The Boy Fortune Hunters in China
Play Sample
“The explanation is very simple,” I answered.“Chinese customs are peculiar; and especially those that relate to ancestor worship.Should Mai Lo return to Kai-Nong without the body of his dead prince he would be eternally disgraced, and unless he at once committed suicide he would be killed by the other servants of the Prince.So it was a matter of life or death to him whether we tossed the body overboard or preserved it and brought it to China.”
“But we really did toss it overboard; and Mai Lo knows it now,” objected Archie.
“But no one else knows it,” I explained.“It was brought to Woosung and passed by the inspector as the mortal remains of Prince Kai.The Shanghai papers reported the arrival of the body of the Prince, in the care of his faithful servant, the noble governor, Mai Lo, and also gave an account of the accident that caused his death.So now all China knows that Mai Lo did his duty, and is escorting the remains of his master to the ancestral halls at Kai-Nong.”
“I see,” said Joe, nodding.“The secret is between Mai Lo and ourselves.That is why he frightened the doctor away, and tried to prevent us from continuing the journey to Kai-Nong.”
“Exactly,” I returned.“Mai Lo has been saved—for a time, anyhow—from committing suicide, by the very trick we played to deceive him.Perhaps he saw through our game from the beginning; I do not know.But we played into his hands, and so he let us go on.Now there is no further danger, for he knows we dare not betray the imposture and it will be easy for him to place the supposed body in the ancestral halls without its being examined by anyone.Yet he preferred not to have us with him when he should reach Prince Kai’s palace.”
“Naturally,” said Archie.
“But this knowledge is a protection to us, anyhow,” observed Joe.“Mai Lo is sharp enough to know that if he plays us any tricks we will explode the whole deception.”
“That idea is doubtless influencing him, even now,” I said.“What we have to fear is not open warfare, but trickery and secret assassination.I don’t know how powerful the letter and ring of Prince Kai will be in his own province, of which Mai Lo is governor; but the Prince seemed to think they would command obedience.Time will have to determine that.”
“What did you mean by saying that Mai Lo would be saved from suicide for a time?”asked Archie.
“Why, according to the rules and regulations of ancestor worship, he’s got to commit suicide in a short time, and there’s no way of getting out of it—except to disappear from China forever.The Prince was the last of his royal line, and left no heir; so the rules oblige his chief representative to seal up his ancestral halls and destroy all traces of them, so that they will never be disturbed until the resurrection.Before doing this, Mai Lo must convert one-half the fortune of Prince Kai into gold, silver and jewels, and deposit the treasure beside his coffin.When all this is accomplished—and it will require a little time, although it must be done speedily—Mai Lo must commit suicide, in order that the secret of the entrance to the ancestral vaults shall perish from the knowledge of men.If he fails to kill himself, the other servants will kill him.”
“Suppose,” said Joe, slowly, “it was discovered that we shared the knowledge of the entrance to Prince Kai’s ancestral halls; what would happen then?”
“They would surely kill us,” I answered.“But the secret entrance of which the Prince informed me is unknown to any of his people—even to Mai Lo.I do not fear discovery.”
“What do you fear?” asked Archie.
“I fear for our personal safety while we remain in Kai-Nong, and I am not sure that we can find a way to remove the treasure to Shanghai, once we have secured it,” I answered.“But we have known all along that there would be risks to run, and there’s no need crossing these bridges until we come to them.Prince Kai said it would be a question of wit and courage; but he predicted that we would win.”
“So we shall!”declared Archie.
“Of course,” remarked Joe, easily.“Prince Kai ought to have known what he was talking about.”
That overland journey of more than eight hundred miles by elephant train is well worth describing, yet it has so little real bearing upon this story that I shall pass it over as briefly as possible.
In spite of our fears, Mai Lo treated us with great respect during this journey, and the escort showed us the same consideration that they did the mandarin.
Elephant riding isn’t at all disagreeable when you get used to the swaying motion, and as we were sailors we quickly accustomed ourselves to the amble of the big beasts.But to ride day after day is decidedly tedious, and we were glad whenever a halt was called and we could stretch our legs.
During the first stage of our journey, which was through a densely settled country, we made little more than thirty miles a day.But when we reached Min-Kwa, which is on a shallow tributary of the Yang-tse, we exchanged our elephants for horses—fine, spirited beasts—which enabled us to make much better time.
We now headed directly northwest, on a beeline from the Himalayas, and I noticed that as we proceeded not only the character of the country but that of the people changed.The placid, indifferent countenances of the peasants were replaced by darker, fiercer features; for here were the descendants of the Tartar horde that once over-ran and conquered the Chinese.Also the women, instead of being small and insignificant in appearance, and mild and docile in character, were handsome, powerful creatures whose every action displayed energy and grace.I could not help admiring them, although their glances denoted bitter hatred of the foreigners—a feeling common throughout the Empire.
The broad, smooth road—a magnificent thoroughfare, that would shame the best of our American boulevards—sometimes lay through dense forests of splendid trees, and again twined its way amid groves of bamboo; but usually we passed through fields that were under cultivation.It surprised me to observe the perfection of utility that pervaded the country on every hand, until I remembered that here was the most ancient civilization in the world.There were no waste places; the numerous population demanded that every acre be cultivated.Stately walls of excellent construction are used to divide the land, instead of the frail fences we set up, and the bridges over dry streams or gullies would excite the envy and admiration of our modern engineers.All the land required irrigation, and Mai Lo informed me during one of our conversations that the system of irrigation now employed dated back more than two thousand years, and was still so satisfactory that it could not be improved upon.
“When America adopts our plan,” said the mandarin, “irrigation will be a success there; but not before.I have seen your methods, and they are very imperfect.”
Chinese fruits were plentiful and cheap.Six big, delicious pears could be purchased for one cash—about one-tenth of a cent; and bunches of finger-shaped grapes as big as one’s head we bought for two cash.Mai Lo kept us well supplied with fruit, and indeed we fared luxuriously throughout the entire journey.Always at night the mandarin selected a native house and turned the inhabitants out that we might use it for our own accommodation.I suppose his authority as a governor allowed him to do such arbitrary things, for even the fierce Tartars humbly submitted to his will.Sometimes we passed the night at villages, where there may be always found comfortable inns; but wherever we slept Nux and Bryonia by turns guarded the slumbers of us three Americans, while the withered little imp of a Chinaman who rode with Mai Lo upon his elephant performed the duty of guarding the mandarin.Mai Lo seemed to trust us as little as we trusted him, yet we all realized it would be folly to come to open warfare at this time.
If anything happened to us, it would not be until we were at Kai-Nong; we were quite sure of that. So, for the present we slept as placidly as if on board our own beautiful Seagull
Only one disagreeable incident occurred in this portion of our journey.Sometimes, when we camped early, our native escort amused themselves with games; perhaps to restore their circulation after long periods of riding.The most popular of these games was one called “shipsu.”In playing it two men had to grasp tightly a short bamboo rod with both hands and then try to throw one another without releasing hold of the bamboo.Any trick was allowable in this novel wrestling-match except taking the hands from the bamboo, and it was therefore a rough-and-tumble in which strength and skill were required.Usually our men played shipsu among themselves, but one evening in an inn yard where we were all watching the game, surrounded by a throng of villagers, a sturdy Manchu offered to cope with one of Mai Lo’s men and the challenge was accepted.
The struggle was long and interesting, and the combatants jostled the bystanders by abrupt turns and side leaps.Finally the Manchu hurled his antagonist to the ground, causing him to release his hold of the rod.With a shout of victory the Manchu whirled the rod above his head and then, happening to find himself near Bryonia, our tall South Sea Islander, who had been silently looking on, the fellow struck him a deliberate blow upon his head.Bry’s fist shot out and the Manchu went sprawling upon the ground, while a roar of rage went up from the bystanders.Knives glistened all around us and our Chinese escort promptly surrounded our little party and faced the natives expectantly.But Mai Lo waived his hand, and to my astonishment the escort melted away and left our black to face his enraged enemies alone.
“Why did you do that, Mai Lo?”I demanded, angrily, while the natives, perhaps suspecting some trick, hesitated to attack Bry.
“Your man has committed a crime; he must die, and perhaps the other black will die with him,” replied the governor, calmly.
While I stood dumfounded at this assertion I heard Joe say:
“Be careful, Mai Lo.Archie is behind you with his revolver pointed at your head.If anyone lays hands upon our black it will be the signal for your own death.”
Mai Lo did not look around.He did not shrink or pale or display fear.But he promptly waved his hand again and the escort once more closed around us.
Then the governor addressed the crowd in Chinese, and talked volubly for a long time.In a language where it requires two hundred syllables to say “good morning” it is probable that Mai Lo’s address was brief and to the point; anyhow, the sullen crowd melted away and left us alone, and soon after we entered the inn and went to bed.
The incident was not referred to again on either side, but it proved to us how readily the governor was prepared to sacrifice any members of our party, and so weaken our numbers, and it warned us to be constantly upon our guard.I did not doubt but that Mai Lo had some plan in mind to circumvent us when we got to Kai-Nong, and doubtless he was confident of success; but we refused to be panic-stricken.
“It looks as if we were in the dragon’s jaws,” remarked Archie, one day, with a yawn.
“I don’t mind that,” replied Joe, “if we can keep the dragon from biting.”
“Nor I.But sometimes it looks dubious to me.We’re about fifteen hundred miles in the enemy’s country, and the world has lost all track of us.Perhaps——”
“Perhaps, what?”I asked, impatiently.
“Perhaps the noble physician was wise, after all.”
“Look here, Archie.What’s the use of crying before you’re hurt?”
“It’s my only chance,” said he, with a grin.“If Mai Lo gets his work in, I shan’t be able to howl.”
About the middle of the seventeenth day we passed through a dark and gloomy teak forest and came to a place where two stone towers stood, one on either side of our road.Just behind these towers some fifty tents were pitched, and a herd of elephants and horses were browsing near them.The tents bore streamers with the Sacred Ape of Kai embroidered upon them, and a throng of natives in gay costumes stood in a group awaiting us.
“What’s up?”I called to Mai Lo, whose elephant was ambling close behind our own.
“These pillars,” said he, “mark the boundary of Kwang-Kai-Nong.When we pass them I shall be in my own territory.”
“Oh, and are these your people?”I inquired.
“Yes.I have sent messengers ahead to warn them of my coming.So they are here to receive the body of their prince.”
As we continued to advance the group stood motionless, and I had leisure to examine them.They were finely formed fellows, tall and athletic, and many of them wore beards, some jet black, some gray, some snow white.It was easy to see that this reception committee was composed of the best element of the Kaitos, probably most of them nobles and holding important offices in the principality.
The mahout in charge of the elephant which bore the casket of the Prince now urged his beast slightly in advance of our party, and, as it passed the gateway marked by the towering pillars, the members of the group prostrated themselves and with loud wails and groans grabbed up the dust from the road and scattered it over their bowed heads and bodies, until they were a sight to behold.Then they raised themselves to their knees, extended their arms skyward, and howled in concert like so many coyotes.The din was ear-splitting, and while it continued Mai Lo descended from his elephant and groveled with the others in the dust before the casket of Prince Kai.
Then two aged Kaitos advanced and raised the governor, and escorted him to a tent.The others continued their cries until the casket had been lifted from the elephant and conveyed into another tent—the largest and most decorated one of the encampment.
During this time we had remained unnoted observers of the scene; but when the casket disappeared behind the walls of the tent the people, having risen and dusted themselves, began to look upon us with curiosity.Nux and Bryonia, who had dismounted with the casket and stood like ebony statues beside the elephant, attracted most of the scrutiny, but bore the ordeal with much dignity.
I was pleased to observe in these people a lack of that ferocious hatred that had marked the countenances of most of the Chinese we had encountered.These men seemed more curious than antagonistic.When we boys dismounted and stood among them they all inclined their bodies in more or less lowly obeisance.
Probably the messengers sent forward by Mai Lo had described us to these people as the friends of the late Prince, for they seemed not surprised to find us with the governor’s party.
The tent in which lay the casket of the Prince was at once surrounded by a cordon of guards, armed with scimitars shaped like those of the ancient Saracens.But no one entered the tent itself.
The principal members of the reception party followed Mai Lo into his tent, while others ushered us into still another tent, in which we found couches spread, and low tables before them bearing refreshments of tea and cakes.Here we remained all the afternoon.Nux and Bryonia stood guard outside the entrance, stolidly bearing the gaze of the natives.
When the sun went down there was another period of wailing throughout the camp; but the noise soon ceased.Shortly afterward one of our escort, who understood a few words of English, came to us with an invitation to join “the noble governor and the great Wi-to” at the evening banquet.
I inquired who the “great Wi-to” might be, and was told that he was the Chief Eunuch and Supreme Ruler of the palace of Prince Kai, and the most important personage, in short, in Kwang-Kai-Nong after the illustrious governor.
When we entered the banquet tent we found about twenty of the most important Kaitos assembled.A circle of low wicker tables stood in the center of the tent, with rugs spread before them.At one side, in the center of a small group, stood Mai Lo, arrayed in splendid costume, and beside him stood a slender, stooping individual with a smooth shaven face, whose magnificent robes caused even those of the governor to appear plain.Around his neck was a chain of superb rubies.When Mai Lo, in a pompous and somewhat haughty tone, presented us to Wi-to, the Chief Eunuch gave us a whimsical look and raised a pair of bright, intelligent eyes to meet our own.
“The strangers are welcome,” he said in a low, soft tone—the first speech I had heard from a Chinaman that was not harsh and rasping since my conversation with Prince Kai.His English was not so perfect as that of the Prince, but much smoother than Mai Lo’s, and it gave me a sense of relief to find another English-speaking personage in this far-off country.
My notion of eunuchs had been that they were fierce creatures of powerful build, usually Ethiopians, and greatly to be feared.I had heard tales of their absolute power in the palaces of the nobles, and that even the mighty Empress Tsi An had failed to curb the influence of her palace eunuchs.So it pleased me to find Wi-to more agreeable in manner and speech than the imperturbable governor, and I answered him as pleasantly as I could, saying:
“We have come on a sad mission, your Highness; to escort the remains of your master and our beloved friend to his old home.Had the Prince not requested us to come here, we should not have ventured to intrude upon you at this unhappy moment.”
I did not know whether it was proper to address the Chief Eunuch as “your Highness” or not; but perhaps the compliment pleased him, for he smiled, then screwed up his face into a semblance of grief, then smiled again.
“We are deeply grieved and inconsolable,” said he, cheerfully.“The illustrious and royal Prince Kai, whose memory I serve as faithfully as I did his person, has lived at Kai-Nong but little since he was a boy, and we had hoped that upon his return he would command the affairs of his province and become a mighty Viceroy of the Celestial and August Emperor.But he has passed on to a greater Empire.”
Mai Lo now summoned us to the feast in a voice that I thought a trifle impatient; but the eunuch paid no attention.He was examining Archie as he had me, and asked him how he liked China.
“I don’t want to be impolite,” said the bluff Archie, “and perhaps this country is all right for the people who live here; but for my part I prefer America.”
“That is natural,” returned Wi, laughing; “and curiously enough, Prince Kai had the same idea, or rather he preferred any part of Europe to his old home.Did my duties permit, I too would travel.”
Mai Lo called again, and the eunuch turned and nodded.Then he said to Joe:
“I hope the journey has not tired the friend of my Prince?”
“I’m as fresh as a daisy,” said Joe.“But I can hardly call the Prince my friend, although I knew and liked him.Sam, here, was the especial friend of Prince Kai.”
That was what the shrewd eunuch had wanted to find out.He turned good-naturedly toward the governor and asked his pardon for the delay, in English.
When we seated ourselves upon the rugs, I found that I was at the right hand of the Chief Eunuch and Joe at his left.Archie sat next me, and far away on the other side squatted Mai Lo, with dignified Kaitos on either side of him.
The meal was excellently prepared and served, though I had no idea of what the dishes consisted.Wi-to plied me with questions concerning the death of the Prince and the details of his accident.I gave him the story as clearly as I could, and our conversation, held in low tones, did not interrupt the chatter in Chinese going on around us.I asked Wi-to where he learned to speak English, and he said that Prince Kai had taught him.
“It is an excellent language to converse in, and easier than our own,” said he, “for it is much more simple.And when my Prince and I talked together no listeners could understand what he said.That is a great convenience in palace life, I assure you.”
Two things of importance impressed themselves upon me during this interview.One was the fact that the Chief Eunuch was not afraid of Mai Lo, and was rather inclined to snub the governor, and the other that Wi-to seemed disposed to be friendly toward us.
Joe observed another fact that escaped me, and that was the evident disfavor with which all the nobles present regarded the eunuch.They treated him with great respect, but shunned his society, and Joe declared that we had forfeited the general regard by hobnobbing with him.
This was disconcerting, at first, but when I came to think it over I decided that it was best for us to be on a friendly footing with Wi-to, whatever the others might think of us.For he was in command of the palace, and the palace was to be the scene of our adventures.Mai Lo we knew to be opposed to us, and therefore a friend such as the Chief Eunuch was not to be despised.
After the feast, which lasted far into the night, we all went out and joined the throng which had congregated before the tent where the supposed body of Prince Kai lay in state.There an interesting ceremony was performed.First there was much wailing, grief being expressed in childish “boo-hoos” accompanied by the clang of cymbals and gongs.The uproar was deafening for a time, but gradually subsided.Then the people advanced one by one to the entrance of the tent and there burned papers cut into queer shapes.These papers represented the things Prince Kai might need while his spirit was wandering in the land of the Genii, and consisted of chairs, tables, chests, wearing apparel, jewelry, nuts, fruit and the like.Many sheets of gold and silver tinsel were likewise burned, the idea being to supply the Prince with wealth to purchase whatever he might need in the mysterious country to which he had gone.
The ceremony was interesting, as I said; but it grew tedious, and we were glad when it was over and we were permitted to retire to our tent for the night.
Early next morning the procession was formed for the journey to Kai-Nong, the capital city of the province.
The casket of the Prince was loaded upon a magnificent elephant, which was caparisoned from head to foot with silken streamers and bunting of gorgeous colors.No one now rode beside the casket, but a guard of three score warriors, each with the emblem of the Sacred Ape embroidered upon the breast of his tunic, formed a cordon around the elephant and marched solemnly beside it.
Following the royal elephant came that of the governor, Mai Lo, and then five elephants bearing the most important nobles.After these came our own elephant, and behind it that of Wi-to, the Chief Eunuch.A troop of horsemen, good riders and martial looking fellows, followed in our wake, and in the rear were our former escort and the baggage animals.
Before the royal elephant and its guards was a motley crowd of natives beating gongs, clashing cymbals and wailing their nerve-racking “boo-hoos.”As we proceeded, men left their fields and gardens and the wayside houses and joined these mourners, so that by noon there was a black mob ahead of us for a quarter of a mile, all wailing and making as much noise as they could—which I assure you was considerable.
I was glad to be in the rear and as far away from the mourners as possible, and it was with great relief that I saw before us, as we mounted a slight eminence, the white walls of a great city.Behind it towered the nearest peaks of the Himalayas, still many miles distant, and the scene was picturesque and impressive.
Another hour’s riding brought us to the gates of the city, and here the mob halted and redoubled its clamor while we all passed through.
But now we found fresh crowds of the citizens awaiting us with tom-toms, cymbals and gongs, and these caught up the wails of those outside and made more noise than ever.The streets through which we passed were broad and smooth, and lined with substantial dwellings of stone.On either side of the streets, as we passed, were rows of prostrate forms scattering dust upon their heads as evidence of grief for the death of their prince.The bazaars were closed and the entire city of Kai-Nong seemed in mourning.We afterward learned that the capital contains three hundred thousand inhabitants, and is one of the most prosperous cities of northwestern China.
We had ridden fully a half hour through the streets, our ears saluted every instant with the deafening and discordant notes of grief, when at last we reached a vast garden surrounded by a high wall.
Here we halted, being confronted by a group of officials headed by the Fuh-yin, or mayor of the city.He evidently delivered an oration of much power, judging from its length and the groans from our party which interspersed it.At its conclusion Mai Lo made a brief reply from his seat on the elephant.At the end of this the Fuh-yin and his officials prostrated themselves while the royal elephant bore the casket through a huge ornamental gateway into the gardens.
And now, to my surprise, the elephant of the Chief Eunuch pressed forward and that officer took the position of honor in the procession—immediately following the casket.The guards, too, fell away and remained outside the walls, while only the elephant of Mai Lo and our own were permitted to pass the gateway.
But once inside the gardens we saw that a new escort had been provided for the royal remains.Sixty gorgeously appareled men, armed with scimitars and broad axes, formed a circle around the elephant that bore the casket and prepared to guard it.They were stalwart, erect fellows, of proud bearing but evil and ferocious countenances, and each wore a yellow turban coiled upon his head, with a golden clasp, in effigy of the Sacred Ape, fastening the folds just above the forehead.
These were the eunuchs, the palace guards, or servants and attendants of the harem.For now we were within the palace grounds, and Wi-to had assumed command of the procession.
The wailing and clamor died away to a faint murmur behind us as we wound in and out by intricate paths between stately trees and beside beds of brilliant flowers; but from afar at moments we still heard the sounds of grief, which were continued in the city until midnight.
The gardens were of astonishing extent and were artistically planned and carefully tended.The trees and shrubbery were thick in places.We emerged from their shade to find beautiful gardens of flowers surrounding us.Once in a while I caught glimpses of the buildings, which seemed very ornate and constructed mainly of teak, mahogany and dressed stone, all with tiled roofs, curved and serrated.
At last we deployed into a broad space at the foot of a green mound, upon which stood the palace and outbuildings, rambling structures so numerous and extensive that they presented almost the appearance of a village.
The main building was a splendid one.Polished stone formed the walls, and blue tiles the many gabled, turreted and curved intricacies of the roof.Carved teakwood covered the face of the stone in many places.At the great portico of the entrance the carving was elaborate almost beyond relief.
From the mound to the broad space where we had halted were terraces with many steps leading up to the palace, and at intervals on these steps were urns of graceful design, statues of wood and bronze and lamps of artistic ironwork.
We all dismounted here, and the mahouts led away the elephants.Some of the eunuchs bore the casket of the Prince up the broad steps of the terrace, while Wi-to bowed low, first to the Governor and then to us, and welcomed us to the Royal House of Kai.
Followed by Nux and Bryonia, who never relaxed their vigilance over us, we three boys attended the governor and the Chief Eunuch to the entrance of the palace—the first foreigners to step foot in this retired stronghold of an ancient race.
At the carved portico Mai Lo turned and regarded us intently, and then began a long lingo in Chinese to which the eunuch listened carefully.
The casket had disappeared through the entrance; the army of eunuchs had melted away and disappeared; we seemed quite alone with these two natives, one of whom we knew distrusted and hated us.
The result of the conversation was that we were shown into a broad, lofty hall just within the entrance and asked to seat ourselves until rooms could be prepared for our accommodation.
The Chief Eunuch, who made this request, looked at us shrewdly and with an expression more grave and reserved than he had yet shown us, and then turned and entered a side room in company with the governor.
We were much annoyed at this discourteous treatment.It was now the middle of the afternoon, and we had eaten nothing since breakfast, at daybreak.Wi-to certainly should have given us some food before leaving us to sit in the hall awaiting his convenience.The pretence of preparing rooms for us was absurd.With such an army of servants the palace should have been, and doubtless was, perfectly appointed.But here we were, seated upon stiff carved sofas in the great hall of the palace, and here we must remain until it suited Mai Lo and the eunuch to relieve us.
The magnificence of the palace aroused our admiration in spite of our annoyance.The floor was tiled and covered here and there with costly rugs; the woodwork everywhere was elaborately carved, and every nook and corner was crowded with rare ornaments and bric-à-brac, art treasures which would have filled the soul of a collector with envy.On one face of the wall was a display of ancient armor and weapons inlaid with gold and silver and set with precious gems. At either side of the entrance stood a huge bronze figure of the Sacred Ape, its grinning jaws filled with ivory teeth and its eyes set with immense rubies.
We had ample leisure to look around us, for no one came to our relief during the next hour.Also we had time to discuss our situation.
“What do you think it all means, boys?”I asked.
“Looks as if they had allowed us to come this far so that they might murder us,” answered Archie, frowning.
“Mai Lo must have said something to the Chief Eunuch that turned him against us,” remarked Joe.
“That’s my idea,” I said; “but if I get a chance I intend to put a spoke in Mai Lo’s wheel.We’ve got to win the good will of the eunuch or we’re done for.He seems to have unlimited power in the palace.”
“Do you think Mai Lo has said anything about the—the body?”whispered Archie, glancing suspiciously around.“Speak low, fellows; we don’t know how many ears may be listening behind that carving.”
“I’m quite sure Mai Lo won’t betray his own secret,” said I.“He has probably warned the eunuch not to trust us, as we might steal the whole palace.”
Joe had started to reply when a door opened and Mai Lo entered the hall and approached us.
“Why are we kept here waiting?”I demanded, trying to control my temper.“I won’t stand such treatment, Mai Lo, I assure you.We must be treated with proper respect or something unpleasant is going to happen.”
He looked at me steadily.
“Brave words,” said he.
“But we have deeds to back them,” retorted Joe.
“You’ll force us to ruin if you’re not careful, Gov’nor,” added Archie, savagely.
“Yes,” said I, as if the idea had just occurred to me; “if you think to play us false, Mai Lo, it will cost you your life.”
He turned his glassy eyes from one to the other of us, and when I had finished he asked, quietly:
“Will you make a compact with me?”
“We have one already,” I replied, “deposited at the American consul’s office, at Shanghai.”
“But that is so far away,” he said significantly.
“What then?”I demanded.
“Will you promise not to talk about what has occurred?”
“What will you promise in return?”
“To send you safely back to Shanghai at once—tomorrow.”
“We intend to remain here some time.”
“You cannot remain here alive.”
“Indeed!”I exclaimed.“If that is your game I will expose you now—to the Chief Eunuch.”
“You will not see him again,” said Mai Lo, slowly, “unless you promise to return at once to Shanghai.”
“We are the guests of your Prince for a full year, if we care to remain.Dare you oppose your Prince’s orders?”I inquired.
“I am now the supreme power in this principality,” he replied.
I turned to my comrades.
“What do you say, boys?”I asked.
“Don’t give in,” said Archie.
“Let’s fight it out,” observed Joe, promptly.
“Then your lives shall be the forfeit,” announced Mai Lo, and before we could stop him he blew a shrill blast upon a little silver whistle that hung around his neck.
But I saw the action and motioned to Nux and Bry.Instantly my blacks had pounced upon the governor and drawn him behind us, holding him secure, while from a dozen nooks about the hall sprang eunuchs with drawn scimitars, who ran swiftly toward us.
As the foremost approached I stepped forward and cried out:
They knew no English, but they comprehended the action, and paused irresolutely.
“Order them away, Mai Lo,” growled Archie.“Quick, you yellow monkey, or I’ll put a bullet through your head!”
“Hold on, Archie,” I called, still facing the eunuchs.Then I showed them the ring of Prince Kai and said sternly:
They understood at a glance, and lowering their weapons, bowed humbly before me.Then one of them ran up the hall and disappeared, while we stood motionless in our places.Mai Lo was held fast by the blacks, Archie and Joe stood behind me with drawn revolvers and I faced the band of eunuchs.
Wi-to suddenly entered and came hastily toward us.
“What is the meaning of this?”he asked, taking in the scene at a glance.
“Mai Lo has been hasty and summoned your men by mistake,” I answered.“He wishes you to send them away.”
Wi looked at the captive governor, who stood motionless with Archie’s revolver pointed directly at his left ear, and then the eunuch smiled as if amused.
“Is this true, most noble Governor?”he inquired.
“It is true,” answered Mai Lo, calmly.
Then Wi laughed outright and clapped his hands.The men disappeared as if by magic.
At a signal from me the blacks released Mai Lo, who deliberately rearranged his clothing.
“I want a personal conversation with you, Wi-to,” I said; “but first of all we want something to eat, and proper entertainment.”
“Are you not the slaves of Mai Lo?”he asked.
“No; we are his masters.”
Again I showed the ring of Prince Kai, and the effect was to send the Chief Eunuch to his knees before me.
“We are the friends and representatives of your dead master,” I continued, “and are here to carry out his orders.Mai Lo knows this perfectly well, for Prince Kai ordered him to obey me as he would his royal master, and he himself witnessed with his signature the authority I bear.But he does not seem inclined to respect this order for some reason of his own; so I appeal to you to protect and assist us.”
The eunuch rose and bowed gravely.
“Your orders shall be obeyed,” he said.
“Not so,” interrupted a harsh voice from the governor.“The ring was stolen from me on the journey here.”
“I can disprove that statement,” said I, easily, “and I am surprised that Mai Lo, who is so soon to commit suicide, would dare to speak falsely.Give us some food, Wi-to, and then we can talk further of this matter.But I won’t have the governor present at the interview.”
The eunuch nodded and turned away.
“Follow me, if you please,” said he.
After being profusely fed we were ready for an important interview with Wi-to; an interview that was to determine our standing in the Royal House of Kai.
The governor had left us in the hall and we had not seen him since; but as it was now to be open warfare between us we did not care what his future intentions might be.
The Chief Eunuch had forborne to question us while we ate, and appeared unusually thoughtful; but when we rose he ushered us into a little room on the main floor which seemed to be his private office.It was luxuriously furnished and we were given comfortable chairs.
Nux and Bryonia accompanied us here, as they did everywhere; but Wi-to seemed to disregard the precaution of having any of his own men present at the interview.
He offered us cigars, and when we refused he lighted one himself and leaned back in his chair.
“What proof have you that the ring of Prince Kai was not stolen?”he asked.
For answer I took the Prince’s letter of authority from my pocketbook and handed it to him to read.
He perused it carefully and with a grave countenance; then folded the paper, pressed it to his forehead and returned it to me.
“The Prince is my master, whether he is here in the flesh or wandering in the land of the Genii,” said the eunuch.“He has given to you, Sam Steele, the power to command his servants, and I, as one of the most faithful of these, will obey you, even for the term of one year.But much has happened since my noble master died, and Mai Lo has told me strange things about you, which, if true, would annul even the authority of the great Prince Kai.Let us talk together; tell me all that I do not know.”
“You have heard how the Prince was injured, and how we brought him to our ship and cared for him until he died,” said I.
“Now, before Prince Kai died, there were certain matters he wished to attend to.At his palace in Kai-Nong were some possessions he wanted taken to England and America and given to friends in those countries, that they might cherish his memory.There were some papers in his yamen here that he wished to destroy, that no eyes might read them.There were some of his servants here that he wished to reward for faithful service.All this he asked me and my two friends to do for him, in his name and by his authority; and we promised Prince Kai Lun Pu it should be done.”
The eunuch had listened carefully, and I had tried to be as direct in speech as I could, realizing that to make any blunder at this time would prove fatal to our plans.
“Why did not the Prince ask his governor to do all this?Has not Mai Lo been a faithful servant and followed his master to the ends of the earth?”asked Wi-to.
“The Prince was very wise,” I said.
“He was very wise,” repeated Wi-to, nodding.
“He had traveled far and learned many things.”
“It is true.”
“Also he had learned how to read men’s hearts, and he saw that the heart of Mai Lo had changed since he had mixed with foreign people, and become acquainted with foreign ways.Therefore the Prince no longer trusted Mai Lo.”
“Yet Mai Lo has been faithful and brought the body of his master many thousand li, that it may rest in peace in the halls of his ancestors,” remarked Wi.
“True,” I acknowledged.
“Had the governor wished to be faithless he could have remained in foreign lands and so preserved his life.By returning here he is forced, as soon as his affairs and those of his Prince are arranged, to kill himself—or be killed,” said the eunuch, thoughtfully.
“He has done all this,” I replied, “and Prince Kai, who distrusted him, expected him to act in this way.For the governor is very crafty and full of tricks.To remain abroad would make him a poor man.Mai Lo wants to be rich, and to pass his life in Europe, with many slaves and all the luxuries of the Western civilization.So Prince Kai said to me that the governor would come back to Kai-Nong, to get much treasure and with it flee from this empire to Europe.”
Wi-to seemed genuinely astonished.
“Where could Mai Lo get such treasure?”he asked.
“His duty is to convert all the fortune of Prince Kai into cash and deposit it in the ancestral chih, or tombs.”
The eunuch laughed.
“Prince Kai has squandered all his fortune,” said he.“Outside of what his palace contains there is little or nothing to convert into cash.”
I own I was astonished at this statement, but I tried not to show it, and continued:
“Among other duties, Mai Lo is to seal up the ancestral chih, and destroy all traces of its existence.Listen now, Wi-to, for this is the important thing that was in the mind of Prince Kai; he declared to me that Mai Lo would rob his ancestral halls of the great treasures deposited there during the past ages.”
“Impossible!”gasped the eunuch, staring at me in amazement.
“Mai Lo is no Shintoist,” I explained.“His travels have made him a renegade and taught him to despise the religion of his ancestors.He has no intention of committing suicide, according to the traditions of your people.Nor will he allow the vast treasures of the House of Kai to remain sealed up in the burial halls when he has the power to enrich himself with them.His power as governor of this province will enable him to make secret arrangements to fly to Shanghai or Hong-Kong, and from there to leave China forever and carry his stolen wealth with him.”
The eunuch arose and paced the floor thoughtfully.He was much agitated at what I had said and was pondering my words carefully.
“You have no faith in Mai Lo, yourself,” I suggested, watching him closely.“You know in your heart he is treacherous and false, just as the noble Prince knew it.”
Suddenly he sat down and his brow cleared.
“You must be right,” he said.
“That is why Prince Kai employed comparative strangers to do his bidding,” I went on.“We had not known him long, but he believed he could trust us, and so he gave me his letter of authority and his ring, that we might receive the support of his faithful servants in the tasks we have undertaken.”
“And you think I will side with you against the powerful governor?”asked the Chief Eunuch.
“I am sure you will; and the Prince was sure,” I answered, confidently.
“But I can destroy you foreigners with a word, and sweep you from my path.Then I can make an alliance with Mai Lo and together we could rob the ancestral halls and escape to some other country to enjoy the wealth.Yes, yes!It is a pretty plan, and we could do it easily.”
“But you will not,” said Joe, while I stared aghast at the eunuch.
“Why not?”he asked, turning to the boy with a curious expression upon his face.
“In the first place,” replied Joe, “you are a faithful and true servant, or Prince Kai, who knew men’s hearts, would not have made you his Chief Eunuch.From what I have seen of your followers I believe you are the only gentleman of the whole lot.”
“I also am a eunuch,” said Wi.“I am of lowly birth, and as a child my parents sold me to the House of Kai to become a eunuch.My consent was not asked.Why should I be faithful to my masters?”
“It’s your nature,” asserted Joe.“I said you were a gentleman, and so you are, as we Americans accept the word.With us a gentleman is he who behaves as a gentleman should; not a person highly born.But there is still another reason.A eunuch is of no use in the world outside of his own province.Here you have power.In Europe you would be despised and insulted.You don’t know the big outside world, and you would be unhappy there, in spite of your wealth.”
“You’d feel like a fish out of water,” added Archie, nodding.
Wi-to laughed, and the laugh was not forced, but merry and spontaneous.
“Again you are right!”said he.“My Prince offered twice to take me away with him to see the outside world, and I refused—for the very reasons you have given.Now I will ask another question.Why should I not divide the treasure with Mai Lo and remain here to enjoy it?No one would know where my wealth came from.”
“I cannot answer that,” said I, musingly; “if you are faithless enough to do such a thing.”
“He is not faithless,” persisted Joe.
“Then you are answered, Wi-to,” I declared, laughing.
“I see I must answer my own question,” said the eunuch.“This estate will become the property of the Celestial and August Emperor, because Prince Kai left no heir to inherit it.It may stand for many years unoccupied, and in that case I may lead a life of ease and be the real master here.If the Celestial and August Emperor should bestow this estate and palace upon some mandarin or high official, it is the custom to retain the services of the Chief Eunuch who has before ruled the household.So, in any event, I have no incentive to be faithless.”
“Will you allow Mai Lo to carry out his plan to rob the ancestral halls?”inquired Archie.
“No.You are right in thinking that the governor and I are not friends, for he has tried to interfere with my rights, and that I will allow no man to do.Outside the palace walls Mai Lo commands the province of Kwang-Kai-Nong; within this enclosure my word is law.But he has one privilege within my domain which I cannot refuse him.By virtue of his office he is the sole protector of the chih, or ancestral halls of the House of Kai.He alone has the right to enter there, now that the noble Prince Kai has gone to the Genii.For myself, although I have guarded the entrance for many years, I have never seen the interior of the building, nor do I know the way to the vaults beneath it.But although Mai Lo may enter the halls he must not remove any of the treasure that belongs to those ancestors of the House of Kai that lie buried there.It will be my business to prevent that.”
“Very good,” said I.“And now, Wi-to, since you have seen the written instructions of Prince Kai, how do you intend to treat us who are here to represent his interests?”
“You shall be honored guests in this palace,” was the prompt reply.
“And will you protect us from the governor?”inquired Joe.
“While you are inside the palace enclosure you shall be safely guarded from Mai Lo and all other enemies.But remember my power does not extend beyond this fu.”
With that he clapped his hands together and two eunuchs stepped forward from behind a screen, so silently that their appearance startled me.Speaking rapidly, Wi issued some orders to his men in Chinese, and then turned again to us.
“If the suite of rooms I have placed at your disposal is not satisfactory,” said he, “you may have your choice of any the palace contains, excepting only the royal apartments.Your meals will be served in your own rooms at such hours as you direct, and whatever you may desire I shall be prompt to provide.This man,” indicating the taller of the two eunuchs, “is instructed to devote himself to your service.His name is Tun; he is a Manchu and will be faithful.Tomorrow, if you desire, I will myself show you through the palace and the gardens.”
“We thank you, Wi-to,” said I.
And then the eunuchs led the way and we followed them back into the great hall, up the elaborate winding stairway and along several passages until we came to a richly carved door.Tun opened this and motioned us to enter.
So we went in, followed by Nux and Bryonia; but the eunuchs remained outside.
I am not much acquainted with palaces, but I venture to state that those of European countries are not more magnificent, even when inhabited by royalty, than that of this Manchu prince of the ancient line of Kai.It is a mistake to think that the Chinese are half civilized, or wholly uncivilized, as I myself had carelessly considered them until I visited their Empire.They boast a civilization older than any other existent nation; they were cultured, artistic and learned thousands of years before the Christian Era, and while the inventions and clever utilities of our modern Western civilization give us advantages in many ways over the Chinese, we cannot withhold our respect and admiration for the accomplishments of this ancient and substantial race.
Our suite was so luxurious as to astonish us.It consisted of ten rooms, five being sleeping rooms furnished in carved teakwood, mahogany and rosewood.The bedsteads and other furniture were marvels of intricate carving, and statues, vases and ornaments were everywhere.The floors were strewn with costly rugs and the walls hung with priceless tapestries.We called it the “Kite Suite,” because these tapestries bore many scenes in which kites were flying.
We judged from the parting speech of Wi-to that we were not expected to leave our apartments again that day, so we passed the evening in perfecting our plans of procedure and discussing ways to further our important undertaking.So far we had prospered in our adventure as well as we could possibly expect.Mai Lo had exhibited considerable foolishness and lack of foresight in his opposition to us, and we were learning to despise the mandarin’s enmity.But the Chief Eunuch was more sagacious and discerning, and, as Prince Kai had warned us, he would have no hesitation in cutting us down if he discovered us robbing the ancestral halls of Kai.So we knew that we must plan shrewdly in order to deceive Wi-to, and that above all we must retain his confidence and good will.
We talked long over our plans, but found that we could not map out a definite program without knowing more of the palace and its surroundings.And much must be left to chance and circumstance.
Our meals were served in one of the rooms of our suite.The food provided was not such as we were accustomed to at home, but it was deliciously cooked and seasoned, and many of the dishes we learned to enjoy with relish.The meal of that evening will serve as a sample of the dinners we ate while in Prince Kai’s palace:
First, there was tea—and last, there was tea.But the first tea was followed by shark-fin soup, pigeon-egg stew, bacon fritters with egg batter, shredded duck, pickled watermelon seeds, fried mush of almond meal, chicken combs, stewed mushrooms, almond cream custard, spiced shellfish, bird’s-nest pudding, olives and nuts, chicken soup, fresh fish boiled and then mashed after the bones had been removed, snow fungus, brains of yellow-fish, water lily seeds, some mysterious sweets, and queer cakes, and then tea.I ought to say that every course was also a rice course, because a bowl of rice was placed in front of each one of us and kept full by the attendants throughout the meal.Also we were served, between teas, a sickish sweet wine which was warm and sparkling, but which none of us could drink.The Chinese use their fingers a good deal in eating; and, instead of finger-bowls, the attendants pass us from time to time towels that had been dipped in hot water.The funny part of it was that our only implements were ivory chop-sticks, and we had much amusement in trying to use these, until our man Tun perceived our difficulties and brought us some Syrian spoons, inlaid with gold, which had probably been purchased by some Kai as curiosities.With these we made out very well.
The palace seemed to throng with eunuchs.There had been sixty in the procession, but those were not all the palace contained.When our meals were served there was a eunuch to wait upon each one of us, and a dozen more to carry in and remove the dishes.These men were invariably respectful and even humble, but they were an ill-looking crew, and we were never at ease in their presence.
As none of Wi’s men seemed able to speak English, except Tun, and he very imperfectly, the Chief Eunuch himself came to us in the morning.He asked whether we would like to examine the palace and grounds.We accepted the invitation with alacrity.
Proceeding down the passage we turned a circular elbow where hung a splendid tapestry on which was represented the Earth Dragon, with its coils encircling the figure of a woman, who struggled vainly to escape.The horrible grinning teeth of the monster were close to her despairing face, and my heart beat fast as I recognized this tapestry as the one Prince Kai had told us concealed the secret door to his sleeping chamber.
Archie and Joe recognized it, too, and I feared their significant looks might attract the notice of Wi; but he had no knowledge of the secret himself and so proceeded calmly along the main passage.
Presently we came to an elaborately carved doorway, above which was an ivory fish, with two horns upon its head.Before this doorway stood a sleepy looking eunuch who saluted his chief as we passed by.
“This,” said Wi, “is the entrance to the Suite of the Horned Fish, the royal apartments.I am sorry I cannot allow you to see them, but entrance is prohibited except to those of the royal line of Kai.Opposite, however, is the Suite of the Pink Blossoms, and that is well worth your inspection.”We entered many suites on this upper floor of the palace, and admired their splendor and magnificence.Then we descended the great stairway and inspected the state and family apartments, the royal dining hall, and many other rooms, all gorgeous beyond description.The wealth of bronzes, paintings, ornaments and tapestries was wonderful, and was doubtless the accumulation of centuries of cultured and wealthy princes of Kai.
We passed out at the rear of the palace.A stately flower-garden filled the space between the main building and the numerous outbuildings.All these were located upon the mound, and there were many handsome trees and curious shrubs to lend beauty and shade to the scene.The outbuildings were interesting and consisted of the storehouses, the artisan’s home, the artist’s house, the house of the weavers, the kitchens and the servants’ quarters.Also there were several beautiful summer-houses and retreats, pagoda-shaped and very cool and inviting.
On the further slope of the mound we observed an odd-looking pagoda built of stone pillars supporting a yellow-tiled roof, above which floated many gay pennants.As we drew near we found the central part to consist of a circle of stout brass bars, within which were imprisoned a dozen or more gigantic apes.The beasts set up a series of sharp, barking cries as we approached, and when we stood before the cage they sprang at the bars and shook them angrily, as if they longed to escape and tear us to pieces.Never have I beheld such fierce and horrible beasts as these.Wi-to, who first made obeisance and then stood calmly looking at them, explained that they were the Sacred Apes of the House of Kai, and were tended with reverent care, having their own corps of servants to minister to them.
They were covered with short gray hairs and their limbs were remarkably powerful.Their eyes were bright and fierce, but gleamed with intelligence.Among them I noticed one enormous fellow who seemed to dominate the band.He did not attack the bars as did the others, but squatted in the center of the cage, with his head slightly bent forward and his grinning teeth wickedly displayed.
“This is the King Ape, Fo-Chu by name,” said Wi, seeing my eyes fixed upon this dreadful creature.“He is very old—some say a hundred years—and his strength equals his age; Fo-Chu has nine executions to his credit in my own time; how many he has killed since he came here I cannot guess.”
“Who were his victims?”I asked, with a shudder, as the cruel eyes of the King Ape chanced to meet mine.
“His attendants, usually.But there is a story of how Kai-Tu-Ghai, the grandfather of our late Prince, wearying of life because of dissensions in his harem, opened the door of this cage and shook hands with Fo-Chu.When they found Kai-Tu-Ghai he was nothing but shreds, for the King Ape had lapped up every drop of his blood.”
“What a horrible death!”I exclaimed.
“Of course this added to the importance of Fo-Chu,” continued Wi, with a slight smile, “for he was afterward held more sacred than before, containing, as he does, the soul of Kai-Tu-Ghai.That is why he is the King Ape and the most sacred of all the band, for in him still lives the spirit of an ancestor of the House of Kai, and it is believed that Fo-Chu will live to the end of the world and protect the fortunes of this royal house.When he kills an attendant we say that Kai-Tu-Ghai was angry, as it is his privilege to be, and what is left of the slave is buried with high honor.”
We were glad to turn away from these disgusting and fearful creatures, and Archie asked our conductor:
“Is there a harem connected with the palace?”
“Of course,” said Wi; “but you are not permitted to visit it.”
“Had the late Prince many wives?”inquired Joe.
“He had none at all.In the harem lives his sister, a young girl but sixteen years of age.Her mother is long since dead, but she has nine aunts, now well advanced in years, to keep her company.They were the wives of Kai-Tien, the father of Prince Kai Lun Pu.”
“And was the Prince fond of his sister?”I asked, remembering that he had never mentioned her.
“He scarcely knew her.She was a mere child when he went to England, and during his brief visits to Kai-Nong afterward he seldom entered the harem.”
“Will she inherit none of his property?”asked Archie.
“She inherits nothing.But she is entitled to a home in the harem as long as she lives, and our Celestial and August Emperor will doubtless attend to her welfare.Nor-Ghai, as she is named, is quite beautiful, and she will be presented to the Most Serene Emperor as a candidate for his harem, in a few months.”
This was almost as horrible as the story of the King Ape, and I was glad our approach to a beautiful building put an end to the conversation.
We had descended from the mound and passed through a grove of willow trees, finding before us the edifice I have referred to.It was very ornamental in design, and was built almost entirely of bamboo wands polished to a mirror-like surface.The workmanship was everywhere exquisite, and the carving so delicate and flowerlike that I was amazed.The building was not extensive, being perhaps thirty feet square, and on each of its four sides was a flight of steps leading up to a platform before an entrance.
“Oh,” said I, “this must be the House of Ancestors.”
“You are right,” said a harsh voice beside me, and turning I beheld the expressionless, putty-like countenance of Mai Lo.He reminded me of “old Death’s-Head” more forcibly than ever, and I was not at all pleased to have him intrude upon us.
“What are you doing here?”I demanded angrily.
“This is my domain,” he replied, with a sweep of his arm.“I rule the Ancestral Halls as their especial guardian.”
“You ought to be the Keeper of the Sacred Apes,” I retorted, with a sneer.
“That is my function also,” quietly answered Mai Lo.
Somewhat at a loss how to proceed I turned again to gaze at the Ancestral Halls which were to play so important a part in our adventures.A guard paced slowly up and down before each entrance; not one of the eunuchs, but a soldier in handsome costume and armed with a naked scimitar.
“Do you live in the palace grounds?”Joe asked the governor.
“My residence is there,” said Mai Lo, pointing to a large, substantial building some distance away.“Prince Kai desired me to live near to the Ancestral Halls.I have another house outside the walls, in the city.”
“Where is the body of Prince Kai?”suddenly demanded Archie.
“It already rests in the chih of his ancestors.”
“Then you will seal up the vaults at once and tear down this beautiful building?”I asked.
“Very soon.When the business of the estate is settled,” replied Mai Lo.
“And then?”I continued.
The governor did not reply, but I saw a smile curl the thin lips of the Chief Eunuch.
“Then,” said Archie, carelessly, “Mai Lo will put a dagger into his heart and join his prince in the Land of the Genii, as a faithful servant should.”
Mai Lo turned his glassy eyes upon the speaker, but said nothing.Evidently it was not pleasant to be reminded of such a duty, and Archie did not gain in popularity with the noble governor by his speech.But we were growing to despise Mai Lo, and cared little what he thought behind the impassive mask of his parchment-like features.
“I should like to see the inside of that building,” remarked Joe.
“It is forbidden,” was the abrupt reply.“No one but Prince Kai and I has been inside it during this generation.”
“Then how do we know that the body of Prince Kai rests in the tombs of his ancestors?”I asked, maliciously, for I liked to annoy the noble governor.
“It is not required of you to know that, or any other business of this province,” returned Mai Lo.“I alone am responsible, and none dares interfere with my duties.You are here on sufferance, young men; the sufferance of Wi-to, who is making a mistake in harboring you.If you abuse the hospitality extended you, I shall hold Wi-to responsible.”
“Hardly that, most wise and noble Governor,” returned Wi-to, quietly.“Your name is signed to the order given these young men by Prince Kai himself.”
“I did not read the paper.”
“You were not required to read it,” retorted the eunuch, smiling.“Your signature merely vouches for the genuineness of the illustrious Prince’s order.I but obey that order.Those responsible are, first of all, the Royal Prince, himself; and in his absence, Mai Lo, his legal representative.”
It was now the turn of Wi-to to receive the glassy stare of the governor; but as Mai Lo made no reply in words we considered that the eunuch had scored a point.
We now saluted the governor and retired to the mound of the palace, where he did not attempt to follow us.
“It is unfortunate,” said Wi-to, thoughtfully, “that there are two rulers here with powers so intermingled that there is likely to be friction between them.It is the fault of our beloved Prince, who intrusted the hereditary governor of his province with more honors than are customary.But, alas!Mai Lo will soon sleep with his ancestors, and his son Mai Tchin will rule in his place.”
“So the governor has a family,” I remarked.
“Yes.Mai Tchin is better than his father, but weak and undecided in character.Also he has a daughter, Mai Mou, who is called the Pearl of Kai Nong.”
“Is she so beautiful?”asked Archie.
“So it is reported.My eyes have never been dazzled by the vision of her presence,” said the eunuch, gravely.
“I thought Chinese women were not confined so closely to the harems,” I remarked.
“They are not,” was the reply.“Before they are married the women of the nobles have much freedom, and wander at will in the gardens of their home.Also the married women are allowed much freedom, and are permitted to visit one another in their sedan chairs.”
We all laughed at this, and explained to Wi-to that this did not seem any great privilege when compared to those of our American girls.But the idea of allowing girls to meet and converse with strangers did not appeal to the eunuch, who thought that Americans must take very little interest in their female chattels to guard them so carelessly.
When we got back to the palace Wi took us to his own room and said:
“You are permitted the freedom of the entire palace, except the royal apartments, and of the palace grounds except the Halls of Ancestors.Wander where you will, and enjoy yourselves.When you are ready to tell me the commands of our illustrious Prince, which you came here to execute, I will assist you to carry them out.But there is no need to hurry; you have a year, by command of Prince Kai Lun Pu, and I can extend further courtesy to my master’s guests if I so desire.”
Now, we had been waiting for an opportunity to speak of the matters we were here to attend to, so I said to Wi:
“Let us tell you now of the duties we are required to perform.We wish to be as frank and open with you as possible, to show we are grateful for your trust in us and your faithfulness to your master.”
He bowed low and waited for me to continue.
“You must know that our Prince made many warm friends in Europe and America, for every one loved him who knew him.He was entertained and shown many favors that he greatly appreciated.On his death-bed Kai Lun Pu remembered those friends, and wished to return the favors he had received.So he asked me and my two comrades here, to travel to his city of Kai-Nong and go to his palace here, and there select such ornaments, ivories and bronzes as might suit the pleasure of those destined to receive them.These things we were to choose from among the contents of this palace, and he charged us to carefully pack them ourselves in cases which you, Wi-to, would provide for that purpose.Then we are to carry them back to our own country and distribute the gifts to those for whom they are intended.I have a list of the names in my possession.”
I paused here, and again the eunuch bowed gravely.
“Are you to take many of the treasures and precious relics from the palace?”he asked.
“No.We are not to take anything that is of great value.But among the thousands of articles gathered here we will select modest gifts for the friends of the Prince, and you will yourself see what we have selected and advise us.If there is anything you prefer to have remain here, we will respect your wishes.The idea is not to rob the palace of its treasures; but the Prince gave us power to select whatever we pleased, so it is our desire to consult you and your pleasure in making our choice.”
He seemed pleased by this consideration on our part, and said:
“We cannot quarrel over that matter, since you are so courteous.Are there any other commands?”
“Yes.We are to get certain books that are in the rooms which were occupied by the Prince, and take them with us, to be given to His Majesty, the King of England.”
I thought it was as well to add to our importance by naming this important ruler as a friend of the Prince, and one who was to figure in this gift distribution.I did not know positively that the Prince had any books in the palace, but judged that a young man educated at the English universities would be more than likely to own something of a library.Moreover, books were heavy, and they would remove any suspicion caused by the weight of the cases we wanted to carry away.
Fortunately I had guessed correctly.The eunuch bowed gravely once more, but said:
“This is more difficult to carry out than the first order, for it is forbidden to allow any one to enter the royal apartments but the attendants.”
“We can arrange that by your bringing the books yourself to another room, where we can choose what we wish,” said Joe.
The eunuch brightened.
“Of course,” said he, “that will make the order quite easy to fulfil.”
“There is a third order,” I continued, “that will require more time and perhaps be more difficult.The Prince wished me to look over all the documents and papers contained in his private desk and destroy certain ones I am to find among them.I suppose the desk is also in the royal apartments; but that can likewise be brought to our rooms, where I may make the examination at my leisure.”
After saying this I paused to see what effect it might have.I did not know that the Prince had either a desk or papers; but again I had guessed aright.
“Have you the key to the great cabinet?”inquired Wi-to, thoughtfully.
“Prince Kai said you would furnish the key.”
This was wholly a chance shot; but it hit the mark beautifully.
“Very well,” was the reply.Then he continued: “Our illustrious and sublime Prince has indeed given you important duties to fulfil, but he was right in saying that Wi-to would assist you to do his will.”
“He was sure of your loyalty,” said I.
For a time the eunuch sat thinking upon the information I had given him.Then, suddenly raising his eyes, he inquired:
“What reward are you to have for taking this long journey, and all the trouble and expense of distributing the Prince’s gifts to his friends?”
For an instant I hesitated how to reply to this question, and I saw the anxious looks on the faces of Archie and Joe, which warned me of the importance of my reply.So I marshaled my wits and smiled at Wi-to to gain time.
The Chief Eunuch eyed me expectantly.He was a clever fellow in his way, and had more than ordinary intelligence; but all his life had been passed in this retired place and he judged people and things from his own limited point of view.He could understand how his master might wish to reward friends with costly gifts, because he had lived surrounded by rare and precious objects of art.Likewise he supposed books precious, because there were so few in the palace, and he had seen so much intrigue in his life that it was but natural that the Prince wished to destroy certain papers left in his desk before a successor obtained possession of them.But he could not understand our undertaking the commission to do these things without reward.So when I answered his question, I said:
“You must not suppose we are mercenary, or that we journeyed to Kai-Nong solely for a reward; but Prince Kai did tell us we might each select a jewel or ornament for ourselves while we were here.”
“That is just,” said the eunuch.
“But we will confess that the chief reason for favoring your Prince, aside from our friendship for him, was a love of adventure.Mai Lo paid our expenses here, and will pay to send us back if we demand it.We have his contract.But if he is not able to do that, we have funds of our own in Shanghai which we can draw upon.For, mark you, Wi-to, we are important people in our own country.”
“I am sure of that,” was the reply.“And if you have a contract with Mai Lo, he must pay to send you back to Shanghai.”
“If he is alive.But he ought to commit suicide before long.”
“Oh, I see!”exclaimed the eunuch.“You intend to compel him to do this?”
“We intend to see that he doesn’t rob the Ancestral Halls and run away with the treasure.For that reason we may remain your guests longer than would be required to execute the orders of Prince Kai, who greatly feared that Mai Lo would rob his ancestors.”
“You shall remain as long as it pleases you,” returned Wi-to, with sparkling eyes.“And you may call upon me and all my followers to assist you, in case the renegade governor tries to escape you.”
“Thanks; that was just what we expected,” I exclaimed.
Then, feeling well satisfied with our interview and our tour of inspection, we left the Chief Eunuch and returned to our own rooms.
“Do you think it wise to harp on the subject of Mai Lo’s robbing the Ancestral Halls?”asked Joe, when we were where we could not be overheard.
“Why isn’t it wise?”I asked.
“Why, the Chief Eunuch may get suspicious that something is up.”
“I want him to get suspicious of Mai Lo, and watch that old fox so carefully that he won’t get a chance to steal anything until we get through.Besides, it will relieve us of any suspicions.Wi thinks it’s impossible for us to get to the burial vaults, because our enemy the governor guards all entrances.And he’s crafty enough to believe that we wouldn’t talk about robbing the Ancestral Halls if we had any idea of doing it ourselves.”
“Sam’s right,” declared Archie.
“I think so, too,” acknowledged Joe.“But I began to fear we were overdoing the thing.Our talk about the orders of Prince Kai worked all right, didn’t it?”
“Why, it was all very reasonable to the eunuch,” I said, “and we will have no trouble in getting the packing cases to our rooms, where we can replace the ornaments and books with the treasure.”
“It looks too easy altogether,” said Archie, doubtfully.
“You must remember Prince Kai planned it all, and he knew the conditions here perfectly,” answered Joe.“I imagine our greatest difficulty will be in getting back to Shanghai.If the governor acts ugly and refuses us an escort we won’t get fifty miles without being murdered.”
“Don’t let’s worry about that,” I said, sharply, for the thought had already worried me a good deal.“That’s another bridge that needn’t be crossed till we come to it.”
We were naturally eager to explore the Ancestral Halls and see what the treasure consisted of which had been so freely given us by Prince Kai—if we could take it.It might be much or little, but judging from the wealth and magnificence of the palace the treasure buried in the vaults was likely to be ample to satisfy us.
After all, I think it was the adventure that charmed us, more than the longing for gain.We had been set a difficult task, and boylike we determined to accomplish it.
Deciding it would not be wise to make any important move for the first few days, we passed the time wandering about the palace or in the grounds.We found that Wi-to trusted us fully now, and we were allowed to do whatever we pleased without being annoyed by the watchful attendance of the eunuchs.
Wi asked me if we wanted a guard at the door of our chamber, and I promptly answered No.There was no one in the palace except ourselves and the eunuchs, and it was not necessary for them to guard us against themselves.So we were left free to come and go as we pleased; but when we wandered as far as the outer walls of the palace enclosure we found eunuchs stationed at every gateway.We did not know whether we would be allowed to pass these guards or not, but we made no attempt to do so, preferring not to trust ourselves to the mercies of our enemy the governor.
Once in awhile we encountered Mai Lo in our walks, but he kept near to the Ancestral Halls and paid no attention to us.He was supposed to be settling up the estate of his dead master, but according to our observations he seemed chiefly occupied in pacing the paths, in deep thought.However, we let him alone and kept out of his way.
It was while we were exploring an end of the garden where a thicket of fruit trees grew that we met our first real adventure.
The trees formed a regular jungle; but there seemed a well worn path between them, so we followed on, winding this way and that, until the sound of voices and laughter arrested our attention.The voices were sweet and fresh and the laughter ringing and merry.
While we paused to listen, hesitating whether to retreat or advance, a sentence in English caught our ears, and we looked at one another in surprise.Broken English it was, very quaintly and prettily uttered, and in a girl’s voice; but after hearing it none of us cared to run away.
“Seen them I have—a peep—a view only—but they were young and handsome, these foreign devils,” said the voice.
A peal of laughter greeted the remark, and the chatter went on in lower tones.
“We must be near the harem,” whispered Archie.
“Nonsense,” cautiously replied Joe.“The harem’s way back by the palace.That’s a sort of summer-house ahead of us.”
It was merely a circle of willows, with their branches mingling and interlacing to form a roof.
“If they’ve had a peep at us, whoever they are, I mean to have a peep at them,” said I; and without waiting for a reply I softly tip-toed toward the willows.
The others followed, but I did not heed them.Really I was hungry for the sight of a girl, merely to relieve the monotony of our intercourse with the harsh-featured eunuchs; but more than all I was curious.
Halting at the circle of trees I found a place where I could see the interior between the trunks, and then I paused spell-bound.
A table of woven reeds was in the center of the leafy bower, and around it were low chairs and settles of the same material.Seated at the table were three young and pretty Chinese girls—and if you think a Chinese girl cannot be pretty you should have seen this group as I saw it.
One maid was leaning on her dainty elbows over the table, on which lay an open book.She was not reading it, but looking earnestly at another maid half reclining upon a bench opposite.Her eyes were dark and smiling, her teeth white as pearls, her cheeks like rose leaves and her hair had a wonderful arrangement of bows and knitting-needles—or some such things—stuck this way and that to hold it all together.
The girl reclining was even prettier, and wore a wonderful pink gown, all embroidery and fluffy silk trimmings.I may not be describing all this properly, but I am doing my best to tell you what I saw.
There was a third girl sitting upon a stool and doing a bit of embroidery—at least she had a needle and some work in her hands; but she was not paying much attention to the work, for when I got to my peep-hole it was this maid—a tiny, dainty, dimpled bit of a roguish looking thing—who was engaged in talking.
“I’ll do it, Mai Mou—even if they beat me, or kill me!”she was saying, impetuously; “I’ll have a glance myself, this very evening, from my window, and see what they are like.”
“But why need you care, Nor Ghai?”asked the reclining beauty, in a soft, subdued voice.“What if Ko-Tua has seen these foreign devils, and praises their beauty—what to you is it all?”
“To me!”returned the impetuous one; “they knew my brother, who has gone to join the Genii.I loved well our Lun Pu, who never knew me or cared for me.Perhaps the fearful, handsome strangers will tell me of him.”
I knew who they were now—at least, two of them.Nor Ghai was the little sister of the Prince—she was the girl with the embroidery.Mai Mou was the daughter of our enemy the governor; she was well named the Pearl of Kai-Nong.As for the third, the beauty with the book, who had been called Ko-Tua and who claimed to have had a peep at us, I had no idea where she belonged.
But what I had overheard decided me upon a bold step.It would have been bold even in America; here in China it was actually audacious.
I saw the opening in the willows that formed the entrance to this leafy pavilion, and crept toward it, motioning the boys to follow.When near enough I boldly stepped out, walked into the pavilion and then paused as if astonished at what I had discovered there.Archie and Joe were with me, and we were greeted by a panicky chorus of muffled screams. Lucky it was they were muffled, or the cries might have brought the eunuchs upon us.Perhaps the frightened girls remembered this and screamed just loud enough to show they were properly scared.
“Pardon us, ladies, for intruding,” I said, removing my cap and making a low bow.“We are the foreign devils, and we’re glad to make your acquaintance.”
Really, we had created a sensation in the summer-house.The three beauties were huddled together in a bunch as far away as the circling willows would permit, and with clasped hands and wide open eyes they were staring at us intently.
“Permit us to introduce ourselves,” said Joe, in his most polite manner.“I am Joseph Herring, of America.”
“And I am Archie Ackley, of the same grand old country.”
“I am Sam Steele, at your service, ladies.Won’t you sit down?”I continued.“Now that we are here let us tell you all about Prince Kai Lun Pu, and how he sent us to this place.”
“Go away!”said Mai Mou, in low tense tones.
“Oh, no, we can’t do that,” said Joe.
“But you must,” persisted the Pearl.
“Why so?”asked Archie, calmly seating himself at the table.
“You will be sliced if you are found here,” announced Nor Ghai, with a dimpled smile, half frightened, half amused.
“Sliced!What does that mean, little friend?”I asked.
“You are bound to the plank and the axe begins at your feet and slices you thin until you are dead—and long afterward.”
“Oh, that’s nothing,” said Archie, contemptuously.“We’re not afraid.”
“If you care not to consider yourselves, then consider us,” begged the fair Ko-Tua.“If you are found here we shall be beaten with bamboos upon the soles of our feet and cast into dungeons without food.”
“Don’t worry,” I said, assuringly.“I will not allow the eunuchs to harm you.”
“How can you prevent it?”asked Mai Mou, curiously.
“This is our authority,” I replied, exhibiting the Prince’s ruby ring.
“Oh—h!”sighed Nor Ghai, gliding swiftly toward me.Then she knelt and touched the ring with her rose-bud lips, saying:
“It is his, Mai Mou!It is my brother’s signet, Ko-Tua!We need fear nothing, I am sure.”
“Then sit down and let’s talk it over,” I said, motioning toward the chairs.
Very timidly they approached, like frightened doves about to fly at the least alarm, and then they plumped down upon a bench all together, with their arms twined around each other for mutual encouragement.
“How does it happen you speak English?”I inquired, pretending not to notice their fears.
“One of my father’s wives lived at Hong-Kong before he brought her here, and she taught us,” replied Nor Ghai, simply.“Do you think we the English speak with perfection?”
“Nothing could be more perfect,” laughed Archie.
“Ah—h!”they murmured, looking at each other delightedly.
“We the English talk much with ourselves,” declared Ko-Tua, casting her eyes down modestly to avoid Joe’s stare.“We can faster talk in English than in our own language.”
“That’s a great blessing,” said Archie; “you must have a lot to say to each other.”
“And we study all the time, velly hard and good,” added Mai Mou, looking earnestly at Archie for approval.
“I’m sure you are very wise and learned,” said he.
“Now,” broke in Nor Ghai, wiggling expectantly in her seat, “tell me of Lun Pu—all of Lun Pu—and how he came to join his ancestors, and how you foreign dev—you, you——”
“That’s right.We’re foreign devils.”
“How you came to Kai-Nong?”
“Let me see,” I rejoined; “you are the Prince’s sister, I believe; Nor Ghai by name.”
“How did you know?”she exclaimed, clasping her hands with a little gesture of pleasure.
“And this must be Mai Mou, the governor’s daughter, called by all the world the Pearl of Kai-Nong,” added Archie.
“How strange,” she murmured.“Do you know everything?”
“Not quite,” laughed Joe.“For instance, we do not know who Ko-Tua is.Will she tell us?”
Now Ko-Tua was not the least charming of the little maids by any means.Her features were not quite so regular as those of Mai Mou, nor so merry and winning as those of Nor Ghai; but she was sweet and dainty as a spring floweret and her eyes had a pleading and wistful look that was hard to resist.So we were all greatly astonished when Mai Mou answered Joe’s question by saying:
“Ko-Tua is my little mother; she is my father’s new wife.”
“What!”I exclaimed.“Has the old governor been marrying since he returned?”
“No-no!”answered Ko-Tua, smiling and blushing.“I was married to the noble Mai Lo six years ago.”
“Impossible!How old are you now?”
She looked inquiringly at Mai Mou, who answered:
“Fifteen summers has Mai Mou looked upon.”
“And you were married at nine!”
“That must be it,” she nodded, counting upon her slender fingers.“Ten—’leven—tlelve—thirt’—fourt—fliftleen!”
“It’s preposterous!”cried Joe, indignantly.“The old rascal ought to be sliced for daring to marry a child.”
“What is wrong?”asked Mai Mou, wonderingly.“Is not my little mother beautiful?Is she not nice?Is not my father’s harem well appointed and comforting?”
“Are you happy, Ko-Tua?”asked Joe, earnestly.
“Oh, yes, foreign one.Only the birds are happier.”
“Then we won’t slice Mai Lo,” I announced, airily.
I picked up the book that lay open upon the table and found it an English translation of Plutarch.
“Do you like this?”I asked.
“Oh, yes!”they cried.And Ko-Tua added: “We are entertain much by its stories.”
It seemed pretty heavy reading for young girls.
“We have the Shakespeare and we have the verse songs of Blylon,” announced Nor Ghai, gleefully.“My brother, Lun Pu, gave them to my father’s wife who came from Hong Kong.But now you may tell us, foreign ones, since you are with us so unlawfully, about my brother’s accident.”
So we began the story, trying between us to tell it in such a way as to remove all horror from the tragic incidents.But it seemed they loved to dwell mostly upon those very details, having the same love for slaughter and bloodshed that I have observed in the natures of some of our own children.Even Nor Ghai had known the Prince so slightly that he was a mere personage to her, and his untimely end was to these fair and innocent girls but a romance that was delightful to listen to.
With the telling of the story and answering the numerous questions showered upon us, the hours passed rapidly, until finally Ko-Tua sprang up and declared it was time for them to go, or Mai Lo’s eunuchs would be looking for her.
“Will you come here again tomorrow?”I asked Nor Ghai, taking her little hand in mine—a liberty she did not resent.
She turned to the others.
“Shall we come here tomorrow?”she inquired.
Mai Mou looked at her “little mother.”
“Let us come,” said Ko-Tua, after a little hesitation.“We shall then be able to learn more of the English.”
Nor Ghai laughed at that and said, with a pretty courtesy:
“We shall come.”
Then they glided from the pavilion with quick little steps that were not ungraceful, and we stood silently in our places until all sounds of their departure had ceased.
We were much elated by this meeting, and had no thought of the danger we might incur by arranging for a future interview with the charming orientals.You must not think we had fallen in love with these Chinese beauties, for that was not the case.I don’t say that I shall never fall in love; but when I do it will be with an American girl, and it won’t matter much whether she is beautiful or not, so long as I love her.
But I think every well regulated young fellow is fond of chatting with nice girls, and in this heathen country we were so beset with dangers and had so little companionship outside of our circle of three, that it was a pleasant change to meet these pretty maids and converse with them.
“It’s wrong, you know,” remarked Archie, as we wandered slowly back to the palace.“That is, from the standard of Chinese etiquette.We may really get ‘sliced’ if we keep up the meetings, and even if we escape that, the girls will be terribly punished if they’re caught.”
“That’s true,” said Joe.“Do you think the ring would save us in this case, Sam?”
“I think it would with Wi, but we’ve got to figure on the old governor finding out that we’re associating with his wife and daughter.I’m convinced that would make him furious.”
“Then let’s go ahead,” said Archie, grinning with delight.“It will do me good to worry old Mai Lo into fits.”
“Oh, if he finds it out, he’ll be sure to resort to slicing,” said Joe, “if he can get his hands on us.”
“Never mind,” said I.“The girls come here to visit Nor Ghai, and that’s how we happened to meet them.It’s different from our intruding into the governor’s harem, or even into the harem of the palace.If Mai Lo doesn’t want his wife and daughter to meet strangers he should keep them safe at home.”
“The chances are he doesn’t know they are in the habit of visiting Nor Ghai,” observed Archie.“Anyhow, I’m going to have all the fun I can, in spite of old Death’s-Head.”
That expressed our sentiments exactly.We were foolish, I admit; but boys are apt to be foolish at times, and some great writer—I don’t remember his name—has said that a woman is at the bottom of every misfortune.
Here were three of them, and they looked harmless enough.So we voluntarily thrust our heads into the trap.
When we met the girls in the secluded pavilion the next afternoon, we found that Nor Ghai had brought the Shakespeare and Byron, and she begged us to explain certain passages in them that had puzzled the fair students of English.This we did, and before we parted that day a friendly footing had been established between us that was very pleasant indeed.Of course another interview was arranged for, as all of us had become reassured by our success in escaping observation, and if we still had any qualms of fear we did not allow them to prevent future meetings.
But the girls were more alive to the conditions surrounding them than we were, and their fertile brains arranged a series of signals to let us know whether it was safe to enter the pavilion or not, since at any time one of the eunuchs or older members of the harem might see fit to accompany them.Also they timed their stay by our watches, so as to leave before there was a chance of their being sought for.
All this savored of intrigue, but our meetings were harmless enough.I don’t say that little Nor Ghai was averse to a bit of flirtation, but none of us encouraged her because we had no thought of flirting with our new friends.We talked in boyish fashion and treated them exactly as if we were brothers and sisters.
Meantime the days flew swiftly by, and still Mai Lo paced the gravel paths before the Ancestral Halls of Kai, and we hesitated to begin our appointed task.But finally one evening, while talking over our plans and chances of success, Joe proposed that we should explore the secret passage and accustom ourselves to the way to the underground vaults; so we promptly decided upon the adventure.
At about ten o’clock, the usual time, we dismissed our eunuch, Tun, who always remained in waiting until we retired for the night, and then, instead of going to bed, we put out our lights and sat quietly in the darkness until after midnight.
Every time we had passed by the bend in the hall we had noticed the tapestry of the dragon, but never had we ventured to disturb it to see what was behind the hangings.We dared not show a light in this passage because just around the bend was the guard of the royal apartments, eternally pacing up and down to prevent anyone from penetrating to the sacred precincts.
We had, unfortunately, no candles; but I had unhooked a small oil lamp from a bracket in one of our rooms, and matches were plentiful.When I softly opened our door to listen, there was not a sound to be heard throughout the palace except the steady footfalls of the distant guard; so, being in our stocking-feet, we tip-toed along the corridor, feeling our way in the darkness by keeping one hand on the wall, until we reached the bend in the passage.
We could not see the dragon tapestry, but knowing its exact location I crept beneath the heavy drapery, followed closely by Archie and Joe, and then began to feel for the bronze knob.
Across the face of the wall in every direction we fumbled, and I had almost begun to despair of finding it without a light when Joe grasped my shoulder and guided my hand to a tiny projection far to the left.
Yes; it was a knob, all right.I grasped it and pulled it toward me, and at once we heard a faint swish, and a breath of colder air reached us.I felt along the wall, and found an opening, through which I passed, drawing the others with me.Another heavy tapestry was on this side of the wall, and we crept beneath its folds on hands and knees.
“Do you think it’s safe to scratch a match?”I whispered.
“It’s got to be done, safe or unsafe,” replied Joe, and in a moment a faint light flared up, and Joe shaded it with his hands while I cast a hurried glance at the tapestry.
“No light can shine through that, I’m sure,” said I.“Here, Joe; light the lamp.”
I held it while he touched the match to the wick, and then we stood up and gazed curiously around us.
We found ourselves in a lofty sleeping chamber that was beautifully furnished.The carved mahogany bedstead with its pagoda-like canopy towered fully fifteen feet in height, and its curtains were cloth-of-gold.Around the frieze, just above the heavy tapestry hangings, was a row of embossed golden fishes with ivory horns, set in a background of azure blue.Near to where we stood, at the left of the secret panel, a number of bronze tablets were attached to the wall, their faces engraved with Chinese characters.I supposed these to be the tablets of ancestors, which every house contains in its inmost sanctum.Before the tablets was a sort of altar, containing a vase for burning incense and prayers.
A broad archway, hung with stiff draperies, formed a communication with the next room of the suite, and just beyond it stood a great carved cabinet with numerous drawers and recesses and a writing shelf in the center.This I thought must be the Prince’s “desk” which I had asked the Chief Eunuch to remove to my room, without realizing its size.That he had promised to do so filled me with wonder, for I doubted if it could be carried through the archway.
Passing around the huge bedstead and holding the lamp before us, we peered into the further corner of the room and with one accord shrank back in sudden fear.For before us stood a gigantic form in glittering armor, with a face-mask so terrible in expression that it might well cause a sinking of the heart.And behind the mask glittered two cruel, piercing eyes, while the right arm swung a scimitar as if about to attack the beholder and hack him asunder.
“Never mind,” muttered Joe, with a low laugh.“It isn’t alive, although it looks it.”
“It’s the statue we were searching for,” said I.
“No wonder it used to scare the Prince,” remarked Archie.“Ugh!I shouldn’t want to own that fellow for an ancestor.”
“This was the first Kai,” I rejoined.“They must have been giants in those days, if he’s a sample warrior.”
Then I leaned down and tried to press outward the left foot of the statue, which stood flat upon the floor without any pedestal.It resisted and I knelt down and tried again, pushing with all my strength and using the other foot as a purchase.The foot gave a little—not more than half an inch—and I heard a sharp click and a grating sound behind the tapestries.
“All right,” said Joe, pushing aside the drapery while Archie held the lamp.“The panel is open.”
The opening disclosed was about five feet high and not more than eighteen inches wide, but it was sufficient to allow us to pass through with ease.A secret passage, narrow and low, had been built in the great side-wall of the palace, and a few paces from the panel a flight of steps, made of stone, led downward.These continued to descend until we had passed below the foundations of the building, when we entered a tunnelled passage slanting straight into the earth.The walls were protected with stone and cement, but there was a damp, musty smell in the passage; and, as we advanced, numerous vermin, such as rats, lizards and fat spiders, scampered away from the path to hide in the little nooks between the stones.
Archie, who went first, carrying the lamp, growled continually at these pests, but I felt they could not be dangerous or the Prince would have warned us against them.
We traveled what seemed a very long distance to us, under the circumstances; but I now believe the passage was a bee-line to the burial vaults from the palace, and of course the vaults were located some distance from the building that appeared above ground.But my sense of direction was so confused that I would then, and even afterward, have been unable to locate the vaults from the palace grounds.
Finally we reached a steel door which was unlocked and opened easily.Beyond this hung a tapestry, and pushing that aside we came to an alcove, arched high above us and having a grating of bronze or similar metal at the further side.
In the center of the alcove lay a superb sarcophagus or burial casket, set across two slabs of marble.This was of wrought bronze and bore upon the cover a mask with a surprising resemblance to the statue of the first Kai in the Prince’s bedroom.
We did not pause to examine it long, however, for all about the coffin stood carven stands and taborets weighted with curious ornaments in solid gold and silver, while upon a low table were several suits of splendid armor, inlaid with gold and set with precious stones that glistened brightly under the lamplight.Nor was this all.Ornaments of green and yellow jade were scattered about, and at the foot of the coffin stood a semi-circle of big jars of bronze.
I thrust my hand into one of these jars and drew it out filled with beautiful emeralds.
“We don’t need to go any farther, boys!”I exclaimed with a gasp.“Here are riches enough, in this one niche, to satisfy a dozen fortune hunters.”
Archie examined another vase and found rubies and pearls in it.The third was quite empty, and so was the fourth, but the fifth and last one contained many jade rings, bracelets and necklaces, with which were mingled several large sapphires.
“Yes,” said Archie, sighing; “here’s more treasure than the priests of Luxor buried in the desert.But let’s continue our explorations.This can’t be all of the ancestral chih, for only one ancestor is buried here.”
“He must have been very rich in his lifetime, if this was but half of his fortune,” remarked Joe.“I wonder if he got it all honestly?”
“Probably not,” I replied.“This fellow is an ancient, and perhaps lived in an age of robbing and pillaging.But come on, fellows; let’s see if we can pass those gratings.”
Only a catch, worked from either side, held the grating in place, and swinging it open we passed into what was doubtless an immense domed chamber, for our tiny lamp could not light more than a small portion of it.On either side of the alcove from which we had emerged hung magnificent tapestries worked in threads of gold and silver and representing scenes of battles, processions and the like.The workmanship was so fine on the first tapestry we examined that it seemed impossible it could be anything but a painting, and a marvelous one at that.But we found the other fifty or more sections hung around the domed chamber to be equally perfect in execution.
Beyond the tapestry hangings, each section of which was some sixteen feet in width, was another grating leading to an alcove, and this system we afterward found was continued all around the chamber.None of the gratings were locked and all opened readily to our touch.The alcove we next entered contained another splendid casket and even more golden ornaments and precious gems than we had found in the first.We accounted for the empty jars in the first alcove, which connected with the secret passage, by the pilfering from them by Prince Kai, of which he had told us.
“Wait a minute!”exclaimed Joe, as we eagerly started to examine the next alcove.“If we’re not careful we’re going to lose our bearings in this big place and get lost.Before we wander any further away let’s mark the grating to the alcove we came from when we entered.”
That seemed good advice, so we retraced our steps until we reached the first alcove, where Joe tied his handkerchief to the grating.Then, feeling assured we could find the place again, we proceeded upon our explorations.
We had examined five or six of the chih, or alcoves of the dead, all of which contained enormous wealth, when suddenly I stumbled against a low stand just outside of a grating.Holding the lamp high to see what the obstruction was, I found upon the stand a large lamp, nearly filled with oil, and a box of London safety-matches.
“Oho!”said I; “Mai Lo has been here.”
“I suppose he can now wander through these ancestral vaults at will, since there is no one to forbid him,” said Joe.
“I hope he won’t decide to come while we’re here,” remarked Archie, “or our pretty plans will be nipped in the bud.”
“Oh, it isn’t necessary for Mai Lo to lose sleep to enter these vaults,” I replied.“But it is as well to be on our guard, and I’m glad we found the evidences of his visit.”
Entering the alcove before which the table and lamp stood, we looked around with astonishment, for here was more evidence of Mai Lo’s presence in the tomb.This niche was evidently very rich in treasure, and the vases and bowls of gems had been emptied into a great heap in the center of the floor.From this heap some one had been assorting the jewels into varieties and sizes.In one place were pearls, the finest of which had been placed in one row, the next largest in a second row, and so on.
Rubies had been assorted in a similar way on another side of the chih, and emeralds in a third place.No jewels seemed to have been taken away, and from the size of the heap there was much more assorting to be done, and the job was scarcely begun.
The beauty of the row of great pearls appealed to Archie strongly, so he picked them up, one by one, and placed them in the pocket of his jacket.
“If anything should prevent our coming here again,” he remarked, “these pearls will well repay us for our journey to Kai-Nong.”
But he never suspected that they were likely nearly to cost us all our lives.
From alcove to alcove we went, finding in each a different class of treasure, according to the wealth of the occupant and the period in which he had lived.Here a scholar was laid, and beside him a mass of parchment manuscripts, which either represented a half of his fortune or had been purchased at such high prices that his heir preferred to bury the manuscripts with his ancestor and keep the half of his wealth represented by more tangible assets.In another place we found many painted pictures, in another bales of silks, rotted and fallen to decay.But usually the wealth of these ancestors of Kai Lun Pu consisted of splendid gems and jewelry, ornaments of gold, silver and jade, and in many cases golden coins of the Empire.Well might Prince Kai say that his Ancestral Halls contained enough wealth to ransom a kingdom.To carry it all away with us would have required a railway train or the hold of a steamship.
“What we must do,” said Joe, who was a fair judge of gems and jewelry, “is to select only rubies, emeralds and pearls, and perhaps some of the fine jades.These may be carried in a small space, if we don’t take too many of them, and they’ll sell more readily at home for cash.”
We quite agreed with him in this, and believed we would now be able to order the packing cases of such a size as to fit our needs.We might have some trouble in carrying our plunder through China to Shanghai, and to strive to take too much of this almost inexhaustible wealth might very easily cause us to lose it all.
So eager and excited were we by the sight of this splendid treasure-house that we lingered in the tombs a long time, and finally reached an alcove where rested the casket we had made aboard the Seagull, and which contained the bandaged pillows and bolsters that had been substituted for the body of Prince Kai.
It was still locked, and had not been disturbed in any way by Mai Lo; nor was there any treasure beside it.From there on to the alcove where we had entered, and where Joe’s handkerchief was attached to the grating, the niches were empty.These ancestral chih would have accommodated several generations yet, had not the last of the royal line perished without an heir.
“Good gracious!It’s after four o’clock!”exclaimed Archie, leaning over to examine his watch by the flame of the lamp.
“Then we must hustle back,” I said, “for it begins to get daylight at five, and we mustn’t get caught in the passages of the palace.”
So we ran into the alcove of the first Kai and closed the grating behind us.Then we thrust aside the tapestry, passed through the steel door, and fastened it securely.A moment more and we were treading the tunnel in single file back to the palace.
The way was up hill now, and harder walking, but it did not seem so long as it did when we came down.In a few minutes we had reached the stone steps and were climbing them to the chamber of the Prince.
The sliding panel behind the statue puzzled us a little, but we soon discovered how to close it, and it caught in place with the same little click that had released it when the foot was pushed aside.
Without pausing again in the bed-chamber, we crept beneath the tapestry and out of the panel door into the corridor, and then paused to listen with bated breath.The guard could still be heard treading heavily before the door to the Suite of the Horned Fish; so we took off our shoes again, pushed aside the dragon tapestry, and noiselessly crept to our own room.
You may be sure we breathed easier when we were safe within our own quarters, for day was just breaking and our return had been timed none too soon.
Nux and Bryonia, whom we had left to guard our rooms from possible intrusion while we were absent, were mighty glad to see us back again, and their eyes opened wide with astonishment when Archie displayed his pearls as proof that we had found the treasure.
But the night of excitement had wearied us greatly, so we all turned in and slept like dead men until our faithful blacks called us to breakfast.
It was while we were at this meal that Joe uttered an exclamation, and glancing up I saw his face go white and frightened.
“What is it, old man?”I asked quickly.
“My handkerchief!”he replied.“I left it tied to the grating of the alcove!”
We looked at one another in stupid bewilderment for a moment, trying hard to think how to remedy such a blunder.But nothing could be done for that day, anyhow, and if Mai Lo happened to visit the Ancestral Halls during that time he would have ample proof that we had been there.
“Of course he may not notice it,” said Archie, comfortingly.
“Why, it’s a regular flag—white against all those dark hues of tapestries and black spots of alcoves.Of course he’ll notice it,” retorted Joe with a groan.
“Not any more than he’ll notice the absence of the pearls,” I suggested.“Mai Lo is evidently busy assorting the treasure he means to run away with, and his first visit there will assure him someone else has been in the vaults.”
“Oh, but without the handkerchief he would be unable to guess who it was,” answered Joe.“The handkerchief gives him just the clew he needed.”
“Never mind,” said I; “the governor can’t do anything about it that I can see.If he is onto our game, we are also onto his, and he won’t dare whisper to the people outside that he is visiting the vaults.When he enters the building he is supposed to be praying, and he must not enter the underground chih after laying the body of the Prince there.His only legitimate business now is to seal up the vaults and destroy all traces of them.”
“And then make an end of himself,” added Archie.
“Just so.”
But in spite of our brave talk we were decidedly uneasy over the way in which we had bungled our adventure of the night, and as soon as breakfast was finished we started out with one accord and took the path that led to the Ancestral Halls.
Nux followed us, but Bry remained in our rooms. This plan we had adopted several days before, having only one of our blacks with us when we ventured out of the palace and leaving the other to guard the entrance to our apartments.The reason for this procedure was that we soon expected to accumulate considerable treasure in our rooms, and we wanted it understood that we permitted no intrusion further than the outer reception-room.Indeed, Bry was guarding, this morning, a few pearls that Joe estimated to be worth over fifty thousand dollars; and the way he did it was to tie them in a handkerchief and carry them in his pocket.As for separating our faithful servants, it was evident that nothing could ever be done in this place by brute force, and a thousand men would be of no more use to us than one.
We sauntered carelessly along, so as not to convey the impression that we had any object in our walk more than to get a bit of air and exercise.Often we passed the magnificently attired household eunuchs, singly or in groups; but we had now become familiar sights to these creatures, and they merely touched their yellow turbans respectfully and passed on.
Around the outbuildings the place thronged with less important servants, all under the general command of Wi-to and his lieutenants.Sounds of industry came from the House of the Artisans, where the bronze, brass and gold workers were busy.In front of the House of the Weavers were groups throwing shuttles back and forth or spinning the threads to be used in the looms.
Kitchen servants passed and repassed in every direction, and this part of the grounds was in many ways the most interesting of all, for here beat the pulse that gave life to the whole establishment.
Moving on, we took the path descending the mound toward the Ancestral Halls—not the one that led past the cage of Sacred Apes, for we hated those fearful creatures and avoided them—but a shaded, winding way that was very pleasant, though it led past a pond of black water which was said to be the home of a monster Devil-Fish.
Before long we came to a halt directly in front of the north entrance of the beautiful bamboo palace of the dead, and the soldier on guard, radiant in the crimson and sapphire uniform of the governor’s service, waved his scimitar partly in salute and partly in warning.
“Mai Lo?”I said to him, questioningly.
He spoke no English, but could not fail to understand I was asking for the governor; so he turned his thumb toward the entrance, to indicate that his master was inside the building, and then resumed his strut back and forth before the door.
Well, that was all we wanted to know, and our hearts sank as we realized that our enemy was even now in the underground chih examining the traces of our midnight visit there.We slowly turned and retraced our steps as far as a group of trees that stood a little way up the mound and commanded an unobstructed view of the entire House of Ancestors.Here we seated ourselves upon shady benches and passed the next two hours moodily talking over the situation.
At the end of that time we observed Mai Lo appear from the building by the entrance nearest us.He was as deliberate and reserved in demeanor as ever, and after a word to the guard he took the very path that led past the trees where we were.
“Let’s get out,” advised Archie, hastily.
“No,” said Joe, “let’s stay and hear what the old duffer has to say.Don’t be afraid to talk up to him, Sam.”
“I won’t,” was my promise.
Then we grimly awaited the governor’s approach.He paced steadily up the path, his hands clasped behind his back and his face turned square to the front.
So he reached the trees and came to a halt before our bench.Upon his parchment-like yellow face there was no sign of expression; in the bead-like eyes turned upon us was no ray of intelligence.
Without doubt Mai Lo had been astounded by the discovery he had made that morning: that we were able to penetrate to the sacred chih of the Ancestors of Kai.If he was human, he must have been stirred to the very depths of his nature.But here he stood, as passionless and cold as a statue, his glassy stare wandering from one to another of us in turn, but no word passing his thin, compressed lips.
What a relief it would have been had he denounced us, threatened us, cursed us for foreign devils and scoundrels!But no.He merely fixed his soulless eyes upon us, and I began to realize how the ancient Greeks might have got their idea of Medusa and the terrible gaze that turned men to stone.
When the governor had gone—and he returned along the path as silently as he had come, after his passionless inspection of us—we arose and walked to the palace, finding mighty little to say on our own account.
On the broad piazza that led into the main building of the palace we found the Chief Eunuch, leaning heavily against a pillar.I had been trying to communicate with Wi-to for several days, but Tun, who carried our messages, always returned to say that his master was closely occupied with his duties and begged to postpone the interview.During these days we had neither seen nor heard of the Chief Eunuch, so I was a little surprised to find him on the piazza.His face was haggard and worn, his eyes puffy and bloodshot and his person untidy.
“Good morning, Wi,” said I, cordially.“Have you been ill?”
He smiled at me rather childishly, and replied:
“The Earth Dragon has had me in his coils—and nearly strangled me.Ah—oh!how unhappy I have been!Who has such deep and dreadful sorrows as poor Wi-to?Who suffers such horrible pangs?Who—but never mind.The sun-god is smiling this morning, and the breeze is sweet and lovely.Are my master’s guests wholly content?Have they any orders for their lowly servant?”
I own this rambling, inconsequent speech somewhat puzzled me.Wi-to did not seem himself; he was surely not at his best today.Ordinarily the Chief Eunuch was the most intelligent, shrewd, courteous and agreeable Chinaman we had met, save only Prince Kai Lun Pu.
But I pretended not to notice his peculiar bearing and asked him when he could have the desk of Prince Kai moved into our rooms. I wanted to begin my work of inspection at once, I told him; but really the only reason I made the request at all was to allay any suspicions he might harbor.
To my surprise he at once blew his whistle and brought a dozen eunuchs running to answer the summons.Still leaning against the pillar Wi-to chattered away in Chinese for a time until his men prostrated themselves and hurried away to fulfil his commands.
“The cabinet will come to you, my master,” now answered the eunuch.“Is there anything else I can do?”
“Why, as regards the selection of the gifts——”
“Don’t hurry,” he interrupted, rubbing one eye with his knuckles.“Tlake it easy; much time; no hurry; only Mai Lo want you out of the way.Mai Lo?Dlam Mai Lo!English dlam.Pah!”
Really, I couldn’t understand Wi-to in this peculiar condition, so we left him still leaning against the post and went away to our own rooms.
Pretty soon there was considerable racket in the passageway, and we sent Bry to see what it meant.He returned grinning from ear to ear, and said the eunuchs were moving a house.So we looked out, and there were some twenty or more of the palace servants, perspiring and struggling with the immense cabinet that had been standing in the Prince’s bed-chamber.How they ever moved it at all was a wonder; but move it they did, inch by inch, and squeezed it through the great entrance door to our reception-room.I had them place it against the wall nearest the door and then they went away glad that the task was accomplished.
It was an absurd thing to do, and in all reason and common sense we should have been permitted to examine the cabinet where it originally stood; but oriental prejudices are difficult things to overcome, and since it was forbidden strangers to enter the royal apartments, the mountainous cabinet had to come to Mahomet Sam.
Now I had no right, as a matter of fact, to examine this private cabinet of the royal line of Kai, and my request to do so was but a blind to further our real plans.But since it was here, and since Wi-to had sent me a bunch of keys to unlock the different compartments, the temptation to look inside was irresistible.
“It’s this way,” I said to the boys; “if we don’t look over these things, others who may not be as friendly to Prince Kai’s memory are sure to do so.The estate and palace will shortly pass to the Emperor, who will either retain it for himself or give it to some favorite.So I believe we are justified in seeing what this old mystery-box contains.”
They agreed with me fully, so we began the examination.First we opened the desk part and found many documents in Chinese, sealed, signed and filed in a very business-like manner.These we could not read, and their importance was all unknown to us.Also there were numerous letters.One bunch of yellow missives bore the Imperial Vermilion Seal of the Emperor.
In order to carry out our deception I tore up a number of the least important looking papers and burned them in a brazier.At the bottom of the heap of letters I found a book in which the Prince had written in English a sort of diary, although the entries were seldom dated and seemed to be whimsical sentences he had recorded merely to relieve his mind.The poor fellow had had no one around him in whom he could confide, as to an intimate friend; so he had made this little book his confidant.
Believing that here, if anywhere we would be likely to find clews to guide us in our undertaking, we read this book aloud, so that among the three of us, to say nothing of Nux and Bry, we might catch whatever ideas it contained that might be of service to us.
Many of the passages were sarcastic comparisons between the customs of his own people and those of Europeans, and I must admit that, from Prince Kai’s point of view, the Europeans did not always come out best.One entry that interested us was as follows:
“What unselfish and responsible servants am I blest with!What competent officials direct my affairs in my absence!Look upon them, oh my ancestors, and pity me.At the head of my province is a man born to be its governor who, lacking such birthright, would be unfit for the duties of the humblest slave.Cold, unfeeling, ambitious and without honor, this man works but for his own selfish interests, and lacks the strength of intellect to ruin me for his own gain.Since I read him so truly he cannot injure me; but what a farce is this hereditary right to govern a great province such as Kwang-Kai-Nong!When Mai Lo lies with his ancestors there will be his son to govern, a weak imbecile, helplessly degenerate.I am quite certain I must find an excuse to behead both father and son, that I may free myself of this incubus of the House of Kai.
“The Fuh-yin of the city of Kai-Nong is even a worse scoundrel than Mai Lo.I have proof that he murdered his own brother, in order to become mayor and rob the city of its revenues.Some day when I have time I shall accuse and condemn my Fuh-yin, and invent a horrible execution worthy of his sins.”