The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 12, December, 1887
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What should be done to increase the number of those who intelligently contribute to the support of the American Missionary Association?
Among the reasons for raising this question are the following:
1. A large number of the churches give us no contribution. Last year only 1,698, out of 4,277 total, contributed to our treasury. The State Associations every year, and the National Council every three years, recommend the Association to the churches for their support. Sixty-one per cent. of those churches reply: “We do not accept your advice.” A high estimate they must put upon the reasons which governed their representatives! Yet resolutions of commendation are necessary. The cause that cannot obtain them is doomed. But, though necessary, they are not enough. “Good words butter no parsnips.” Those who say not and do are more to be commended than those who say and do not.The resolutions of National Councils and State Associations need to be translated into the benevolent activities of all the churches.Otherwise they are dead letters.
2.Only a small proportion of those who contribute through the churches do so intelligently.Some give from impulse.When the impulse dies, the contribution dies with it.Some give only when roused by a special appeal.If no appeal is made they give nothing.Some give merely because the contribution box is passed—they are ashamed not to go through the motions of putting something in, and they would be even more ashamed to have the congregation know just what they put in.Look at the contents of the average contribution box as it returns from its excursion among the pews.Notice the exceedingly large number of pennies and nickels and quarters (given probably by as many individuals) in comparison with the gifts of larger denomination!It is often the case, even in large congregations, that one, two, three or four contributors—and they not always the most able to give—contribute more than all the rest put together.It is not forgotten that many of the small gifts are the widows’ mites—the offerings of the poor, that, in the arithmetic of heaven, count more than they all.Nevertheless, it remains true a very large proportion of those who put money into the contribution box as it is passed do not know anything about what they are giving for, care still less, and who, if not in church when the contribution is taken, give nothing.Woe to the cause whose annual contribution comes on a rainy Sunday.
3.The total contributions from the churches and individuals represent a sadly low average for the total church membership.The receipts last year from churches and individuals, exclusive of legacies, were $189,483.39.Divided among the church membership of the country it represents an average contribution of only 44 cents per member; and if the contributions of those who give annually all the way from $1.00 up to $1,000 were subtracted, the average would fall from 50 to 75 per cent.below this.Surely the spirit of Christian benevolence abroad in the churches is not what it ought to be.Did Christians give as they pray, their benevolence would reach a higher mark.They are apt to be more honest in the expression of their views of duty at the throne of grace than they are through the expression of their conduct.
The pride of consistency, as we remember the confessed doctrines of the churches, should make us all intensely dissatisfied with this record of unfaithfulness on the part of so many church members.
4.The increase in contributions does not keep pace with the growth of the churches in membership and wealth.The total wealth of the United States, as officially reported for the year 1870, was $30,068,518,507.In 1880 it was $43,642,000,000.Since 1880 the gain has been in all probability even in larger ratio; and in this gain the Congregational churches have had undoubtedly their full share. Ten years ago the membership of the churches was 365,595. Last year it was 436,379. Ten years ago the church contributions and individual donations to our treasury, exclusive of legacies, were $186,166.62. Last year, from the same sources, they were $189,483.39. That is to say: During the past ten years the churches have increased in wealth 31 per cent. , and over; in membership, 19 per cent. , and over; but in their contributions they have increased only a little less than 2 per cent. Had the gain kept pace with the increase in church membership, our receipts last year would have been $32,055.67 more than they were. Had they kept pace with the presumable increase of wealth they would have been $54,394.69 more than they were. “Freely ye have received, freely give,” was the emphatic command of our Lord to his disciples as he sent them out on errands of mercy among the sick and suffering and sorrowing poor. “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him,” was the explicit injunction of Paul to the churches concerning their collections for the poor. And here are our churches organized on purpose to carry out the teachings of Christ and his apostles; increasing in numbers and increasing in wealth year by year; yet relatively to that increase falling behind in their contributions to a society whose chief and crowning distinction is that it labors among the poor and the despised and the neglected. Will a man rob God? was a question asked in ancient times. Modern times have not outgrown the pertinency of its asking.
5. The Association should be relieved from a perpetual struggle to get out of debt. From a business standpoint the struggle is not healthy. From a religious standpoint it is not right. Thank God we come to this annual meeting free from debt. It is four years since we enjoyed that privilege before. We would like, if it please the churches, to indulge in the luxury of singing the doxology at shorter intervals. Well, then, don’t get into debt. Easily said. Had we a fixed and certain income; had we the authority to levy upon the churches a specified tax and the power to collect it; had we the ability to foresee just how much was coming from legacies, we could then show a clean balance every year. But in all these respects we are in a field of limitless uncertainties. The gifts to our treasury are purely voluntary. No certain dependence can be placed on legacies. One year it may be deluge; the next it may be drought. What are we to do? What can we do? We can only calculate probabilities and trust our friends. What? Can you not trust God? Yes—blessed trust—we can trust Him. But trust must be intelligent. God’s ordination is that missionary work shall be carried on by his children, and that they shall pay the bills. We have no right to expect that He will work miracles in one direction to defeat what He has ordained in another. Presumption is not piety. Fanaticism is not faith. We have a vast work committed to our care. We have a great number of missionaries to support. We have large money investments in church and school property to guard. We must plan to conserve all these interests. A sentimental trust in God will not pay taxes and missionaries’ salaries, nor save religion from being dishonored by broken pledges. The churches, whose servant the Association is, should save its officers from the worry and anxiety of constant fear lest through lack of funds the work shall be endangered and the interests of Christ’s kingdom made to suffer.
The above are some of the reasons for raising the question, What should be done to increase the number of those who intelligently contribute to the support of the American Missionary Association?
Now for the answer.
1.Our theological seminaries should provide for a course of lectures in which the history and claims of the American Missionary Association, together with those of the other six missionary societies, should be presented and discussed.Systematic theology, church polity, homiletics and ecclesiastical history would lose nothing, but on the contrary they would gain much in interest and power by the inspiration of such lectures.To train the churches in support of these societies is a part of ministerial life, and they need to be trained.The initial letters by which these societies are recognized by the few who are acquainted with them would be as mysterious and puzzling to the great majority of our congregations as the hieroglyphics of an Egyptian tomb!
Now this is all wrong. These societies are the organized assertions of great truths. They are the expressions of great principles. They represent the heart of the gospel reaching out through the churches for the world’s salvation! The people should be instructed in reference to their duty toward them, and not left in ignorance as to their names and meaning. If our theological seminaries have been established to train men for the work of the gospel ministry, they should train them for its work all round and not merely for its work on a few sides. James was an Apostle as well as Paul. You would scarcely dream it from the teaching of some theologies. The preaching that trains the people to clear intellectual conceptions of truth is good; but the preaching that in addition to this trains them to go out and put their belief into practice is better, and that because it is more Christian. The roundness and fullness of truth demand it. Theory—practice. Sympathy—benevolence. Let them not be divorced either in the teaching of our seminaries or in the preaching of our pulpits.
2.There should be an annual presentation of the Association’s claims in every church.This may seem like a wild proposition in view of the large number of non-contributing churches.But duty should be affirmed even if no one performs it. For some reason or other a large number of our ministers do not bring the claims of the American Missionary Association before their congregations. It cannot be that they are ignorant of the Society and its work. They have the Year Book. They must know of the resolutions of the National Council and the State Associations. They are presumably readers of the denominational papers, and I know they all have their pure minds stirred up periodically by way of remembrance by circulars and other agencies. Are their churches small and poor? There is no church so small and so poor, if it have any right to be in existence, but that it can do a little and in doing that little receive in return for itself and minister, both spiritual and temporal blessing. If there is a church so small and so poor that it cannot do this then it had better make haste to glorify God by its death than continue to dishonor him by its life. Are there so many objects asking help that they cannot respond? There are only seven societies in our denominational family claiming their support. Can it be that any minister of the gospel feels that seven contributions for benevolent objects during the twelve months of the year are too many for his church to make? —are more than his church ought to make? And if he allow outside objects to come in, however worthy they may be, and thereby crowd out any of the National Societies, is that quite just to those societies? Generosity is indeed a virtue, but exercised at the expense of those who have a prior claim, it can hardly be called a Christian virtue. An Apostle has written it: “If any provide not for his own and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.” The American Missionary Association is an adopted child of the Congregational churches of the United States. It is a lawful member of our denominational household. It is there by virtue of every law which governs in the fellowship of the churches. It is not a beggar asking alms—it is not a stranger crowding for hospitality—it is a child having all the rights and privileges of a child in its own home, and if beggars and strangers are allowed to enter and rob it of that which is its legitimate portion it has a right to be heard in earnest protest against the wrong it suffers. As the accredited agent of the churches for the prosecution of missionary work in the field it occupies it has rightful claim to their unanimous support.
3.A committee should be appointed in each local conference to see to it that during the year every church in the conference has the cause presented and a contribution taken.A committee thus appointed can write to each church, reminding it of its duty to make an annual offering to the American Missionary Association as one of our national societies.Where there are pastors who do not care to present the cause themselves every year, and where there are churches that have no pastors, certain brethren can be requested to prepare a presentation, and by a system of exchanges secure its delivery in all the churches, so that not one of them shall be allowed to go a single year uninstructed in regard to this duty. All that is needed is for some one man to take hold of this matter with earnestness and place it clearly before the local conference, and it will be done. Has this language the sound of authority about it—a flavor of presbyterial or prelatic law? It is only a sound and a flavor; nothing more. There is nothing legislative about it. It is simply the churches themselves through their own chosen representatives in conference devising the most effective method for carrying out a work in which, by the very genius of their church polity, they are all equally interested. The only law that there is about it is the foundation principle on which they were organized and recognized as churches, and on which they have established their local conference.
4. There should be an assigned place in every missionary concert for a paper or a report on some branch of the Association’s work, prepared by some one previously designated to do it. It is to be deplored that some churches take little interest in the missionary concert. It is a mistake, in its effects injurious to the church as well as to the cause of missions. The missionary concert by a little care and painstaking can be made one of the most interesting and profitable meetings that the church holds. Its influence as an educational power transcends measurement. The geography, government, history, social life and customs of the country where missions are located, are more or less brought out in the consideration of what the missionaries are doing. If our eyes are only sharp enough to read it the story of missions is rich in everything that interests the human mind. Romance, tragedy, heroism, sacrifice, pathos, wit and humor, are all intermingled in that wonderful story. If our ears are only sensitive enough to hear them there come appeals from missionary experiences that stir to their profoundest depths everything that is noble and good within us. The American Missionary Association is peculiarly affluent in topic and incident for use in the missionary concert. A summary of the contents of the current number of the Missionary will always be in order as a report; while for papers and addresses and discussions, there is no assignable limit to the topics furnished by the history and development of the Association and its work. Its lines reach out in their relations to all the ends of the earth. In its anti-slavery agitations it joined hands with the great emancipation advocates of Europe. By its labors in behalf of the Chinese on the Pacific slope it has become a factor in the great movement of Christian missions for the evangelization of Asia. Through its special championship and heroic efforts in behalf of the negro its records have already become a part of that which shall be written when the history of redeemed Africa is completed; and in what it has done for the North American Indian and is doing; in what it has done for human rights and liberty, and in defense of a pure Christianity, and is doing, it has become an integral part of those mighty forces that will one day redeem America from the dominance of false principles and bring in the reign of justice, equity and truth throughout the length and breadth of the land. Within the vast circle surrounding all these racial questions that this Association touches in its work of the past and in its outlook for the future there lie subjects and topics for thought and discussion absolutely inexhaustible! There is no need of any missionary concert’s being dull or uninteresting, and certainly there is no need of its being unprofitable while such a missionary society as this is in the field. It should have a place and a hearing in every missionary concert.
5. The circulation of the American Missionary should be greatly increased and the people urged to read it. Among the 436,379 members of the Congregational churches in the country there are sent every month 19,463 magazines; that is on an average one magazine to twenty-two readers. If this one magazine were passed round so that all had a chance to read it there are enough of them to answer the purpose. One subscriber wrote us that she made her American Missionary to be so much of an Episcopalian, that it “kept lent” all the year round. But the evidence is not very overwhelming that this is done to any great extent. The evidence is, however, quite convincing that the magazines are not all read by their subscribers, and that the waste basket is not altogether unacquainted with their presence. After Dr. Ellinwood, Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, had once made an earnest appeal for money in the Presbytery, the Moderator, a distinguished Doctor of Divinity, asked him if he would not confer a favor on the brethren by printing the facts that he had just stated in the Missionary magazine next month, adding that he had been trying for a long time to obtain those figures. “Why,” responded Dr. Ellinwood “That magazine, for the last two months, has contained just what I have been telling you to-day.” Missionary literature is despised. If this despite were shown on the merits of the case there would be nothing to say, but that is not so. It is despised without examination and in perfect ignorance of its contents. Like the Saviour, of the progress of whose kingdom it tells the story, it is despised and rejected of men. Not on its merits. There are those who read it, and who read it regularly, ready to testify to the exceeding value and interest of its matter. One of the great literary monthlies recently contained an article in which were assertions bearing upon a question of literature which two months before were utterly destroyed by statements of facts that appeared in the American MissionaryWhen historians undertake to write the history of countries into which missionaries have gone, they are sure to consult the missionary literature; and they do not often find it necessary to question either the accuracy or the value of the information they there obtain. This prejudice against missionary literature, which in the main is both unfounded and unjust, ought to be abandoned. Its worth and value ought to be recognized. Its wide dissemination and reading ought to be advocated; and that, too, on its merits. If there are reasons why the American Missionary should be read by one of our church members, the same reasons hold good why it should be read by all of them; if there are reasons why it should go into one of our families, for the same reasons it should go into them all. There is a wide field here for cultivation. Only one magazine for every twenty-two readers; only one magazine for every four families among our constituents, and all of these not read by those who take them! No wonder there is ignorance among the churches about our work, and there being ignorance no wonder that there is a lack of interest and meagreness of contributions! But I hear some one say: “Our church members will not take the American MissionaryThey would not read it were you to give it to them.”Well then, they are not interested in our work, that is all.They don’t care whether the gospel is preached to the poor or not; they don’t care whether illiteracy is allowed to run rampant all over the country and destroy our free institutions or not; they don’t care whether justice shall be done to those who have been most cruelly defrauded or not; they don’t care whether the honor of the nation by meeting the involved obligations of slavery’s abolition shall be preserved or not; they don’t care whether the issues of the war for the maintenance of the Union, secured by sufferings and sacrifices transcending the power of the human mind to portray, shall be made secure or not.They don’t care?Then somebody is to blame.They do care?Then why are they not willing—even eager to read about the work that has all these sacred objects in view, and is helping to solve the stupendous problems they contain?They do care.Yes, I believe it.Their lack of interest in the American Missionary Association and their unwillingness to read its monthly magazine is because of their ignorance of its work, and therefore it is that there is here a wide field, hopeful and promising, for cultivation by all those who wish to aid in the advancement of the cause.
The reasons assigned for raising the question to which the above answers have been given are most grave and weighty.They are significant indications of peril that threatens the cause committed to our care.Shall we heed the lessons which the signals flash?
Do not forget that this month of December is an excellent time to increase the number of those who subscribe for The American MissionaryA word fitly spoken by our friends will secure the desired result.
Co-operating with the American Missionary Association.
Me.—Woman’s Aid to A.M.A., Chairman of Committee, Mrs. C.A.Woodbury, Woodfords, Me.
Vt.—Woman’s Aid to A.M.A., Chairman of Committee, Mrs. Henry Fairbanks, St.Johnsbury, Vt.
Conn.—Woman’s Home Miss.Union, Secretary, Mrs. S.M.Hotchkiss, 171 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Conn.
N.Y.—Woman’s Home Miss.Union, Secretary, Mrs. C.C.Creegan, Syracuse, N.Y.
Ohio.—Woman’s Home Miss.Union, Secretary, Mrs. Flora K.Regal, Oberlin, Ohio.
Ill.—Woman’s Home Miss.Union, Secretary, Mrs. C.H.Taintor, 151 Washington St., Chicago, Ill.
Mich.—Woman’s Home Miss.Union, Secretary, Mrs. Mary B.Warren, Lansing, Mich.
Wis.—Woman’s Home Miss.Union, Secretary, Mrs. C.Matter, Brodhead, Wis.
Minn.—Woman’s Home Miss.Society, Secretary, Mrs. H.L.Chase, 2,750 Second Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Iowa.—Woman’s Home Miss.Union, Secretary, Miss Ella E.Marsh, Grinnell, Iowa.
Kansas.—Woman’s Home Miss.Society, Secretary, Mrs. Addison Blanchard, Topeka, Kan.
South Dakota.—Woman’s Home Miss.Union, Secretary, Mrs. W.H.Thrall, Amour, Dak.
In inviting the women of the North, and particularly those of the Congregational churches to help establish and sustain its missions, the American Missionary Association has felt that woman’s work in the churches at home is as important as woman’s work in the mission field, in order to secure the greatest efficiency, the best results of the labor expended.
Nor have we been disappointed.As the hearts of those at home have opened pityingly toward the needs of women suffering from the effects of oppression, abuse and paganism, right here in our own country, and the hearts of our missionaries have been burdened with the same woes, the helping hand has been mutually extended; and it has been the mission of the Bureau of Woman’s Work to join these hands in strong and loving ministry.
Our woman’s work in the field can be only briefly referred to here.It is embodied in the full report which the Association gives of all its missions.Of the sixteen Normal and graded schools reported by the Association, seven are in the charge of lady teachers alone.One of these is a boarding school especially for girls, and is similar in plan to the Mt.Holyoke and Auburndale schools.But in all our boarding schools like methods are introduced, indeed the best that can be culled from Northern experience is put into practice.
Some slight changes in our plan of work should be noted, as indicating the new demands upon us in woman’s work.We no longer select our special missionaries mainly for house-to-house visiting and Bible reading, but combine this with more effective organized work.To concentrate effort upon the training of the young for usefulness, is conceded by all our workers as most essential.This is well accomplished in our boarding schools, but where we have only day schools or churches we have felt the need of reaching the home life more effectually than could be done by a missionary visitor. We therefore bring the young people to our special missionary for practical instruction, connecting this with the Christian training.
Sewing-schools are established in which girls are taught not merely how to sew well, but how to cut and make garments for themselves and fathers and brothers.Kitchen-garden has been quite generally introduced for teaching all kinds of laundry, kitchen and dining-room work, care of bed-rooms and bedding, polite attention to guests, with all amenities of home life.Thus a transformation has been made in many homes through the new life opened up to the children.
White Shield and White Cross Societies are sustained in the interests of purity.Missionary societies are formed and the young people are taught how to manage them.Through these societies the sympathy and interest of colored and Indian women have been so moved as to lead to self-denial that would put us to shame, so eager are they to give to others the light they have received.Temperance work has a prominent place in all our missions.As illustrative of the influence exerted in this direction we note one instance.The principal of our colored school in Jonesboro, Tenn., organized her temperance society ten years ago, and for years it was the only one in the place.Thus the colored people were organized and ready for action long before the white ladies.Our Northern missionary bought materials for colors, sat up nights and lettered the banners, and at the late election in Tennessee took her school to the polls, nearly every child carrying a suggestive motto, such as “Protect Our Homes,” “Lead us not into Temptation.”Through her persistence and energy the white ladies of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union joined in the movement.It is true, the amendment was lost in the State, but in Jonesboro every colored man except two voted for prohibition.Noble efforts may sometimes fail—noble lives, never.
But even could our woman’s work in the field be written in minute detail it would give but an imperfect review of what is undertaken.You hear of overflowing schools, of many forms of Christian work, of the numbers added to our churches from ranks in day and Sunday-schools, but the wrestling prayers of earnest women, the watchful admonitions, the unremitting toil which has entered into what we call success, who shall record?Over two hundred such missionaries the American Missionary Association has upon its rolls, and it is for these, and that we may add to the number, that we ask your united support.
We have much to encourage us in the results of the past year.There has been an earnest reaching out by ladies’ societies, Sunday-schools and mission bands, for some special work which would tell for good in direct influence toward the enlightenment of those in darkness and need, and contributions have been so applied as to be at once helpful to our treasury and yet assigned to some specific object interesting to contributors. Christian Endeavor Societies have begun to come forward with their help. These societies, which include lads and misses, find a most useful and attractive work in our Indian Missions. It has been quite a problem how to win and hold the interest of boys in missions, but we have found the magic word—Indian—and that if our boys’ thoughts are given proper direction in the study of Indian history and missions, they will not fail to be on the right side in their convictions and eager to help educate an Indian youth, the longer and more unpronounceable his name the more eager.
Sewing societies have been encouraged to contribute their service in a way that is valuable to us.Our item of house furnishing alone is a large one, for in connection with our eighty-nine schools are about thirty mission homes and boarding halls to be kept supplied with bedding, table linen, etc., for families of from fifteen to two hundred and fifty.These needs are indicated in a sewing leaflet which is sent to those who will assist us to set an example of good housekeeping where we plant our missions.
The most important help, however, being money contributions from all these societies, we have sought by our system of missionary letters to encourage the ladies and young people to annual contributions.The amounts thus received have varied from $10 to $100, according to the ability of the church, but every society thus contributing to the A.M.A.may work for some definite object and receive the field letters.
To the Woman’s State organizations we offer specific work on a larger scale.Of such we name the following as co-operating directly with us: Maine and Vermont each by a “Woman’s Aid to the A.M.A.”Connecticut, New York, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota, each by a Woman’s Home Missionary Union, and Minnesota and Kansas by their Woman’s Home Missionary Societies.
The State organizations have some of them undertaken the support of a single school, and others of missionaries selected from different departments of our work.In every State the appeal of the made through its Woman’s Bureau to the ladies of all the churches and to all the ladies of the churches, and the contributions are in part through the State organizations and in part direct, all working to the same end.
Other States also, not yet organized, are assisting us in definite lines, as Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Any society of old or young people, whether Missionary, Ladies’ Aid, Benevolent Society, Sewing Circle or Christian Endeavor—whatever involves combined interests and united work—we cordially welcome to share with us in the grand opportunities of our field.
In this way the ladies of the Congregational churches are helping in the support of seventeen of the established missions of the American Missionary Association—among the colored people, poor whites, Indians and Chinese, according to their choice.
Public meetings in behalf of missions have been provided with lady speakers, and in many instances the monthly missionary concerts of the churches having the American Missionary Association for a subject, have been furnished with fresh letters from different parts of the field, thus giving vividness to the facts gathered from the A.M.A.literature.
We all know that it is not by doing any great thing that the home is made beautiful and strong, but by the many acts of thoughtfulness, the light and skillful touches which singly appear so small, but together and often repeated become essential.So in our connection with these great mission boards, let us make our work valuable by our constancy and skill in doing what we can, giving an aureola to the cause of missions by the well directed rays of womanly, consecrated service.
“For a long time I have not had an opportunity to read The American Missionary, and chancing to see it lying on the table at the house of one of my associates, it instantly awakened a host of memories of the past when I was a teacher of the Freedmen during the war of the Rebellion.My interest in the work of the Association has always been great, and I should have given my life to its service had I not felt that God called me elsewhere.My prayer is that God may bless the labors of the faithful missionaries in my own dear native land more and more abundantly.”
MAINE, $216.78. | |
Alfred.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | $18.39 |
Augusta. Miss K. Carpenter’s Sab. Sch. Class, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 5.00 |
Bangor. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. , add’l, to const. Rev.Charles H.Cutler, Mrs. Helen M.Quimby and John F.Colby L. M’s. | 30.00 |
Castine. Sab. Sch. Class, by Prof. Fred. W. Foster, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 1.60 |
Freeport.First Cong.Ch., 16.94; Rev.Daniel Lane, 1 | 17.94 |
Gorham.“Helping Hand Soc.,” by Miss Mary E.Tolford | 25.00 |
Gray. Sab. Sch. Classes, by Mrs. Julia Doughty and sister, for Selma, Ala. | 3.35 |
Kennebunk Port.South Cong.Ch. | 5.00 |
Norridgewock.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 33.25 |
Phillips.Cong.Ch. | 4.00 |
Portland.Williston Ch., 46; Wm.W.Mitchell, 25 | 71.00 |
Topsham.Mrs. M.P.Sewall | 2.00 |
——.“An Aged Lady” | 0.25 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE, $257.35. | |
Bennington.Cong.Ch. | 11.17 |
Boscawen. Mrs. J. McClure, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 1.00 |
Candia.“A Friend.” | 1.00 |
Epping.Cong.Ch. | 2.00 |
Exeter. S. C. E. , First Cong. Ch. , for Atlanta U. | 4.35 |
Hanover.Dartmouth College Cong.Ch. | 15.00 |
Hinsdale.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 20.00 |
Hudson. J. G. Proctor, to const. Mrs. J.G.Proctor, L.M. | 30.00 |
Keene.Ira J.Prouty, M.D. | 5.00 |
Nashua.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 20.00 |
New Ipswich. Children’s 25th Annual Fair (2 of which for Indian M.) | 19.32 |
New Ipswich.Cong.Ch. | 3.71 |
North Hampton.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 23.50 |
Pelham.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 37.00 |
Penacook.Sab.Sch.of Cong.Ch. | 20.00 |
Peterboro.Union Evan.Ch. | 44.30 |
VERMONT, $460.20. | |
Barnet. Ladies, for McIntosh, Ga., by Mrs. Henry Fairbanks | 12.52 |
Burlington.First Ch., 128.05; Third Cong.Ch., 74.56 | 203.61 |
Chester.Cong.Ch. | 33.50 |
East Fairfield.Cong.Ch. | 4.35 |
Enosburg.First Cong.Ch., add’l. | 5.00 |
Fairfield.Cong.Ch. | 2.88 |
Hartford.E.Morris | 100.00 |
Middlebury.Miss E.Starr | 5.00 |
Orange.Cong.Ch. | 15.00 |
Quechee. Ladies, for McIntosh, Ga., by Mrs. E.D.Wild | 5.00 |
Quechee. Mrs. H. Thomas, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 2.00 |
Rupert.Miss Cora Guild | 2.00 |
Saint Albans.First Cong.Ch., add’l. | 1.00 |
Vergennes.Cong.Ch., 13.38, and Sab.Sch., 1.62 | 15.00 |
Wallingford. Bbl. of C. , for McIntosh, Ga. Waterbury. Cong. Ch. | 5.34 |
West Brattleboro. Miss Annie L. Grout, Box of C. , 1 for freight, for McIntosh, Ga. | 1.00 |
West Randolph. First Cong. Ch. (6 of which for McIntosh, Ga.) to const Dea.J.O.Fowler L. M. | 30.00 |
Williamstown.Mrs. E.E.Cheney | 1.00 |
Williston.Cong.Ch. | 27.00 |
MASSACHUSETTS, $4,941.44. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Amherst.C.G.Noyes, 10; Second Cong.Ch., 8.80 | 18.80 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Andover.Ladies’ Union Home Miss’y Charlotte H.Swift, Treas. | 91.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ashby.Cong.Ch. | 13.26 | |||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
——— | 1,057.82 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Bridgewater. Central Sq. Cong. Ch. , to const. Wm.F.Leonard L. M. | 34.98 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Brimfield.Mrs. P.C Browning, 15; Mrs. J.S.Webber, 3 | 18.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Brookline.Harvard Ch.and Soc. | 53.34 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Cambridge.North Av.Cong.Ch., add’l. | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Campello.South Cong.Ch. | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Chelsea.Dr. Horatio N.Page | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Clinton. Mrs. R. N. Ingalls, 20; Mrs. Wm. Fairbanks, 10; Mrs. G. Carter, 5; Mrs. Emily Bigelow, 5; Mrs. Greely, 5; Mrs. Dakin, 3; “Friends,” 1.05, for Talladega C. | 49.05 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dedham. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Straight U. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Deerfield.Ortho.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 22.53 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Easthampton. Sab. Sch. of Payson Ch. , for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 30.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Easthampton. Mrs. Samuel Skinner, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Enfield.Cong.Ch. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Essex.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 55.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Fitchburg. Sab. Sch. of Rollstone Ch. , for Student Aid, Straight U. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Framingham. Sab. Sch. of Plym. Ch. , for Indian M. | 20.31 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Framingham.Mrs. C.M.Clark’s mite-box | 6.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Freetown.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 8.37 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Gardner. Woman’s Miss’y Soc. , for Indian Sch’p. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Goshen.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 12.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Greenfield.M.O.Farrand | 10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Greenwich.Cong.Ch. | 11.20 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Harvard.Cong.Ch. | 18.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Holland.Cong.Ch. | 4.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Holliston.“Bible Christians of Dist.No.4” | 30.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Holliston. “Friends,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 16.46 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Holyoke. “Friends,” by E. B. Reed, for Indian Sch’p. | 17.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Hubbardston.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 8.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ipswich.South Cong.Ch. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lawrence.Y.P.S.of Christian Service, Trinity Cong.Ch. | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Leominster. Cong. Ch. , for Indian M. | 42.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lexington.Hancock Ch.and Soc. | 15.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lincoln. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lowell. Mrs. O. C. Moore, for Freight | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lynn. Sab Sch. of First Cong. Ch. , add’l for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Marshfield. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Merrimac.Cong.Ch. | 100.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Milford. Ladies of Cong. Soc. , for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 6.07 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Monson.Mrs. C.O.Chapin | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
New Bedford.Trin.Cong.Ch. | 18.78 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Newton Center.First Cong.Ch. | 75.69 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Newton Highlands.Cong.Ch., add’l. | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
North Adams. First Cong.Ch. | 31.48 | |||||||||||||||||||||
North Brookfield. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 35.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Orleans.Sab.Sch.of Cong.Ch. | 20.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Pittsfield. “A Friend,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 7.10 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Raynham.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 21.06 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Reading.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 17.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Reading. Mrs. Z. M. Hazleton, for Freight | 4.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Rockland.Ladies of Cong.Ch. | 7.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Royalston.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 55.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Rutland.Cong.Ch. | 6.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Salem. Crombie St. Cong. Ch. , for Indian M. | 25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Somerville. Sab. Sch. of Franklin St. Ch. , for aid of Indian student | 40.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Southampton.Cong.Ch. | 31.77 | |||||||||||||||||||||
South Dennis.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 15.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
South Egremont.Cong.Ch. | 30.30 | |||||||||||||||||||||
South Hadley.First Cong.Ch., 26; “A Friend,” 2 | 28.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
South Hadley Falls.Sab.Sch.of Cong.Ch. | 14.79 | |||||||||||||||||||||
South Weymouth. Miss Sadie B. Tirrell’s S. S. Class Second Cong. Ch. , for aid of Indian student | 3.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Stoneham. Cong. Ch. and Soc. , to const. Rev.D.A.Newton L. M. | 39.08 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Sunderland. Cong. Ch. and Soc. (6 of which for Student Aid, Sherwood Acad., Tenn.) | 34.87 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Wakefield. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. , for Indian M. | 27.70 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ware.“A Friend” | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Watertown.“A Friend” | 0.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Westhampton.Cong.Ch., add’l. | 28.34 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Westford.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 11.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
West Medford.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 12.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||
West Medway. “Friends,” for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
West Medway.Mrs. E.C.T.Robbins | 0.50 | |||||||||||||||||||||
West Newton.Sab.Sch.of Second Cong.Ch. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
West Springfield. Ladies’ Mission Circle of Park St. Ch. , 100 for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., and 100 for Tougaloo U. | 200.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Whitinsville. Mrs. J. J. Abbott, 10; Miss Helen L. Abbott, 2; “A Friend,” 10, for Indian M. | 22.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Winchendon.First Cong.Ch.and Soc., 19, and Sab.Sch.21.57 | 40.57 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Woods Holl.Case of Books | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Worcester.Wm.Woodward, 100; Sab.Sch.of Central Ch., 5 | 105.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Worcester. Sab. Sch. of Central Ch. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 38.02 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Worcester. Geo. F. Orr, 10; Mrs. Orr, 6; Mrs. Laird, 2, for Talladega C. | 18.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Yarmouth.Cong.Ch. | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
——.“A Friend.” | 30.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
——.“For the Indians,” | 5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
By Charles Marsh, Treas.Hampden Benev.Ass’n. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
——— | 380.20 | |||||||||||||||||||||
———— | ||||||||||||||||||||||
$3,741.44 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGACIES. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Medfield. Estate of Mrs. Abigail Cummings, by Executor, for Atlanta U. | 1,000.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Worcester.Estate of Benj.W.Fletcher, by Geo.Swan, Ex. | 200.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
———— | ||||||||||||||||||||||
$4,941.44 |
RHODE ISLAND, $37.70. | |
Kingston.Cong.Ch. | 12.70 |
Providence.N.W.Williams | 15.00 |
Providence. Cent. Cong. Ch. , for Indian M. | 10.00 |
CONNECTICUT, $1,007.51. | |
Bristol. Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 9.00 |
Chester.“I.O.” | 5.00 |
Clinton.Sab.Sch.of Cong.Ch. | 8.30 |
Eastford.Cong.Ch. | 7.77 |
East Hampton.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 36.00 |
Ellington.Cong.Ch., add’l | 0.50 |
Farmington. Cong. Ch. , 20; H. D. Hawley, 20, for Mechan’l building, Austin, Texas | 40.00 |
Gilead.“A Friend” | 8.00 |
Harwinton. Cong. Ch. (5 of which from Mrs. Hilpah Watson, for Indian M.) | 41.05 |
Higganum.Mrs. Susan Gladwin | 4.00 |
Lisbon. Cong. Ch. , 6; “A Friend,” 1, for Conn.Ind’l Sch., Ga. | 7.00 |
Mansfield.Second Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 7.00 |
Meriden. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Fisk U., and to const. D.M.Lyman L. M. | 50.00 |
New Britain.South Cong.Ch. | 179.56 |
New Canaan. Woman’s H. M. Soc. of Cong. Ch. , for Conn.Ind’l Sch., Ga. | 26.00 |
New Haven.Davenport Cong.Ch., 41.34; Young Ladies’ Mission Circle of Humphrey St.Ch., 24.79 | 66.13 |
North Branford.Cong.Ch. | 11.69 |
North Madison.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 7.00 |
Old Lyme.First Cong.Ch. | 20.00 |
Plainfield.First Cong.Ch. | 23.92 |
Plantsville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. , for Atlanta U. | 32.58 |
Poquonock.Cong.Ch. | 38.54 |
Preston.Long Soc.Sab.Sch. | 3.60 |
Preston City.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 22.00 |
Putnam.Second Cong.Ch. | 21.90 |
Putnam. “A Friend,” for Atlanta U. | 20.00 |
Reynolds Bridge. Eagle Rock Cong. Ch. , bal. to const. Rev.J.S.Burgess L. M. | 24.00 |
Rockville. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch. , box papers, etc., for Sherwood, Tenn. | |
Seymour.Cong.Ch. | 12.05 |
Scitico. Mrs. Chas. E. Stowe | 5.50 |
South Canaan. “A Friend.” | 1.00 |
South Windsor.First Cong.Ch. | 8.00 |
Terryville.Cong.Ch. | 43.00 |
Terryville. “Soldier of Christ” (10 of which for Indian M.) | 15.00 |
Terryville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. , for aid of Indian student | 17.50 |
Waterbury. Sunshine Circle, by Jessie B. Brooks, for Woman’s Work | 5.00 |
Watertown.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 40.88 |
West Avon.Cong.Ch., 7.50; Rev.R.Scoles, 10 | 17.50 |
Westbrook.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 54.54 |
Westford. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. , for Indian M. | 5.00 |
West Hartford.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 14.00 |
Windsorville.Jane Bancroft and Parents | 25.00 |
Woodbury.North Cong.Ch. | 23.00 |
NEW YORK, $858.89. | ||||
Amsterdam.Mrs. Chandler Bartlett | 2.00 | |||
Bergen.First Cong.Ch. | 14.25 | |||
Brasher Falls. Mrs. Eliza A. Bell, to const. Willie J.Bell L. M. | 30.00 | |||
Brooklyn. G. H. Nichols, for Talladega C. | 100.00 | |||
Brooklyn. Sab. Sch. of Central Cong. Ch. , 37.50; Puritan Ch. , 11.53, for Indian M. | 49.03 | |||
Brooklyn. H. W. Brinkerhoff, for Atlanta U. | 10.00 | |||
Brooklyn.Puritan Cong.Ch., 72.56; Rev.E.P.Thwing, 5; Rev.S.B.Halliday, Pkg.Books | 77.56 | |||
Columbus. Aunt Sally Williams, by Rev. J. W. Keeler | 20.00 | |||
Fredonia. Jeannie E.Kinsman, to const. herself L. M. , and for Student Aid, Athens, Ala. | 30.00 | |||
Hudson.Mrs. D.A.Jones | 15.00 | |||
Lima. Sab. Sch. of Presb. Ch. , bal. of C. , etc., 5.17, for Freight, for Sherwood, Tenn. | 5.17 | |||
Livonia.Mrs. Wm.Calvert | 5.00 | |||
Madison.Cong.Ch. | 4.25 | |||
Millville.Cong.Ch. | 8.50 | |||
Newark Valley.Cong.Ch. | 21.06 | |||
New Lebanon.Cong.Ch., 16.45; Sab.Sch.of Cong.Ch., 5 | 21.45 | |||
New York. Rev. D. Stuart Dodge, for Talladega C. | 100.00 | |||
Norwich. “Ten Friends,” 7.75; “Seven Young Men,” 1.75; Miss Gibson, for Beach Inst, 1; by Miss M.M.Foote | 10.50 | |||
Norwood.Sab.Sch.of Cong.Ch. | 5.71 | |||
Owego. Cong. Ch. , for Indian M., add’l to const. Mrs. D.H.Bloodgood and Dea.James M.Hastings L. M’s | 25.00 | |||
Rushville.First Cong.Ch. | 3.81 | |||
Schenectady. Cong. Ch. and Soc. to const. Rev.John H.Munsell L. M. | 40.00 | |||
Seneca Falls.Sab.Sch.of First Cong.Ch. | 8.00 | |||
Sherburne. Joshua Pratt, 50; Mrs. H. De Forest Fuller, 25; “A Friend,” 25; “Kin and Kind,” 20; Rev. Charles C. Johnson, for Student Aid, 5—for Talladega C. | 125.00 | |||
Volney.Cong.Ch.and Sab.Sch. | 5.60 | |||
West Groton.Cong.Ch., 13.70; Birthday Box, 2.30 | 16.00 | |||
Woman’s Home Missionary Union of N. Y. , by Mrs. L. H. Cobb, Treas. , for Woman’s Work: | ||||
| ||||
——— | 106.00 |
NEW JERSEY, $406.88. | |
Montclair. Sab. Sch. Class, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 5.00 |
Orange.Trinity Cong.Ch. | 152.19 |
Paterson. P. Van Houten | 5.00 |
Upper Montclair.Christian Union Cong.Ch. | 219.69 |
Westfield. “Mission Band,” by M. C. Alpers, for Indian M. | 25.00 |
PENNSYLVANIA, $26.00. | |
Farmers Valley.Mrs. E.C.Olds | 1.00 |
Guy’s Mills.Cong.Ch. | 18.00 |
New Castle.John Burgess | 2.00 |
Ridgway. Young People’s Bible Class, by Minnie Kline, for Oaks, N.C. | 5.00 |
OHIO, $458.15. | |
Akron.Mrs. A.A.Conger | 1.00 |
Cleveland.Euclid Av.Cong.Ch. | 82.00 |
Cleveland. W. M. S. of First Cong. Ch. , for Indian M. | 7.78 |
Columbus. “L. M. S.” of Eastwood Cong. Ch. (thank offering), for Indian M. | 26.00 |
Conneaut. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 20.00 |
Conneaut. W. M. S. , for Indian M. | 2.50 |
Conneaut. May A. Kneeland, for Student Aid and Mountain Work | 2.00 |
Garrettsville. Cong. Ch. | 8.00 |
Geneva. First Cong. Ch. | 3.32 |
Hudson. W. M. S. , for Indian M. | 7.00 |
Medina. W. M. S. , 10; Primary S. S. Class, 1; Girls’ Mission Band, 20c. , for Indian M. | 11.20 |
Painesville. “A Lady,” for Indian M. | 5.00 |
Peninsula.Erastus Jackson, 1; James Scobie, 1 | 2.00 |
Richfield.Cong.Ch. | 8.63 |
Tallmadge. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. , 31.64; Y. L. H. M. Soc. , 12, for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 43.64 |
Toledo.First Cong.Ch., 120; Ladies’ Miss’y Union of Central Cong.Ch., 12 | 132.00 |
Toledo. Young People’s Miss’y Soc. , for Woman’s Work | 20.00 |
Youngstown.“Old Life Member” | 5.00 |
——.“A Friend” | 10.00 |
———— | |
$397.12 | |
Elyria.Estate of Lurania Tyler, by Lester McLean, Adm. | 61.03 |
———— | |
$458.15 |
INDIANA, $7.41. | |
Terre Haute.Cong.Sab.Sch., Birthday Offerings | 7.41 |
ILLINOIS, $407.05. | ||||||||||||
Champaign.“Three Friends” | 5.00 | |||||||||||
Chicago.First Cong.Ch., 100; Grace Cong.Ch., 20 | 120.00 | |||||||||||
Chicago. U. P. Cong. Ch. , for Indian M. | 25.00 | |||||||||||
Chicago. Rev. J. Porter, D. D. , Box of Books, for Library, Sherwood, Tenn. | ||||||||||||
Earlville.“J.A.D.” | 50.00 | |||||||||||
Highland. Ladies’ Missionary Soc. , for Woman’s Work | 5.00 | |||||||||||
Lee Center.Cong.Ch. | 4.05 | |||||||||||
Moline.Cong.Ch., add’l | 5.00 | |||||||||||
Oneida.Cong.Ch. | 10.00 | |||||||||||
Park Ridge.Cong.Ch. | 11.00 | |||||||||||
Payson.Cong.Ch. | 7.50 | |||||||||||
Rantoul.L.M.S.of Cong.Ch. | 5.00 | |||||||||||
Ridge Prairie.St.John Ch., by Rev.A.Kerr | 10.00 | |||||||||||
Roseville. Miss S. J. Axtell and Friends, box of C, etc., for Sherwood, Tenn. | ||||||||||||
Sannemin.Mrs. M.E Knowlton | 1.00 | |||||||||||
Sheffield.Cong.Ch., add’l | 2.00 | |||||||||||
Streator.Bridge St.Cong.Ch. | 11.88 | |||||||||||
Washington Heights.Bethany Union Cong.Ch. | 10.00 | |||||||||||
Winnebago.Cong.Ch. | 9.00 | |||||||||||
Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Ill. , by Mrs. B. F. Leavitt, Treas. , for Woman’s Work. | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
——— | 115.62 | |||||||||||
——— |
MICHIGAN, $351.49. | |
Alpena.First Cong.Ch. | 50.00 |
Chelsea.First Cong.Ch. | 20.73 |
Church’s Corners.Cong.Ch., 34.37; Sab.Sch., 5.63; Dea.N.R.Rowley, 10 | 50.00 |
Farmington.Mary Erwin | 5.00 |
Hancock. Ladies’ Missionary Soc. of Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 25.00 |
Ludington.Mrs. S.A.B.Carrier | 1.00 |
Manistee.First Cong.Ch. | 29.18 |
Middleville.Cong.Ch. | 2.33 |
Olivet.Cong.Ch. | 143.55 |
Union City. Ladies’ Missionary Soc. of Cong. Ch. , for Athens, Ala. | 10.00 |
Vernon.Cong.Ch. | 3.70 |
Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Michigan, by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas. , for Woman’s Work: | |
Alma.L.M.S. | 11.00 |
WISCONSIN, $171.56. | ||||||||
Cooksville.Edward Gilley | 5.00 | |||||||
Janesville.First Cong.Ch. | 66.00 | |||||||
Koshkonong.P.T.Gunnison | 10.00 | |||||||
La Crosse.First Cong.Ch. | 60.00 | |||||||
Ripon.Mrs. C.T.Tracy | 5.00 | |||||||
Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Wisconsin, for Woman’s Work: | ||||||||
| ||||||||
——— | 25.56 |
IOWA, $190.43. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Alden.Sarah B.Rogers | 2.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Almoral.Cong.Ch. | 3.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Atlantic.Mrs. O.C.Warne | 8.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Cherokee.First Cong.Ch. | 15.33 | |||||||||||||||||||
Council Bluffs.Cong.Ch. | 24.60 | |||||||||||||||||||
Grinnell.Cong.Ch. | 14.85 | |||||||||||||||||||
Lake City.E.P.Longhead | 0.50 | |||||||||||||||||||
Marcus.Mary Bosworth | 1.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Muscatine.German Cong.Ch. | 3.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Pleasant Prairie. Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 4.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tabor.Mrs. Sarah J.Spees, deceased, by Prof E.B.Geer | 50.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tabor.Miss May Matthews | 0.90 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tipton.Cong.Ch. | 8.00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Woman’s Home Missionary Union of Iowa, for Woman’s Work. | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
——— | 55.25 |
MINNESOTA, $182.88. | |
Brownton.Cong.Ch. | 1.14 |
Minneapolis.Plymouth Ch., 28.46; First Cong.Ch., 14.10; Lyndale Cong.Ch., 8; Silver Lake Ch., 5; Miss Mary C.Noyes, 1 | 56.56 |
Monticello.Cong.Ch. | 2.00 |
Morris.“Friends,” by Miss Nellie S.Ruddock | 23.40 |
Northfield.Cong.Ch. | 97.78 |
Three Lakes.Sab.Sch.of Cong.Ch., 1; Miss Emma Leonard’s Class, 1 | 2.00 |
MISSOURI, $85.46. | |
Saint Joseph. Tabernacle Cong. Ch. , to const. Henry Kirk White L. M. | 32.60 |
Saint Louis.Pilgrim Cong.Ch. | 40.00 |
Springfield.Sab.Sch.of First Cong.Ch. | 12.86 |
KANSAS, $4.08. | |
Fairview.Cong.Ch. | 4.08 |
DAKOTA, $5.00. | |
Sioux Falls.W.M.A., by Mrs. Sue Fifield, Ter.Treas. | 5.00 |
NEBRASKA, $54.53. | |
Bradshaw.Cong.Ch. | 4.08 |
Cortland.Melinda Bowen | 10.00 |
Hay Springs.Cong.Ch. | 2.00 |
Indianola.Cong.Ch. | 14.20 |
McCook.Cong.Ch. | 2.25 |
Stratton.Cong.Ch. | 3.00 |
York.First Cong.Ch. | 19.00 |
OREGON, $3.64. | |
East Providence.Cong.Ch. | 3.64 |
WYOMING, $15.90. | |
Cheyenne.First Cong.Ch. | 15.90 |
NEW MEXICO, $5.00. | |
White Oaks.Rev.R.E.Lund | 5.00 |
COLORADO, $3.00. | |
Julesburg.Cong.Ch. | 3.00 |
CALIFORNIA, $1,478.90. | |
Lugonia.First Cong.Ch. | 32.00 |
San Francisco.Receipts of the California Chinese Mission | 1,444.90 |
Santa Barbara.Milo Sawyer | 2.00 |
KENTUCKY, $157.55. | |
Lexington.Tuition | 157.55 |
TENNESSEE, $297.42. | |
Crossville.“Friends” | 0.75 |
Grand View.Tuition | 15.00 |
Jonesboro.Tuition, 5.50; Rent, 50c. | 6.00 |
Knoxville. Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Fisk U. | 5.12 |
Nashville.Tuition | 266.55 |
Sherwood.Union Ch. | 4.00 |
NORTH CAROLINA, $9.35. | |
Troy.Cong.Ch. | 0.50 |
Wilmington. Primary Sab. Sch. : Miss Hyde’s Class, 4.85; Miss Farrington’s, 4, for Rosebud Indian M. | 8.85 |
GEORGIA, $437.27. | |
Atlanta.Storrs Sch.Tuition | 333.45 |
Atlanta.First Cong.Ch. | 2.02 |
Macon.Tuition | 101.80 |
ALABAMA, 75c. | |
Pleasant Ridge.Ch.and Sab.Sch., by Rev.E.Tapley | 0.75 |
MISSISSIPPI, $9.40. | |
Tougaloo.Y.P.Miss’y Soc. | 7.40 |
Tougaloo.Rent | 2.00 |
TEXAS, $4.00. | |
Helena.Children’s Miss’y Soc., by Rev.M.Thompson | 4.00 |
——, 25c. | |
——.“A Friend,” | 0.25 |
CANADA, $5.00. | |
Montreal.Charles Alexander | 5.00 |
CHINA, $5.00. | |
Taiku.Rev.J.B.Thompson | 5.00 |
========== |
Donations | $10,419.84 |
Legacies | 1,261.03 |
Tuition | 879.85 |
Rents | 2.50 |
—————— | |
Total for October | $12,563.22 |
========== |
Subscriptions for October | $37.17 |
Receipts of the California Chinese Mission, from May 11th, 1887, to September 30th, 1887.E.Palache, Treas.: | |
From Auxiliary Missions.—Alameda, Mon.Off’s, 4.—Alturas, Mon.Off’s, 15.—Marysville, Mon.Off’s, 17.—Ann.Mem.(of which from Mar Fook, 4; Mar Tin Bow, 5), 29.50.—Oakland, Japanese, Mon.Off’s, 28.75; M.E.Gospel Soc., 2.50.—Oroville, Mon.Off’s 11.95; Ann.Mem’s, 34; “American Friends,” 2.—Petaluma, Mon.Off’s, 4.75; Ann.Mem’s, 16.—Sacramento, Mon.Off’s, 26; Ann.Mem’s, 8.—San Diego, Mon.Off’s, 2.50.—Santa Barbara, Mon.Off’s, 14.95; Mrs. E.M.Shattuck, 10.—Santa Cruz, Mon.Off’s, 16.75; Ann.Mem’s, 46.—Stockton, Mon.Off’s, 1.95; Ann.Mem’s, 46; James Jackson,5 | 342.60 |
From Churches.—Crockett, Cong. Ch. , 2.50. —Lorin, Park Ch. , 2. —Los Angeles, First Cong. Ch. (4 of which from W. R. Blackman, for A. M.) , 145. —Lugonia, Cong. Ch. , Edson D. Hale, 5; Chinese Sab. Sch. , 5.30. —Oakland, First Cong. Ch. (100 of which from Miss M. L. Newcomb, for Evan. Work, 20 from Rev. J. K. McLean, D. D. , 5 for Japanese M. , From E. M. Noyes), 205. —Oakland, Plym. Av. Ch. (of which Rev. J. A. Benton, D. D. , 5; Mrs. C. Richards, 5; Rev. H. E. Jewett, 4; Mrs. M. L. Merritt, 2; Rev. I. E. Dwinell, D. D. , 1; L. M. , 75c.) , 32.75. —Oakland, Golden Gate Ch. , Rev. W. H. Cooke, 5. —Pomona, First Cong. Ch. , “A Friend,” 5. —Redwood, Cong. Ch. , Rev. W. H. Pascoe, 1. —Rio Vista, Mrs. Thurber and Mrs. Gardner, Ann. Mem’s, 4; Coll. , 15.25. —San Francisco, Bethany Ch. , of which from American members, J. M. Stockman, 5; Miss Julia Pickard, 5; Mrs. S. C. Hazelton, 5; Dr. H. H. Lamont and family, 10.50; Mrs. M. A. Wilson, 5; L. S. Sherman, 5; Dr. H. C. French, 2.50; W. J. , 2.50; W. D. F. Wiggin, 6; Ann. Mem’s, etc., 35. —Chinese members, Central Mission, Mon. Off’s, 3; Ann. Mem’s, etc., 94.50. —Barnes’ Mission Mon. Off’s, 5.65; Ann. Mem’s, 10. —West Mission, Mon. Off’s, 13.15; Ann. Mem’s, 28. —Saratoga, Cong. Ch. , 35.75. —Sonoma. Cong. Ch. , 10. —Westminster, Cong. Ch. , 6 | 715.35 |
From Individuals.—James M.Haven, 25; Hon.F.F.Low, 25; J.J.Felt, 25; Rev.E.N.Dyer, 25; Hawley Bros., 25; Gen.W.H.Dimond, 10; Geo.W.Hazelton, 10; Messrs.Redington & Co., 10; J.J.Vasconcellos, 5; Rev.A.J.Wells, 5; Rev.Philip Coombe, 5; Mrs. A.Cognard, 2 | 172.00 |
From Eastern Friends.—Bangor, Me., Hon.E.R.Burpee, 100.—Amherst, Mass., Mrs. Rhoda A.Lester, 100.—Albany, N.Y., Mission Sab.Sch., by J.C.Hughson, Supt., 14.—Chicago, Ill., Mission Sab.Sch., one Class, by I.H.Morse, 1.55 | 215.55 |
———— | |
Total | $1,444.90 |
======= |
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Annual subscription, $1.50.Sample copy free.
(Below is a reduced fac-simile of a card from Dr. Talmage.)
Address, THE MANAGER, 63 Bible House, New York.
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Transcriber’s Notes:
Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions have been corrected.Ditto marks have been replaced with the text they represent to facilitate eBook alignment.Inconsistent hyphenation has been retained due to the multiplicity of authors.Period spellings have been retained.
Changed “larcency” to “larceny” on page 341.(eight for grand larceny)
Changed “stragetic” to “strategic” on page 356.(suited to become strategic)
Changed “anuual” to “annual” on page 360.(yield an annual income)
The advertisement for the Christian Herald has been significantly re-arranged to retain the connection between the portraits of Dr. Talmage and Rev. Spurgeon and the text describing their contributions, regardless of screen shape and size.