ceiling.Near the principal entrance two EUNUCHS are holding dust-dispellers of rhinoceros-hide.Preparations are being made for a solemn audience, to commemorate the triumph of the TARTAR ARMY. Large blocks of porcelain, representing monsters, are arranged in line on the carpet.They mark the places where the various bodies of dignitaries are to stand and to prostrate themselves.Persons in gala robes come and go hurriedly.They are speaking in whispers, and walk noiselessly, in respectful attitudes.They bow as they pass the throne.]
[Placing in line one of the last blocks of porcelain] There, the eighteenth group of high literates will stand there, facing the throne, but somewhat obliquely.
Everything seems to me in perfect order.We shall soon be ready.
So they say, indeed.He has been downcast and melancholy for several days, it seems as though each fresh victory of his army affected him like a disaster.
Yes, no one would have supposed that he would demand so elaborate a ceremony to celebrate his triumph.
And have you heard the news?The prisoner is to make her appearance here.
Who?How can you ask?The great, the only one.She of whom everyone speaks—the Ex-Empress of the rebels.
Ah, the goddess!So now we are going to see her.
And we can judge of her supernatural power——unless she has lost it.
Oh, power she still has.Yesterday evening, by order of the Emperor, two eunuchs were decapitated simply for having announced to her the death of her son without preliminary forms.
And I know something, too, from the Governess of the Palace——To-day the goddess deigned to speak, to request mourning garments——So they searched the wardrobes of the late Empress Regent for all that was most magnificent in the way of white robes and shoes!
GRAND CHAMBERLAIN [Entering by a door at back]
An order from the Emperor![All listen with bowed heads.] Let the members of the Privy Council, Ministers, and Dignitaries, robed in their costumes of state, meet in silence in the galleries near the throne-room, ready to enter when his Majesty strikes this gong three times.[He points to the large gong at the foot of the steps of the throne.] Let no one be here, and guards at all the doors!
[All bow and prepare to go out.]
The HERALD [Appearing at the door and holding in his hand a large lacquer signboard mounted on a golden handle.] Silence!
[Entering with FOUNT-IN-THE-FOREST]
Let all depart!Close the doors.Here comes the Emperor.
[All skurry out except the GRAND MASTER and FOUNT-IN-THE-FOREST, who prostrate themselves as the EMPEROR appears.]
EMPEROR [In full regalia, his expression sombre]
How many heads did you say had already fallen?
Barely fifty, sire.Your General, as though with a presentiment of the clemency of your Majesty, had proceeded with audacious lack of energy.
He shall be rewarded by Heaven and by me.As for the grandees of my court who dared to stop my Courier, have them found at once and dealt with by the executioner to-morrow.Why do the gods permit that in my lofty position, happiness should be almost unrealisable, when murder is so easy?Now go![Indicating FOUNT-IN-THE-FOREST] I wish to speak with my councillor.
[The GRAND MASTER goes out.]
EMPEROR [To FOUNT, who is still prostrate]
Arise, friend, we are alone.You have already guessed my project, have you not?I want her to come here, near me.[Pointing to the throne.] Pale and in the white of her deep mourning as she is, I want her to come here, to sit beside me on my throne——To-day, I am going to present her to my people as my affianced bride.Let the Dignitaries of my Court prostrate themselves before their Empress, at the same time as before their Emperor——without her there is neither Empire nor triumph for me——
She has consented?
Alas, I do not know if she will agree.I have postponed till now that meeting so full at once of charm and terror.It is to-day and here that we shall see each other again for the first time——May Heaven help me!You will say that I am still a child; I wished to invest our supreme moment with all magnificence.Ah, if only there were not between us the death of her son, I should tremble less.
But you did all in your power to save him.Since your conscience cannot reproach you, sire, it is better for your plans that the child should be resting in peace among the shades.To impose him upon your Tartars would have been dangerous indeed———Whereas now, the two Dynasties may blend, another son be born, of your blood and hers.
A son born to me by her!Oh, friend, be silent.The dreams that are too beautiful, one must not speak of.[He strikes the gong lightly.] But come, the dreaded moment of seeing her again has arrived.Come![To an Official who enters in response to the gong.] Let the prisoner be brought here, with all the respect which I have commanded.Go![Recalling the Official as he is leaving.] Wait a moment![To FOUNT, who is going too.] No, her pride would be offended at being ushered into my presence.Rather, let her be the first to arrive, and I will follow, appearing before her with the air of one vanquished, begging pardon.[To the waiting OFFICIAL.]As soon as I leave, bring the Empress here and leave her alone.Now you may go!
[Exit the OFFICIAL at the back.]
FOUNT [as he goes out with the EMPRESS]
She loves you, sire.Have confidence.Who is the woman, even though she be almost a goddess, who would not yield?
She!Only she!——
But, as she loved you once——
And to-day must she not hate me?How much blood has been spilt by traitors despite my command!How has my decree of pardon been intercepted or changed to a death warrant!——The hate, the implacable hate of our two peoples ever triumphs.
But how many lives you have saved!——And she must too know that.
EMPEROR [as he goes out]
Oh, that hour whose memory still enchants my heart!That hour there, in the garden of her palace, in the midst of that crowd where we were so alone, when she gazed upon me, when our souls were united in one supreme rapture——But now at the thought of seeing her again, I tremble like a guilty man.
[Exit the EMPEROR, with his councillor, through a side door.Two eunuchs and two women attendants conduct the EMPRESS to the foot of the throne, and after having prostrated themselves retire, leaving her alone.She is in white robes of mourning, her hands are tied by a silken cord.]
EMPRESS [Soliloquising]
Such consideration has been shown me that I am terrified, more terrified than at torture and death.Why am I in his palace, instead of in a prison?——What can he, what dares he hope?What does he desire of me?
[In the dress of the TARTAR GENERAL, running into the room and prostrating himself at the feet of the EMPRESS] Oh!Heaven is merciful to grant me the opportunity once again before my death to prostrate myself at the feet of my adored Empress.
EMPRESS [Calm but bewildered]
You?You here?——Dear Prince——Have we then departed this life?Is this our reunion beyond the grave?If not, whence have you come, how, by what witchcraft have you passed these dreadful walls?
FAITHFUL PRINCE [Still prostrated] Boldness does not count the cost, when there is no longer anything to lose——And, beyond all doubt, the gods were with me—— Yes, I entered as if by witchcraft as you say, I passed the walls and the guarded gates——One of his soldiers acted as my guide——I gave him all the gold I had left.Forgive me, I am weeping, I know not whether for joy or grief.For joy it must be—since my only wish was for this one privilege—to see Your Majesty for the last time, to tell her on my knees of my passionate adoration——which at the gates of death cannot be an offence——and above all to offer her the wondrous gift, which will deliver her from the conqueror's worst outrages.My mission as faithful subject is now concluded by this last service, by the glorious present which I have brought to my Empress.
Poison![With a triumphant cry of deliverance.] Ah!——
FAITHFUL PRINCE [Offering her a dagger] Poison, alas!I was unable to bring.This is the best I can offer.
Ah, well, that will answer the purpose.Kill me before He comes!
FAITHFUL PRINCE [Rising and drawing back in horror]
My well beloved sovereign!——Ask not that of your faithful servant, who has always obeyed you.Do not command him to do what is beyond his strength.
You will not?——Then give it to me!I will strike myself.I will make the attempt.I shall succeed.
FAITHFUL PRINCE [Noticing that her hands are tied]
But your hands——To think that I had not seen!
Ah!That is true.
I May I untie them?Have we time?
No, it will take too long.Hide the weapon in the fold of my gown.
[The Prince still hesitates.]
You do not dare?It is forbidden to touch your Sovereign!Nay, but you may do so, your Empress now is as one already dead.
FAITHFUL PRINCE [Hiding weapon in her gown]
But how will you be able to use it?
He will have them unbound, he before whom I shall soon appear. And then is not one permitted to change one's mind so near to death? I desired you to kill me before he came. Now I prefer to see him again, the Emperor.
To see him again?You know then who he is?
Yes.Stay with me until he comes.
Oh, no!I must not be found here.
What matters it now, at the point we have reached?
Because—over yonder—the last heads are falling.They are calling for those that remain.It is time—my turn is coming.They gave me one hour's liberty on my word of honour.I do not want it to be thought that I have fled.
Ah, yes!Then go, Prince.Farewell!I shall soon join you—you and all my faithful ones.Tell those who are about to die that I shall be with them soon——
[FAITHFUL PRINCE hurries out.]
[The EMPEROR enters and approaches her.The EMPRESS, her eyes lowered, stands motionless.]
Daughter of Heaven, deign to raise your eyes to gaze upon the heart-broken conqueror who bows before you.Deign to look and to recognise him.Doubtless you will remember him.But can you feel anything save utter hatred for him?
[Far away, her eyes still lowered.] To recognise him, I do not need to hear his voice again nor to gaze upon his face.The light has dawned upon my mind during the hours of my captivity.Before I was brought in here, I knew full well into whose presence I was coming.
[A silence, during which the EMPEROR remains bowed before her.]
To the Daughter of the Mings, what message can the Tartar Emperor have?
EMPEROR [Seeing her hands bound with the silken cord]
Oh!but your hands are tied!I ordered that to save you from yourself.But now![He approaches, yet hesitates to touch her hands.The EMPRESS draws back, gazing at him for the first time.] Oh!pardon——Before you, in the depth of my grief, I had forgotten.I had almost dared to touch your bruised hands.And yet you are more sacred to me here than there in Nanking, in all your splendour.[He strikes the gong softly.An OFFICIAL appears.]
Let the Governess of the Palace come here at once![To the GOVERNESS, as she enters and prostrates herself.] Untie the hands of the Empress, and then go.
[The GOVERNESS obeys and goes out.A pause.]
Your voice is no longer yours.Your eyes are no longer yours.You stand here before me, yet your soul seems to be at an infinite distance.I did not expect to find you so, and you frighten me.The Majesty of death is upon you.
They are calling to me from the Land of the Shades.Allow me to cross the threshold soon, from you I can accept no mercy.My faithful ones, my warriors, are wondering at my delay in rejoining them, and my son is listening to catch the echo of my footfall behind him on the dark path.
Your son!——Ah!Your son!Who has mourned him more than I, excepting only you?Ten of my couriers, my swiftest horsemen, were sent at once, riding their horses night and day, spurring them to death, leaving their corpses by the roadside, in a frantic effort to arrive in time and avert the evil which could not be repaired——
What was achieved?Where is the body of my little son?
It is now in an imperial hearse, making its slow way to the north, preceded by funeral music, followed by a thousand dignitaries in costumes of state befitting the rank of a young sovereign.
And where are they taking him, my son?
To those inviolable forests where the Tartar Emperors repose.There, in a vale, which the spade of men has never touched, two leagues of dark cedars will envelope in their silence, his tomb built all of porcelain.
Will you grant me the favour to sleep near him?
EMPEROR [Very gently, speaking like a child]
But——in accordance with the custom of the Empresses, you will yourself choose the site and scene in the forest and will have the long marble avenues built——so that all may be in readiness when your hour strikes.
My hour has sounded—ah!many days ago.I heard it, but my hands were tied and your guards were ever about me.Now you will give me my last freedom, will you not?so that I may join all the dead heroes who are awaiting me.To keep me back would be unworthy of you, my noble enemy.You would not do that!——
EMPEROR [After a pause]
Keep you back, you?——O!no, not I——But your duty——Daughter of the Mings, you are incapable of failing in your duty!
EMPRESS [Excitedly at last]
My duty!What duty?Already have I been decoyed by that word.They urged me thereby to flee like a common woman beset by fear.While all my brave defenders knew how to die heroically, my soldiers, my princes, even my ladies-in-waiting, I like a coward escaped through the subterranean passages of my palace——to fulfil my duty!It was the hour when my soldiers were falling by the thousand, struck down by yours, when my walls were crumbling under the assault of your armies——the draught of the Great Deliverance had been brought me in a cup, and I was calm as I am now—but smiling.I was about to raise the cup to my lips, to pass beyond the reach of all, proud and inviolable, in my imperial attire.The vaults beneath the ground, the sleeping place of my ancestors, unknown to your Tartars, stood open close at hand, and there was still time to carry me down into them——But duty!Ah!my duty, it appeared, was to flee, and I yielded——And until the day when your soldiers took me captive, I wandered on and on through the country, at the head of my defeated troops——I, the Empress, the Invisible, desecrating my majesty among all those thousands of men——marching before them like some mad woman!——
Say rather that you were the sublime heroine, the great warrior-Empress, the goddess of battle, who braved arrows and bullets, and will live on eternally in poetry and history!
I sought to justify my flight, that was all.I did all I could, but none can ever atone for a cowardly action.It was in my own palace that I should have met my death, in the funeral fire lighted by my own hand, in which so many heroes were consumed——My ashes should have mixed with theirs.Duty, do you say?But do you believe that I still belong to Earth?My cities are in ruins, my armies annihilated, my son dead.And at this very moment I know that one by one the heads of my few remaining soldiers are falling into the dust beneath your high Tartar walls.Then what duty remains, I ask you?[She takes the dagger from the fold of her robe and raises her hand to strike herself.] Nothing, nothing but this![The Emperor rushes towards her with a cry, seizes her wrist, takes the dagger, and hurls it to the ground.] Ah!So you dare to touch me now?
EMPEROR [Bowing very low]
Your pardon!Only listen to me.You may die afterwards if you wish it, I promise you—but in some less terrible way——without this bloodshed.I will even furnish you the means, if you still wish it——
EMPRESS [With sudden gentleness]
In some less terrible way!Yes, that is what I desire.The Potion of the Great Deliverance, we sovereigns are never without it.You have it too, have you not?
Night and day within easy reach, especially since you began to risk your life hourly, in the thick of the battle.I feared that I should be unable to capture alive my beautiful Phoenix of War!Be assured, we have the Deliverance.It is in this golden case, among the trinkets at my girdle.
And you will give it to me?
You swear it?
Yes.After you have listened to me, I shall have this supreme courage.To refuse you would be unworthy of you and of myself.But, after you have heard me, only afterwards——
Well, speak, sire.In return for your promise, take the last minutes in which my ears can hear, my eyes can see——
The same.An OFFICIAL
EMPEROR [He strikes the gong gently, an OFFICIAL appears.To the OFFICIAL] Double the number of guards at the gates. Instant death to any one who, for any reason whatever, dares to open that door before I sound the gong Three Times! Is that understood? You may go!
[The OFFICIAL turns to go.]
Wait![Pointing to the incense-burners on the steps of the throne.] Incense!Let the sticks be lighted at once!I must have perfume in the air.[The OFFICIAL hastily lights the bundles of sticks and the smoke rises.] It is well, go!
[The Official makes his exit backward, almost prostrate.]
The EMPEROR [To the EMPRESS, who is leaning against the balustrade of the throne] Alas!I can read obstinate resolution in your eyes!You have determined to die, I know it!I shall speak without hope.Will you grant me one last favour?
No doubt I shall.But what may it be?
EMPEROR [Pointing to the throne]
Let our last interview take place there!Once in your life, though it be on a day which shall know no to-morrow, I wish to see you seated upon the throne of the Tartar conquerors.
EMPRESS [Very calmly and indifferently]
Is it only that?If that will give you pleasure, I consent.[She begins to ascend the steps.] I mount but slowly: I am crushed and fainting.The poison which you promised lulls one to sleep, does it not?It does not sharpen and distort the features, I hope.The Phoenix, even in the agony of death would wish to retain some charm.
EMPEROR [In the same mood]
It is even better than you hope.It comes from the Western Barbarians.Lustrous pearls under a thin leaf of gold.One passes into space in a sudden sleep, an exquisite intoxication——
EMPRESS [Still far away] Ah!——in a sleep—[They have reached the top of the steps.She half reclines across the throne, which is almost as large as a divan.The EMPEROR remains standing.] Well, now——delay no longer, speak——
It was not the prompting of a mere whim which urged me to see you seated there.What we have to say is so solemn.The interview of an Emperor and an Empress, power speaking to power!——
At this height, raised above our earthly personalities, we shall feel more conscious of our superhuman mission.
Power speaking to power?I am no longer anything but a captive, who counts for naught.
You are sovereign and doubly sovereign now, mistress of the destiny of China, arbiter of all.[The EMPRESS looks at him as though deeply hurt.] Mistress of the destiny of China, yes!Be not offended.I do not intend to speak of your power over the Emperor——But, defeated and captive, what does it matter?Are you not always the Daughter of the Mings?Hundreds of millions of hearts bear secret allegiance to you.The rebellion quelled to-day by my soldiers will break out afresh to-morrow, will always be renewed.You are the only being in the world who has the power to still it for ever——and that takes away the right to die——
EMPRESS [Interrupting]
The dead await me——I belong to them now——I hear their voices calling to me to come——
I want to tell you in the fewest words.But I feel as though you were already gone, already cold.I press on and I am all at a loss.It seems as if I were speaking to a tombstone.Powers, you and I, I said, ah, yes, great powers!Two rival lives of fabled emperors, of deified heroes, growing feebler and feebler by centuries of slavery to rites and forms, prisoners in an excess of luxury; two dynasties that seemed doomed to an immortality of mummyhood, have by some miracle produced you and me, who are alive and young.As a result of our union, a new China might arise, living like us, to dominate the world.Together we might accomplish that holy mission for the well-being and happiness of our races, and the eternal glory of our two united names.But without you, no, I can do nothing.I shall sink again into my gilded solitude, my sickly idleness, my opium-drugged sleep.If you but knew my youth, how isolated and lonely, spent in an apartment decorated in black ebony!In the gloom of this palace, an imaginative child, I outlined this glorious plan of union with you.It haunted my brain.Then your son would have been my son.It was like a child still that I set out on that adventure to see you in your palace at Nanking.And as I beheld, my man's will, which still floated in the midst of dreams, was suddenly concentrated upon one definite desire.Ah, what obstacles I overcame!First, I had to escape from your palace; then to return here unhindered within the terrible walls of the Yellow City; and then to wrest the power from those grim evil-doers who had so long tortured my youthful will and my reason.The war was already at its height, hatred was enchained, the smell of blood was in the air, and Chinese and Tartars were howling like wild beasts.All this, you know full well, I was unable to stop.
I know.
That I did all in my power to save your son—you believe that, do you not?
Now I believe it.
My only reason for speaking of these things is that at least you may not hate me.
EMPRESS [Still calm and impersonal]
I have no hate for you.
The heads of your faithful soldiers which have just fallen were sacrificed against my will.I had issued an order of unconditional pardon.As to the Prince who left you a few minutes ago.[Smiling]—for I see all, I the Phantom Emperor, as you called me—yes, he who was speaking to you in this very place and went so heroically to meet his death, will be saved.You shall see him again!
I thought you before now a great and generous enemy.
Of my love I have not even dared to speak to you.
I am grateful to you that you have kept our interview above that level.
Every word you utter falls upon me like the icy drops of slow winter rain, and yet withal I must have the force to proceed to the end.Listen to what I now shall say; it is the last word I shall speak, after that you will be free.Despite that dreadful war to the death between us, despite that funeral procession which now slowly carries your son to the forests of the Last Repose, I still indulged in the beautiful dream of putting an end to ancient hates by means of our marriage, of making one our two rival dynasties, of giving to the great empire peace everlasting——
EMPRESS [Interrupting]
Ever since you asked me to be seated upon your throne, I understood.
EMPEROR [After a pause]
And your reply?
My reply is that, neither living nor dead, will I permit the Emperor of the Tartars even to touch my hand.It is too late; too many rivers of blood flow between us.
Still one word, one last word.We are not alone at this solemn historical hour, in this place which seems so empty and silent.The shades of warriors and the illustrious spirits of departed emperors are all about us, listening anxiously for your decision.Your beloved dead are all here, at peace with mine in the lofty harmony of heaven.You are mistaken, they are not calling to you to join them; they are commanding you to live for years to come, to aid me in this great work of peace, of which I dream and which, without you seated at my side on this throne, I shall be powerless to carry out.You have not the right to decline this duty!In the name of the thousands of invisible spirits who surround us, I beg of you, Daughter of Heaven, to live![A silence.] I have said all that I find possible to say.I await your decision.I have finished.
EMPRESS [Growing colder and more distant in her attitude, pointing to the golden jewel-case attached to the Emperor's girdle] Then give it to me now!
EMPEROR [In absolute despair]
No, no!Give it to you with my own hands I cannot.Have pity——I cannot!I cannot!
EMPRESS [Severely]
But your promise, sire, your imperial word of honour.Give it to me!
[The EMPEROR, after another silence, kneels before her, takes the golden box from his girdle and hands it to her slowly, his face turned downward to the ground.]
EMPRESS [After opening the box, speaking gently, like a child in a dream.] Yes, they are tiny, shining pearls——And they will bring death, peace, nothingness.[She puts the pearls in her mouth, then throws the box to the ground, and rises in exaltation.Triumphant and dominating the room, she addresses the invisible spirits of her forefathers.] Oh, my ancestors, behold me!Am I not glorious?You see me in that place whence you of old dominated the world, and it is upon your throne, usurped by the Tartar, that I am about to die!Your daughter has remained worthy of her race.Despite temptation more than human, she has kept her word.Open wide before the portals of death,—to receive her among you.[Smiling and quite gentle, she turns to the EMPEROR who is still kneeling.] And now that my mission is accomplished, approach me, sire.[She takes his hand gently, to indicate that he may rise and be seated.] For the second time in her life, the Empress invites you to be seated in her presence, as once before, over there, you remember, one morning in my palace which is now no more——[She seats herself on the throne again.]
EMPEROR [Dreamily]
As once before, there in your garden on that never-to-be-forgotten morning.All about us, the wonderful flowers of distant lands were unfolding their petals, still moist with the early dews——and the beautiful Imperial Phoenix was brilliant in all her glory.[He seats himself on the throne near her, his head resting against the back.]
To-day, the flames have swept away those flowers, and the Phoenix is in agony, her wings burned in the fire of war.But, on the threshold of the Great Beyond, she will confide to you her deepest secret.Now it is your turn to listen.[The EMPEROR raises his head and looks at her.] While you were uttering those noble and magnificent words of sacrifice——Oh!beneath my impassive mask, what a struggle was mine on to be deaf to their appeal!And I should have yielded, if the duty which you presented to me had been only a painful duty.But it would have been too easy and too sweet.For I loved you![The EMPEROR arises.]And, living, I have no more the right to happiness, because it was I who lighted that great funeral pyre of men's lives in my palace.
EMPEROR [Interrupting, exultantly]
O my sovereign!O my beautiful, fading flower!To hear that from your lips at the moment when they are about to grow cold for ever!Oh!To be beloved by you, I could not believe it possible.And now no aid can come from men or gods.
No aid?Do you think I would accept it?I have spoken only because I know I am going to die.Aid!But did I not tell you it was I who lighted the pyre, this hand which set to it the flaming torch.And as they threw themselves into the glowing furnace, dying for my son and for me, I cried out my solemn vow: Soon I come to the Land of the Shades, I come, I follow you.After that, if I were to live, to spend a happy life with you——I should loathe myself.[She remains seated, the EMPEROR kneels at her feet, resting his head on the cushions of the throne.] In entering your palace, I was afraid of myself, it was only myself that I feared——for at no time did I hate that strange impostor who appeared in my palace one day, never did I hate him even when I knew not, when I did not understand.And in the closed litter in which I was brought to Peking, at every stage of that mournful journey my fears and my anguish increased, according as the impression became stronger and stronger, until at last I was convinced that you were the Emperor![Suddenly terrified, she starts up.] You have not deceived me?Tell me, it is indeed death which you have given me?Oh, no, you could not have done that.You are too noble to have led me into a trap——
No, my sovereign, no, I have not deceived you.Death is close to you, it is in your heart, inevitable death.
Will it take long?How many minutes are still left to me?
Minutes?Oh, scarcely seconds.You are on the point of slipping away from me into nothingness.The frail covering of gold leaf still protects you.As soon as that dissolves——
I shall suffer?
Tell me how I shall pass away.
You will hear a ringing in your brain as if the great bell of honour were being sounded for you—and then a dizziness—and suddenly will come eternal peace![He rises and rends his garments.] O Gods, if you are capable of compassion, look down upon me——have pity!
EMPRESS [At first very slowly, pacing the platform of the throne like one in a dream.] Whither am I going?Who can tell me whither I am going, where I shall soon be?To the dead?to the Shades, what can it matter how I use this last flicker of my life, so soon to be extinguished?Now that I have kept my word, at least this last moment belongs to me, which to us is worth Eternity.[To the EMPEROR.]Let it be mine that I may give it to you![She seats herself on the throne again.] Come close to me, my beloved, my master, my God——[The EMPEROR sits near her, at first as with religious awe.] Come, I desire to rest my head on your shoulder while I die——[The EMPEROR takes her in his arms.] Do you not see that we are like two stars, separated by a boundless abyss, but withal making desperate efforts to flash their light to each other? ——But now the abyss is crossed and my mortal enemy is weeping tears for love in my embrace. Let me rest against your breast, come closer, with all your being, that I may pass away as though in you.
EMPEROR [Embracing her more passionately]
In me and with me, for I shall follow you, my beautiful Phoenix, that would fly away beyond my reach——
No!Remain on earth, live on to keep the love which I have given you.Who else would remember me and pay the honours to my spirit?In the valley of eternal silence, amid the marble avenues, under the shade of the dark cedars, who else would come to dream of my vanished beauty, that was but for a day?Promise me you will stay.But come still closer to me.If you do not fear the last breath of one who is dying, press your lips against mine, my beloved, that I may at least have known the rapture of your kiss——
EMPEROR [Pressing his lips to hers desperately] Oh!Even your ashes would be lovely to me, even your body in decay.Fear!you ask if I fear?Respect alone will unlock my embrace—when I feel that the breath of life is no more.
EMPRESS [Wandering, half drawing herself away]
Ah!Yes—I hear the great bell sounding.It is the signal, then?I am sinking——Hold me up, my beloved.Keep me from sinking thus——into the abyss.
[During an instant of silence, they remain embraced.Then the EMPEROR rouses himself, cries aloud in his grief, and the dead body falls back on the throne.]
The EMPEROR, and then the CROWD
[The EMPEROR descends the steps of the throne, quickly, runs to the gong and strikes three deep strokes.The doors are thrown open. DIGNITARIES and OFFICIALS appear on the threshold.]
The EMPEROR [addressing the crowd, who enter in robes of state, and pointing to the dead EMPRESS.]
Come, all dignitaries and great men of the Empire!Put perfumes in the censers, keep on amber!Sound the marble chimes, as for the gods.Pay homage to Your Empress!On your knees, all, before The Daughter of Heaven!——
[He kneels on the steps himself.The marble chimes are sounded.The brilliant crowd fills the throne-room, prostrating themselves before the dead.]