The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 5, May, 1883
Play Sample
In First Mortgage Bonds ON IMPROVED FARMS in Iowa,
Minnesota and Dakota, secured by
Beatty’s Parlor Organs Only $51.00
$85.00 FOR ONLY $51.00 Freight Prepaid
NEW STYLE NO.1215.Height, 72 ins., Depth, 24 ins.Length, 49 ins., Weight, boxed, about 400 lbs.
Regular Price $85.00 Without Stool, Book and Music.
24 STOPS. 1 Cello, 8 ft. tone. 2 Melodia, 8 ft. tone. 8 Clarabella, 8 ft. tone. 4 Manual Sub-Bass, 16 ft. tone. 5 Bourdon, 16 ft. tone. 6 Saxaphone, 8 ft. tone. 7 Viol di Gamba, 8 ft. tone. 8 Diapason, 8 ft. tone. 9 Viola Dolce, 4 ft. tone. 10 Grand Expressione, 8 ft. tone. 11 French Horn, 8 ft. tone. 12 Harp Æolian. 13 Vox Humana. 14 Echo, 8 ft. tone. 15 Dulciana, 8 ft. tone. 16 Clarionet, 8 ft. tone. 17 Voix Celeste, 8 ft. tone. 18 Violina, 4 ft. tone. 19 Vox Jubilante, 8 ft. tone. 20 Piccolo, 4 ft. tone. 21 Coupler Harmonique. 22 Orchestral Forte. 23 Grand Organ Knee Stop. 24 Right Organ Knee Stop.
☞This Organ is a triumph of the organ-builders’ art.IT IS VERY BEAUTIFUL IN APPEARANCE, BEING EXACTLY LIKE CUT.The Case is solid Walnut, profusely ornamented with hand-carving and expensive fancy veneers.The Music Pocket is of the most beautiful design extant.It is deserving of a place in the millionaire’s parlor, and would ornament the boudoir of a princess.
FIVE SETS REEDS. Five Octaves, handsome appearance.It will not take the dirt or dust.It contains the Sweet VOIX CELESTE STOP, the famous French Horn Solo Combination, New Grand Organ Right and Left Knee Stops, to control the entire motion by the Knee, if necessary.Five (5) Sets of GOLDEN TONGUE REEDS, as follows: a set of powerful Sub-Bass Reeds; set of 3 Octaves of VOIX CELESTE; one set of FRENCH HORN REEDS; and 2 1-2 Octaves each of regular GOLDEN TONGUE REEDS.Besides all this, it is fitted up with an OCTAVE COUPLER, which doubles the power of the instrument.Lamp Stands, Pocket for Music, Beatty’s Patent Stop Action, also Sounding Board, &c., &c.It has a Sliding Lid and conveniently arranged Handles for moving.The Bellow which are of the upright pattern, are made from the best quality of rubber cloth, are of great power, and are fitted up with steel springs and the best quality of pedal straps.The Pedals, instead of being covered with carpet, are polished metal, neat design, never get out of repair or worn.
SPECIAL TEN-DAY OFFER. If you will remit me $51 and the annexed Coupon, within 10 days from the date hereof, I will box and ship you this Organ, with Organ Bench, Book, etc., exactly the same as I sell for $85. You should order immediately, and in no case later than 10 days. One year’s test trial given and a full warrantee for Six Years.
Given under my Hand and Seal this
1st day of May, 1883
On receipt of this Coupon and $51 in cash by Bank Draft, Post Office Money Order, Registered Letter, Express Prepaid, or by Check on your Bank, if forwarded within 10 days from date hereof, I hereby agree to accept this Coupon for $37, as part payment on my celebrated 24 Stop $85 Parlor Organ, with Bench, Book, etc., providing the cash balance of $51 accompanies this Coupon, and I will send you a receipted bill in full for $85 and box and ship you the Organ just as it is advertised, fully warranted for Six years. Money refunded with interest from date of remittance if not as represented after one year’s use. (Signed) DANIEL F. BEATTY.
FREIGHT PREPAID. As a further inducement for you, [provided you order immediately, within 10 days], I agree to prepay freight on the above organ to your nearest railroad freight station, any point east of the Mississippi River, or that far on any going west of it. This is a rare opportunity to place an instrument as it were at your very door, all freight prepaid, at manufacturer’s wholesale prices.Order now; nothing saved by correspondence
HOW TO ORDER. Enclosed find $51.00 for Organ. I have read your statement in this advertisement and I order one on condition that is must prove exactly as represented in this advertisement, or I shall return it at the end of one year’s use and demand the return of my money, with interest from the very moment I forwarded it, at six per cent, according to your offer. ☞ Be very particular to give Name, Post Office, County, State, Freight Station, and on what Railroad. ☞ Be sure to remit by Bank Draft, P. O. Money Order, Registered Letter, Express prepaid, or by Bank Check. You many accept by telegraph on last day and remit by mail on that day, which will secure this special offer. I desire this magnificent instrument introduced without delay, hence this special price, PROVIDING ORDER IS GIVEN IMMEDIATELY.
Address or call upon the Manufacturer | } | DANIEL F.BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. |
“I Almost Forget that I Have Been Sick.”
This is the declaration of a lady in Wellsville, Mo. , whose friends, to use her own words, “had all given up that I was going with Consumption as fast as I could.” We give her own account of the marvelous change wrought by Compound Oxygen:
“I was convalescing from a six weeks’ fever when I began using the Oxygen.Was very much reduced in flesh and strength; could only sit up a part of the time.Had a slight cough and raised some matter and phlegm from my lungs.After using the Oxygen one week my weight was eighty nine and a half pounds; three weeks after it was ninety-two pounds, a gain of two and a half pounds in three weeks.I think it has been much faster for the last two weeks.
“I have been using Oxygen for six weeks and am now able to ride to town, six miles, do my shopping and back again, get dinner for my family and work at light housework all the remainder of the day without stopping to rest. Am feeling so strong and well that I almost forget I have been sick and should think my lungs well if it were not for the smarting or uneasy feeling in my throat and some pain between my shoulders at times.
“My cough (when I do cough, which is not often) is much more satisfactory and less of a hack than it was six weeks ago, and I think I raise more phlegm and less matter.
“I am able to do my own work, and it is so easy that I find it a real pleasure. Appetite is splendid.Sleep seven or eight hours soundly; no night sweats, no distressing sick headaches, as I used to have.My friends had all given up that I was going with Consumption as fast as I could, but instead, I am looking better than for years, and I think it is through God’s mercy and His blessing and your Oxygen that has brought me health and happiness.”
“A Wonder to all my Friends.”
A lady at Sandy Creek, N. Y. , wrote us in April last, giving a statement of her case. She had been a sufferer for many years, especially from Neuralgia
We had but one report of the case, and that a brief one, until October 20, 1882, when the following was received.It will be seen that the treatment has been doing a good work, and that the lady, to use her own words, is “a wonder to all her friends.”
“Last April I procured a Home Treatment from you and have written you once since then. I have been greatly benefited by the use of the Oxygen. When I wrote you a description of my case you expressed the opinion that with freedom from care and work I might be cured by taking the Treatment. I have never worked so hard or steadily as through the past summer, and have not felt so well, so much alive for years, and all this from the use of only about half a Treatment. I have been so very busy that I have not taken the Oxygen regularly at all; neither have I reported to you but once before, so I could blame no one but myself if I were not benefited. I have not felt quite as well for the past two weeks, but am going to be more faithful in the use of the Oxygen, and I hope to improve. I am a wonder to all my friends, but I give the credit where it is due—to the use of the Oxygen.”
Strong Testimony from a Physician.
A physician in Troy, Tenn., whose wife was in the early stages of Consumption, wrote to us in May last, ordering a Treatment.In a second letter, received some weeks after the Compound Oxygen was received, he says:
“She coughs some.Has no night sweats.Had some chills lately; short breath; pain in left lung under breast; some hemorrhage recently; appetite and sleep moderate; losing flesh since using Compound Oxygen; is some better in all respects; coughs up some blood and pure pus; breathes better than before using Compound Oxygen.”
We did not hear again from the case until Sept.22, 1882, when a letter came, in which the writer states that he had been waiting to see if the good work begun by our Treatment was going to be permanent.His report, which we give below, is highly satisfactory:
“You will no doubt think that I have been very negligent in writing you in regard to my wife’s case. Please receive my apology. I was just waiting to see if what your Treatment was doing would be permanent. I have so much to say that I hardly know where to begin.
“I gave you the symptoms when I made the order. For the first three weeks my wife did not improve any.After that time she improved slowly but steadily.She is now like a new person.She is gaining all the time.Her breathing is better than for two years, and she is gaining strength and flesh.
“When she began your Compound Oxygen she could not walk fifty yards without great exhaustion. She can now walk half a mile with but little fatigue. Her lungs pain her but little. She sleeps well at night; appetite good; has not had any hemorrhage since last of July, and then light; and, to cut the matter short, she said this morning that she began to feel like herself again
“You are at liberty to refer to me or my wife any one similarly affected.”
Our Treatise on Compound Oxygen is sent free of chargeIt contains a history of the discovery, nature and action of this new remedy, and a record of many of the remarkable results which have so far attended its use.
Depository on Pacific Coast.—H.E.Mathews, 606 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California, will fill orders for the Compound Oxygen Treatment on Pacific Coast.
G.R.STARKEY, A.M., M.D. G. E. PALEN, Ph. B. , M.D. | 1,109 & 1,111 Girard St. | (Bet.Chestnut and Market), | Philadelphia, Pa. |
Transcriber’s Notes:
Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions silently corrected.Period spellings and author’s grammar have been retained.Inconsistent hyphenation retained due to the multiplicity of authors.The following printer’s errors were corrected.
Changed “intoxcating” to “intoxicating” on page 142 (was found to be giving intoxicating drink).
An unclosed quote on page 147 is left unclosed, as it is uncertain where the close quote should be (“the W.C.T.U.has induced).
Changed “discusssion” to “discussion” on page 148 (for free discussion).
Changed “Fragance” to “Fragrance” on page 157 (Beauty and Fragrance).