The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 03, March, 1887
Play Sample
Manhattan Life
We desire to engage the services of competent, reliable men as Agents, in localities where this company is not now represented.Liberal arrangements will be made with men who would like to undertake the business.The requirements are, a good reputation for honesty and integrity, popularity, intelligence, industry and perseverance.With these qualities any man can succeed; if he can add enthusiasm he can command great success.Send references as to ability, integrity, etc.
Accumulation | 11,155,000 |
Surplus, by New York standard, | 2,254,000 |
Cash surrender values.Policy incontestable after five years.Very liberal to insurers, embracing the non-forfeiture law of New York.
JAMES M.McLEAN, President.
J.L.Halsey, 1st Vice-Pres’t.
H.B.Stokes, 2d Vice-Pres’t.
H.Y.Wemple, Secretary.
S.N.Stebbins, Actuary.
Mark your Clothing!Clear Record of half a Century.
“Most Reliable and Simplest for plain or decorative marking.”Use a common pen.
Sold by all Druggists Stationers, News and Fancy Goods dealers.
Indelible Ink!
You Can Have The Phila.LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL AND PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPER, mailed to any address for 6 months, for only 25 cents, either stamps or silver—a small sum of money.If you will read it 6 months you will not be without it afterward.
Mrs. Louisa Knapp, Editor; Mrs. E.C.Hewitt, and Mrs. J.H.Lambert, Associate Editors.
Pure and Safe Fiction only.Domestic Stories by
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Josiah Allen’s Wife, Marion Harland, Rose Terry Cooke, Harriet P.Spofford,
Mary Abbott Rand, Ella R.Church.
A Series of Poems by
Will Carlton.
Author of “Betsy and I Are Out,” “Over the Hills to The Poor House.”
Practical Fashions, with Illustrations, by
Jenny June.
Practical House keeping matters by
Cottage Dinners, Dainties and Desserts for afternoon teas, or evening companies, with table manners and Etiquette, methods of serving and garnishing. A whole page for Mothers, and care of children, &c. Artistic Needlework Department, fully illustrated, and edited by Miss Mary Knapp. OVER 400,000 copies printed each issue.
WE SEND FREE Our own special new & original STAMPING OUTFIT To any person sending us only four subscribers for six months, at 25 cents each; or we will send this Outfit and the Ladies’ Home Journal one year for only $1.00. Our new, 1887 Outfit was designed expressly for our subscribers only, by Mrs. Knapp, Editor of the Ladies’ Home Journal
The outfit contains patterns for every branch of needlework and flower painting, and every pattern is the full working sizeThe several Flannel Skirt patterns are each long enough to stamp a breadth of flannel at once without removing the pattern, and the scallops have the corners turned.The outfit contains (new) a beautiful Spray of Roses wide enough for the end of a Table cover; an entirely new design for Tinsel work; several bouquets, each long enough for the corner of a Table spread, or a Tidy; and the alphabet is large enough for Towels, Napkins, Handkerchiefs, or Hat-bands.
Each outfit is accompanied by directions for doing Stamping by Parker’s new patent method without paint or powderAddress:
Transcriber’s Notes
Punctuation missing from the scan was added.Period and well-known alternate spellings retained (e.g.mamma for mama).
“Presideent” changed to “President” on page 64.(President, Hon.Wm.B.Washburn)
“collectable” left uncorrected on page 65 as part of the quotation “are not collectable taxes”
“aud” changed to “and” on page 75.(and is reaching a large number of women)
“philanthrophy” changed to “philanthropy” (a monument to Mr. Ballard’s philanthropy)
“règime” changed to “régime” on page 83 (The régime everywhere)
“Talledega” changed to “Talladega” on page 89 under the first entry for Farmington.
“Talladga” changed to “Talladega” on page 90 under the first entry for Holliston.
“25.00” added on page 95 to the entry for Boulder.Geo.L.Gibson.A smudge near the number indicates a probable scanning or page damage error, and 25.00 fills out the total for Colorado.
“Orlanda” changed to “Orlando” on page 95 in the section for Florida.
“boquets” changed to “bouquets” on page 96 (several bouquets, each long enough)