The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 12, December, 1883
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From the trend of the discussion this morning I find that a large responsibility has drifted into my hands.There is among the churches in the North a deep, unmistakable interest in those long-neglected ignorant whites of the South.It is a difficult problem to tell how to turn this into channels that shall benefit these people without on the one hand neglecting the work already undertaken by this Association or, on the other, giving some suspicion of countenancing a color line and perhaps bringing a clashing of interests between sister societies.In the report on education just received, special attention was turned to the mountain whites.Perhaps the solution of our difficulties may be found here.Certainly there will arise in your minds no suspicion of waning interest in the colored people or sympathy with caste on the part of those who have heretofore been closely connected with this mountain work at Berea College and the surrounding regions.It is their unanimous conviction that work undertaken for these mountain people with firm faith in Christian brotherhood and unswerving courage will assist in unfurling upon a higher masthead the broad motto borne on the seal of Berea College for twenty-five years past: “God hath made of one blood all nations of men.”
The term “mountain” stands for much more than appears at first.It stands for a larger, more inviting and fertile section than many are aware of.It comprises a stretch of country commencing in the Virginias and extending to Alabama, 500 miles one way by 200 the other.Much of the land, not simply in valleys, but also upon the benches of hillsides and even upon the broad mountain tops, is as fertile as the better known sections of the South.At the base of these hills lies an untold wealth of coal, iron and other minerals which is, as yet, almost untouched, while the summits of these hills are still crowned with the virgin forests.This country supports now a population of two millions, though its capabilities are wretchedly developed.The growth since the war in these regions has been at almost double the ratio of that of other parts of the South.
But the term “mountain” bespeaks a country with different social and political characteristics.Slavery had no use for a self-respectful, laboring white man.The badge of manual labor was a badge of servile degradation.Of two brothers one would chance to get a little start, own a few slaves and all society would spur him onward.The other, less fortunate at the start, would slip away to some mountain hamlet and lead an uneventful, unambitious life and bring up a large family in utter ignorance.He plodded on his way, working only as necessity compelled him, instinctively hating slavery, slave-owners and slaves.Thus slavery rejected not simply this broken mountainous country, but the large class of whites which inhabited this region.If the North cares to dignify physical labor in the South, if it feels the need of a class that has a natural love for free, republican institutions, if it cares to have the common-school system take rooting in the soil, if it desires a class of whites that shall be the wise, consistent friends of the colored people, perhaps it may find that this large body of whites rejected by slavery will prove the effective agency under the divine planning for this purpose. The stone which the builders rejected may become the head of the corner.
But one or two railroads cross this section.There are few towns of any importance, and a man who should own $10,000 worth of property would be the great man for twenty miles around.They are an agricultural people, each family living on its own little farm of 50 to 100 acres, the homestead often having been handed down through two or three generations.The houses range from the painted and unpainted frame house of four to six rooms to the very common little log hut of one to two rooms where you will find huddled together at night a father and mother, and children of every age, and you yourself if you happen to be their guest.The most that is needed for family wants, from corn and bacon to tobacco, is raised by themselves.Often such a family will not see $50 in cash the year round.Even the old hand looms find a friendly shelter in those Rip Van Winkle hollows.A man who moved from these regions to Berea, that he might give his seven children an education, wore upon his back his carefully preserved wedding suit, the wool for which he himself had cut from the backs of his father’s sheep, and which his mother, after spinning, and weaving, and dyeing with butternut bark, had cut and made for him.A little shovel plough, a hand-made hoe, and an unkempt mule with a straw collar make up the agricultural outfit.The schoolhouse is a log hut sometimes without doors and windows, or even a floor.For religious services, dependence is placed upon the chance visits of an exhorter who sometimes cannot read, and is even proud of getting his inspiration at first hand.There is a section of Eastern Kentucky, 200 miles one way by 100 the other, that has not a settled minister of any denomination.Some hesitate about extending the work of this Association beyond the blacks, but they need have little scruple here, for this section of the map of our country is black through illiteracy.More than half of the adult white population native born, of the same stock and lineage that furnished from the more favored sections the Clays and Breckenridges, that gave to this country Abraham Lincoln—more than half of this white population cannot read or write.Thus, not on the farther side of broad oceans, or even the distant borders of our land, but right at hand in the very heart of the best settled and most cultured part of our country lies this territory, vast in extent, utterly neglected by all uplifting agencies in the past, peculiarly susceptible to the awakening influences of the changed social conditions at the South, where there is an ignorance so dense that when we remember that they are our brothers and sisters, not by Christian ties simply but by direct blood and lineage, we must hang our heads in shame.Surely if the Church at the North is sighing for new worlds to conquer, what more claim can there possibly be upon its attention and benevolence?
It is a matter of congratulation that this work can be entered upon by this Association at once and with vigor, without embarrassment or exciting in any quarter criticism or suspicion.It is idle for us to suppose that the social growth of generations enforced by ignorance, savage heredity and marked physical characteristics, has wasted away in less than a score of years.More vital than any political problem or the growth of any special church polity is the question whether the time can ever come in this country when the negro in debating his chances and opportunities in life shall not be made to feel that his color is a drawback to him.In working out the solution of this problem this Association has borne a part that is fast challenging the respect of the South and the admiration of the North. This is a vantage ground that it is hazardous to yield. The work of this Association is understood everywhere to mean that nothing less than the utter demolishment of every barrier in the upward progress of the negro race will satisfy it. If, therefore, the churches lay upon it this further work, we feel sure that not only by heritage will it prove true to these fundamental principles, but that the workers at present in the South will exercise an Argus-eyed vigilance that nowhere shall there be a shadow of a suspicion that the spirit of caste has influenced its action. Without rashness on one hand or neglecting its opportunities on the other, the churches at the North can thus safely gratify their present earnest and commendable, though somewhat tardy, desire to benefit the needy whites of the South by asking this Association to turn its attention specially to these mountain whites.
The friends of this Association should also remember that the man whose name as a missionary has been the longest on your roll, the Rev.John G.Fee, was born at the base of these Kentucky hills.You should remember, too, that the men who made an anti-slavery church and school in a slavery State years before the war were these mountain whites.This Association nursed its firstborn on these mountain slopes.As patriots, some of whose sons sleep on that Southern soil, you should remember that this whole section was loyal in the battle for a united country unstained by slavery.West Virginia parted from the parent State under this patriotic impulse.Some mountain counties in Kentucky sent more men into the Union army than they had liable to military duty.Surely gratitude for such help in that struggle is not so dead at the North that it will not say to this Association: “If you have the opportunity by churches and schools to repay in part the debt we owe, we will see that you have the money and the men.”
Your Committee finds in the report of the Executive Committee for the past year, proof of healthy and steady growth in the work of planting churches.The report records the organization of six new churches, viz., McLeansville, N.C.; Knoxville, Tenn.; Birmingham, Ala.; Jackson, Miss.; Fayetteville, Ark.; and Belle Place, La., and one new State Association of six churches in Miss.; making the whole number of churches eighty-nine, and of State Associations eight.The additions to these churches during the past year have been six hundred and sixty-seven; the number of scholars gathered in the church and Mission Sunday-schools has been nine thousand four hundred and four; the contributions for church work $12,027.21 and for benevolent purposes $1,049.35.
We are glad to find it to be the distinct aim of the Society to press its work of evangelization to its consummation in Christian churches, and that while its educational and industrial work must from the nature of the case be general in its character, the obligation is recognized to gather up the result, so far and as fast as opportunity affords, in a more specific and permanent form.An intelligent Christianity, such as is fostered in the academies, seminaries and colleges maintained by the Society, demands a church-polity that gives scope to the developed manhood and retains it in a process of growth.Our work would be but half done did we leave those brought under its influence to fall back into old methods and be lost in the mass of ignorance and superstition.
The Association was debarred from this distinctive work at first, but when soon after the war, others, who had contributed to the funds of this Society, seeing the magnitude of the undertaking, wisely began efforts of their own, the Association was left to the support of the Congregational churches, it directed its labors to this end. This distinctive church-planting work began in 1867. In that year the Society organized three churches. The statistics of its growth in this direction are summarized thus: In 1867 there were three churches; in 1870 there were twenty-three; in 1875, fifty-six; in 1880, seventy-three; in 1883, eighty-nine. The membership now numbers five thousand nine hundred and seventy-four, an average of sixty-seven to each church. Every church but two has a pastor, and eighty of the eighty-nine have their own houses of worship. These churches give promise of permanency. They have not sprung from a division or denominational spirit, and are not the representations of restlessness or the mere desire to try some new thing. Their roots are laid deep in the Christian education of the schools, and their organization expresses the need of the growing intelligence of those who compose them. Churches made of such material, formed upon the New Testament plan, have thus far been stable; those first formed are among the strongest.
Nor are these churches isolated and independent.They have recognized the principle of the fellowship of the churches and have grouped themselves into eight State Conferences, thus giving to our polity an example and an acknowledged position in that great section of our land.It is gratifying to find from the reports that the methods of this church-government are readily apprehended by the members of these churches, and that in the order and discipline of the individual churches and in the management of their councils and conferences, they are showing capacity for self-control.
This body of churches, so well organized and underlaid by Christian schools, presents a record of sixteen years’ effort that does no discredit to the Congregational name.
While anxious for a more rapid growth in the future, and wishing to extend the good influences which we believe will be felt by the establishment of such churches, we would commend the wisdom and prudence that have seized upon strong centers and have avoided the hasty multiplication of churches for the sake of members.While urging for the future the utmost watchfulness for opportunity and the pushing of this branch of the work of the Association, we express the hope that what is done be well done, that no discredit may come to the cause of Christ, as represented by the churches of our polity.It is not number but might that tells in the formation processes of a people.A single church of genuine substance, rightly constituted and ordered and working outward, is a germ around which a whole community will take form.More than numbers, the inherent vitality of this molds and fashions after the ideas and principles with which it is charged.It has vitalizing and organic power in it, and kindling the intelligence and awakening the responsibility of its own members, it leads and sways the people around it.It may work dimly for a time amid the surrounding chaos, but presently as the social fabric thus woven is brought to light, the figure appears and it commends itself as a true church of Christ.
But the work so well begun ought soon to be greatly enlarged.The rapid growth of the colored population gives emphasis to this—a growth that so far outstrips the means of education and spiritual improvement as to leave a constantly increasing number of illiterate voters and of degraded people.The benevolent societies of the North, of every name and order, ought to multiply their efforts for training the needed teachers—the business and professional men, the mechanics and the educated and consecrated ministers.Meantime, as the higher education of some advances, there will be more and more demand for churches of our order.We say this not from denominational feeling.We hold no invasive attitude. We stir no controversy. We aim not at division, but believing that the apostolic method of gathering churches is the true one, that in its fluent and free adaptation, its simplicity of form and order, in its investing Christ as the immediate Head of each local church, in its putting the individual members upon responsibility, and thus setting them to the study of God’s Word for authority and the dependence upon the Divine Spirit for guidance—that in this free and fraternal way of ordering the churches there is a molding power for good beyond others, and remembering its working and product elsewhere, we desire such fruit of it all abroad.
That Providence which always surpasses our thought in preparing its agencies has given us for this work this Association with its schools and machinery, its knowledge of the needs of the section where its greatest efforts have been put forth.Started with no expectation of founding churches, it yet has nothing in its constitution limiting it to one kind of effort nor to any one class or race.Its schools are open to all.Its churches are simply Christian churches.It goes to teach and preach and to elevate the masses.That is what is needed—no distinction of caste or class, and in the organization of churches the recognition of a regenerate membership on the principle that mankind are of one blood and on the fellowship of all Christians.
While practically its work has been mainly among the freedmen, and while it may continue for some time to find itself limited to them, theoretically its work is for all, and it should hold fast to that principle.It should never form some churches for black men and other churches for white men; but always Christian churches for Christian men and women.We should deprecate any line drawn in the Christian church based on difference in wealth, in social position, in education, in color, in sex, in previous condition.The only line to be drawn there is between those who give good evidence of renewed hearts and those who do not.We recognize this as the principle governing this Association, and therefore commend it as the adequate agency for the evangelizing work of our churches in the South.May it be abundantly sustained by the prayers and sympathies and means of our churches at the North, and may it soon find an open door through the ignorance and the prejudice by which it is surrounded and be free to work among all classes at the South.
And looking at the work already commenced among the freedmen, what a goodly field is opened before us!What a beneficent influence we can exert, not only on the seven millions in our own land, who are part of our body politic, but upon a whole race counted by its many millions in different parts of the world!What stores of prophetic power are lodged in every true church we establish!We have but the merest hint and initial sign in the little bands now gathered of the possibilities lying before us!
We commend this work to the churches at the North, and plead that these older churches cherish a lively and effective interest in all this outgrowth of themselves.There is danger that there may be abatement of interest in this direction, and that the fostering hand and special sympathy these weak churches, now that they are churches, need in their struggles, be withheld.That distinctive feature of Congregationalism which marks it off from sheer independency needs to be emphasized.There are claims of community in faith and order that should be gladly owned, and perfect understanding and interchange should be cherished between all parts of this fellowship of saints, mutual confidence and the gracious tenderness of a love deeper than any kinship of race should cement us in one.
By our liberal things we shall stand.We have sent men and women and means with large generosity, that inquired not whether they served our own denomination or another, if only Christ’s cause be promoted. The work already done is a fair movement to self-forgetful charity. We should now make our beneficence more and more the channel of grace and fellowship to brethren whom we have made brethren. If we do indeed hold this church polity on such terms of intelligence as to make it fit to hold it at all, if it be no fault of the awakened ones at the South that they hold it, then what has been so good and fruitful here we should make strong and fruitful there. And if this Association has come in its legitimate growth to the establishment of self-governed churches, accept them as our own. Our seal is on them from the first. The time is ripe for larger advance, and for more confidence in our own work.
It is with gratitude we acknowledge the liberal plan with which this Association is now supplementing its evangelizing and teaching work with the timely and necessary work of church erection.It is part of the same work.Nearly fourscore neat and serviceable church edifices have already arisen under its auspices.No better work and none looking more to permanent results has been done.Many a missionary and pastor has found his work at once enlarged and all his means of good multiplied, when the house of God has been given him by its aid.And every such edifice stands forth as an eloquent witness of your loving care for the people of the South, and serves as a bond of union between the distant parts of our land.
The same divine ordinance that opened this field to us, prescribes our work in it.Now that our mission reveals itself, shall we not accept it thankfully, impress ourselves purposely on this vast field, and let the poor of all classes feel the strength of Christian community and fellowship—for we are one?
Lewellyn Pratt, Chairman.
Assuming that the church work of the Association was not for sectarian propagandism, but for saving men from sin and its consequences, he proceeded:
Is it not evident, first of all, that the Church of Christ is the great and divinely ordained instrument for establishing the Kingdom of God? Schools are undoubtedly instruments. But their place is to supplement, not supplant, the Church. In that long line of Christian work which, beginning at Jerusalem, has well-nigh encircled the world, has not the Church of Christ been the chief machinery through which the good seed of the Gospel has been sown and the crop harvested, through which Christ’s servants have done his work, through which a goodly influence has been exerted, and through which Christian institutions have been founded and preserved? We are seeking the civilization of a down-trodden race, but what force was ever such a civilizer as the Christian Church?
Church work is necessary if we are to retain and conserve the results of school work.Let secular education train a man, and he becomes more polished and better equipped for life and work.He has greater power, but it may be a power for sin and selfishness, as truly as for God and righteousness.Let Christian education work upon him as it does in the schools of this Association, he is still more polished, he has a spiritual life.Not when in school, but when the school is left, is the Church most necessary.The influence of the college cannot be about a man in his home, the influence of the Church can.The help of a teacher is transient, the help of a pastor and the associations of a church are permanent.To expect these to retain the best fruits of that Christian education which this Association is so widely diffusing, unless churches take up, and carry on what the schools have begun, is to expect more of the colored race, with its inheritance of degradation, and slavery and little training, than we expect of the white race with its inheritance of Christianity and freedom, and abundant training.
Closely allied to this is the need of church work to withstand the evils that are incident to awakened thought and increased knowledge.The air is laden with a sentiment of irreligion.Educating a freedman is breaking up the hard sod of ignorance in which such seeds of evil fall without taking root, providing instead a soil that is very receptive.
As our educational work is, and must be, destructive of the religion of the old slave days, it becomes more emphatically our duty to provide a positive and intelligent religion to take the place of that which we destroy.Not to do so is to bring a possible curse along with our good.Moreover, churches must furnish zealous men and woman, whom education may prepare to do the Lord’s work.It is not enough to rely upon the possibility of conversion while the students are in college.The Church has an earlier and a broader opportunity.It forms the homes and the influences that form the children.A vast proportion of the pastors and missionaries of the North have gone to college as Christians, instead of becoming Christians when there.They have come from Christian homes.They were sent by Christian parents whose love for God and man was planted and trained in Christ’s Church.
And, brethren, need I remind you that we are sowing for a slowly maturing harvest.
The special work for the colored race to do in this country and in Africa is appalling, by reason of its vastness.And when we ask how it shall be done, I affirm that the churches of Christ in the South are to be great instruments.Successful foreign missions require vigorous home missions.Do you smile at the idea of these feeble churches ever furnishing financial support?One of them is reported this year as giving $90 to this Association, $70 to the American Board, $77 to home missions, while it spent $687 for itself.
The time of defense and apology for church work is passed.It is no longer an experiment.The night of doubt and preparation has gone.The morning of small things when, waiting for more abundant light, we moved with commendable slowness, has opened and glided on into the broad full day.Now we can do what we never could before.
Your Committee on Finance beg leave to report that they have carefully examined the books of account and the various annual statements of the Treasurer, and that as statements of the business done by the Association they find them all in the most satisfactory condition.The books are kept by a simple but comprehensive system of double entry, by which a double-system of checks against error is provided, and individual and representative accounts are each kept in proper form.The annual statements of receipts and expenditures, of investments, of permanent funds and of real estate held by the Association are all properly certified to as correct by the Auditors.The committee commend the financial administration of the Association for its economy and faithfulness.
The permanent funds held in trust by the Association, the income of which is used according to the direction of the donors, amounts to $203,863.60.These funds are invested mostly in U.S.government bonds and in first mortgages on productive real estate, which are an ample security for the amounts which they represent. The entire safety of these investments speaks well for the financial officers of the Association, and the wisely conservative regulations of the by-laws of the Executive Committee regarding investments warrants the fullest confidence in the continued security of funds committed to their care.
The permanent investment of the Association in lands and buildings for church and educational purposes in the South, of which it holds undisputed titles in its own name, is inventoried at $483,370.Berea College, Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, and Fisk and Atlanta Universities hold their own property by their own boards of trustees.The estimated present value of all these properties amounts to at least one million of dollars.
Here are a million dollars worth of tools and machinery, all in good running order, exactly adapted to the business in hand and located at the best possible points for doing it.Does not this fact appeal mightily to the churches to see to it that this great investment which they have made be used to the best possible advantage?He would be a poor business man, who would invest a million of dollars in a “plant” and then scrimp his business for lack of current funds.That would be a poor business, which with that amount of money well invested for its purposes could not secure the working capital necessary to use it to its full capacity.
It takes a long time and much hard work to gather from the benevolent a million dollars and to expend it judiciously in the erection of churches, school-houses and colleges.Every dollar of this money is freighted with prayer and winged with love.It will be found again presently as treasure laid up in heaven.It is like an inspiration to think how much of Christ’s spirit is represented in these buildings built for the love of Him.But they must be used.The very stones and brick will cry out against us, if we neglect to follow up what has been done with still greater work in the future.
The Executive Committee in their annual report call for one thousand dollars a day, as needed for current expenses the coming year.In order to raise this sum the ordinary contributions must be increased to $225,000, an advance of one-half over last year.In view of the great issues at stake, and the unexampled opportunities of the Association for doing its work, your Finance Committee recommend that this increase be made.
Let this be the key-note of our appeals this year: One thousand dollars a day; 50 per cent.advance on all contributions.
All of which is most respectfully submitted,
Erastus Blakeslee, for the Committee.
Now the question comes right here: shall we give according to what we are, or what we have?One of the largest contributors in New England told me the story of his conversion the other day, and it was this, as we sat in the evening by his fireside.“My wife and I,” he said, “had acquired a competence; money seemed to be coming in.I had been brought up outside the Christian faith, and while such a one was preaching on one occasion I debated the question: Can I become a Christian?My wife found the light and for days I wrestled with the question.Light would not come.I knew what it was; it was my pocket book; shall that be included? When I decided my pocketbook for Christ, then light broke in; and,” said he in that narration, as a fit appendix to the whole, “I have never put my means in any place where I have ever lost in all my experience.”
It is said that after the events at Pentecost, Andrew went down to China and preached and that Thomas also, whose finger ached to pierce the nail-torn hands of his Master and whose fist was almost doubled that it might be thrust into that pierced side, went down to China to preach the everlasting Gospel.Now 75,000 of that race, whose great engineering works were the world’s marvel 250 years before the call of Abraham, whose emperor wrote a classic a thousand years before David touched his sacred pen, are at our very doors; and if it was worth while for Andrew and Thomas to go from Jerusalem to China it is worth our work to preach to them and teach them and call them to us when they are so near, is it not?I remember it is written in the prophets, as I suppose Matthew read, “Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God,” and Ethiopia received the preaching of Matthew, so say many.I remember that Mark founded the church in the upper part of that dark continent.I remember that when our blessed Master fainted under the cross it was an African who put his brawny shoulder under it and walked by the side of our Lord, his Lord, to the crucifixion.And almost as a revenge, though not revenge, Simon, the zealot, who looked to Africa, was crucified himself in lower Egypt.If these thought it worth while to evangelize Africa, what shall we say of the 7,000,000 of Africa’s sons at our very doors?
The question now comes: Can we give?Is there money enough to give?There is an article in the “Century” for November, I think it is, which states, after computation from two cities of considerable size, that four-fifths of the inhabitants were attendants upon church services.The figures struck me with absolute astonishment and consternation.And, you remember, a year ago it was said that fully one-fifth of all the property in the United States, according to calculation, is held in the hands of Christians.I saw this so late that I had not time to go over it extensively; so I took the single city of Worcester.I took the 322 highest tax-payers in that city, and I called on a man who I supposed knew best the church-going habits and pew-owning property of these leading business men, and I said: “Will you tell me where this one goes and that one goes?”We marked them off last Sunday night, and of the whole 322 we found only 65 whom we did not know to be church-goers; and it is safe to say from the percentage that 25 of the 65 were church-goers—men who belonged to families that we felt sure would attend the house of God.We knew that 255 attended church; and adding the 25 that were doubtful, we had 280 out of 320 of the leading men in the city of Worcester that attend the Protestant churches in that city.Take the banks.There are eleven banks in Worcester, and we went over the names of the directors and trustees.Out of the entire number (there were two unknown) we found only three individuals that were not represented in a church, and two of these were the same man—that is, one was a director in two banks.
Now, what is the use?Shall we say that the money belongs to the evil and the piety to the good?The piety and the money, the heart and the gold, are ever in the church.We are reading of a house to be put up in a celebrated watering-place that will cost $750,000.I saw that in the city of New York the land where that great opera-house is, brought the sum of $700,000.The owner of this property in either case would keep two great organizations like this going; and I said, “What!do we want some of that money that is to build that summer resort by the sea?”No, we don’t want it.“But we would like some of that money that is beneath that splendid building that is costing its millions?”No; we don’t want it. If men will build houses for self, let the Christian do his work for the Master, and let us outdo the world.
But I must hasten.There is this demand of the nation upon us.It is said that Robert Peel was riding with his daughter on her birthday—he had given her a splendid riding habit, and the two were admired by all who saw them, and the father looked with pride upon his daughter—and in less than a week the daughter was beneath the sod.The seamstress had sewed the habit while sitting by the side of the bed of her husband groaning under the delirium of the typhus; and in the chill that came upon him she had cast the garment over him.The typhus of the garret became the typhus of that celebrated house.And we are concerned with the swamps, with the morasses, with these debased and poor colored people.We cannot afford to be other.I would, if there were time, enlarge upon this in connection with the report so admirably given; but I must pass on.
It is said that the Puritan captain Hodgdon was riding one day at the head of his company near the mountains when he heard the sound of a bugle.As he heard it he said to his soldiers: “Halt!”and every man leaned on his arms. “List!I love to hear the sound of the bugle: there is so much of God in it.”Yesterday came the report from the counties of Kentucky.It was a bugle-blast to this assembly.Was God in it?500,000 people who could not read their names, though written in characters that might be read 100 rods off—500,000 illiterate, ten years of age and above, in Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia!From the mountains there comes the sound of the bugle that has stirred us.Did it wake us up?Was God in it?I heard a voice in that sound.We are told in our press and from our platforms that the not doing full work in the South, and other helpers must come.Wait.Don’t hurry.The bugle has sounded; it was God that was sounding it.I ask for no vote of this assembly.I call for no show of hands.Yet, if you wait before God, you must answer in the name of this world to his call: “I ordain you to go and devote $50,000 to the mountain work, in Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia.”It must be done.There is no drawing back.
It is said that when Robert Bruce was marching to meet Edward, and came within sight of the glittering sheen, he said to his soldiers, “Kneel down, every one”; and the army of Robert Bruce, with their eyes to the earth and their lips moving, offered their prayers to God, then rose up—a little army—and defeated the English.It was God’s voice that sounded like a bugle.It is for the soldiers to pray, and to fall where the bugle calls.
One other point only, briefly, in regard to this question of the demand that Christ makes on us.We must never establish a condition that he has not established; never set up a standard which he has not set up; but follow him and receive the blessing while we follow.It was the remark of Augustus that he found Rome of brick and left it of marble.Our fathers, a century ago, found this nation half slave and half free.It is now left a free nation.God grant it may become, by Christian effort, as good as it is free!In a dark day of our war when the armies were failing, and the hopes of the nation were placed in Lincoln and Lincoln lost hope, when our courage depended upon him and our flag seemed as if about to be rent by an unseen hand—when Lincoln said, “I see no hope”, for the rush of the armies seemed away from the South and up back to the North, Stanton uttered the words that gave courage to his heart: “Weary man, don’t you know that the churches of the North are everywhere praying for you?”And the weary look passed away from his face, and the smile came back to its wonted place.The children of Father Abraham need the prayers of the churches of Christ.
In his sermon entitled “How to be a Christian in Trade,” a discourse which illustrates the wonderful combination of practical sagacity with spiritual insight, for which he was so remarkable, Dr. Bushnell says that “the great problem we have now on hand is the Christianizing of the money power of the world,” and again that “what we wait for, and are looking hopefully to see, is the consecration of the vast money power of the world to the work, and cause, and kingdom of Jesus Christ.For that day, when it comes, is the morning, so to speak, of the new creation.That tide-wave in the money power can as little be resisted when God brings it on as the tides of the sea; and like these also it will flow across the world in a day.”This witness is true, and it becomes us all, to pray and labor for the fulfilment of the prophecy that men shall come, “their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of the Lord our God.”But here the revival must begin in the Church itself.In former times we have had revivals with distinct characteristics.One was remarkable for the blessing which rested on preaching, another for the spirit of prayer which seemed to be poured out on the people generally; another for the interest that was evoked in the study of the Scriptures.What we have yet to see is a revival of which the chief distinguishing feature shall be liberal giving to the cause of the Lord Jesus, and when that comes it will be the prophecy of yet grander things for the promise “prove me now herewith if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it,” was made, not in connection with an exhortation to prayer, as so many who quote it seem to believe, but with immediate reference to the honoring of God with our substance, for thus it runs: “Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, and prove me now herewith.”While, therefore, it is true that a spirit of liberality in the support of the cause of Christ must be a fruit of renewed life in the Church, it is also true that its manifestation by the Church will be the forerunner of such spiritual triumphs as it has never yet achieved.Thus it is of great moment that we should use means for the awakening of Christians to a sense of the importance of this matter, and few things, in my judgment, would more efficiently contribute to the attainment of that end than setting briefly and pointedly before them the teachings of the word of God upon the subject.I cannot hope to cover all that ground in the few minutes now at my disposal; the most I shall attempt will be to take a general survey of it.
Beginning, then, with the act of giving itself, I find that it is spoken of as a part of self consecration to God, for when at the close of his reign David brought out in the sight of all the people the treasures which he had amassed for the building of the Temple and sought to incite them to make an offering for the same purpose, he said, “Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?”It is regarded as an act of worship, for God commanded his people to “come into his courts and bring an offering with them.”It is described by Paul as a “grace.”When writing to the Corinthians he said, “Therefore as ye abound in everything, in faith and utterance and knowledge, and in all diligence and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.”Only think of it—“as ye abound in utterance, so abound in this grace also.”What a blessed thing it would be in this America of ours, on which the gift of tongues seems to have been so lavishly bestowed, if Christians generally were as fluent in giving as they are in speech!It is referred to again and again as a “communion” in such passages as these: “Let him that is taught in the word communicate to”—that is, have communion with Him, that teacheth in all good things, “to do good and to communicate forget not,” or, as it might be given more literally, “Of well doing and of communion be not forgetful, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” In the same sense Paul, who had just received a gift from the Philippians, thanks God for their “fellowship,” that is, “communion” in the gospel from the first day until now; and praises them for having done well in communicating, or rather, for the word is the same, in having communion with his affliction; while he records it to their credit that no church communicated with him; or, for the word is still the same, “had communion with him in the matter of giving and receiving but they only.” To the same effect he says to the Corinthians that the churches of Macedonia had begged him to take upon him the “fellowship,”—that is, “communion”—of ministering to the saints in carrying to Jerusalem their gifts to the poor of that city, and he urges his readers to accept a part in the same service that God might be glorified for “their liberal distribution”—that is, for the liberality of the communion, for so the word still is, “unto them and unto all men.” And to mention only one other passage, the same apostle in his Epistle to the Romans bids his readers “distribute to the necessities of the saints,”—that is, for the word is still the same, “hold communion with the necessities of the saints.” Thus the making of contributions for benevolence in every form of it in which the Church is engaged is as really a communion service as is the observance of the Lord’s Supper. The same word is used in reference to both, and both alike are manifestations of the oneness of all the people of Christ in their common Lord. If this were more generally understood and felt by us I am sure that we should all have greater enjoyment in that part of the service on which so many look with disfavor, the making of a contribution; for that, as Paul gives us to understand, is only the manifestation by us in another form of the fellowship which we show forth when the bread and wine of the supper are passed from hand to hand among us. In this view of the case it is to be feared that there are far more “close” communionists in the Church than those who are commonly so denominated, and it may be well for us to take the beam out of our own eyes before we seek to become oculists to others.
Further, this giving is distinctly spoken of in the New Testament as a privilege.Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said “It is more blessed,” that is, it is a greater happiness “to give than to receive.”In many enterprises in which men engage the cost is more than the profit, “the play” as the French proverb has it, “is not worth the candle,” but here there is always blessing; blessing in the consciousness that we have the means of doing good; blessing in entering into fellowship with God, whose happiness is all that of giving out; and blessing in the fact that the joy of the recipient comes back to us and redoubles our delight.
But passing now from the act itself to the reward promised to it, we find that set before us in three different ways.It is first, temporal.“Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase.So shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.”It is, second, spiritual, for Paul in connection with his exhortation to the Corinthians says: “God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that ye always, having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work being enriched in everything to all bountifullness.”Was there ever such a piling of universal terms one above the other as we have here?It seems as if the apostle could not say enough to strengthen his assertion, and it is all said in connection with cheerful giving.Nor is this all.He goes on to say that the gifts of the Corinthians by evoking prayers on their behalf from the hearts of the receivers, would return in blessings into their own bosoms. You know how the process of irrigation goes on in nature. All the rivers run into the ocean, out of that the sun continually evaporates clouds, which the wind blows back over the land, where they fall out in rain on the mountains, and go to feed the rivers. Thus evermore the circle is kept up and the lands are fertilized. Now in the same way the gifts we make to God all run into the furtherance of his cause, and are by him lifted up into the celestial region of his grace and power, whence they descend again with new blessing into our hearts, making both ourselves individually and the Church at large joyous and productive. Then there is a third reward which is eternal; for Jesus in the close of the parable of the prudent steward says: “Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations.” Money will not purchase our entrance into heaven. Nothing can do that but the work of Christ; but the money which out of love to Christ we give to his people and his cause will secure that we shall be received in heaven by those whom we have been the means of benefiting. As we enter they will take us by the hand and lead us up to Him that sitteth on the throne, saying: This is he whose efforts and whose gifts were, under thee, the means of our being here; let it be done unto him as unto the man whom the King delighteth to honor. And he will reply: Well done! “Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye did it unto me.”
Then as to the manner of the giving.We are told that it should be cheerful, for God loveth a cheerful giver.It should be no stereotyped and immutable thing, the same through life, but “as God has prospered us.”It should be systematic, as the result of careful thought and weekly planning on the Lord’s day, under the influence of the memory of His resurrection.For it was after his great argument on the resurrection that Paul said “now concerning the collection,” and it was because of its connection with that resurrection that he specified “the first day of the week” as that on which every one should “lay by him in store as God hath prospered him.”Weekly storing in the Lord’s box at home on the Lord’s day, that is what Paul recommends, and then when the Lord makes his appeal to us we can cheerfully give Him of His own.In the neglect of this plan, and the making of gatherings for this and that cause as each comes along, we have the explanation of the disfavor with which, in the public service, too many hear the announcement that a contribution will be made.
But now, finally, as to the motive. Here it is: “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might be rich.” The bringing of such a motive to bear on so simple a thing as the making of a contribution for the poor saints of Jerusalem seems like cracking a nut with a Nasmyth steam hammer. But Paul knew what he was doing when he dictated these words. He wanted to exalt and consecrate all Christian beneficence by having it done from the most powerful Christian motive. And after the presentation of such a motive there is no more to be said. For when men know the grace of Christ, they will never feel that they have given Him enough, and till they know it they will never give Him anything. They may contribute to keep up appearances so as to be like other people, or to gain a reputation, but they will never give to Him until they know His grace. This is the very pith and marrow of the matter. Before men give to Christ they must receive from him, and when they have received Christ Himself into their hearts they will be impelled to give. Impelled, not compelled; for the delight and the duty will coincide, or rather the duty will be merged in the delight.So we come round to the point at which we set out. A revived church will become a giving church, and a giving church is the fore-herald of a converted world.
How much owest thou thy Lord?That is the question which the giver has to face.Sometimes in commercial circles a man will assign a debt that is owing him to some one else, out of friendship, that he may take it when he has collected it and use it for himself.Much in the same way, I think, the Lord Jesus has assigned a large portion of the debt which we owe to him to those who are around us—to the unconverted at our doors, to those races among whom you labor, to the pagans far away.This was what Paul felt when he said, “I am debtor, both to the wise and to the unwise, both to the Greek and to the Barbarian”; and it was the constant feeling of that sense of obligation that gave his life its nobleness and its usefulness.So let it be with us; and let us see in those for whom appeal is made to us through this Association, the representatives of Christ.
There is a beautiful story told in Stevenson’s “Praying and Working.”I am very fond of repeating it—I may have told it to some of you before, but no matter—about a little child in the orphanage of John Falk at Weimar.They were having supper in the dining-hall, and the teacher gave thanks in the ordinary way before the children began their meals, saying, “Come, Lord Jesus, and be our guest to-night, and bless the mercies which Thou has provided.”One little boy looked up and said, “Teacher, you always ask the Lord Jesus to come, but he never comes.Will he ever come?”“Oh, yes; if you will only hold on in faith, he will be sure to come.”“Very well,” said the little boy, “I will set a chair for him beside me here to-night to be ready when he comes.”And so the meal proceeded.By-and-by there came a rap at the door, and there was ushered in a poor half-frozen apprentice.He was taken to the fire and his hands warmed.Then he was asked to partake of the meal, and where should he go but to the chair which the little boy had provided?and as he sat down there the little boy looked up with a light in his eye, and said, “Teacher, I see it now!The Lord Jesus was not able to come himself, and he sent this poor man in his place.Isn’t that it?”
Aye, that is just it.And so, brethren, the Lord Jesus isn’t able, according to His plans for this world, to come personally yet among us, but He has sent those colored people, Chinese, Indians and heathen to make appeal in His behalf to us, and who among us will set a chair for Him?There are many friends with whom I hardly agree who are very anxiously waiting for the appearance of the personal Christ among us, and they are wondering what they shall do to welcome Him.Would that the eyes of these brethren and our own too were opened to the perception of the Christ that is already here, in the persons of those needing to be helped and educated and elevated, and that their ears could hear His words, “Inasmuch as ye do it unto one of the least of these His brethren ye do it unto Christ.”
That is the Christian philosophy of giving, and if a man does not feel the force of these considerations I should be disposed to say he has not yet begun to be a Christian.
The topic of this closing service is not only of prime importance, but comes in its logical place. When your machinery is all educational, industrial and church-wise, the final and vital question is one of power to move it. The supreme motive power in your work is spiritual life
Life is force, something capable of originating or resisting power or motion.Physical life is that mysterious something no analysis can detect, no alembic reveal, no power resist; which swells the bud, opens the flower, sprouts the seed, ripens the harvest.
Spiritual life, through another plane, is also a force, capable of originating or resisting power or motion.Its realm is the human soul, and draws nutriment from the soil, which that cunning chemist we call life builds up into strength and beauty.
Spiritual vitality performs a similar structural function.Once made alive in Christ Jesus, the disciple seeks for spiritual aliment.
1. Now, spiritual life, like natural life, possesses structural powerIt is a master builder.One main function of the vital principle in nature is to lay hold of inert matter and convert it into living organisms. The growing tree absorbs tons of carbon from the air.The local church, if a live one, takes up into her membership more or less of the outlying population, and from aliens converts them into fellow citizens of the saints and members of the household of faith.
The ability, then, of this noble Association, second to none in the land, to advance the kingdom of Christ in the several fields where it operates, will assuredly be conditioned upon the spirit and vigor of the churches and individuals behind it, will be determined, not so much by the amount of money it receives or the number of workers it puts into the field, as by the prayers and spiritual enthusiasm of its constituency.
Carlyle once said: “The American Republic is going straight to the devil.No government can long exist that receives the refuse of all the rest of the world into its midst and makes citizens of them.”Our free institutions are to undergo a strain in the near future, I am sure, that has never yet been put upon them.Our American churches are also to be put to a similar strain.Nay, the pressure is already upon them.Are they equal to it?I believe so.We must, however, leaven the multitudes of the ignorant and unsaved with our Christianity, or they will leaven us with their illiteracy.Our ability to meet the emergency already upon us will depend, under God, upon our spiritual vitality.
2.Another function of life is its expulsive power.What it cannot use and assimilate it expels.It gathers the good and casts the bad away.Strong, vigorous life depends as much upon the one function as the other.The religious world is full of the germs and larvæ of skepticism, theistic and atheistic assaults and criticisms. A robust person can walk in the midst of pestilence unscathed, while disease springs upon one whose vitality is depressed.Precisely the same condition obtains in respect to the individual disciple, or the church, or our missionary boards.
The one effective answer to skepticism, then, of every grade and degree of virulence; the one sovereign remedy for worldliness, apathy and avarice of God’s people, is a new enduement of spiritual power.Our lips must be touched with celestial fire and our hearts bathed in Christ’s great love.
3.Another quality of life is its expansive power.The mightiest force in this world is life.It mocks at gravity; it defies cohesion; bursts every band.The same expansive property inheres in spiritual life.
You might as well shut up a growing chicken in its shell as to shut up a live Christianity in the shell of the fathers.No.Where there is life there must be expansion.She breaks through old traditions and prejudices, and steps out into new departures and broader methods, and pushes on into new regions of thought and conquest beyond.She lays her hand on the colored man of the South, saves, educates him, equips him for the life that now is, as well as for that which is to come.She stands on the shores of the great Pacific, where the shining waves lave her feet and chant their mighty anthems of freedom, and, with open, arms and a catholic heart, free of all race prejudices, welcomes the Chinaman. She uncovers the cross in the wigwam of the red man and bids the dusky sons of the forest look and live.
4. Once more spiritual life is the only complete bond of union. Says President Hopkins, “It is on this that the whole method of God in the restoration of man is based, and it is for the recognition of this by men, and their adoption of God’s method of vitality and unity, the tardy, laboring and discordant times wait.No partial reform will do; no coming man.Everywhere men are divergent, repellant.The bond of common humanity is but a string of tow to bind the Samson of human selfishness and passions.There must be a divine life, a divine centre.This center is Christ.He is the life.The nexus which is to bind this selfish world in one, and unite all races and nationalities in one common fellowship and forward movement to disciple the world, is Christ in the souls of all men.Amid every diversity of polity and people, He is the one vivifying and unifying spirit.
5.The principal question, however, is one of means.How is this life to be secured?To get fresh water we go to the spring.To get information we go to the sources of knowledge.To get spiritual vitality we go to Christ.Life in nature is the product of living organisms in contact.The strength and continuance of that life depends upon the closeness of the contact.The steel must touch the magnet to receive and retain magnetism.
So spiritual life and zeal comes from contact with a living Christ.The strength and fervor of that life is forever conditioned upon the closeness of our contact with our living Head.
No one thing so lowers spiritual heat and light as distance from Christ.Neptune has not a thousandth part of our light and warmth.He is too far away from the central orb.We are just now too far away from Christ; hence our comparative barrenness.We must sit where the fire and inspiration of His eye kindle in ours; where his glowing enthusiasm passes over into us; where the greatness and grandeur of the work He has given us to do shall thrill us and grow upon us.Then we shall mount to its accomplishment on the wings of eagles, and run and not be weary, and walk and not faint.
Never had this Association more call for enthusiasm, never for greater hopefulness.What did we see here last night—the black man and red man, men from Asia and Africa and America, strangers and proselytes, speak in their own tongues the wonderful works of God.
I cheer you on to the labor of another year.As we go down from this mount let us go to our upper chambers and, whether for eight days or as many weeks, let us tarry and pray until we are endued from on high and receive the tongues of flame and the utterance of the Spirit.Then let us, in our various fields, gird up our loins and go forth to achieve for the Lord of Hosts, resolved that before another anniversary of this Association comes round we will, God helping us, see thousands housed and happy in Christ’s dear love all over our beloved land of very race and color.
The topic assigned me is in the line of the theme just discussed by Dr. Dennen.My friend and classmate Dr. Pike insisted upon my coming over here and taking part in this evening meeting; and he said, “Your theme will be: Spiritual Vitality the Crowning Necessity in Missionary Work.”
I shall take it for granted that other means have been set before you and insisted upon—the one nearest always, money.That is a great necessity in missionary work.You have heard, I have no doubt, a good deal about that, and I merely wish to honor it as a means under God of the most pressing necessity.We can do nothing to send the blessings that God has put into our hearts abroad among our fellow men without means; and the first means is money.But all the money in the world will not serve our end.What is the next?We must have men.But all the men in the world won’t do missionary work, although we had them all enlisted in that work.Suppose we had all the money we could use and all the men that offered themselves and that we could procure; we would only have gone so far.What else is needed?We need fitness in the men as another great means.This is as necessary as money and men, this culture.But after we have the men, and after we have them qualified, there is still room for what in my theme to-night is called “the crowning necessity.”You may take Yale College as it stands, with all its culture, and you may turn out all our hundreds of young men down into the South this blessed night; what could they do in missionary work to-morrow morning?So you see that it is not the money, or the men, or the culture that alone is needed; something more is needed, and that is “spiritual vitality.”
And now, beloved, to take the first step and to say the first thing that must be said, in my judgment (since I am called here to give my opinion), the first position that we must assume and which this Association has assumed from its very start—although it is one of the old things that Christ says a well-instructed scribe must take out of his treasury—we must begin with God.We are to stand in his presence, we are to summon him as our witness, we are to avow ourselves openly and frankly, every day we live, as doing this for him.
I should like to know where our modern unbelief is that is such a distress to us in all our efforts and in our inward life, when you reverently, and in the deep meaning of thought say, “As the Lord liveth”?Look at it.There are two schemes of the universe: one, the Christian scheme, with a belief in the living God as the original of all things—a personal being who is personally interested in his creatures, and who is desiring, since he has made him in his own image, to have man hold communion with himself, and who desires to have all men reconciled to himself from their sin and their misery and their unhappy life.There is another scheme where there is no God, or, what is the same thing to us, we do not know whether there is or not.And what is the idea of the universe that follows from that?Why, that it must move along as the blind force behind it shall urge it.Where is it going to land?The day is coming, brethren, when we will cry, “Oh for the doctrine of a predestinating God”—God with his eye on an end, and with an end to which he is turning all things and which shall be satisfactory to all the creatures that he has made in his image.
Let us take a frank position here as a missionary society, and let it be known that we openly and avowedly, by word and deed, take the stand that we believe in God, and that we believe he is a living God, and in his name and for his sake and to effect his purpose we are going to the South, to the North, to the East, to the West, to gain trophies that shall be to the glory of his redeeming grace, since he has revealed to us, as we believe, the fact that he will complete these ends through our agency.
MAINE, $391.80. | |
Banger.Hammond St.Ch., 100; First Cong.Ch.20 | $120.00 |
Bethel.Second Cong.Sab.Sch. | 10.00 |
Brunswick. Mrs. S. C. F. Hammond, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 25.00 |
Cumberland. Cong. Ch. and Soc. to const. Capt.Reuben Blanchard L. M. | 40.00 |
Hampden.Charles E.Hicks. | 7.00 |
Lovell.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 6.00 |
North Anson.“A Friend” | 10.00 |
Portland.Second Parish Ch.and Soc. | 86.30 |
South Berwick.Hugh and Philip Lewis. | 6.00 |
Westbrook. Second Cong. Ch. to Const. Rev.Edward E.Bacon L.M. | 46.50 |
———— | |
$356.80 | |
Bethel.Estate of Sarah W.Chapman by A.W.Valentine, Ex. | 35.00 |
———— | |
391.80 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE, $69.02. | |
Amherst.Cong.Ch. | 12.98 |
Campton.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 18.04 |
Colebrook.“E.C.& W.” | 2.00 |
Concord. Dea. McQuesten, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 10.00 |
Concord. Miss Lancaster, for Fort Berthold | 2.00 |
Greenville.Cong.Ch. | 10.00 |
Hampstead.Cong.Ch.and Soc., ad’l. | 9.00 |
Manchester. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. , 64.94 to const. Holmes R.Pettee and H.W.Herrick, L.Ms. Incorrectly Nov.number from Mass. | |
Tilton.A.H.Colby. | 5.00 |
VERMONT, $540.02. | |
Attleborough.Second Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 90.72 |
Benson. Cong. Sab. Sch. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 5.00 |
Brattleborough.Cong.Ch. | 39.58 |
Burlington.Winooski Av.Cong.Ch. | 107.28 |
Castleton.W.C.Guernsey. | 4.50 |
Enosburg.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 26.25 |
Granby and Victory.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 3.00 |
Manchester. Ladies’ Benev. Soc. , 2 Bbls. of C, for Raleigh, N.C. 1 Bbl. for Atlanta U. | |
Newport.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 15.00 |
Norwich.Ashley Blodgett. | 5.00 |
Saint Johnsbury.North Cong.Ch. | 168.00 |
Saint Johnsbury. North Cong. Sab. Sch. , for S.S.Work | 26.00 |
Wells River.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 23.25 |
Westminster West.“A Friend.” | 5.00 |
Weybridge.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 16.44 |
———— | |
$535.02 | |
Wilmington.Estate of Mary Ray. | 5.00 |
———— | |
$540.02 |
MASSACHUSETTS $3,528.10. | |
Agawam.Cong.Ch. | 6.00 |
Ashby. “A Friend” for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 5.00 |
Boston. Mrs. C. A. Spaulding, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 50.00 |
Boston. Miss Faxon, for Fort Berthold | 1.00 |
Boxborough.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 20.00 |
Braintree.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 12.05 |
Brookline. S. C. Dizer, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. and to const. himself L. M. | 100.00 |
Brookline.Harvard Ch.and Soc. | 76.33 |
Buckland.Dea.S.Trowbridge. | 10.00 |
Campello. Orthodox Cong. Ch. and Soc. ad’l to const. Rev.and Mrs. John F.Blades, Lewis D.Doten and Geo.W.Packard L. Ms. | 95.73 |
Charlestown.Winthrop Ch.and Soc. | 66.48 |
Chelsea. Concert, under auspices of Ladies’ Union Home Mission Band, for Student Aid, Hampton N.and A.Inst. | 54.00 |
Chelsea. Miss Annie P. James, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. and to const. W.H.Singleton L. M. | 30.00 |
Chelsea. “Friends” Books for Library, Chattanooga, Tenn. | |
Coleraine.Mr. and Mrs. Wm.B.McGee, 4; John Gilchrist, 1. | 5.00 |
Concord. Rev. H. M. Grout, D. D. , and Others, for Atlanta U. | 40.50 |
Concord.Trin.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 30.00 |
Dalton. Cong. Sab. Sch. for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 50.00 |
Danvers. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. to const. William Siner, Jr., Henry A.White and George A.Peabody L. M.’ s. | 100.00 |
East Boston. Mrs. Joseph Robbins, Bdl.of Goods, for Dakota M. | |
Fitchburg.Rollstone Ch.and Soc. | 140.00 |
Gardner.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 30.00 |
Gloucester.Evan.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 20.00 |
Granby. Cong. Ch. , Children’s Mission Circle, for Tillotson C.and N.Inst.Building | 45.00 |
Hadley.E.Porter. | 10.00 |
Hanover Four Corners.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 7.46 |
Hardwick.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 5.00 |
Harvard.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 18.50 |
Hyde Park.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 20.00 |
Indian Orchard.Evan.Ch.and Soc. | 19.22 |
Jamaica Plain.Cong.Ch.and Soc., in part. | 160.00 |
Lancaster.Evan.Cong.Ch.and Soc., ad’l. | 10.00 |
Lincoln. George Ropes, for Atlanta U. | 25.00 |
Lincoln. Cong. Sab. Sch. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 20.00 |
Lowell. First Cong. Ch. , for Atlanta U. | 13.75 |
Malden.First Cong.Ch.and Soc., 40.68; “A Friend,” 1. | 41.68 |
Medford.“A Friend.” | 5.00 |
Millbury. Second Cong. Ch. to const. Rev.John L.Ewell L. M. | 30.00 |
Natick.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 25.00 |
New Bedford.Miss Helen M.Leonard. | 1.00 |
Newton.Eliot Ch.and Soc. | 100.00 |
Newton Center.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 68.68 |
North Hadley.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 5.25 |
Northamption.A.L.Williston, 500; First Cong.Ch., 247.68; Edwards Ch.Benev.Soc.64. | 811.68 |
North Leominster.Mrs. S.F.Houghton. | 5.00 |
Oxford.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 22.26 |
Pepperell.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 12.36 |
Phillipston.Ladies Benev.Soc Bdl.C. | |
Pittsfield. Rev. C.V.Spear to const. himself, Geo.N.Spear and Mrs. Ellen M.Spear L. Ms. | 250.00 |
Roxbury. Walnut Av. Cong. Sab. Sch. for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. | 17.70 |
Roxbury.Mrs. P.N.Livermore. | 1.00 |
Shirley Village. 500 copies “Youth’s Companion” by Miss Nettie A. Dickson, for Marietta, Ga. | |
South Amherst.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 5.6 |
Southampton.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 41.2 |
South Attleborough.Mrs. Harriet L.Draper, 2 and Bbl.of C. | 2.00 |
Southborough.Pilgrim Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 15.10 |
South Hadley.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 25.00 |
South Sudbury. Ladies’ Home Miss’y Soc. Bbl of C. , val. , 34.17, for Atlanta U. | |
Southville.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 8.40 |
South Weymouth. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc. , 51; to const. Augustine Loud and J.Newton Dyer L. Ms.; Ladies Mission Soc. of Second Ch. , 14. | 65.00 |
South Weymouth. Mrs. Lysander Heald’s S. S. Class. , Second Ch. , 10, for Student Aid, Talladega C.; Marion Heald, 1 for a little girl | 11.00 |
Spencer. Mrs. G. H. Marsh’s Class Cong. Sab. Sch. , 5; G. E. Manley, 5, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 10.00 |
Springfield.South Cong.Ch.32.38; First Cong.Ch., 24.85 | 57.23 |
Stoneham. Cong. Ch. and Soc. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 17.00 |
Uxbridge.Evan.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 14.00 |
Wakefield. Mission Workers, 45; Cong. Sab. Sch. , 16, for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 61.00 |
Walpole. Orthodox Cong. Ch. and Soc. , to const. Dea. Willard Lewis L. M. | 35.30 |
Warren. Mrs. Joseph Ramsdell, for Chinese M. | 5.00 |
Westborough.“A Friend.” | 43.00 |
West Boxford.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 11.00 |
Westfield.Second Cong.Ch.Soc. | 58.00 |
Westford.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 7.00 |
West Granville.Cong.Ch. | 8.00 |
Westhampton.Cong.Ch. | 13.00 |
Westport.Pacific Union Sab.Sch. | 2.12 |
Whately.Cong.Ch. | 7.83 |
Worcester. Union Ch. and Soc. , 139; Old South Ch. and Soc. 41.63 to const. H.H.Merriam L. M. ; Central Ch. and Soc. 51.98; “A Friend,” 25 | 257.61 |
Yarmouth.Roy A.Eldridge, D.D. | 50.00 |
——— “A Friend.” | 5.00 |
RHODE ISLAND, $1,063.18. | |
Pawtucket.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 75.00 |
Providence.Central Cong.Ch.800; Pilgrim Cong.Ch.and Soc., 115; “A Friend,” 50.00; North.Cong Ch.23.13 | 988.13 |
CONNECTICUT, $2,676.75. | |
East Windsor.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 10.00 |
Elliott.Wm.Osgood | 2.00 |
East Avon.Cong.Ch. | 38.00 |
Berlin.Second Cong.Ch. | 19.97 |
Bozrahville.Cong.Ch. | 5.00 |
Bridgeport. South Ch. Sab. Sch. , Box S. S. Books, for Tillotson C.& N.Inst. | |
Derby.First Cong.Ch. | 30.00 |
Fair Haven.First Ch. | 50.00 |
Farmington. Cong. Sab. Sch. , for Santee Agency, Neb. | 128.51 |
Farmington.Cong.Ch. | 59.77 |
Franklin.Cong.Ch. | 13.29 |
Glastenbury.First Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 150.00 |
Granby.First Cong.Ch. | 8.95 |
Hebron. J. and Mary Porter for Tillotson C.& N.Inst. | 10.00 |
Jewett City.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 15.00 |
Manchester.Second Cong.Ch. | 75.00 |
Milford. Plymouth Ch. Sab. Sch. for Tillotson C.& N.Inst. and to const. S.E.Frisbie L. M. | 32.00 |
Mount Carmel.Mrs. J.M.Smith | 10.00 |
New Hartford.North Cong.Ch. | 17.50 |
New Hartford. Rev. F. H. Adams’ S. S. Class, 11; John Richards’ S. S. Class, 9, for Fisk U. | 20.00 |
New Haven.Third Cong.Ch., 23; Howard Ave.Ch., 9.22 | 32.22 |
Norfolk. “A Friend,” for Santee Agency | 5.00 |
North Stonington.D.R.Wheeler | 10.00 |
Norwich.Second Cong.Ch. | 175.43 |
Plainfield.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 26.40 |
Poquonock.Cong.Ch. | 12.59 |
Rocky Hill.Cong.Ch. | 23.72 |
Rockville.Second Cong.Ch. | 103.59 |
South Killingly.Cong.Ch. | 14.00 |
Stratford.“A Friend” | 1.00 |
Thomaston.Cong.Ch. | 52.32 |
Thompsonville. Cong. Sab. Sch. , for furnishing a room, Whitin Hall, Straight U. | 35.00 |
Torrington.Third Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 29.25 |
Wallingford. Cong. Sab. Sch. , for Tillotson C.and N.Inst.Building | 60.00 |
Wapping. F. W. Gilbert, for Tillotson C.and N.Inst. | 12.07 |
Watertown.Cong.Ch.and Soc. | 37.55 |
Windsor.Cong.Ch. | 105.00 |
Winchester.“A Friend” | 10.00 |
Wethersfield. Rev. G. J. Tillotson, for Tillotson C.and N.Inst.Building | 150.00 |
———— | |
$1,590.13 | |
Ellington.Estate of Maria Pitkin, by Edwin Talcott.Ex. | 190.00 |
Woodbridge.Estate of Mrs. Eliza Carrington | 896.62 |
———— | |
$2,676.75 |
NEW YORK, $422.05. | |
Brasher Falls.Elijah Wood, $15; Mrs. Eliza A.Bell, $3. | 18.00 |
Brooklyn, E.D.New England Cong.Ch. | 25.00 |
Deansville.Cong.Ch. | 15.05 |
East Wilson.Rev.H.Halsey, $30; Chas.E.Clarke, $3. | 33.00 |
Elmira.Miss Clara Thurston. | 5.00 |
Hamilton.O.S.Campbell. | 5.00 |
Homer.Cong.C., $132.50; B.W.Payne, $10. | 142.50 |
Lysander.Cong.Ch. | 26.00 |
Middletown.First Cong.Ch. | 16.26 |
New Haven.Cong.Ch. | 15.00 |
North Pitcher.Cong.Ch. | 5.81 |
New York.American Bible Soc., Grant of Scriptures, val.$307.50. | |
Nunda. “A Friend” ($5 of which for Chinese M.) | 15.00 |
Pompey. Mrs. Lucy Child, for Indian Youth, Hampton N.& A.Inst. | 5.00 |
Poughkeepsie. Mrs. M. J. Myers, for Emerson Inst., Mobile, Ala. | 20.00 |
Pitcher.Cong.Ch. | 25.00 |
Sinclairville.Earl C.Preston. | 2.00 |
Syracuse.C.A.Hamlin. | 12.25 |
Volney.Ludington Sab.Sch. | 5.08 |
West Winfield. Cong. Ch. , to const. Aaron Adelbert Leach L. M. | 31.10 |
NEW JERSEY, $565.53. | |
Chester.First Cong.Ch., $21.89, and Sab.Sch., $6.52. | 28.21 |
East Orange.Trinity Cong.Ch. | 137.32 |
Paterson. Mrs. Sarah A. Cook, for Tillotson C.& N.Inst. | 400.00 |
PENNSYLVANIA, $7.00. | |
New Castle.John Burgess. | 5.00 |
Philadelphia.“M.” | 2.00 |
OHIO, $791.41. | |
Berlin Heights.Cong.Ch. | 4.26 |
Cleveland. T. P. Handy, $20; James Harmer, $20; Misses S. and A. Walworth, $30;—Whitney. $1; for Parsonage, Topeka, Kan. | 71.00 |
Columbus.Eastwood Cong.Ch.$10; and Sab.Sch., $5.70. | 15.70 |
Elyria.First Cong.Ch.Sab.Sch., $40; Cong.Ch., “M.W.C.,” $10; Individual, $9. | 59.00 |
Fort Recovery.Pisgah Cong.Ch. | 3.00 |
Lafayette.Cong.Ch. | 6.00 |
Medina.Woman’s Miss’y Soc. | 20.00 |
Oberlin.Second Cong.Ch. | 35.60 |
Painesville. Woman’s Missionary Soc. , $20, for Indian M., and $10 for Chinese M. Incorrectly ack. from Mrs. L. A. M. Little in Nov. number. | |
Pittsfield.A Friend. | 12.00 |
Springfield.Mrs. Warren’s Sab.Sch.Class of Young Men. | 5.00 |
Steuben.Levi Platt. | 1.00 |
Strongsville.First Cong.Ch. | 10.00 |
Tallmadge.C.P.Parmelee. | 5.00 |
Wauseon.Cong.Ch. | 17.50 |
Wilberforce.Mrs. Joseph Morrow. | 5.00 |
York.Cong.Ch. | 20.35 |
Youngstown.Mrs. Whitney. | 1.00 |
———— | |
$291.41 | |
Cleveland.Estate of Brewster Pelton, by John G.Jennings, Ex. | 500.00 |
———— | |
$791.41 |
INDIANA, $50.87. | |
Liber.Cong.Ch. | 1.68 |
Michigan City.Cong.Ch. | 37.00 |
Michigan City. Mrs. C. W. Peck for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 10.00 |
Michigan City. “Ralph and Daisy,” 1.69; “Golden Links,” 50c. for Student Aid, Storrs’ Sch., Atlanta.Ga | 2.19 |
ILLINOIS, $819.54. | |
Albion.Olive Sab.Sch., $2.50; Mr. and Mrs. James Green.$2. | 4.50 |
Byron.Cong.Ch. | 9.17 |
Carthage.Mrs. Sophia Miller. | 1.50 |
Chicago.First Cong.Ch.$197.21; “A Chicagoan,” 100; N.E.Cong.Ch., 79.83. | 377.04 |
Chicago. Young Ladies Miss’y Soc. , of U. P. Ch. , 17.79, for Dakota M.; Miss Julia F. White, 5, for Printing Press, Santee Agency | 22.79 |
Chicago. Mrs. W. C. Kent, 5; Clinton St. Sab. Sch. , 4.37, for Student Aid, Storrs’ Sch.Atlanta, Ga. | 9.37 |
Chicago. E. W. Blatchford, 8 Pails of Paint, for Parsonage, Topeka, Kan. | |
De Kalb.Cong.Ch. | 3.00 |
Elgin.Cong.Ch. | 30.00 |
Evanston.Cong.Ch., ad’l. | 10.00 |
Galesburg.Mrs. Julia F.Wells. | 25.00 |
Galva.Cong.Ch. | 22.45 |
Ivanhoe.Young Men’s Miss’y Soc. | 2.00 |
Lombard.Woman’s Miss’y Soc. | 1.44 |
Lisbon. Cong. Ch. , for Savannah, Ga. | 10.00 |
Mendon. Mrs. J. Fowler, for Chinese M. and to const. Rev.Edward C.Crane, L.M. | 30.00 |
North Hampton.R.W.Gilliam. | 5.00 |
Oak Park. Ladies of Cong. Ch. , for Lady Miss’y, Little Rock, Ark. | 52.50 |
Oak Park. Mr. Packard’s Sab. Sch. , Boys, for Student Aid, Talladega C. | 25.00 |
Paxton.Cong.Ch. | 28.00 |
Port Byron. Mission Circle of Cong. Ch. , for Lady Missionaries, Mobile, Ala., and Little Rock, Ark. | 10.00 |
Princeton. Mrs. P. B. Corss ($10 of which for Chinese M.) | 20.00 |
Prospect Park. Ladies of Cong. Ch. , for Lady Missionary at Mobile, Ala., and Little Rock, Ark. | 6.00 |
Sheffield.Cong.Sab.Sch. | 1.33 |
Thomasborough.H.M.Seymour. | 1.00 |
Waverly.Cong.Sab.Sch. | 12.45 |
———— | |
$719.54 | |
Forrest.Estate of Mrs. Mary Stewart, by S.A.Hoyt, Ex. | 100.00 |
———— | |
$819.54 |
MICHIGAN, $242.08. | |
Adrian.A.J.Hood. | 10.00 |
Almont.Cong.Ch. | 25.30 |
Alpena. “A Friend,” $30; Woman’s Miss’y Soc. , $30; E. K. Potter, $25. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 85.00 |
Benzonia.Amasa Waters. | 10.00 |
Battle Creek.Miss Julia E.Williams. | 5.00 |
Edwardsburg.S.C.Olmsted. | 10.00 |
Frankfort.Cong.Ch. | 2.39 |
Greenville.Cong.Ch. | 35.77 |
Muskegon.Cong.Ch., $30; Woman’s Miss’y Soc.$15. | 45.00 |
Northport.Cong.Ch. | 11.62 |
White Cloud.Ladies’ Miss’y Soc. | 2.00 |
IOWA, $607.46. | |
Anamosa. Ladies’ Freedman’s Soc. of Cong. Ch. for Lady Miss’y, New Orleans | 10.00 |
Boonesborough.Mrs. Anna M.Palmer. | 10.00 |
Decorah.Cong.Ch. | 43.83 |
Denmark.Cong.Ch. | 20.00 |
De Witt.Cong.Ch. | 36.34 |
Dunlap.Cong.Ch. | 28.00 |
Durant.“Friends” | 14.00 |
Garden Prairie. Ladies of Cong. Ch. , for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 3.00 |
Garwin. T. Dewey. | 2.00 |
Green Mountain.Cong.Ch. | 7.11 |
Green Mountain. Ladies of Cong. Ch. , for Lady Missionary, New Orleans, La. | 1.25 |
Keokuk.Woman’s Miss’y Soc. | 18.20 |
Maquoketa.Cong.Ch. | 18.16 |
McGregor.Woman’s Miss’y Soc. | 9.71 |
Meriden.Cong.Ch. | 2.65 |
Newell.Cong.Ch. | 4.00 |
Red Oak.Cong.Ch. | 24.36 |
Waterloo.Ladies Miss’y Soc.of Cong.Ch. | 4.85 |
———— | |
$257.46 | |
Tabor.Estate of Mrs. Abigail Cummings, by A.C.Gaston | 350.00 |
———— | |
$607.46 |
WISCONSIN, $271.35. | |
Brandon.Cong.Ch. | 24.00 |
Brandon. Cong. Sab. Sch. for Student Aid | 6.00 |
Clinton.James H.Cooper. | 5.00 |
Footville.Cong.Ch. | 3.34 |
Oshkosh.First Cong.Ch. | 75.00 |
Racine. Ladies at Convention, 14.51; Ladies of Cong. Ch. 9, for Lady Missionary, Montgomery, Ala. | 23.51 |
Ripon.Cong.Ch. | 95.00 |
Rosendale. Ladies of Cong. Ch. , for Lady Missionary, Montgomery, Ala. | 3.50 |
Shawano.“Faith.” | 2.00 |
Waukesha.First Cong.Ch. | 19.00 |
———. “A Friend,” for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 15.00 |
MINNESOTA, $116.72. | |
Brownton.Cong.Ch. | 2.40 |
Cottage Grove.Cong.Ch. | 5.00 |
Cottage Grove. Ladies’ Missionary Soc. adl. to const. Rev.Wm.E.Archibald L. M. | 3.50 |
Duluth.Cong.Ch. | 19.40 |
Minneapolis.Plymouth Cong.Ch., 31.62; Second Cong.Ch., 10; First Cong.Ch., 14.07. | 55.69 |
Owatonna. Woman’s Missionary Soc. , Box of household goods, val. , 27.72, for Athens, Ala. | |
Preston Lake.Cong.Ch. | 0.95 |
Sleepy Eye.Cong.Ch. | 11.40 |
Spring Valley.Cong.Ch. | 6.90 |
Sumpter.Cong.Ch. | 0.60 |
Waseca.Cong.Ch., 5.04; Ladies Miss’y Soc.of Cong.Ch., 5.84 | 10.88 |
KANSAS, $237.89. | |
Cawker. W. L. Barr, for Parsonage, Topeka, Kan. | 4.00 |
Great Bend.Cong.Ch. | 4.62 |
Topeka. First Cong. Ch. , 75; M. Pierce, 41.21; H. G. Lyons, 30; A. B. Whiting, 25; A. Clark, 5; D. H. Forbes, 5; Wm. H. Williams, 5; Topeka Lime Co. , 3.06; for Parsonage, Topeka, Kan. | 189.27 |
Topeka.Tuition | 40.00 |
MISSOURI, $10.00. | |
Pierce City.Cong.Ch., 8.70; Incorrectly Nov.number from Wis. | |
Kirskville.J.S.Blackman | 10.00 |
NEBRASKA, $64.70. | |
Fremont.Cong.Ch. | 25.00 |
Lincoln.“K.and C.” | 8.00 |
Sutton.German Cong.Ch. | 3.00 |
Weeping Water.Cong.Ch. | 28.70 |
COLORADO, $23.10. | |
Coal Creek.Union Cong.Ch. | 13.10 |
Crested Butte.Cong.Ch. | 10.00 |
CALIFORNIA, $2,006.90. | |
San Francisco.The California Chinese Mission | 1,906.90 |
Oakland. Mrs. N. Gray, for School House, Hillsboro, N.C. | 100.00 |
OREGON, $5.00. | |
Eugene.Mrs. L.W.Judkins. | 5.00 |
Washington.Gen.E.Whittlesey, $25; Mrs. A.N.Bailey, $5 | 30.00 |
TENNESSEE, $12.00. | |
Knoxville.Second Cong.Ch. | 12.00 |
NORTH CAROLINA, $5.50. | |
Troy.Cong.Ch. | 0.50 |
Wilmington.Cong.Ch. | 5.00 |
SOUTH CAROLINA, $10.00. | |
Charleston.Plym.Cong.Ch. | 10.00 |
GEORGIA, $395.08. | |
Atlanta.Storrs Sch., Tuition, 297.50, Rent, 3 | 300.50 |
Atlanta.First Cong.Ch. | 30.00 |
Macon.Cong.Ch. | 4.58 |
McIntosh. The Sisters Benev. Soc. of Medway Cong. Ch. , by Mrs. Nancy Snelson. Pres. , for Mendi M. | 10.00 |
Savannah. Cong. Ch. , for Student Aid, Atlanta U. | 50.00 |
ALABAMA, $21.33. | |
Marion.Cong.Ch. | 1.33 |
Montgomery.Cong.Ch. | 10.00 |
Talladega.Cong.Ch. | 10.00 |
FLORIDA, $230.00. | |
———.“A Friend in Florida” | 230.00 |
MISSISSIPPI, $27.00. | |
Tougaloo.Tougaloo, Tuition, 2; Rent, 25 | 27.00 |
TEXAS, $1.65. | |
Helena.Temperance Concert Cong Ch. | 1.65 |
———— | |
Total for October. | $15,242.98 |
======== |
Boston, Mass. “A Friend of the Colored Race” for the Hastings Scholarship, to educate Young men preparing for the Gospel Ministry, Atlanta U. | 1,000.00 |
RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, from May 24 to Sept.26, 1883.E.Palache, Treasurer. | |
From Auxiliary Missions: Marysville, Chinese Monthly Offerings, 31; Thirteen Annual Members, 26. —Oroville, Chinese Monthly Offerings, 2.70; Seven Annual Members, 14. —Petaluma, Anniversary Coll. , 13.50; Chinese Annual Members, 30; American Annual Members, 4; Chinese Monthly Offerings, 13.25. —Sacramento, Cong. Ch. Coll. , 7.80; Chinese Monthly Offerings, 21; Fourteen Annual Members, 28; Chinese, 25, to const. Mrs. S.E.Carrington L. M. —Santa Barbara, Chinese Monthly Offerings, 22.70; Coll. , 31.80; Mrs. J. Bates, 4. —Santa Cruz, Anniversary Coll. , 5; Annual Members, 58; Chinese Monthly Offerings, 25; Mrs. H. A. Martin, 1; ———, Stockton, Anniversary Coll. , 6.20; Eight Annual Members, 16; Levi Langdon, 3 | $388.95 |
From Churches: Alameda, Cong. Ch. , 4. —Berkeley, Cong. Ch. , 21.25. —Calaveras Co. Churches, by Rev. A. Ostrom—Angels. 95c. ; Copperopolis, 1.25; Camp Seco, 2.30; Murphy’s, 2.70; San Andreas, 95c. ; Spring Valley, 80c. ——— Farmdale, Cong. Ch. , 7.50 ——— Lockeford, Cong. Ch. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Pascoe, 5. —Los Angeles, Cong. Ch. , 162.30; Oakland, First Cong. Ch. 26.85; Twenty-three Chinese, 25.30 to const. Edmund R.Sanford L. M. Nine Annual Members, 18; Mrs. E. Sanford, 5; Plymouth Av. Cong. Ch. , 32; Golden Gate Ch. , 5. —Rio Vista, First Cong. Ch. , 10. —River Side, First Cong. Ch. , 5.20. —Saratoga, First Cong. Ch. , 10. —San Bernardino, Second Cong. Ch. , 8.40. —San Francisco, First Cong. Ch. , in part, 50.50; Green St. Ch. , 14; Bethany Ch. , in part, Chinese Monthly Offerings, Central Sch. , 38.30; Bethany Sch. , 14; West Sch. 26.35; North Sch. , 4.30; Annual Members, 122; ———, 25, to const. Rev.C.R.Hazen, of Hong Kong, L. M. ; Low Quong, 25, to const. himself L. M. ; Dea. S. Woo, 5.50; Ny Bo Hong, 5; Dea. Edmund Palache, 25, to const. Miss Helen W.Pond L. M. ; “Many Friends,” 34.50 to const. Lee Sam of South China, L. M. ; Annual Members, 50; Miss Chaloner, 5. —San Jose, Cong. Ch. , 20.75. —Woodland, Three Annual Members, 6 | 825.95 |
From Individual Donors: “M. C. N.” 30; Hon. F. F. Low, 25; Taber, Harker & Co. , 25; C. Adolphe Low & Co. , 25; Redington & Co. , 25; E. Ransome & Co. , 25; Williams, Dimond & Co. , 25; Parrott & Co. , 25; Eppinger & Co. , 25; T. H. Selby & Co. , 25; James M. Harrn, 25; Wm. T. Coleman, 25; Cala, Furn. Mfg. Co. , 25; Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co. , 25; Imperial, London, Northern & Queens Ins. Co. , 25; “Cash, 405 Cala. St. ,” 25; Miss Mary Perkins, 25, to const. Mrs. S.C.Perkins L. M. ; J. J. Vasconcellos, 10; George C. Boardman, 10; Augustus C. Flint, 10; Israel W. Knox, 10; Rev. F. A. Field, National City, 10; “Friends,” 40 | 520.00 |
From Eastern Friends: “Friends in North Maine,” 2.—Amherst, Mass., Mrs. R.A.Lester, 100.—Stockbridge, Mass., Miss Alice Byington, 50; Rev.F.B.Perkins, 10.—Westfield, Mass., Misses Dickinson, 10 | 172.00 |
————— | |
Total | $1,906.90 |
======== |
H.W.Hubbard, Treasurer.
56 Reade Street, N.Y.
Art.I. This society shall be called the American Missionary Association.
Art.II. The object of this Association shall be to conduct Christian missionary and educational operations and diffuse a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in our own country and other countries which are destitute of them, or which present open and urgent fields of effort.
Art.III. Members of evangelical churches may be constituted members of this Association for life by the payment of thirty dollars into its treasury, with the written declaration at the time or times of payment that the sum is to be applied to constitute a designated person a life member; and such membership shall begin sixty days after the payment shall have been completed. Other persons, by the payment of the same sum, may be made life members without the privilege of voting.
Every evangelical church which has within a year contributed to the funds of the Association and every State Conference or Association of such churches may appoint two delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Association; such delegates, duly attested by credentials, shall be members of the Association for the year for which they were thus appointed.
Art.IV. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held in the month of October or November, at such time and place as may be designated by the Association, or, in case of its failure to act, by the Executive Committee, by notice printed in the official publication of the Association for the preceding month.
Art.V. The officers of the Association shall be a President, five Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary or Secretaries, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, Auditors, and an Executive Committee of fifteen members, all of whom shall be elected by ballot.
At the first Annual Meeting after the adoption of this Constitution, five members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for the term of one year, five for two years and five for three years, and at each subsequent Annual Meeting, five members shall be elected for the full term of three years, and such others as shall be required to fill vacancies.
Art.VI. To the Executive Committee shall belong the collecting and disbursing of funds, the appointing, counseling, sustaining and dismissing of missionaries and agents, and the selection of missionary fields. They shall have authority to fill all vacancies in office occurring between the Annual Meetings; to apply to any Legislature for acts of incorporation, or conferring corporate powers; to make provision when necessary for disabled missionaries and for the widows and children of deceased missionaries, and in general to transact all such business as usually appertains to the Executive Committees of missionary and other benevolent societies. The acts of the Committee shall be subject to the revision of the Annual Meeting.
Five members of the Committee constitute a quorum for transacting business.
Art.VII. No person shall be made an officer of this Association who is not a member of some evangelical church.
Art.VIII. Missionary bodies and churches or individuals may appoint and sustain missionaries of their own, through the agency of the Executive Committee, on terms mutually agreed upon.
Art.IX. No amendment shall be made to this Constitution except by the vote of two-thirds of the members present at an Annual Meeting and voting, the amendment having been approved by the vote of a majority at the previous Annual Meeting.
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The above testimonial is indisputable evidence that Glenn’s Sulphur Soap will eliminate poisonous Skin Diseases WHEN ALL OTHER MEANS HAVE FAILED. To this fact thousands have testified; and that it will banish lesser afflictions, such as common PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS and SORES, and keep the skin clear and beautiful, is absolutely certain. For this reason ladies whose complexions have been improved by the use of this soap NOW MAKE IT A CONSTANT TOILET APPENDAGEThe genuine always bears the name of C.N.CRITTENTON, 115 Fulton street, New York, sole proprietor.For sale by all druggists or mailed to any address on receipt of 30 cents in stamps, or three cakes for 75 cents.
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The World Electro Radiant Magic Lantern.
The body of the ELECTRO RADIANT is a cone-shaped reflector which gathers each divergent ray of light and concentrates them all on the main reflector, whence the whole mass of brilliancy illuminates and projects the picture with startling clearness. No combination of lenses, however ingenious, has ever been known to produce equal effects with the light used. The cost of an outfit to enable you to do A PROFITABLE BUSINESS is very small compared with the amount of money it takes to do any other business. Any one of ordinary intelligence can operate. $10 to $50 per night may be earned by giving Parlor, Sunday-School, Academy, or Public entertainments.
As an Educator the Electro Radiant surpasses almost every other apparatus used in a school. The attention of the scholar is concentrated on just the one illustration before him, and on no other, as in the dark nothing else can be seen and the mind of the student is forcibly attracted. Masonic and other Lodges or Societies will find the Electro Radiant a novel, useful, and profitable addition to their paraphernalia in illustrating their ritual or giving entertainments. For public Entertainments the possessor of an Electro Radiant has something that will “draw” with the combined power of the Theatre, the Circus, the Prestidigitateur, the County Fair, the Temperance Crusade, and the Camp-MeetingA room that will hold 100 persons may be filled nightly and a good profit be cleared.Our photograph slides represent faithfully Beautiful Works of Art, Scriptural Scenes, Portraits of Prominent Persons, and Comic subjects that are a never-ending source of delight.
Even if you only wanted to amuse your friends or family, see what a cheap and beneficial entertainment you can furnish. You have only to tack the sheet to the wall, darken the room, place Lantern on stand, light lamp, and you are ready to begin the exhibition. The Magic Lantern Show is different from every other; it attracts the school-boy equally with his master; all kinds, classes, and degrees of folks are delighted by it. The Electro Radiant projects onto to the Screen a Picture Eight Feet in Diameter.Ten Thousand Dollars were paid for the use of our Patent by one Railroad Company for Locomotive Headlights, it being considered the most wonderful light ever produced for the purpose. We have retained the exclusive right to make Magic Lanterns on precisely the same principle, and the Electro Radiant is the result. The adjustment of Reflector, Lenses, Tubes, Slide Rest, and Cone are made with mathematical nicety. Optical laws governing such adjustments have been accurately calculated, so that you have in our Lanterns far more than appears, and we are placing within the reach of all unsurpassed advantages for Learning, Amusement, and Profit
The Transparent Slides for these Lanterns embrace views illustrating wonderful Natural Scenes from different parts of the world. The Scriptures—Subjects from both the Old and New Testaments. Temperance—Showing the folly and misery of the Drunkard. Art—Copies of famous Statues, Bas-reliefs, and Engravings. Miscellaneous—Such as Ships at Sea in a Storm, Steamboat Race, Fort Sumter, Daylight Scene, Moonlight, etc., etc. History—Landing of Columbus, Declaration of Independence, Yankee Doodle, etc., etc. Comic—Side Splitters without number, etc., etc. You can add to your assortment at any future time if you choose.
Each Lantern with slides complete is packed in a neat box which may easily be carried in the hand.
PRICES. The Electro Radiant No.2 (as shown in cut) with slides and fittings complete, will be sent by express on receipt of $12.00, or C. O. D. if $3.00 on account is sent with the order, the purchaser paying the balance, $9.00, at the express office.
Full instructions and list of other views sent with each Lantern.Send money-order or registered letter.
Send all orders to WORLD MANUFACTURING CO., 122 Nassau Street, New York.
A cable dispatch announces that at the
International Industrial Exhibition
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These Organs have been Awarded the
Being the VERY HIGHEST AWARD, ranking above the GOLD MEDAL, and given only for EXCEPTIONAL SUPER-EXCELLENCE.
No other American Organs having been found equal to them in any.
THE RECORD OF TRIUMPHS of MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS in such severe and prolonged comparisons by the BEST JUDGES OF SUCH INSTRUMENTS IN THE WORLD now stands: at
The Testimony of Musicians is Equally Emphatic.
(dated October, 1883) is now ready and will be sent free; including MANY NEW STYLES—the best assortment and most attractive organs we have ever offered. One Hundred Styles are fully described and illustrated, adapted to all uses, in plain and elegant cases in natural woods, and superbly decorated in gold, silver and colors. Prices, $22 for the smallest size, but having as much power as any single reed organ and the characteristic Mason & Hamlin excellence, up to $900 for the largest size. 50 styles between $100 and $200. Sold also for easy payments. Catalogues free.
154 Tremont St., Boston; 46 East 14th Street (Union Square), New York; 149 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.
Interest Net to Investors
In First Mortgage Bonds ON
Iowa, Minnesota
and Dakota,
11 Years’ Experience.Loans Absolutely Safe.
References and Circulars forwarded on Application.
It still stands unrivaled after 50 years’ test.
Sales now greater than ever before.
This Ink received the Diploma and Medal at Centennial over all rivals.
Report of Judges: “For simplicity of application and indelibility.”
Sold by all Druggists, Stationers and News Agents, and by many Fancy Goods and Furnishing Houses.
Catalogues Free on Application.
Address the Company either at
BOSTON, MASS., 531 Tremont Street;
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ATLANTA, GA., 27 Whitehall Street;
OVER 95,000 SOLD.
For freeness from dust and slowness to soil,
And also for cheapness ’tis yet unsurpassed,
And thousands of merchants are selling it fast.
The half risen sun every package should bear;
For this is the “trade mark” the MORSE BROS.use,
And none are permitted the mark to abuse.
When the Hymn and Tune Book, “Songs for the Sanctuary,” had outgrown its freshness, Mr. Joseph P. Holbrook, the Musical Editor, set about preparing the Worship in Song, and after years of labor offered it for publication, and it now stands before the churches.By common consent the general merit of the Songs for the Sanctuary was in the musical editing, and it is safe to say that the mantle that fell from that book dropped upon the shoulders of the Worship in Song.Holbrook’s later and newer book contains the result of his labor and experience through all these years, and his Worship in Song is clearly the greatest improvement that could be made.
In addition to the Hymns and Tunes, the book contains Dr. R.S.Storrs’ New Psalter, which has recently been edited and enlarged by Dr. Storrs, and contains also a brief statement by him of the value of responsive reading in churches. The selections of Psalms and Scripture for responsive reading is by far the best that has yet been published for Congregational and Presbyterian purposes, and, as the old edition was widely used, so this will be the standard and the best. The Worship in Song with Psalter, by Storrs and Holbrook, is a successful and popular combination.
Another Hymn and Tune Book of very great importance, on account of its giving standard classical music throughout, is Hall & Lasar’s Evangelical HymnalThis book has already been adopted in Harvard College, Trinity College and other institutions, and is being favorably considered by many churches.It is a marked step in advance of all other Hymn and Tune Books, and is the recognized standard of the Church Hymn-book of the near future.
Messrs.A.S.Barnes & Co.have also recently published Prof. Hopkins’ “Liturgy, or Book of Common Prayer for Non-Episcopal Churches.” This Liturgy is the result of many years of study, after correspondence and comparison on the part of the author with many leading Protestant clergymen. Upon publication it was received with great interest by clergymen of all denominations, and a large sale immediately began. It is safe to say that no other book presenting a Liturgy for Presbyterian and Congregational Churches was ever received with so great enthusiasm. The sale steadily continues, and the interest awakened is sufficient to make it certain that the plan finds favor. Clergymen and Committees desiring to see and examine copies of any or all of the above books can obtain them on approval, postage prepaid, by addressing the publishers,
Atkin & Prout, Printers, 12 Barclay St., New York.
Transcriber’s Notes
Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions silently corrected.Period spelling and inconsistent hyphenation retained.Ditto marks replaced with the text the represent to facilitate eBook text alignment.
Missing “t” added in “at” on the inside cover (at the New York Office)
Changed “BEQEATH” to “BEQUEATH” on the inside cover (I BEQUEATH to my executor).
Changed “consultatation” to “consultation” on page 380 (without mutual consultation)
Missing digits in the entries for South Amherst and Southampton on page 408 could not be determined.
Unbalanced quotation marks on page 406 left in place as it is not possible to determine where they should be closed (It is on this that the whole method)
Changed “Fragance” to “Fragrance” on page 413 (Beauty and Fragrance)
Changed “Amother” to “Another” on the back cover (Another Hymn and Tune Book)