The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 03, March, 1888

The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 03, March, 1888
Author: Various
Pages: 126,262 Pages
Audio Length: 1 hr 45 min
Languages: en


Play Sample

Jacksonville. Sarah M. Burt, for Student Aid, Atlanta U25.00

Orange Park. Cong. Ch. 5.00

LOUISIANA, $391.00

New Orleans. Tuition 290.00

New Orleans. S. B. Steers, for Theo.Student Aid, Talledega C. 100.00

——. Mr. Exidor, for Student Aid, Fisk U 1.00


Jackson.Cong.Ch., Christmas and Thanksgiving Coll's.2.00

Piney Grove. Christmas Offering, by Rev. E. Tapley 30

Tougaloo. Tuition, 105.55; Rent, 2; Sab. Sch. , 20 127.55

TEXAS, $121.40

Austin. Tuition 111.40

Corpus Christi. Cong. Ch. 10.00

INCOMES, $510.88

Avery Fund, for Mendí M 110.00

Plumb Sch'p Fund, for Fisk U240.88


St. Johns. Mrs. A. F. Steer 1.00


Donations $20,166.93

Incomes 810.53


Rents 8.50

Tuition 3,225.90


Total for January $36,325.61

Total from Oct. 1 to Jan'y 31 91,415.51


Baldwinsville, N. Y. Howard Carter, for Ed.of Theo.Students 500.00


Subscriptions for January $152.13

Previously acknowledged 275.96


Total $456.09

Receipts of the California Chinese Mission, received since Sept.30th, on account of expenses of year ending August 31, 1887.E.Palache, Treas.:

From Auxiliary Missions. - Alameda, Chinese Am. Mem's, 18; Cong. Ch. , 6.25. Oakland, Chinese Ann. Mem's, 80; Mrs. E. C. Keutz, 2. - Oroville, Chinese Ann. Mem's, 4. - Sacremento, Chinese Ann. Mems, 30. - Other Ann. Mem's 6. 96.95

From Churches. - Antioch, Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch. , 5 - Bryon, Cong. Ch. , Rev. W. H. Tubb, 1. - Clayton, Cong. Ch. , Rev. J. H. Strong, 2. - Oakland, First Cong. Ch. , Rev. J. C. Holbrook, D. D. , 2 - San Francisco, Bethany Ch. Chinese Ann. Mem's, 10.50 - Other Ann. Mem's, 2 22.50

From Individual - Geo. C. Boardman 10.00

From Eastman Friends - South Braintree, Mass. , Rev. Jathan B. Sewall 25.00


Total $153.75

H.W.Hubbard, Treasurer, 55 Reade St., N.Y.


Exhibition of Dress Goods.


Announce for the opening days in March the initial display of importations of Dress Goods for the Spring and Summer Season.The styles to be shown are a marked departure from former seasons, and include the widest range of superior plain materials, in new shades, and the approved parti-colored fabrics, "Arrowette Cloths," "Ombre Stripes," and "ALMA BEIGE," with hem-stitched borders.A select assortment of wool Henrietta Robes with silk-rope braiding.

Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention.


Liquid Cottage Colors.

The best MIXED PAINTS manufactured. Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction if properly applied. They are heavy bodied, and for work that does not require an extra heavy coat, they can be thinned (with our Old Fashioned Kettle-boiled Linseed Oil) and still cover better than most of the mixed paints sold in the market, many of which have so little stock in them that they will not give a good solid coat.

Some manufacturers of mixed paints direct NOT to rub out the paint, but to FLOW it on; the reason being that if such stuff were rubbed out there would be but little left to cover, would be transparent.Our Cottage Colors have great strength or body, and, like any good paint, should be worked out well under the brush.The covering property of this paint is so excellent as to allow this to be done.

Put up for shipment as follows: In 3-gal.and 5-gal.bailed buckets, also barrels; in cans of 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1-gal.and 2-gal.each.

Sample Cards of Colors, Testimonials and prices sent on application to

Chicago White Lead & Oil Co., Cor.Green & Fulton Streets, CHICAGO, ILL.

6%, 7%.



with a PAID-UP CAPITAL of $600,000, SURPLUS $75,000, offers First Mortgage Loans drawing SEVEN per cent., both Principal and Interest FULLY GUARANTEED.Also 6 per cent.ten year Debenture Bonds, secured by 105 per cent of First Mortgage Loans held in trust by the MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY, New York.5 per cent.certificates of deposit for periods under one year.

7 2/3 % CAN BE REALIZED BY CHANGING 4 Per Ct.Government Bonds into 6 Per Cent.Debentures.

Write for full Information and reference to the Company at

150 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK.A.L.ORMSBY, Vice-President and Gen.Manager

The Musical 1888.

The musical NEW YEAR is here, and we greet it with the "sound of Cornet" (or any other musical instrument, for all of which Oliver Ditson & Co. provide the very best Instruction Books).

With the New Year, many new pupils will commence to learn the Piano; to them and their teachers we commend


a peerless book, which has held the lead for many years, and, unaffected by the appearance of other undoubtedly excellent instructors, still sells like a new book.Price, $3.

CHILDREN'S DIADEM [30 cts. , $2 per doz.] is filled with happy and beautiful SUNDAY SCHOOL SONGS, and is one of the best of its class. The newest book.

UNITED VOICES [50 cts. , $4.80 per doz.] furnishes abundance of the best SCHOOL SONGS for a whole year. The newest book.

Books that sell everywhere and all the time:

College Songs 50 cts. , War Songs 50cts. , Jubilee and Plantation Songs 30 cts. , Minstreal Songs, new and old $2, Good Old Songs we used to Sing $1.

KINKEL'S COPY BOOK [75 cts.] with the Elements and Exercises to be written, is a useful book for teachers and scholars.

Any Book Mailed for the Retail Price.

Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston.

C.H.DITSON & Co., 867 Broadway, New York.