The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 4, April, 1883
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Transcriber’s Notes
Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions silently corrected.Inconsistent hyphenation retained due to the multiplicity of authors.Arithmetic errors in the receipts have been retained as printed.
Images have been moved outside of paragraphs, resulting in page numbers that are slightly off.
Missing “t” added in “therefore” on page 106 (therefore an immediately pressing necessity).
Removed extra “s” introduced in line-break hyphenation on page 107 (no doubt that their presence).
Changed “Fragance” to “Fragrance” on page 125 (Beauty and Fragrance).
Inserted missing “n” in “governing” on inside back cover (natural laws governing its action).
Duplicate “them” removed from the inside back cover (restoring them to a healthier action).