Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants / A Book of Valuable Information for Growers as Well as Collectors of Medicinal Roots, Barks, Leaves, Etc.
Play Sample
The Beginning of Soft Rot.
Ample ventilation must also be provided in building the arbor.Many arbors are enclosed at the sides too tightly.
The material used for mulching should be of a sort which will not contaminate the garden with disease.Some fungi will be killed if the ground is allowed to freeze before putting on the mulch.
The second and, to my mind, most promising mode of procedure lies in propagating a variety of Ginseng which will be resistant to the wilt disease.In every garden, no matter how badly diseased, there are certain plants which live thru the attacks of the disease and ripen seeds.These seeds should be saved and planted separately, the hardiest of their offspring should be used to propagate seeds for future planting.By thus selecting the hardiest individuals year after year it will be possible in time to originate a variety of parasitic fungi.There seems to me to be more hope in developing such a resistant variety of Ginseng than in discovering some fungicide to keep the disease in check.
Bordeaux Mixture.
It is surprising that any considerable number of farmers, horticulturists, Ginseng growers, etc., are ignorant of a preparation so necessary as Bordeaux for profitable cultivation of many crops.The following is taken from Bulletin 194 of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.The advice given in this paper recently by Professor Craig is repeated and emphasized.Every farmer should have the bulletins issued by the experiment station of his own state and have them within easy reach at all times.
Bordeaux mixture derives its name from the place of its discovery, Bordeaux, France.It consists of copper sulfate, which is commonly called blue vitriol or bluestone, fresh lime and water.
Formulas used — Several strengths of the mixture are used under different conditions:
1. (2:4:50) | Copper Sulfate | 2 lbs. |
Quick Lime | 4 lbs | |
Water | 50 gals. | |
2. (3:6:50) | Copper Sulfate | 3 lbs. |
Quick Lime | 6 lbs | |
Water | 50 gals. | |
3. (4:4:50) | Copper Sulfate | 4 lbs. |
Quick Lime | 4 lbs | |
Water | 50 gals. | |
4. (6:6:50) | Copper Sulfate | 6 lbs. |
Quick Lime | 6 lbs | |
Water | 50 gals. |
Formula 1 is used for very tender foliage, as peach, plum, greenhouse plants, tender seedlings, etc.
Formula 2 which is a half stronger than the preceding has about the same use but for slightly less tender leaves.
Formula 3 is the formula for general use on apples, pears, asparagus, grapes, tomatoes, melons, strawberries, etc.
Formula 4 is the strongest formula that is often used.It is considered best for potatoes and cranberries.It may be used on grapes, on apples and pears before blossoming and sometimes on other crops.It was once more commonly used, but, except as here quoted, it is generally being displaced by Formula 3.
Normal or 1.6 per cent.Bordeaux mixture:
Copper-sulfate (Blue Vitriol) | 6 pounds |
Quick-lime (Good stone lime) | 4 pounds |
Water | 50 gallons |
Six pounds of sulfate of copper dissolved in fifty gallons of water, when applied at the proper time, will prevent the growth of fungi.However, if applied in this form, the solution will burn the foliage.Four pounds of quick-lime to six pounds of copper will neutralize the caustic action.When sulfate of copper and lime are added in this proportion, the compound is Bordeaux mixture.
Weighing of copper and lime at time of mixing is very inconvenient.Bordeaux mixture is best when used within a few hours after being mixed.Therefore a stock mixture of Bordeaux is impracticable.It is, however, practicable to have stock preparation of sulfate of copper and of lime ready for mixing when required.
The lime should be fresh quick-lime and when slaked must always be covered with water to exclude the air.In this manner a "stock" mixture of lime can be kept all summer unimpaired.
Sulfate of copper can be dissolved in water and held in solution until needed.One gallon of water will hold in solution two pounds of copper sulfate.To accomplish this the sulfate should be suspended at the surface of the water in a bag.The water most loaded with copper will sink to the bottom and the water least loaded will rise to the surface.If fifty pounds of sulfate are suspended in twenty-five gallons of water on an evening, each gallon of water will, when stirred the next morning, hold two pounds of sulfate.This will form the stock solution of copper sulfate.
If three gallons of this solution are put in the spray barrel, it is equivalent to six pounds of copper.Now fill the spray barrel half full of water before adding any lime.This is important for if the lime is added to so strong a solution of sulfate of copper, a curdling process will follow.Stir the water in the lime barrel so as to make a dilute milk of lime, but never allow it to be dense enough to be of a creamy thickness.If of the latter condition, lumps of lime will clog the spray nozzle.Continue to add to the mixture this milk of lime so long as drops of ferrocyanide of potassium (yellow prussiate of potash) applied to the Bordeaux mixture continue to change from yellow to brown color.When no change of color is shown, add another pail of milk of lime to make the necessary amount of lime a sure thing.A considerable excess of lime does no harm.The barrel can now be filled with water and the Bordeaux mixture is ready for use.
The preparation of ferrocyanide of potassium for this test may be explained.As bought at the drug store, it is a yellow crystal and is easily soluble in water.Ten cents worth will do for a season's spraying of an average orchard.It should be a full saturation; that is, use only enough water to dissolve all the crystals.The cork should be notched or a quill inserted so that the contents will come out in drops.A drop will give as reliable a test as a spoonful.The bottle should be marked "Poison."Dip out a little of the Bordeaux mixture in a cup or saucer and drop the ferrocyanide on it.So long as the drops turn yellow or brown on striking the mixture, the mixture has not received enough lime.
"Process" Lime for Bordeaux Mixture.
The so-called "new process," or prepared limes, now offered on the market, are of two classes.One consists of the quick-lime that has been ground to a powder.The other is the dry water-slaked lime made by using only enough water to slake the quick-lime, but not enough to leave it wet.Practically all of the process lime on the market is the ground quick-lime.
When the hard "stone" lime becomes air-slaked it is evident to the eye from the change to a loose powdery mass.Should one of these prepared limes be to any considerable degree air-slaked, its appearance would be no indication of its real condition.
A simple test for the presence of much carbonate of lime in these prepared limes, can be easily performed, a small amount of lime — 1/4 teaspoonful — dropped on a little hot vinegar, will effervesce or "sizzle" if it contain the carbonate of lime, acting about the same as soda.
A sample of a new process lime analyzed at this Station showed 30 per cent, magnesia.This came from burning a dolomitic limestone, that is, one containing carbonate of magnesia with the carbonate of lime.The magnesia does not slake with water like the lime and hence is useless in the Bordeaux mixture.There is no easy way outside a chemical laboratory of telling the presence of magnesia.
As a general rule more "process" lime is required to neutralize the copper sulfate than good stone lime.It is always well to make Bordeaux mixture by using the ferrocyanide of potassium test — Cornell University.
Preparing Dry Root for Market — There are more growers of Ginseng, I believe, according to Special Crops, who are not fully posted on handling Ginseng root after it is harvested than there are who fail at any point in growing it, unless it may be in the matter of spraying.
There are still many growers who have never dried any roots, and of course know nothing more than has been told them.Stanton, Crossley and others of the pioneers state freely in their writings that three pounds of green root (fall dug) would make one pound of dry.
The market does not want a light, corky, spongy root, neither does it want a root that, when dried, will weigh like a stone.Root when offered to a dealer should be absolutely dry, not even any moisture in the center of the root.Root that is absolutely dry will, in warm, damp weather, collect moisture enough so it will have to be given a day's sun bath or subjected to artificial heat.A root should be so dry that it will not bend.A root the size of a lead pencil should break short like a piece of glass.You ask why this special care to have Ginseng root dry to the last particle of moisture more than any other root.The answer is that Ginseng has to cross the ocean and to insure against its getting musty when sealed up to keep it from the air, it must be perfectly dry.
We know a great many growers have felt hurt because a dealer docked them for moisture, but they should put themselves in the dealer's place.When he disposes of the root it must be perfectly dry.At from $5.00 to $10.00 per pound moisture is rather expensive.The grower should see to it that his root is dry and then instruct the man he ships to that you will stand no cutting.
Dug and Dried — Ready for Market.
One other cause of trouble between grower and dealer is fiber root.This light, fine stuff is almost universally bought and sold at $1.00 per pound.This seems to be the only stationary thing about Ginseng.It would seem that the fine root could be used in this country for Ginseng tincture, but it is not so strong as the regular root, and our chemists prefer the large cultivated root at $5.00 to $7.00 a pound.Now, when your Ginseng root is "dry as a bone," stir it around or handle it over two or three times, and in doing so you will knock off all the little, fine roots.This is what goes in the market as fiber root and should be gathered and put in a separate package.As I said before this fiber root is worth $1.00 per pound and usually passes right along year after year at that same price.
Now as to color.It is impossible to tell just now what color the market will demand.We advise medium.We do not think the extreme dark will be as much sought for as formerly; neither do we think the snow white will be in demand.Now, you can give your Ginseng any color you desire.If you want to dry it white, wash it thoroughly as soon as you dig it.This does not mean two or three hours after being dug, but wash it at once.If you want a very dark root, dig it and spread on some floor and leave it as long as you can without the fiber roots breaking.This will usually be from three to five days.
In washing we prefer to put it on the floor and turn a hose on it, and if you have a good pressure you will not need to touch the root with the hands.In any case do not scrub and scour the root.Just get the dirt off and stop.About one day after digging the root should be washed if a medium colored root is desired.
After your root is washed ready to dry there is still a half dozen ways of drying.Many prefer an upper room in the house for small lots.Spread the root on a table or bench about as high as the window stool.Then give it lots of air.Another good method is to subject it to a moderate artificial heat — from 60 to 90 degrees.We have seen some very nice samples of dry root where the drying was all done on the roof of some building, where it was exposed to the sun and dew, but was protected from rain.The slower the drying the darker the root.
Many suppose it is a difficult task to properly dry the Ginseng root, but it is not.The one essential is time.The operation cannot be fully and properly completed in much less than one month's time.Of course it should be dried fast enough so it will not sour, rot or mould.If you take a look at the root every day you can readily see if it is going too slow and, if you find it is, at once use artificial heat for a few hours or days if need be.No diseased or unsound root should ever be dried.After the root is once dry it should be stored in dry place.Early fall generally is a poor time to sell as the Chinese exporters usually crowd the price down at that time.
In the Southern States artificial heat is seldom needed as the weather is usually warm enough to cure the roots about as they should be.In the Northern States, such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York and New England States, cold and frosty nights and chilly days usually come in October, and sometimes in September, so that artificial heat is generally required to properly dry fall dug roots.
The statistics as published were compiled by Belt, Butler Co., buyers of Ginseng, 140 Greene St., New York:
The prices as published, it will be noticed, were average prices paid for wild Ginseng September 1 of each year.Wild Ginseng has usually sold higher in the season, say October and November.Late in the season of 1904 it sold for $8.50 for good Northern root, which we believe was the top notch for average lots.
From 1860 to 1865, Ginseng ranged from 66c to 85c per lb., and from that period until 1899 it gradually increased in price until in September of that year it brought from $3.50 to $6.50 per lb., according to price and quality.In 1900 prices ruled from $3.00 to $5.75 per lb., but this was due to the war then existing in China which completely demoralized the market.
These prices cover the range from Southern to best Northern root.
The above information was furnished from the files of Samuel Wells & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, the firm which has been in the "seng" business for more than half a century.
Year | Pounds exported | Average price per lb. |
1858 | 366,055 | $ . 52 |
1868 | 370,066 | 1.02 |
1878 | 421,395 | 1.17 |
1888 | 308,365 | 2.13 |
1898 | 174,063 | 3.66 |
1901 | 149,069 | 5.30 |
Export of Ginseng for ten months ending April, 1908, was 144,533 pounds, valued at $1,049,736, against 92,650, valued at $634,523, for ten months ending April, 1907, and 151,188 pounds, valued at $1,106,544 for ten months ending April, 1906.
Since 1858 Ginseng has advanced from 52 cents a pound to $8.00 in 1907 for choice lots, an advance of 1400%.
In September, 1831, Ginseng was quoted to the collector at 15 to 16 cents per pound.
In the first place, practically all the Ginseng grown or collected from the woods in this country is exported, nearly all of it going to China, where it is used for medicinal purposes.The following figures are taken from the advanced sheets of the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance issued by the United States Department of Commerce and Labor.In the advanced sheets for June, 1906, we find under exports of Domestic Merchandise the following item:
Twelve Months Ending June.
Ginseng lbs.
1904 | 131,882 | $851,820 |
1905 | 146,586 | $1,069,849 |
1906 | 160,959 | $1,175,844 |
From these figures it is clear that the Ginseng crop is of considerable proportions and steadily increasing.It is classed with chemicals, drugs, dyes and medicines and is in its class equaled or exceeded in value by only three things: copper sulphate, acetate of lime and patent medicines.These figures include, of course, both the wild and cultivated root.A little investigation, however, will soon convince any one that the genuine wild root has formed but a small portion of that exported in the last three years.This is for the very good reason that there is practically no wild root to be found.It has been all but exterminated by the "seng digger," who has carefully searched every wooded hillside and ravine to meet the demand of the last few years for green roots for planting.Practically all of the Ginseng now exported will of necessity be cultivated.Of all the Ginseng exported from this country, New York State very probably supplies the greater part.It was in that state that the cultivation of the plant originated and it is there that the culture has become most extensive and perfected.The largest garden in this country, so far as known, is that of the Consolidated Ginseng Company of New York State.Here about ten acres are under shade, all devoted to the growing of Ginseng.The crop is certainly a special one, to be successfully grown only by those who can bring to their work an abundance of time and intelligent effort.For those who are willing to run the risks of loss from diseases and who can afford to wait for returns on their investment, this crop offers relatively large profits.
A Three Year Old Cultivated Root.
It is very simple to prepare a few wild roots for market.Wash them thoroughly, this I do with a tooth or nail brush, Writes a Northern grower, as they will remove the dirt from the creases without injury.Only a few roots should be put in the water at once as it does not benefit them to soak.
I have usually dried wild roots in the sun, which is the best way, but never put roots in the hot sun before the outside is dry, as they are apt to rot.
The cultivated root is more difficult to handle.They are cleaned the same as wild roots.On account of size and quality they have to be dried differently.My first cultivated roots were dried around the cook stove, which will answer for a few roots, providing the "lady of the house" is good natured.
Last year I dried about 500 pounds of green roots and so had to find something different.I made a drier similar to Mr. Stanton's plan, i.e., a box any size to suit the amount of roots you wish to dry.The one I made is about two feet by two and a half feet and two and one-half feet high, with one side open for the drawers to be taken out.The drawers are made with screen wire for bottom.
They should be at least two inches deep and two and one-half inches would be better.I bored a three-fourth-inch hole in the top a little ways from each corner and five in the center in about ten inches square, but now I have taken the top off, as I find they dry better.
I started this on the cook stove, but did not like it as I could not control the heat.As I had two Blue Flame oil stoves I tried it over one of them and it worked fine.
They were three-hole stoves, so I laid a board across each end for the drier to rest on.The drier has a large nail driven in each corner of the bottom so that it was four inches above the stove.Then I fixed a piece of galvanized iron about 10x20 inches so that it was about two inches above top of stove, for the heat to strike against and not burn the roots.
At first I left out two of the lower drawers for fear of burning them.I only used the middle burner — and that turned quite low.I tried the flame with my hand between the stove and roots so as not to get it too high.
In this way I could get a slow heat and no danger of burning, which is the main trouble with drying by stove.It would take from two to four days to dry them, according to size.As soon as they were dried they were put in open boxes so if there was any moisture it could dry out and not mould, which they will do if closed up tight.
In using an oil stove one should be used that will not smoke.Never set the roots over when the stove is first lighted and they should be removed before turning the flame out, as they are apt to get smoked.Do not set stove in a draft.
In packing the dry root in boxes I break off the fine fiber, then they are ready for market.
Some time prior to 1907, or since cultivated Ginseng has been upon the market, its value has been from $1.00 to $2.00 per pound less than the wild and not in as active demand, even at that difference, as the wild.Today the value is much nearer equal.At first those engaged in the cultivation of Ginseng made the soil too rich by fertilizing and growth of the roots was so rapid that they did not contain the peculiar scent or odor of the genuine or wild.Of late years growers have learned to provide their plants with soil and surroundings as near like nature as possible.To this can largely be attributed the change.
Preparing the Roots for Market.
The roots are dug in the autumn, after the tops have died.Great care is taken not to bruise or injure them.They are then washed in rain water, the soil from all crevices and cracks being carefully cleaned away by a soft brush.Then they are wiped on a soft absorbent cloth, and are ready to be dried for market.The roots should never be split in washing or drying.It is of great importance, too, that the little neck or bud-stem should be unbroken, for if missing the root loses two-thirds of its value in Chinese eyes.The roots may be dried in the sun or in a warm, dry room, but never over a stove or fire.Some growers have a special drier and use hot air very much on the principle of an evaporator.This does the work quickly and satisfactorily.As soon as the little fibrous roots are dry enough, they arc either clipped off or rubbed away by hand, and the root returned to the drier to be finished.The more quickly the roots are dried the better, if not too much heated.Much of the value of the product depends on the manner in which it is cured.This method is the one usually employed in America, but the Chinese prepare the root in various ways not as yet very well understood in the United States.Their preparation undoubtedly adds to the value of the product with the consumer.
Importance of Taste and Flavor.
Soils and fertilizers have a marked influence on products where taste and flavor is important, as with tobacco, coffee, tea, certain fruits, etc. This is true of Ginseng in a very marked degree.To preserve the flavor which marks the best grade of Ginseng, by which the Chinese judge it, it is essential that the soil in the beds should be as near like the original native forest as possible.Woods earth and leaf mold should be used in liberal quantities.Hardwood ashes and some little bone meal may be added, but other fertilizers are best avoided to be on the safe side.
When the chief facts of Ginseng culture had been ascertained, it naturally followed that some growers attempted to grow the biggest, heaviest roots possible in the shortest time, and hence fertilized their beds with strong, forcing manures, entirely overlooking the question of taste or flavor.When these roots were placed on the market the Chinese buyers promptly rejected them or took them at very low prices on account of defective quality.This question of flavor was a new problem to American buyers, for the reason stated and one which they were not prepared to meet at a moment's notice.Hence there has been a tendency with some exporters to be shy of all cultivated roots (fearing to get some of these "off quality" lots) until they were in position to test for flavor or taste by expert testers, as is done with wines, teas, coffees, tobaccos and other products where flavor is essential.
This mistake led to the belief with some that the cultivated root is less valuable than the wild, but the very reverse is true.It has been proven by the fact that until these "off quality" lots appeared to disturb the market and shake confidence for the time being, cultivated roots have always commanded a much better price per pound than uncultivated.The grower who freely uses soil from the forest and lets forcing fertilizers severely alone, has nothing to fear from defective quality, and will always command a good price for his product.
Ginseng should only be dug for the market late in the fall.In the spring and summer the plant is growing and the root is taxed to supply the required nutriment.After the plant stops growing for the season the root becomes firm and will not dry out as much as earlier in the season.It takes four to five pounds of the green root early in the season to make one of dry; later three green will make one of dry.
In the Ginseng, like many other trades, there are tricks.In some sections they practice hollowing out roots while green and filling the cavity with lead or iron.When Ginseng is worth four or five dollars per pound and lead or iron only a few cents, the profit from this nefarious business can be seen.The buyers have "got on to" the practice, however, and any large roots that appear too heavy are examined.The filling of roots with lead, etc., has about had its day.
Seng should be dug and washed clean before it wilts or shrinks; it should then be dried in the shade where the dust and dirt cannot reach it and should not be strung on strings.The roots should be handled carefully so as not to break them up, the more fiber the less the value, as well as size which helps to determine the value.
The collecting of the root for the market by the local dealer has its charm; at least one would think so, to see how eagerly it is sought after by the collector, who often finds when he has enough for a shipment that he faces a loss instead of a profit.The continual decrease in the annual output of the root should produce a steadily advancing market.The price does advance from year to year, but the variation in the price of silver and the scheming of the Chinamen produces crazy spurts in the price of the root.
Present prices are rather above average, but little can be predicted about future conditions.Chinese conservatism, however, leads us to believe present prices will continue.
The culture of Ginseng has a pioneer or two located in this part of the country (N.Ohio), and having one-fourth of an acre under cultivation myself, it was with interest that I visited some of these growers and the fabulous reports we have been reading have not been much exaggerated, in my estimation, but let me say right here they are not succeeding with their acres as they did with their little patch in the garden.One party gathered 25 pounds of seed from a bed 40x50 feet last season, and has contracted 30 pounds of the seed at $36 per pound, which he intends to gather from this bed this season.He then intends to dig it, and I will try to get the facts for this magazine.
Now, to my own experience.I planted three hundred roots in the fall of '99.The following season from the lack of sufficient shade they failed to produce any seed; I should have had two or three thousand seed.Understand, these were wild roots just as they were gathered from the forest.
In 1901 I gathered about one pound or 8,000 seed, in 1902 three pounds and am expecting 30,000 seed from these 300 plants this season.Last season I gathered 160 seed from one of these plants and 200 seed bunches are not uncommon for cultivated roots to produce at their best.I have dug no roots for market yet, as there has been too great a demand for the seed.My one-fourth acre was mostly planted last season, and is looking very favorable at the present time.It is planted in beds 130 feet long and 5 feet wide; the beds are ridged up with a path and ditch 2 feet across from plant to plant, making the beds, including the paths, 7 feet wide.Beds arranged in this manner with the posts that support the shade set in the middle of the beds are very convenient to work in, as you do not have to walk in the beds, all the work being done from the paths.
My soil is a clay loam and it was necessary for me to place a row of tile directly under one bed; this bed contains 1,000 plants and has been planted two years, and I find the tile a protection against either dry or wet weather; I shall treat all beds in a like manner hereafter.
If you are thinking of going into the Ginseng business and your soil is sand or gravel, your chances for success are good; if your soil is clay, build your beds near large trees on dry ground or tile them and you will come out all right.In regard to the over-production of this article, would say that dry Ginseng root is not perishable, it will keep indefinitely and the producers of this article will not be liable to furnish it to the Chinaman only as he wants it at a fair market price.
W.C.Sorter, Lake County, Ohio.
Even in this thickly settled country, I have been able to make more money digging Ginseng than by trapping, and I believe that most trappers could do the same if they became experts at detecting the wild plant in its native haunts.
I have enjoyed hunting and trapping ever since I could carry a firearm with any degree of safety to myself, and have tramped thru woods full of Ginseng and Golden Seal for twenty years, without knowing it.Three years ago last summer I saw an advertisement concerning Ginseng Culture.I sent and got the literature on the subject and studied up all I could.Then I visited a garden where a few cultivated plants were grown, and so learned to know the plant.I had been told that it grew in the heavy timber lands along Rock River, so I thought I would start a small garden of some 100 or 200 roots.
The first half day I found 6 plants, and no doubt tramped on twice that many, for I afterward found them thick where I had hunted.The next time I got 26 roots; then 80, so I became more adept in "spotting" the plants, the size of my "bag" grew until in September I got 343 roots in one day.That fall, 1904, I gathered 5,500 roots and 2,000 or 3,000 seed.These roots and seed I set out in the garden in beds 5 feet wide and 40 feet long, putting the roots in 3 or 5 inches apart anyway, and the seeds broadcast and in rows.I mulched with chip manure, leaf mold and horse manure.Covered with leaves in the fall, and built my fence.
The next spring the plants were uncovered and they came well.I believe nearly every one came up.They were too thick, but I left them.The mice had run all thru the seed bed and no doubt eaten a lot of the seed.That spring I bought 5,000 seed of a "seng" digger and got "soaked."The fall of 1905 I dug 500 more roots and harvested 15,000 seeds from my beds.The roots were planted in an addition and seed put down cellar.Last fall I gathered 5,500 more roots from the woods, grew about 3,000 seedlings in the garden and harvested 75,000 seeds.I dug a few of the older roots and sold them.
The worst enemy I find to Ginseng culture is Alternaria, of a form of fungus growth on the leaf of the plant.This disease started in my beds last year, but I sprayed with Bordeaux Mixture and checked it.I have not as yet been troubled with "damping off" of seedlings.I shall try Bordeaux if it occurs.
My garden is now 100 feet by 50 feet, on both sides of a row of apple trees, in good rich ground which had once been a berry patch.I used any old boards I could get for the side fence, not making it too tight.For shade I have tried everything I could think of.I used burlap tacked on frames, but it rotted in one season.I used willow and pine brush and throwed corn stalks and sedge grass on them.For all I could see, the plants grew as well under such shade as under lath, although the appearance of the yard is not so good.I also ran wild cucumbers over the brush and like them very well.They run about 15 feet, so they do not reach the center of the garden until late in the season.I planted them only around the edge of the garden.
Bed of Mature Ginseng Plants Under Lattice.
In preparing my soil, I mixed some sand with the garden soil to make it lighter; also, woods earth, leaf mold, chip manure and barnyard manure, leaving it mostly on top.I take down the shade each fall and cover beds with leaves and brush.This industry is not the gold mine it was cracked up to be.The price is going down, lumber for yard and shade is going up.The older the garden, the more one has to guard against diseases, so one may not expect more than average returns for his time and work.Still I enjoy the culture, and the work is not so hard, and it is very interesting to see this shy wild plant growing in its new home.
In order to keep up the demand for Ginseng, we must furnish the quality the Chinese desire, and to do this, I believe we must get back to the woods and rotten oak and maple wood, leaf mold and the humid atmosphere of the deep woodlands.I have learned much during the short time I have been growing the plant, but have only given a few general statements.
John Hooper, Jefferson Co., Wis.
I believe most any one that lives where Ginseng will grow could make up a small bed or two in their garden and by planting large roots and shading it properly, could make it a nice picture.Then if they could sell their seed at a good price might make it profitable, but when it comes down to growing Ginseng for market I believe the only place that one could make a success would be in the forest or in new ground that still has woods earth in it and then have it properly shaded.
The finest garden I ever saw is shaded with strips split from chestnut cuts or logs.There are thousands of young "seng" in this garden from seedlings up to four years old this fall, and several beds of roots all sizes that were dug from the woods wild and are used as seeders.These plants have a spreading habit and have a dark green healthy look that won't rub off.It is enough to give "seng" diggers fits to see them.
I have my Ginseng garden in a grove handy to the house, where it does fairly well, only it gets a little too much sun.I have a few hundred in the forest, where it gets sufficient shade and there is a vast difference in the color and thriftiness of the two.
The seed crop will be a little short this fall in this section, owing to heavy frosts in May which blighted the blossom buds on the first seng that came up.My seed crop last fall was ten quarts of berries which are buried now in sand boxes.My plan for planting them this fall is to stick the seeds in beds about 4x4 inches.
I see where some few think that the mulch should be taken off in the spring, which I think is all wrong.I have been experimenting for seven years with Ginseng and am convinced that the right way is to keep it mulched with leaves.The leaves keep the ground cool, moist and mellow and the weeds are not half so hard to keep down.It is surely the natural way to raise Ginseng.
My worst trouble in raising Ginseng is the damping off of the seedlings.My worst pest is chickweed, which grows under the mulch and seems to grow all winter.It seeds early and is brittle and hard to get the roots when pulling.Plantain is bad sometimes, the roots go to the bottom of the bed.Gladd weed is also troublesome.I think one should be very careful when they gather the mulch for it is an easy matter to gather up a lot of bad weed seed.
I see in the H-T-T where some use chip manure on their "seng" beds.I tried that myself, but will not use it again on seed beds any way.I found it full of slugs and worms which preyed on the seedlings.Sometimes cut worms cut off a good many for me.Grub worms eat a root now and then.Leaf rollers are bad some years, but the worst enemy of all is wood mice.If one does not watch carefully they will destroy hundreds of seed in a few nights.
I find the best way to destroy them is to set little spring traps where they can run over them.There was a new pest in this locality this year which destroyed a big lot of seed.It was a green cricket something like a katydid.They were hard to catch, too.
Thos.G.Fulcomer, Indiana Co., Pa.
Some Thrifty Plants — An Ohio Garden.
The notions of the Chinese seem as difficult to change as the law of the Medes and Persians, and his notion that the cultivated article is no good, if once established, will always be established.This will be a sad predicament for the thousands who may be duped by the reckless Ginseng promoter.One principle of success in my business is to please the purchaser or consumer.This is the biggest factor in Ginseng culture.
The Chinaman wants a certain quality of flavor, shape, color, etc., in his Ginseng, and as soon as the cultivators learn and observe his wishes so soon will they be on the right road to success.Ginseng has been brought under cultivation and by doing this it has been removed from its natural environments and subjected to new conditions, which are making a change in the root.The object of the Ginseng has been lost sight of and the only principle really observed has been to grow the root, disregarding entirely the notions of the consumer.
Thousands have been induced by the flattering advertisements to invest their money and begin the culture of Ginseng.Not one-half of these people are familiar with the plant in its wild state and have any idea of its natural environments.They are absolutely unfit to grow and prepare Ginseng for the Chinese market.Thousands of roots have been spoiled in the growing or in the drying by this class of Ginseng growers.Many roots have been scorched with too much heat, many soured with not the right conditions of heat, many more have been spoiled in flavor by growing in manured beds and from certain fertilizers.All these damaged roots have gone to the Chinese as cultivated root and who could blame him for refusing to buy and look superstitious at such roots?
Now as to profits.Not one-half the profits have been made as represented.Not one-half of those growing Ginseng make as much as many thousands of experienced gardeners and florists are making with no more money invested and little if any more labor and no one thinks or says anything about it.Many articles have appeared in the journals of the past few years, and when you read one you will have to read all, for in most part they have been from the over-stimulated mind of parties seeking to get sales for so-called nursery stock.
Probably the first man to successfully cultivate Ginseng was Mr. Stanton, of New York State.His gardens were in the forest, from this success many followed.Then the seed venders and wide publicity and the garden cultivation under lattice shade.Then the refusal of the Chinese to buy these inferior roots.
Now, it is my opinion the growers must return to the forest and spare no labor to see that the roots placed on the market are in accordance with the particular notions of the consumer.Ginseng growers may then hope to establish a better price and ready market for their root.
The color required by the Chinese, so far as my experiments go, come from certain qualities of soil.The yellow color in demand comes to those roots growing in soil rich in iron.The particular aromatic flavor comes from those growing in clay loam and abundant leaf mold of the forest.I have found that by putting sulphate of iron sparingly in beds and the roots growing about two years in this take on the yellow color.
I have three gardens used for my experiments, two in forest and one in garden.They contain altogether about twenty-five thousand plants.One garden is on a steep north hillside, heavily shaded by timber.These plants have a yellowish color and good aromatic taste.They have grown very slow here; about as much in three years as they grow in one year in the garden.The other forest garden is in an upland grove with moderate drain, clay loam and plenty of leaf mold; the trees are thin and trimmed high.The beds are well made, the roots are light yellow and good flavor, they grow large and thrifty like the very best of wild.
I am now planting the seed six inches apart and intend to leave them in the bed without molesting until matured.The beds under the lattice in the garden have grown large, thick, white and brittle, having many rootlets branching from the ends of the roots, The soil is of a black, sandy loam.They do not have the fine aromatic flavor of those roots growing in the woods.
The plants I have used in the most part were produced from the forest here in Minnesota and purchased from some diggers in Wisconsin.I have a few I procured from parties advertising seed and plants, but find that the wild roots and seeds are just as good for the purpose of setting if due care is exercised in sorting the roots.
There has been considerable said in the past season by those desiring to sell nursery stock condemning the commission houses and ignoring or minimizing the seriousness of the condition which confronts the Ginseng grower in a market for his root.Now, I believe the commission men are desirous of aiding the Ginseng growers in a market for his roots so long as the grower is careful in his efforts to produce an article in demand by the consumer.
In my opinion those who are desirous of entering an industry of this kind will realize the most profits in the long run if they devote attention to the study and cultivation of those medical plants used in the therapy of the regular practice of medicine, such as Hydrastis, Seneca, Sanguinaria, Lady Slipper, Mandrake, etc. They are easily raised and have a ready market at any of our drug mills.I have experimented with a number of these and find they thrive under the care of cultivation and I believe in some instances the real medical properties are improved, as Atropine in Belladonna and Hydrastine in Hydrastis.
I have several thousand Hydrastis plants under cultivation and intend to make tests this season for the quantity of Hydrastine in a given weight of Hydrastis and compare with the wild article.It is the amount of Hydrastine or alkaloid in a fluid extract which by test determines the standard of the official preparation and is the real valuable part of the root.
This drug has grown wonderfully in favor with the profession in recent years and this increased demand with decrease of supply has sent the price of the article soaring so that we are paying five times as much for the drug in stock today as we paid only three or four years ago.
I trust that I have enlarged upon and presented some facts which may be of interest and cause those readers who are interested in this industry to have a serious regard for the betterment of present conditions, to use more caution in supplying the market and not allow venders to seriously damage the industry by their pipe dream in an attempt to find sales for so-called nursery stock.
L.C Ingram, M.D., Wabasha County, Minn.
It was in the year of 1901, in the month of June, that I first heard of the wonderful Ginseng plant.Being a lover of nature and given to strolling in the forests at various times, I soon came to know the Ginseng plant in its wild state.
Having next obtained some knowledge regarding the cultivation of this plant from a grower several miles away, I set my first roots to the number of 100 in rich, well-drained garden soil, over which I erected a frame and covered it with brush to serve as shade.
In the spring of 1902 nearly all the roots made their appearance and from these I gathered a nice crop of seed later on in the season.That summer I set out 2,200 more wild roots in common garden soil using lath nailed to frames of scantling for shade.Lath was nailed so as to make two-thirds of shade to one-third of sun.This kind of shading I have since adopted for general use, because I find it the most economical and for enduring all kinds of weather it cannot be surpassed.
During the season of 1903 I lost several hundred roots by rot, caused by an excessive wet season and imperfect drainage.
In the seasons of 1903 and 1904 I set about 2,000 wild roots in common garden soil, mixed with sand and woods dirt and at this writing (July 9th, 1905) some of these plants stand two feet high, with four and five prongs on branches, thus showing the superiority of this soil over the others I have previously tried.
New York Grower's Garden.
During my five years of practical experience in the cultivation of this plant I have learned the importance of well drained ground, with porous open sub-soil for the cultivation of Ginseng.My experience with clay hard-pan with improper drainage has been very unsatisfactory, resulting from the loss of roots by rot.Clay hard-pan sub-soil should be tile-drained.
Experience and observation have taught me that Ginseng seed is delicate stuff to handle and it is a hard matter to impress upon people the importance of taking care of it.I have always distinctly stated that it must not be allowed to get dry and must be kept in condition to promote germination from the time it is gathered until sown.Where a consider able quantity is to be cared for, the berries should be packed in fine, dry sifted sand soon after they are gathered, using three quarts of sand and two quarts of berries.The moisture of the berries will dampen the sand sufficiently.But if only a few are to be packed the sand should be damp.
Place one-half inch sand in box and press smooth.On this place a layer of berries; cover with sand, press, and repeat the operation until box is full, leaving one-half inch of sand on top; on this place wet cloth and cover with board.Place box in cellar or cool shady place.The bottom of the box should not be tight.A few gimlet holes with paper over them to keep the sand from sifting thru will be all right.Any time after two or three months, during which time the seeds have lost their pulp and nothing but the seed itself remains, seed may be sifted out, washed, tested and repacked in damp sand until ready to sow.
Best Time to Sow Seed.
Since it takes the seed eighteen months to germinate, seed that has been kept over one season should be planted in August or September.I like to get my old crop of seed out of the way before the new crop is harvested, and also because my experience has been that early sowing gives better results than late.
One should be careful in building his Ginseng garden that he does not get sides closed too tight and thus prevent a free circulation of air going thru the garden, for if such is the case during a rainy period the garden is liable to become infected with the leaf spot and fungus diseases.
The drop in price of cultivated root was caused chiefly thru high manuring, hasty and improper drying of the root.In order to bring back the cultivated root to its former standing among the Chinese, we must cease high manuring and take more pains and time in drying the root, and then we will have a steady market for American cultivated root for years to come.
J.V.Hardacre, Geauga County, Ohio.
In 1900 I went to the woods and secured about fifty plants of various sizes and set them in the shade of some peach and plum trees in a very fertile spot.They came up in 1901, that is, part of them did, but the chickens had access to them and soon destroyed the most of them, that is, the tops.
In 1902 only a few bunches came up, and through neglect (for I never gave them any care) the weeds choked them and they did no good.In 1903 the spirit of Ginseng growing was revived in me and I prepared suitable beds, shade and soil, and went to work in earnest.I secured several more plants and reset those that I had been trying to grow without care.In 1904 my plants came up nicely.I also secured several hundred more plants and set them in my garden.
The plants grew well and I harvested about 1,000 seed in the fall.Several Ginseng gardens were injured by a disease that seemed to scald the leaves and then the stalk became affected.In a short time the whole top of the plant died, but the root remained alive.My Ginseng was not affected in this way, or at least I did not notice it.
In 1905 I had a nice lot of plants appear and they grew nicely for a while, and as I was showing a neighbor thru the garden he pointed out the appearance of the disease that had affected most of the gardens in this county the previous year, and was killing the tops off of all the Ginseng in them this year.I began at once to fight for the lives of my plants by cutting off all affected parts and burning them.
I also took a watering pot and sprinkled the plants with Bordeaux Mixture.This seemed to help, and but few of the plants died outright.
I harvested several thousand seed.I placed the seed in a box of moist sand and placed them in the cellar and about one-third of them were germinated by the following spring, and there was not another garden in this vicinity, to my knowledge, that secured any seed.This fact caused me to think that spraying with Bordeaux Mixture would check the disease.It was certain that if the disease could not be prevented or quit of its own accord, Ginseng could not be grown in this county.
In 1906 my plants came up nicely and grew as in the previous season.I noticed the disease on some of the plants about the last of May so I began removing the affected parts, also to sprinkle with Bordeaux Mixture with about the same results as the year before.In the fall I harvested about twelve or fifteen thousand seed.
I might say here that I sprinkled the plants about every two or three weeks.I raised the only seed that was harvested in this vicinity, and most all the large "seng" was dried and sold out of their gardens.
Early in 1907 I secured a compressed air sprayer, for I had come to the conclusion that spraying would be lots better than sprinkling.On the appearance of the first plants in the spring I began spraying and sprayed every week or ten days until about the first of September.I saved the life of most of my plants.
For an experiment I left about five feet of one bed of two-year-old plants unsprayed.It grew nicely until about the 10th of June, then the disease struck it, and in about two or three weeks it was about all dead, while the remainder that was sprayed lived thru till frost, and many of them bore seed.I harvested about 20,000 seed in the fall.
I believe if I had not persisted in the spraying I would not have harvested one fully matured seed, for none of my neighbors secured any.In September, 1906, I dug one bed of large roots thinly set on a bed 4x16 feet which netted me $8.49.
In September, 1907, I dug a bed 4x20 feet which netted me $19.31.
This is my experience.Of course I have omitted method of preparing beds, shade, etc.
A.C Herrin, Pulaski County, Ky.
Many inquiries are continually being received concerning Ginseng, Some of the many questions propounded are as follows: Is Ginseng growing profitable?Is it a difficult crop to grow?How many years will it take to grow marketable roots?When is the best time to set plants and sow the seed?What kind of soil is best adapted to the crop?Does the crop need shade while growing?Do the tops of Ginseng plants die annually?Must the roots be dried before marketable?What time of year do you dig the roots?Does the cultivation of the plants require much labor?What are the roots used for and where does one find the best markets?About what are the dry roots worth per pound?How are the roots dried?How many roots does it take to make a pound?Have you sold any dry roots yet from your garden?How long does it take the seed of Ginseng to germinate?
Do you sow the seeds broadcast or plant in drills?How far apart should the plants be set?Do you mulch beds in winter?Is it best to reset seedlings the first year?How many plants does it require to set an acre?What is generally used for shading?Has the plant or root any enemies?When does the seed ripen?How wide do you make your beds?Do you fertilize your soil?Will the plants bear seed the first year?What price do plants and seed usually bring?What does the seed look like?
It will be almost impossible to answer all of the above questions, but will try to give a few points regarding Ginseng and Ginseng growing which may help some reader out.In the spring of 1899 I began experimenting with a few Ginseng plants, writes an Indiana party, and at present have thousands of plants coming along nicely from one to seven years old.Last fall I planted about eight pounds of new seed.The mature roots are very profitable at present prices.They are easily grown if one knows how.It takes about five years to grow marketable roots.
The seed is planted in August and September; the plants set in September and October.A rich, dark sandy loam is the most desirable soil for the crop, which requires shade during growth.The plants are perennial, dying down in the fall and reappearing in the spring.The roots must be dried for market.They should be dug some time in October.Cultivation of the crop is comparatively simple and easy.The crop is practically exported from this country to China, where the roots are largely used for medicinal purposes.The best prices are paid in New York, Chicago, Cincinnati and San Francisco.Dry roots usually bring $4.00 to $8.00 per pound as to quality.The drying is accomplished the same way fruit is dried.The number of roots in a pound depends on their age and size.
The seed of Ginseng germinates in eighteen months.Sow the seed in drill rows and set the plants about eight inches apart each way.Mulch the beds with forest leaves in the fall.The seedlings should be reset the first year.It requires about 100,000 plants to cover an acre.The shade for the crop is usually furnished by the use of lath or brush on a stationary frame built over the garden.
Moles and mice are the only enemies of Ginseng and sometimes trouble the roots, but are usually quite easily kept out.The seed of Ginseng ripens in August.Seed beds are usually made four feet wide.The best fertilizer is leaf mould from the woods.The plants will not bear much seed the first year.The price of both seed and plants varies considerably.The seed looks like those of tomatoes, but is about ten times larger.
Ginseng is usually found growing wild in the woods where beech, sugar and poplar grow.The illustration shows a plant with seed.Early in the season, say June and early July, there is no stem showing seed.(See cover.)
The plant usually has three prongs with three large leaves and has small ones on each stem.Note the illustration closely.Sometimes there are four prongs, but the number of leaves on each prong is always five — three large and two small.
The leading Ginseng states are West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee.It is also found in considerable quantities in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, New York, and even north into Southern Canada.It is also found in other Central and Southern states.
During the past few years the wild root has been dug very close, and in states where two or three years ago Ginseng was fairly plentiful is now considerably thinned out.In some sections "sengers" follow the business of digging the wild root from June to October.They make good wages quite often.It is these "sengers" that have destroyed the wild crop and paved the way for the growers.The supply of wild root will no doubt become less each year, unless prices go down so that there will not be the profit in searching for it.
Cultivated root being larger than wild takes more care in drying.Improper drying will materially impair the root and lessen its value.
It is those who study the soil and give attention to their fruit that make a success of it.The same applies to growing Ginseng and other medicinal plants.
When buying plants or seeds to start a garden it will be well to purchase from some one in about your latitude as those grown hundreds of miles north or south are not apt to do so well.
Ginseng culture is now carried on in nearly all states east of the Mississippi River as well as a few west.The leading Ginseng growing states, however, are New York, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Minnesota.
Thruout the "Ginseng producing section" the plants are dug by "sengers" from early spring until late fall.The roots are sold to the country merchants for cash or exchanged for merchandise.The professional digger usually keeps his "seng" until several pounds are collected, when it is either shipped to some dealer or taken to the county seat or some town where druggists and others make the buying of roots part of their business.Here the digger could always get cash for roots which was not always the case at the country store.
Quite often we hear some one say that the Chinese will one of these days quit using Ginseng and there will be no market for it.There is no danger, or at least no more than of our people giving up the use of tea and coffee.Ginseng has been in constant use in China for hundreds of years and they are not apt to forsake it now.
The majority of exporters of Ginseng to China are Chinamen who are located in New York and one or two cities on the Pacific coast.There is a prejudice in China against foreigners so that the Chinamen have an advantage in exporting.Few dealers in New York or elsewhere export — they sell to the Chinamen who export.
The making of Bordeaux Mixture is not difficult.Put 8 pounds bluestone in an old sack or basket and suspend it in a 50-gallon barrel of water.In another barrel of same size, slack 8 pounds of good stone lime and fill with water.This solution will keep.When ready to use, stir briskly and take a pail full from each barrel and pour them at the same time into a third barrel or tub.This is "Bordeaux Mixture."If insects are to be destroyed at the same time, add about 4 ounces of paris green to each 50 gallons of Bordeaux.Keep the Bordeaux well stirred and put on with a good spray pump.Half the value in spraying is in doing it thoroughly.
It is our opinion that there will be a demand for Seneca and Ginseng for years.The main thing for growers to keep in mind is that it is the wild or natural flavor that is wanted.To attain this see that the roots are treated similar to those growing wild.To do this, prepare beds of soil from the woods where the plants grow, make shade about as the trees in the forests shade the plants, and in the fall see that the beds are covered with leaves.Study the nature of the plant as it grows wild in the forest and make your "cultivated" plants "wild" by giving them the same conditions as if they were growing wild in the forest.As mentioned in a former number, an easy way to grow roots is in the native forest.The one drawback is from thieves.
The above appeared as an editorial in the Hunter-Trader-Trapper, August, 1905.
Growing Ginseng and Golden Seal will eventually become quite an industry, but as we have said before, those that make the greatest success at the business, will follow as closely as possible the conditions under which the plants grow in the forests, in their wild state.Therein the secret lies.There is no class of people better fitted to make a success at the business than hunters and trappers, for they know something of its habits, especially those of the Eastern, Central and Southern States, where the plants grow wild.There is no better or cheaper way to engage in the business than to start your "garden" in a forest where the plant has grown.Forests where beech, sugar and poplar grow are usually good for Ginseng.The natural forest shade is better than the artificial.
Forest Bed of Young "Seng." These Plants, However, Are too Thick.
This is a business that hunters and trappers can carry on to advantage for the work on the "gardens" is principally done during the "off" hunting and trapping season.
The writer has repeatedly cautioned those entering the business of Ginseng culture to be careful.The growing of Ginseng has not proven the "gold mine" that some advertisers tried to make the public believe, but at the same time those who went at the business in a business-like manner have accomplished good results — have been well paid for their time.In this connection notice that those that have dug wild root for years are the most successful.Why?Because they are the ones whose "gardens" are generally in the forests or at least their plants are growing under conditions similar to their wild state.Therein the secret lies.
The majority of farmers, gardeners, etc., know that splendid sweet potatoes are grown in the lands of the New Jersey meadows.The potatoes are known thruout many states as "Jersey Sweets" and have a ready sale.Suppose the same potato was grown in some swampy middle state, would the same splendid "Jersey Sweet" be the result?Most assuredly not.If the same kind of sandy soil which the sweet potato thrives in in New Jersey is found the results will be nearer like the Jersey.
Again we say to the would-be grower of medicinal roots or plants to observe closely the conditions under which the roots thrive in their wild state and cultivate likewise, that is, grow in the same kind of soil, same density of shade, same kind and amount of mulch (leaves, etc.) as you observe the wild plant.
The growing of medicinal plants may never be a successful industry for the large land owner, for they are not apt to pay so much attention to the plants as the person who owns a small place and is engaged in fruit growing or poultry raising.The business is not one where acres should be grown, in fact we doubt if any one will ever be successful in growing large areas.The person who has acres of forest land should be able to make a good income by simply starting his "gardens in the woods."The shade is there, as well as proper mulch, etc. In fact it is the forest where most of the valuable medicinal plants grow of their own accord.The conditions of the soil are there to produce the correct flavor.Some of the growers who are trying to produce large roots quickly are having trouble in selling their production.The dealers telling them that their roots have not the wild natural flavor — but have indications of growing too quickly and are probably cultivated.
While plants can be successfully cultivated by growing under conditions similar to the forest yet if there are forest lands near, you had better make your "gardens" there.This will save shading.In the north, say Canada, New England and states bordering on Canada, shading need not be so thick as farther south.In those states, if on high land, even a south slope may be used.
In other states a northern or eastern slope is preferred, altho if the shading is sufficiently heavy "gardens" thrive.Read what the various growers say before you start in the business, for therein you will find much of value.They have made mistakes and point these out to others.
From 1892 to 1897 the writer was on the road for a Zanesville, Ohio, firm as buyer of raw furs, hides, pelts and tallow.The territory covered was Southern Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Northern Kentucky.During that time Ginseng was much more plentiful than now.Once at Portsmouth a dealer from whom I occasionally bought hides, had 21 sugar barrels full of dried seng — well on to 3,000 pounds.It was no uncommon thing to see lots of 100 to 500 pounds.I did not make a business of buying seng and other roots, as it was not handled to any great extent by the house I traveled for, altho I did buy a few lots ranging from 5 to 100 pounds, The five years that I traveled the territory named I should say that I called upon dealers who handled 100,000 pounds or 20,000 annually.This represented probably one-fifth of the collection.These dealers of course had men out.
Just what the collection of Ginseng in that territory is now I am unable to say as I have not traveled the territory since 1900, but from what the dealers and others say am inclined to think the collection is only about 10% what it was in the early '90s.
This shows to what a remarkable extent the wild root has decreased.The same decrease may not hold good in all sections, yet it has been heavy and unless some method is devised the wild root will soon be a thing of the past.
Diggers should spare the young plants.These have small roots and do not add much in value to their collection.If the young plants were passed by for a few years the production of the forest — the wild plant — could be prolonged indefinitely.
A root buyer for a Charleston, W.Va., firm, who has traveled a great deal thru the wild Ginseng sections of West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana and Ohio says: The root is secured in greatest quantities from the states in the order named.Golden seal is probably secured in greatest quantities from the states as follows: West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania.A great deal is also secured from Western States and the North.
The "sengers" start out about the middle of May, altho the root is not at the best until August.At that time the bur is red and the greatest strength is in the root.
Many make it a business to dig seng during the summer.Some years ago I saw one party of campers where the women (the entire family was along) had simply cut holes thru calico for dresses, slipping same over the head and tied around the waist — not a needle or stitch of thread had been used in making these garments.
Some of these "sengers" travel with horses and covered rig.These dig most of the marketable roots.Others travel by foot carrying a bag to put Ginseng in over one shoulder and over the other a bag in which they have a piece of bacon and a few pounds of flour.Thus equipped they stay out several days.The reason these men only dig Ginseng is that the other roots are not so valuable and too heavy to carry.Sometimes these men dig Golden Seal when near the market or about ready to return for more supplies.
Some years ago good wages were made at digging wild roots but for the past few years digging has been so persistent that when a digger makes from $1.00 to $2.00 per day he thinks it is good.
Some say that the Ginseng growing business will soon be overdone and the market over-supplied and prices will go to $1.00 per pound or less for dried root.If all who engage in the business were able to successfully grow the plant such might be the case.Note the many that have failed.Several complain that their beds in the forests are infested with many ups and downs from such causes as damp blight, root rot, animals and insect pests.A few growers report that mice did considerable damage in the older beds by eating the neck and buds from the roots.
There seems to be a mistaken idea in regard to "gardens in the forest."Many prepare their beds in the forests, plant and cultivate much the same as the grower under artificial shade.While this is an improvement over the artificial shade, fertilized and thickly planted bed, it is not the way that will bring best and lasting results.
Why?Because plants crowded together will contract diseases much sooner than when scattered.One reason of many failures is that the plants were too thick.Those that can "grow" in the forests are going to be the ones that make the greatest success.Farmers, horticulturists, gardeners, trappers, hunters, guides, fishermen who have access to forest land should carefully investigate the possibilities of medicinal root culture.
Those who have read of the fortune to be made at growing Ginseng and other medicinal roots in their backyard on a small plat (say a rod or two) had best not swallow the bait.Such statements were probably written by ignorant growers who knew no better or possibly they had seed and plants for sale.Ginseng growing, at best, should be done by persons who know something of plants, their habits, etc, as well as being familiar with soil and the preparation of same for growing crops.
In reply to E.T.Flanegan and others who wish to know how to use Ginseng as a medicine, I will suggest this way for a general home made use, says a writer in Special Crops.Take very dry root, break it up with a hammer and grind it thru a coffee mill three or four times till reduced to a fine powder.Then take three ounces of powder and one ounce of milk sugar.To the milk sugar add sixty drops of oil of wintergreen and mix all the powders by rubbing them together and bottle.Dose one teaspoonful, put into a small teacupful of boiling water.Let it stay a little short of boiling point ten minutes.Then cool and drink it all, hot as can be borne, before each meal.It may be filtered and the tea served with cream and sugar with the meal.Made as directed this is a high grade and a most pleasant aromatic tea and has a good effect on the stomach, brain and nervous system.To those who have chronic constipation, I would advise one fourth grain of aloin, taken every night, or just enough to control the constipation, while taking the Ginseng tea.If the evening dose of Ginseng be much larger it is a good safe hypnotic, producing good natural sleep.
The writer prefers the above treatment to all the whiskey and patent medicine made.To those who are damaged or made nervous by drinking coffee or tea, quit the coffee or tea and take Ginseng tea as above directed.It is most pleasant tasted and a good medicine for your stomach.I do not know just how the Chinese prepare it into medicine, but I suppose much of it is used in a tea form as well as a tincture.As it is so valuable a medicine their mode of administration has been kept a secret for thousands of years.There must be some medical value about it of great power or the Chinese could not pay the price for it.It has been thought heretofore that the Chinese were a superstitious people and Used Ginseng thru ignorance, but as we get more light on the medical value of the plant the plainer it gets that it is us fellows — the Americans — that have been and are yet in the "shade" and in a dark shade, too.We think the time not far off when it will be recognized as a medical plant and a good one, too, and its great medical value be made known to the world.
For several years past I have been experimenting with Ginseng as a medical agent and of late I have prescribed, or rather added it, to the treatment of some cases of rheumatism.I remember one instance in particular of a middle-aged man who had gone the rounds of the neighborhood doctors and failed of relief, when he employed me.After treating him for several weeks and failing to entirely relieve him, more especially the distress in bowels and back, I concluded to add Ginseng to his treatment.After using the medicine he returned, saying the last bottle had served him so well that he wanted it filled with the same medicine as before.I attribute the curative properties of Ginseng in rheumatism to stimulating to healthy action of the gastric juices; causing a healthy flow of the digestive fluids of the stomach, thereby neutralizing the extra secretion of acid that is carried to the nervous membranes of the body and joints, causing the inflammatory condition incident to rheumatism.
Ginseng combined with the juices of a good ripe pineapple is par excellent as a treatment for indigestion.It stimulates the healthy secretion of pepsin, thereby insuring good digestion without incurring the habit of taking pepsin or after-dinner pills to relieve the fullness and distress so common to the American people.The above compound prepared with good wine in the proper way will relieve many aches and pains of a rebellious stomach; and if I should advise or prescribe a treatment for the old "sang digger" who is troubled with dyspepsia or foul stomach, I would tell him to take some of your own medicine and don't be selling all to the Chinamen.
A Healthy Looking "Garden" — "Yard."
I want to repeat here what I have often said to "sengers" of my acquaintance, especially those "get-rich-quick" fellows who have been dumping their half-grown and poorly cured Ginseng on the market, thereby killing the good-will of the celestial for a market and destroying the sale of those who cultivate clean and matured roots; they had much better give their roots time to mature in their gardens and if the market price is not what it ought to be to compensate for the labor, they had better hold over another season before selling.I have all the product of last season in Ginseng and Golden Seal in my possession, for the reason that the price did not suit me.Drug manufacturers ask $7.00 per pound for Fluid Extract Golden Seal wholesale.When they can make from one-half pound dried root one pound Fluid Extract Golden Seal costing them 75 cents, that's a pretty good profit for maceration and labeling.
Ginseng has been used to some extent as a domestic medicine in the United States for many years.As far as I can learn, the home use is along the line of tonic and stimulant to the digestive and the nervous system.Many people have great faith in the power of the Ginseng root to increase the general strength and appetite as well as to relieve eructations from the stomach.As long ago as Bigelow's time, some wonderful effects are recorded of the use of half a root in the increase of the general strength and the removal of fatigue.Only the other day a young farmer told me that Ginseng tea was a good thing to break up an acute cold and I think you will find it used for rheumatism and skin diseases.It undoubtedly has some effect on the circulation, perhaps thru its action on the nervous system and to this action is probably due its ascribed anti-spasmodic properties.
The use of Ginseng has largely increased within the last few years and several favorable reports have been published in the medical journals.One physician, whose name and medium of publication I cannot now recall, speaks highly of its anti-spasmodic action in relieving certain forms of hiccough.If this is true, it places it at once among the important and powerful anti-spasmodics and suggests its use in other spasmodic and reflex nervous diseases as whooping cough, asthma, etc.
I have practiced medicine for eight years.I sold my practice one year ago and since have devoted my entire attention to the cultivation of Ginseng and experimenting with Ginseng in diseases and am satisfied that it is all that the Chinese claim for it; and, if the people of the United States were educated as to its use, our supply would be consumed in our own country and it would be a hard blow to the medical profession.
It would make too long an article for me to enumerate the cases that I have cured; but, I think it will suffice to say that I have cured every case where I have used it with one exception and that was a case of consumption in its last stages; but the lady and her husband both told me that it was the only medicine that she took during her illness that did her any good.The good it did her was by loosening her cough; she could give one cough and expectorate from the lungs without any exertion.I believe it is the best medicine for consumption in its first stages and will probably cure.
I wish the readers of Special Crops to try it in their own families — no difference what the disease is.Make a tea of it.A good way is to grate it in a nutmeg grater.Grate what would make about 15 grains, or about one-fourth to one-half teaspoonful and add half a pint or less of boiling water.The dose to be taken at meal times and between meals.In a cold on the lungs it will cure in two or three days, if care is taken and the patient is not exposed.
My theory is that disease comes from indigestion directly or indirectly.Ginseng is the medicine that will regulate the digestion and cure the disease no difference by what name it is called; if the disease can be cured.Ginseng will cure it where no other drug will.
I will cite one case; a neighbor lady had been treated by two different physicians for a year for a chronic cough.I gave her some Ginseng and told her to make a tea of it and take it at meal times and between meals; in two weeks I saw her and she told me that she was cured and that she never took any medicine that did her so much good, saying that it acted as a mild cathartic and made her feel good.She keeps Ginseng in her house now all the time and takes a dose or two when she does not feel well.
I am satisfied that wonderful cures can be made with Ginseng and am making them myself, curing patients that doctors have given up; and if handled properly our supply will not equal the demand at home in course of five or six years, thus increasing the price.
At the last annual meeting of the Michigan Ginseng Association, Dr. H.S.McMaster of Cass Co.presented a paper on the uses of this plant, which appeared in the Michigan Farmer.He spoke in part as follows:
"Ginseng is a mild, non-poisonous plant, well adapted to domestic as well as professional uses.In this respect it may be classed with such herbs as boneset, oxbalm, rhubarb and dandelion.The medicinal qualities are known to be a mild tonic, stimulant, nervine and stomachic.It is especially a remedy for ills incident to old age.
"Two well-known preparations made — or said to be — from Ginseng root are on the market.One of these, called "Seng," has been for many years on druggists' shelves.It is sometimes used for stomach troubles and with good results.I think it is now listed by the leading drug houses.
"Another called 'Ginseng Tone' is a more recent preparation, and is highly spoken of as a remedy.But for home or domestic use we would suggest the following methods of preparing this drug:
"1st.The simplest preparation and one formerly used to some extent by the pioneers of our forest lands, is to dig, wash and eat the green root, or to pluck and chew the green leaves.Ginseng, like boneset, aconite and lobelia, has medicinal qualities in the leaf.
"To get the best effect, like any other medicine it should be taken regularly from three to six times a day and in medicinal quantities.In using the green root we would suggest as a dose a piece not larger than one to two inches of a lead pencil, and of green leaves one to three leaflets.These, however, would be pleasanter and better taken in infusion with a little milk and sweetened and used as a warm drink as other teas are.
"2nd.The next simplest form of use is the dried root carried in the pocket, and a portion as large as a kernel of corn, well chewed, may be taken every two or three hours.Good results come from this mode of using, and it is well known that the Chinese use much of the root in this way.
"3d.Make a tincture of the dried root, or leaves.The dried root should be grated fine, then the root, fiber or leaves, separately or together, may be put into a fruit jar and barely covered with equal parts of alcohol and water.If the Ginseng swells, add a little more alcohol and water to keep it covered.Screw top on to keep from evaporating.Macerate in this way 10 to 14 days, strain off and press all fluid out, and you have a tincture of Ginseng.The dose would be 10 to 15 drops for adults.
"Put an ounce of this tincture in a six-ounce vial, fill the vial with a simple elixir obtained at any drug store, and you have an elixir of Ginseng, a pleasant medicine to take.The dose is one teaspoonful three or four times a day.
"The tincture may be combined with the extracted juice of a ripe pineapple for digestion, or combined with other remedies for rheumatism or other maladies.
"4th.Lastly I will mention Ginseng tea, made from the dry leaves or blossom umbels.After the berries are gathered, select the brightest, cleanest leaves from mature plants.Dry them slowly about the kitchen stove in thick bunches, turning and mixing them until quite dry, then put away in paper sacks.
"Tea from these leaves is steeped as you would ordinary teas, and may be used with cream and sugar.It is excellent for nervous indigestion.
"These home preparations are efficacious in neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, irritation of bronchi or lungs from cold, gastro-enteric indigestion, weak heart, cerebro-spinal and other nervous affections, and is especially adapted to the treatment of young children as well as the aged.Ginseng is a hypnotic, producing sleep, an anodyne, stimulant, nerve tonic and slightly laxative."
With the exception of tea, says the Paint, Oil and Drug Review, Ginseng is the most celebrated plant in all the Orient.It may well be called the "cure-all" as the Chinese have a wonderful faith in its curative and strengthening properties, and it has been appropriately called the "cinchona of China."It is considered to be a sovereign cure for fevers and weaknesses of all kinds, and is, indeed, the chief and most costly medicine of the Chinese Empire.
Ginseng is found wild in the mountain forests of eastern Asia from Nepa to Manchuria.It once grew in Fukien, Kaighan and Shansi, but was supplanted by the Manchuria wild root.The root is carefully hunted for by the Manchus, who boast that the weeds of their country are the choice drugs of the Chinese, a boast which has much foundation in fact.Of the thirty-seven ports in China where the imperial maritime customs are established to import Ginseng, imports during 1905 were as follows: Shanghai, 103,802 pounds; Wuhu, 2,374; Kiuhiang, 2,800; Hankow, American clarified, 34,800; Wenchau 9,100; Chungking, American clarified, 6,200; Chefoo, 80,408; Canton, 75,800, and Foochow, 15,007.
The total importation at these ports for the last four years were: 1902, 407,021 pounds; 1903, 404,000 pounds; 1904, 313,598 pounds, and 1905, 331,381 pounds.These figures, however, by no means cover all the Ginseng entering China, as much of it comes thru the native custom houses, which keep no tabulated data of exports and imports, and great quantities of it are smuggled into the country, especially over the Korean boundary line.Niuchwang is the one Chinese port which exports native Ginseng.Its exports for the last four years were, respectively, 228,000, 215,000, 57,000 and 160,900 pounds.
To give an accurate price for Ginseng would be impossible, so greatly does it differ from the variety of the root offered to consumers.Some wild roots have been known to realize their weight in gold; while the cultivated variety can be purchased from 5 cents a pound up.Generally speaking, the present average prices are, for the best Ginseng, $12.00 a pound; for fair quality, $6.50, and for the ordinary, 50 cents to $1.00.Japan sends to China the cheapest Ginseng, a great deal of which is used to adulterate the highest quality from Korea.
In values and quality of the root the four principal producing countries rank as follows: Manchuria, Korea, America and Japan.Prices often vary in accordance with the method used in clarifying the root.Some Chinese provinces prefer it white, others reddish and still others require it of a yellowish tinge.The Korean root is reddish in color, due, some say, to the ferruginous soil on which it grows, and, according to others, to a peculiar process of clarifying.Most of the Korean product goes to southern China by way of Hongkong.
Wild Ginseng, from whatever country, always commands a better price than the cultivated article, chiefly because of Chinese superstition, which prefers root resembling man or some grotesque creature to that of the regular normal roots which cultivation naturally tends to produce.Chinese druggists, when questioned as to the real difference between the Manchuria wild and the American cultivated Ginseng root, admit that the difference in quality is mostly imaginary, altho there is a real difference in the appearance of the roots.
But the Manchuria Ginseng comes from the Emperor's mother country and from the same soil whence sprang the "god of heaven" and therefore the Chinese regard it as infinitely more efficacious as a curative agent than any other Ginseng could possibly be.Many assert that the future demand for Ginseng will be a decreasing one, from the fact that its imaginary properties of curing every disease on earth will be dissipated in proportion to the advance of medical science.There can be no doubt, however, that Ginseng does possess certain curative properties and it can be safely asserted that it will require many generations, perhaps centuries, to shake the Chinaman's faith in his mysterious time-honored cure-all.
Root Resembling Human Body.
American Ginseng, of which large quantities are annually exported to China, is classed, as a rule, with hsiyang, that is, west ocean, foreign or western country Ginseng.The imports of this article at Niuchwang for 1905 amounted in value to $4,612 gold.The exports of Manchurian Ginseng thru Niuchwang to Chinese ports for 1905 aggregated in value $180,199 gold and for 1904, $205,431 gold.Wild Manchuria Ginseng is rare, even in Manchuria, and its estimated valuation ranges at present from $450 to $600 gold a pound.
The total imports of Ginseng into China for 1904 aggregated 277 tons, valued at $932,173.44 and for 1905 to 1,905 tons, valued at $1,460,206.59.The increased valuation of the imports of last year emphasizes the increased price of Ginseng in the Chinese market.
Hsiyang, or American Ginseng, is marketed in China largely thru Hongkong and Shanghai foreign commission houses.Importations of the American product are increasing in bulk with each succeeding year, and the business gives every indication of becoming a very large one in a short time.
In most of the booklets and articles we have seen on Ginseng, the writers quote exorbitant figures as to what the root sells for in China.A good many of them quote from reports received from U.S.Consuls, who, when they give prices, reckon on Mexican dollars which are only about half the value of ours and some of them go so far as to quote retail prices for very small quantities of extra quality root.
Some of the growers and dealers in this country, therefore, imagine that they are not paid what they should be for their stock and that there is an enormous profit for the men who ship to China.Such is an entirely wrong idea and can be best proven by the fact that during the past couple of years three of the leading export houses have gone out of business, owing to there being no money in it.We do not know of any business conducted on as small a percentage profit as Ginseng.Frequently prices paid in this country are in excess of the market in China.
This not only means a direct loss to the exporter on his goods but also the cost of making clean (removing fibres, siftings and stems) shrinkage, insurance and freight.Business is also conducted on different lines from years ago.Then the buyers in China bought readily, prices were lower and more people could afford to use it.
Today, prices are tripled and while the supply is smaller, the demand is very much less and Chinese buyers make the exporters carry it until they really need it, in a good many cases buying root and not taking it for three or four months, and consequently keeping the exporters without their money.The expense of carrying Ginseng is also heavy owing to the high rate of interest, which is 8% and over.
The folly of depending upon U.S.Consul reports is shown in the great difference in the figures which they send.Many of these men have but very little knowledge of business, most of them knowing more about politics.It is not likely that this class of men will spend very much time in investigating a subject of this character.
The market here for wild root since June 1st has been the dullest we have ever known and the same condition prevails in China.We are glad to state that cultivated root is selling at much better prices than last year.It is hard to account for the disfavor with which it was regarded a year ago in China, and the prejudice against it has been overcome more rapidly than we expected.At this time last year it was almost unsalable and we were buying as low as $3.00 to $4.00 per pound.Many houses declined to buy at all.
Now that the prejudice against it has sort of worn off, we look for a good market and consider the outlook very favorable and would advise people not to give up their gardens in too great a hurry.We make a specialty of cultivated root and will be pleased to give information as to handling, drying, etc., to any reader who desires it.We have been buying Ginseng for over thirty years.
Belt, Butler Co. New York.
Consul-General Amos P.Wilder of Hongkong, in response to numerous American inquiries as to the trade in Ginseng, with especial reference to the cultivated root, prices and importations, reports as follows:
The Ginseng business is largely in the hands of the Chinese, the firms at Hongkong and Canton having American connections.(The five leading Hongkong Chinese firms in the Ginseng importing business are named by Mr. Wilder, as also the leading "European" importing concern, and all the addresses are obtainable from the Bureau of Manufacturers).
I am authorized to say that American growers may correspond with the European concern direct relative to large direct shipments.They receive goods only on consignment and have some forty years' standing in this industry.This firm, as do the Chinese, buys in bulk and distributes thru jobbers to the medicine shops, which abound in all Chinese communities.The Cantonese have prestige in cleaning and preparing the root for market.
Last year the best quality of Ginseng brought from $2,000 to $2,300 Mexican per picul (equal to 133 1/2 pounds), but selected roots have brought $2,400 to $2,550.It is estimated here that growers should net about $7.25 gold per pound.The buying price of Ginseng is uncertain.There being no standard, no price can be fixed.The American-Chinese shippers have the practice of withholding the Ginseng to accord with the demand in China.Owing to failures among Chinese merchants since the war and the confusion in San Francisco, trade in this industry has been slack and prices have fallen off.If the root is perfect and unbroken it is preferred.Much stress should be laid on shipping clean, perfect and attractive roots.Size, weight and appearance are factors in securing best prices, the larger and heavier the root the better.
When the shipment arrives the importer invites jobbers to inspect the same.The roots are imported in air-tight casks in weight of about 100 pounds.It is certain that there are many different qualities of Ginseng and the price is difficult to fix (except on inspection in China).
As to wild and cultivated roots, two or three years ago when cultivated Ginseng was new, buyers made no distinction and the price ruled the same; but having learned of the new industry, experts here assure me the roots can readily be distinguished.They say that the wild root is darker in color and rougher.The wild is preferred.Experts now allege a prejudice against the cultivated root, affirming that the wild root has a sweeter taste.The cultivated roots being larger and heavier, they first earned large prices, but are now at a disadvantage, altho marketable.
Wild Ginseng Roots.
The cultivated is as yet but a small percentage of the entire importations, but is increasing.Seventy-five per cent of all importations are in the hands of the Chinese.Small growers in America will do best to sell to the collecting buyers in New York, Cincinnati and other cities.Hongkong annual importations are now about 100,000 pounds.
Too many misleading and conflicting articles have been published on the subject of Ginseng culture in Korea, a true statement of the facts may be of interest.We all know the Korean Ginseng always commands a high price in China and I believe there must be a very good reason for it.Either the Korean method of cultivation, curing or marketing was superior to the American method or centuries of experience in its cultivation had taught him a lesson and a secret we had yet to learn.After considerable correspondence with parties in Korea which gave me very little information and to set my mind at rest on these questions, I went to Korea in 1903 for the sole purpose of obtaining all the information possible on Ginseng culture according to Korean methods and also if possible to secure enough nursery stock to plant a Ginseng garden in America with the best Korean stock.
Strange to say, even after I reached the city of Seoul, the capital of Korea, I could not obtain any more reliable information on Ginseng than I already knew before I left America.They told me where the great Ginseng district was located, that 40,000 cattys were packed each year for export, etc., but as to the soil, planting, cultivation, irrigation, shading, curing, packing, etc., they knew nothing that was reliable.
All the American people use sugar in one form or another, but how many could tell a person seeking for reliable information concerning the planting of the cane or sugar beet, of the character of the soil necessary, of its cultivation and irrigation, the process of refining, packing and marketing, etc. Comparatively few, indeed, and so it is with the Koreans on the cultivation of Ginseng.They all use it, but, like the Chinese, not one in several thousand ever saw a Ginseng plant growing.After considerable delay I secured a competent interpreter, a cook, and food supplies, and started from Seoul for the great Ginseng district, traveling part of the way by rail, then by sampan, and finally reached my destination on Korean ponies.Arriving at the Ginseng center, I lived among the Ginseng growers from the time the seed crop ripened until nearly all the five-year-old roots, or older ones, were dug up and delivered to the government at their drying grounds, which is about four acres in extent.This compound is enclosed on three sides by buildings from 100 to 150 feet in length and a uniform width of twelve feet and the rest of the compound with a high stone wall with a gate, which is closely guarded by soldiers armed with guns.Near the center of this compound is a well where the roots are washed as soon as they are received.There is no entrance from the outside to any of these buildings.Every one must pass the guards at the gate, for the buildings, together with the wall, make a complete enclosure.
The Ginseng gardens are scattered over considerable territory, most of which is surrounded by a high stone wall about twenty or twenty-five miles in circumference, similar to the great wall of China, and which many years ago was the site of one of the ancient capitals of Korea.
Part of the growers make a specialty of raising one-year-old plants, to supply those who have sufficient means to wait four years more for the roots to mature.Generally, speaking, the grower that produces the commercial root raises but little if any one-year roots.
All Ginseng gardens are registered as required by law, stating how many kan (a kan of Ginseng is the width of the bed, about 30 inches and 5 1/2 feet long) are under cultivation, so the High Government Official, specially appointed for the Ginseng district, always knows how many roots should be available at harvest time and every grower must sell his entire crop that is five years old or over to the government and his responsibility does not cease until he has delivered his crop at the government drying grounds.
His roots are then carefully selected and all that do not come up to a required size are rejected and delivered back to the grower and these he can either dry for his own use or he can transplant them and perhaps next year they will come up to the required standard.The Koreans pay great attention to the selection of their Ginseng seed.No plant is allowed to bear seed that is less than four years old and very little seed is used from four-year plants.Nearly all the seed comes from five-year-old plants and a little from six-year-old.Only the best and strongest appearing plants are allowed to bear seed, and even these very sparingly, as part of the seed head is picked off while in the blossom and from which they make a highly prized tea.The seed stem of all other plants are pinched off, forcing all the strength, as well as medicinal properties, into the root.
Many of the best growers never allow their plants to bear seed, and only the required amount of seed is raised each year to supply the demand.After the seed is gathered, it is graded by passing it thru a screen of a certain size.This grader is made like an old-fashioned flour sieve, only the bottom is made of a heavy oil paper with round holes cut in it, and all seed that will pass thru these holes are destroyed, so only the largest and best seed are kept for planting.The soil which they use for their Ginseng garden is a very poor disintegrate granite, to which has been added leaf mould mostly from the chestnut oak, in the proportion of three-eighths leaf mould to five-eighths granite.The leaves are gathered in the spring and summer, dried in the sun, pulverized and sprinkled with water to help decomposition.This is the only fertilizer used.The beds are raised about eight inches above the level of the ground and are carefully edged with slabs of slate.What is called a holing board is used to mark the places for the seed.It is made of a board as long as the beds are wide (about thirty inches) and has three rows of pegs 1/2-inch long and 1 1/2 inches apart each way.
A seed is planted in each hole and covered by pressing the soil down with the hands.About 1/4-inch of prepared soil is added to the bed and smoothed over.No other mulch is used.The roots are transplanted each year, setting them a little farther apart each time, until at the third transplanting, or at four years old, they are 6x6 inches apart, and at each transplanting the amount of leaf mould used in the prepared soil is reduced.(Note the difference between this and the American method of heavy fertilizing).Only germinated seed is planted and the time for planting is regulated by the Korean Calendar and not by the weather and if at that time it is at all cold, the beds are immediately covered with one or two thickness of rice straw thatch and as soon as the weather is suitable this thatch is removed and the shade erected.Each bed is shaded separately by setting a row of small posts in the ground 4 feet high and 5 1/2 feet or 1 kan apart, on the north side of each bed and on the south side a similar row, only about 1 foot high.Bamboo poles are securely lashed to these posts and they in turn support the cross pieces on which rests the roof covering, made of reeds woven together with a very small straw rope.At the time of the summer solstice, the rainy season comes on, so a thick covering of thatch is spread over the reed covering, which sheds the rain into the walks, while the back and front are enclosed with rush blinds, that on the north side being raised or lowered according to the temperature.If it is a very hot day the blinds are lowered from about 10 4 P.M., leaving the beds in almost darkness.
The beds are all protected from the rain and are irrigated by sprinkling them when needed.At the close of the growing season, after the roots have gone dormant, all that are not dug up are covered with a layer of soil 7 or 8 inches thick.All the shade is pulled down except the posts and spread over the soil and the garden is left thus for the winter, and the grower selects another site to which he can move his plants in the spring, and each year new soil is prepared.From the time the roots are two years old there is another added care.They are now worth stealing, consequently the garden has to be watched day and night.A watch tower about 16 feet high is erected and the hands take turn about, occupying it as a sentry.Another man constantly patrols the garden during the night.
The Koreans are the largest consumers of Ginseng in the world, in proportion to their population, and they have carefully cultivated it for centuries with the one particular object in view, "its medicinal properties."For quality always, rather than quantity.They sacrifice everything else for a powerful medicinal root, and they surely grow it.I have seen some remarkable results from its use during my stay in Korea.Say what we may about it, but it plays a very important part in the life of both the Korean and the Chinese people.Do you wonder now that the Korean Ginseng always commands a high price?If the American growers had followed closer along the lines of the Korean growers and aimed for a high grade of medicinal root, the market for American Ginseng would not be where it is today.That is, the cultivated Ginseng.The American growers have it in their own hands to either make a success or failure of Ginseng culture, but one thing is certain, heavy seed bearing, excessive fertilizing and rapid drying will never produce a high standard of Ginseng.The principal market of the world is ours if we only reach out for it with that high standard and maintain it and especially so if we will unite together and market our product thru one central agency controlled by the producers.Mr. Chinaman may sometimes be mistaken as to whether Ginseng is wild or cultivated.He may also be mistaken as to whether it comes from Korea or China (I have seen him make this mistake), but let him once sample a liberal dose of it, and he won't make any mistake as to whether it is good, medium or bad.
The Ginseng Trade.
The following article by Mr. Burnett appeared in the Minneapolis Journal last February and shows what dealers think of the Ginseng industry:
I wish you would give room for what I have to say in regard to an article in your Journal last fall by our ex-Consul, John Goodnow.Some things he says are correct: That the demand is based entirely on superstition; that the root has life-giving qualities; and that those having the nearest resemblance to human beings are most valuable.That is quite true.I have seen the Chinese exporters' eyes dance when they saw such roots in a lot.
Now for the errors in what he said.He says the trade is in the hands of a syndicate and they only handle Korean Ginseng.Possibly this syndicate tells the Chinese retail merchants that to keep them from boycotting our American Ginseng.If so, why is it that the wild root this fall has been at ready sale at $6.75 to $7.10 per pound?We, who buy it, do not hold it and if we did not find a ready sale for it we would soon cease to buy it.
There has been marketed in Minneapolis probably $50,000 worth this year and in the United States a million dollars' worth.So you see his error: for, either directly or indirectly, it gets to China at good prices.
Chinese Superstitions.
Now in regard to the cultivated root, to show your readers how the value is based on superstition, we will cite one instance in our experience.We sent our clerk to a laundry where there were a half dozen "Celestials" to sell some nice cultivated root.Some roots were manlike in shape.They tasted it, were delighted with it and bought it readily and told him to bring them all he could get, as what they did not need for their own use they would ship to their exporter in San Francisco.
Our man told them he would be around in one week.We sent him again in just a week.He said on his return they "looked daggers" at him and said, "We no wantee your cultivated root."This convinced us they had shipped it to the agents of the syndicate at 'Frisco and received their returns.Now, does this not show that the demand is all based on superstition?It was very good until they were informed that it was cultivated.
Now your readers may say, how can they distinguish between the cultivated and the wild?I will tell you; the cultivated is usually much firmer and twice as heavy as the wild and generally much cleaner.Then most of the cultivated has been raised from small, wild roots dug from the forests and in transplanting they have not taken pains to place the tap root straight in the earth.This causes it to be clumpy — that is, not straight like most wild roots.This, with its solidity and cleanliness makes it easy to tell from the wild roots.
Pennsylvania Grower's Garden.
The Cultivated Plant.
Now we have had a number of lots of cultivated that we got full prices for.They were roots grown from seeds, symmetrical in shape, not too large, not too clean and dug before they became very solid.My idea is, if not allowed to grow more than as large as one's fingers, when dry and dug immediately after the seeds are ripe, or even before, if seeds are not needed, and not washed too clean, we can find sale for such.At present the ordinary cultivated does not bring quite half the price of the wild.There are some who buy that for American use, several firms putting up Ginseng cures.Some people, like the Chinese, believe it has merits, but as the demand is limited the price is low.That the Chinese think that the root grown by nature has life-giving qualities and that cultivated has no virtues, is certain.The only way to do is to grow in natural woods soil (manure of any kind must be avoided, as it causes a rank growth) dig and wash it so they can't tell the difference.One thing is certain, it's a hardy plant, altho slow to get started, and good money can be made at $2.00 to $3.00 a pound.Instead of being hard to grow, as many persons think, it is very hard to kill.
A belief among the Chinese people is that Ginseng roots, especially if of peculiar shape, will cure practically all diseases of mind and body.The Chinese are not given to sentiment; their emotional nature is not highly developed; they are said to be a people who neither "kiss nor cuss," and their physical sensibilities are so dull that a Chinaman can lie down on his back across his wheelbarrow with feet and head hanging to the ground, his mouth wide open and full of flies and sleep blissfully for hours under the hottest July sun.There is nothing about them, therefore, to suggest that they possess the lively imagination to make them have faith in a remedy with purely imaginary virtues.Nevertheless, among these people, a plant not found by any medical scientist to possess any curative powers is used almost universally, to cure every kind of ailment and has been so used for generations.
Intelligent Chinese resent the imputation of superstition to their people.But the fact remains that the Ginseng roots are valued according to the peculiarity of their shapes.The word Ginseng is composed of two Chinese words which mean man and plant, and the more nearly shaped like a man the roots are, the more they are valued.A root which is bifurcated and otherwise shaped like a man, may be sold as high as $10.00 an ounce; a recent secretary of the Chinese Legation explains this on the ground of being valued as a curio; but the curio is finally made into a decoction and swallowed, and the swallower evidently hopes that the fantastic shape of the root will make the medicine more potent.
The following is from a bulletin issued by the U.S.Department of Agriculture — Bureau of Plant Industry — and edited by Alice Henkel:
Panax Quinquefolium L.
Other Common Names — American Ginseng, sang, red-berry, five-fingers.
Habitat and Range — Ginseng is a native of this country, its favorite haunts being the rich, moist soil in hardwood forests from Maine to Minnesota southward to the mountains of northern Georgia and Arkansas.For some years Ginseng has been cultivated in small areas from central New York to Missouri.
Description of Plant — Ginseng is an erect perennial plant growing from 8 to 15 inches in height and bearing three leaves at the summit, each leaf consisting of five thin, stalked ovate leaflets, long pointed at the apex, rounded or narrow at the base, the margins toothed; the three upper leaflets are largest and the two lower ones smaller.From 6 to 20 greenish yellow flowers are produced in a cluster during July and August, followed later in the season by bright crimson berries.It belongs to the Ginseng family (Araliaceae.)
Description of Root — Ginseng has a thick, spindle-shaped root, 2 to 3 inches long or more, and about one-half to 1 inch in thickness, often branched, the outside prominently marked with circles or wrinkles.The spindle-shaped root is simple at first, but after the second year it usually becomes forked or branched, and it is the branched root, especially if it resembles the human form, that finds particular favor in the eyes of the Chinese, who are the principal consumers of this root.
Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolium).
Ginseng root has a thick, pale yellow white or brownish yellow bark, prominently marked with transverse wrinkles, the whole root fleshy and somewhat flexible.If properly dried, it is solid and firm.Ginseng has a slight aromatic odor, and the taste is sweetish and mucilaginous.
Collection and Uses — The proper time for digging Ginseng root is in autumn, and it should be carefully washed, sorted and dried.If collected at any other season of the year, it will shrink more and not have the fine, plump appearance of the fall dug root.
The National Dispensatory contains an interesting item concerning the collection of the root by the Indians.They gather the root only after the fruit has ripened, and it is said that they bend down the stem of ripened fruit before digging the root, covering the fruit with earth, and thus providing for future propagation.The Indians claim that a large percentage of the seeds treated in this way will germinate.
Altho once official in the United States Pharmacopoeia, from 1840 to 1880, it is but little used medicinally in this country except by the Chinese residents, most of the Ginseng produced in this country being exported to China.The Chinese regard Ginseng root as a panacea.It is on account of its commercial prominence that it is included in this paper.
Cultivation — There is probably no plant that has become better known, at least by name, during the past ten years or more than Ginseng.It has been heralded from north to south and east to west as a money-making crop.The prospective Ginseng grower must not fail to bear in mind, however, that financial returns are by no means immediate.Special conditions and unusual care are required in Ginseng cultivation, diseases must be contended with, and a long period of waiting is in store for him before he can realize on his crop.
Either roots or seeds may be planted, and the best success with Ginseng is obtained by following as closely as possible the conditions of its native habitat.Ginseng needs a deep, rich soil, and being a plant accustomed to the shade of forest trees, will require shade, which can be supplied by the erection of lath sheds over the beds.A heavy mulch of leaves or similar well rotted vegetable material should be applied to the beds in autumn.
If roots are planted, they are set in rows about 8 inches apart and 8 inches apart in the row.In this way a marketable product will be obtained sooner than if grown from seed.The seed is sown in spring or autumn in drills 6 inches apart and about 2 inches apart in the row.The plants remain in the seed bed for two years and are then transplanted, being set about 8 by 8 inches apart.It requires from five to seven years to obtain a marketable crop from the seed.Seed intended for sowing should not be allowed to dry out, as this is supposed to destroy its vitality.
Price — The price of wild Ginseng roots ranges from $5.00 a pound upward.The cultivated root generally brings a lower price than the wild root, and southern Ginseng roots are worth less than those from northern localities.
Exports — The exports of Ginseng for the year ended June 30, 1906, amounted to 160,949 pounds, valued at $1,175,844.
Very few people know that the largest Mint farm in the world is owned and operated by an unassuming Michigan man named A.M.Todd, says Special Crops.His career is interesting.Born on a farm near St.Joseph, Mich., he early developed an idea that money was to be made in the growing of Peppermint.At that time the Mint oil industry was small and in a state of crudeness in America, for Europe was supposed to be the stronghold of the industry.To Europe went Mr. Todd to see about it.He returned filled with plans and enthusiasm.
Some Details of the Business.
The details are long, but the main facts can be briefly told.Eventually, while still a very young man, Mr. Todd purchased 1,400 acres of wild, swampy land in Allegan County, Mich.The purchase price was $25,000.He proceeded to hire a force of men to clear and ditch the new Mint farm.That was 20 or more years ago.
Now, let us take a look at that farm as it is today.First we come to the main farm, called Campania, and comprising just 1,640 acres.Here are huge barns, comfortable houses for employer and employees, warehouses, ice houses, windmills, library, club rooms and bathrooms for use of employes; 17 miles of wide, deep, open drainage ditches; stills for distilling Peppermint oil; roadways, telephones and all the system and comfort of a little village founded and maintained by one thoughtful man.
Not far away is a second farm, recently purchased where somewhat similar improvements are now going on.This farm is named Mentha, and consists of 2,000 acres.
Then, farther north, a third farm completes the Todd domain.This place contains 7,000 acres and is known as Sylvania Range.The three farms, with a total acreage of 10,640 acres, are under one management and they form together the largest Mint farm in all the world.Starting with $100.00 capital, Mr. Todd's plant today is worth several hundred thousand dollars.
Distiller as Well as Grower.
But Mr. Todd is more than a Mint grower.With his distilleries he turns the crop into crude Peppermint oil; with his refineries he turns the crude oil into the refined products that find a ready market in the form of menthol, or as a flavoring essence for drinks, confectionery and chewing gum, or for use in medicine.Furthermore, he has been shrewd enough to figure out a method of utilizing, profitably, the by-products of the business, Mint hay.In other words, after the oil is extracted from a mass of Mint plants in a distillery vat, the resulting cake of leaves and stems is dried and fed to cattle.And, oddly enough, the animals greatly relish it and thrive upon it.
Raises Shorthorns on Mint Hay.
During the summer Mr. Todd has 500 Shorthorns grazing on his 7000-acre range, where they require no human attention during the season when his men are busy planting, cultivating and harvesting the first crop.Later, these same Shorthorns are driven from pasture to the big Campania barns, where the men care for them and feed them Mint hay from Mr. Todd's distilleries at a season when such workmen have little else to do.In this way the by-product is utilized and the regular force of men is kept employed all the year around.
The growing of Mint is simple, yet there are some peculiar features about it.For instance, the land is so shaky at some seasons of the year that horses can not work on it unless they wear special, broad wooden shoes.This Mint soil, indeed, is something like the muck found in typical celery fields, being black, damp and loose.But it is less firm and more damp than the celery land at Kalamazoo.
Setting New Mint Fields.
The Mint root is perennial.Once in two or three years, however, the fields are renewed to improve the crop.When setting a new field the land is plowed and harrowed in the usual way.It is then marked out in shallow furrows into which the sets are evenly dropped by skilled planters who cover each dropped root by shoveling dirt over it with the foot.The rows are about 2 1/2 feet apart and the planting is done in early spring.The sets are obtained by digging up and separating the runners and roots from old plants.
The planted rows soon send up shoots above ground and the new plants rapidly run or spread, necessitating hoeing and cultivating only until late July, at which time the field should be densely covered with a rank growth of waving green plants that forbid further cultural work.
Harvesting the Mint.
In August or September the field is mowed, raked and bunched; in fact, handled quite similarly to a clover hay field.After allowing the plants to dry a short time, the crop is loaded onto hay wagons and carted to the stills, where the essential oil is extracted by means of a system of steam distillation.
The second year's crop is obtained by the simple method of plowing under the plants in the fall.The roots send up new shoots next season, while weeds are temporarily discouraged.No cultivation is attempted the second year, altho the hand pulling of weeds may sometimes prove desirable.
We think the growing of Mint should not be attempted except on a large scale.We have had many queries touching the plant and manner of cultivation that we have taken this means to answer them.In boyhood days we were well acquainted with this industry in all its branches and can not advise the average Ginseng grower to undertake its culture for the reason that there is not money enough in it to be profitable on small areas of land.
Remember, unless thoroughly dried roots, herbs, leaves, barks, flowers and seeds are apt to heat or mold which greatly lessens their value.If badly molded they are of little value.
The best time to collect barks is in the spring (when the sap is up) as it will peel easier at that time.Some barks must be rossed, that is, remove the outer or rough woody part.In this class are such barks as white pine, wild cherry, etc.
Leaves and herbs should only be gathered when the plant is mature-grown.In curing they should be kept from the sun as too rapid curing tends to draw the natural color and this should be preserved as much as possible.
Flowers should be gathered in the "height of bloom," for best results.They require considerable attention to preserve as they are apt to turn dark or mold.
The time to gather seeds is when they are ripe.This can easily be determined by the leaves on the plant, vine or shrub which produced the seeds.Generally speaking, seeds are not ripe until early fall, altho some are.
There has been a heavy demand for years for wild cherry bark, sassafras bark, black haw bark, prickly ash bark, slippery elm bark, cotton root bark as well as scullcap plants, (herbs) lobelia herb, golden thread herb and red clover tops.
There has been a cash market for years for the following roots: Blood, senega, golden seal, poke, pink, wild ginger, star, lady slipper, black, mandrake, blue flag and queen's delight.
If you have a few pounds of Ginseng or Golden Seal, pack carefully in a light box and ship by express.If less than four pounds, you can send by mail — postage is only one cent an ounce.A four-pound package by mail can be sent anywhere in America for 64 cents.Expressage, unless short distances, is apt to be more.
Lady Slipper.
In shipping roots, herbs, leaves, seeds, etc., where the value is only a few cents per pound it is best to collect 50 pounds or more before making a shipment.In fact, 100 pounds by freight costs no more than 10, 20, 50 or any amount less than 100 as 100 pounds is the smallest charge.
Some of the biggest liars in America seem to be connected with the "seng" growing business.They probably have seed or plants to sell.Be careful in buying — there are many rascals in the business.
There is always a cash market for Ginseng and Golden Seal.In the large cities like New York, Chicago, St.Louis, Minneapolis, Montreal, Cincinnati, etc., are dealers who make a special business of buying these roots.In hundreds of smaller cities and towns druggists, merchants, raw fur dealers, etc., buy them also.The roots, barks, leaves, etc., of less value are also bought pretty generally by the above dealers, but if you are unable to find a market for them it will pay you to send 10 cents for copy of Hunter-Trader-Trapper, Columbus, Ohio, which contains a large number of root buyers' advertisements as well as several who want bark, leaves, seeds, flowers, herbs, etc.
Since 1858 Ginseng has increased in value one thousand four hundred per cent., but Golden Seal has increased in value in the same time two thousand four hundred per cent.
Ginseng and Golden Seal should be packed tightly — light but strong boxes and shipped by express.The less valuable roots can be shipped in burlap sacks, boxes, barrels, etc., by freight.
The various roots, barks, leaves, plants, etc., as described in this book are found thruout America.Of course there is no state where all grow wild, but there are many sections where several do.After reading this book carefully you will no doubt be able to distinguish those of value.
Plants are of three classes — annuals, biennials, perennials.Annuals grow from seed to maturity in one year and die; biennials do not flower or produce seed the first year, but do the second and die; perennials are plants which live more than two years.Ginseng plants are perennial.
Roots, leaves, barks, etc., should be spread out thin in some dry, shady place.A barn floor or loft in some shed is a good place, providing it is light and "airy," altho the direct sunlight should not shine upon the articles being "cured."Watch while curing and turn or stir each day.
Prices given for roots, plants, leaves, etc., were those paid by dealers during 1907 unless otherwise specified.These prices, of course, were paid in the leading markets for fair sized lots.If you have only a few pounds or sold at some local market the price received was probably much less.The demand for the various articles varies and, of course, this influences prices — when an article is in demand prices are best.
After studying the "habitat and range" of the various plants as published together with the illustrations, there should be no difficulty in determining the various plants.By "habitat" is meant the natural abode, character of soil, etc., in which the plant thrives best and is found growing wild.To illustrate: Seneca Snakeroot — habitat and range — rocky woods and hillsides are its favorite haunts.It is found in such places from New Brunswick, Canada and Western New England States to Minnesota and the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and south along the Allegheny Mountains to North Carolina and Missouri.
From this it will be seen that it is useless to look for this plant in the Southern States, on the plains or in old cultivated fields, for such places are not its natural home.
I learned when a boy, by actual experience, that Golden Seal and Ginseng will not grow in open cultivated fields or gardens.I tried it faithfully.The soil must be virgin, or made practically so by the application of actual "new land" in such quantities that to prepare an acre for the proper growth of these plants would be almost impossible.And to furnish and keep in repair artificial shade for, say, an acre, would cost quite a little fortune.Of course one may cultivate a few hundred or few thousand in artificially prepared beds and shaded by artificial means, but to raise these plants successfully in anything like large quantities we must let nature herself prepare the beds and the shade.
When we follow nature closely we will not be troubled with diseases, such as blight and fungus.I know this by actual experience dear, and therefore dear to me.
Plants propagate themselves naturally by seedage, root suckers, and by root formation upon the tips of pendulous boughs coming in contact with the ground.Man propagates them artificially in various ways, as by layering, cuttings, grafting or budding, in all of which he must follow nature.The Golden Seal plant is readily propagated by any of the three following methods: (1) by seed; (2) by division of the large roots; (3) by suckers, or small plants which form on the large fibrous roots.
The seed berries should be gathered as soon as ripe, and mashed into a pulp, and left alone a day or two in a vessel, then washed out carefully and the seed stored in boxes of sandy loam on layers of rock moss, the moss turned bottom side up and the seed scattered thickly over it, then cover with about one-half inch of sandy loam, then place another layer of moss and seed, until you have four or five layers in a box.The box may be of any convenient size.The bottom of the box should be perforated with auger holes to secure good drainage.If water be allowed to stand upon the seeds they will not germinate, neither will they germinate if they become dry.The seeds should be kept moist but not wet.They may be sown in the fall, but, I think the better way, by far, is to keep your box of seeds in a cellar where they will not freeze until the latter part of winter or very early spring.If your seeds have been properly stratified and properly kept you will find by the middle of January that each little black seed has burst open and is wearing a beautiful shining golden vest.In fact, it is beginning to germinate, and the sooner it is put into the seed-bed the better.If left too long in the box you will find, to your displeasure, a mass of tangled golden thread-like rootlets and leaflets, a total loss.
To prepare a seed-bed, simply rake off the forest leaves from a spot of ground where the soil is rich and loamy, then with your rake make a shallow bed, scatter the seeds over it, broadcast, being careful not to sow them too thick.Firm the earth upon them with the back of the hoe or tramp them with the feet.This bed should not be near a large tree of any kind, and should be protected from the sun, especially from noon to 3 P.M.
The Golden Seal seedling has two round seed leaves upon long stems during the first season of its growth.These seed leaves do not resemble the leaves of the Golden Seal plant.The second and usually the third years the plant has one leaf.These seedlings may be set in rows in beds for cultivation in the early spring of the second or third year.This plant grows very slowly from seed for the first two or three years, after which the growth is more satisfactory.
By the second method, i.e., by division of the large roots, simply cut the roots up into pieces about one-fourth inch long and stratify in the same way as recommended for seeds, and by spring each piece will have developed a bud, and will be ready to transplant into beds for cultivation.This is a very satisfactory and a very successful method of propagating this plant.The plants grow off strong and robust from the start and soon become seed bearing.