Creative Chemistry: Descriptive of Recent Achievements in the Chemical Industries
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The most important of the ten because he is the father of the family is benzene, otherwise called benzol, but must not be confused with "benzine" spelled with an i which we used to burn and clean our clothes with. "Benzine" is a kind of gasoline, but benzene alias benzol has quite another constitution, although it looks and burns the same. Now the search for the constitution of benzene is one of the most exciting chapters in chemistry; also one of the most intricate chapters, but, in spite of that, I believe I can make the main point of it clear even to those who have never studied chemistry—provided they retain their childish liking for puzzles. It is really much like putting together the old six-block Chinese puzzle. The chemist can work better if he has a picture of what he is working with. Now his unit is the molecule, which is too small even to analyze with the microscope, no matter how high powered. So he makes up a sort of diagram of the molecule, and since he knows the number of atoms and that they are somehow attached to one another, he represents each atom by the first letter of its name and the points of attachment or bonds by straight lines connecting the atoms of the different elements. Now it is one of the rules of the game that all the bonds must be connected or hooked up with atoms at both ends, that there shall be no free hands reaching out into empty space. Carbon, for instance, has four bonds and hydrogen only one. They unite, therefore, in the proportion of one atom of carbon to four of hydrogen, or CH4, which is methane or marsh gas and obviously the simplest of the hydrocarbons.But we have more complex hydrocarbons such as C6H14, known as hexane.Now if you try to draw the diagrams or structural formulas of these two compounds you will easily get
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methane hexane
Each carbon atom, you see, has its four hands outstretched and duly grasped by one-handed hydrogen atoms or by neighboring carbon atoms in the chain.We can have such chains as long as you please, thirty or more in a chain; they are all contained in kerosene and paraffin.
So far the chemist found it east to construct diagrams that would satisfy his sense of the fitness of things, but when he found that benzene had the compostion C6H6 he was puzzled. If you try to draw the picture of C6H6 you will get something like this:
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which is an absurdity because more than half of the carbon hands are waving wildly around asking to be held by something.Benzene, C6H6, evidently is like hexane, C6H14, in having a chain of six carbon atoms, but it has dropped its H's like an Englishman.Eight of the H's are missing.
Now one of the men who was worried over this benzene puzzle was the German chemist, Kekulé. One evening after working over the problem all day he was sitting by the fire trying to rest, but he could not throw it off his mind.The carbon and the hydrogen atoms danced like imps on the carpet and as he watched them through his half-closed eyes he suddenly saw that the chain of six carbon atoms had joined at the ends and formed a ring while the six hydrogen atoms were holding on to the outside hands, in this fashion:
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Professor Kekulé saw at once that the demons of his subconscious self had furnished him with a clue to the labyrinth, and so it proved.We need not suppose that the benzene molecule if we could see it would look anything like this diagram of it, but the theory works and that is all the scientist asks of any theory.By its use thousands of new compounds have been constructed which have proved of inestimable value to man.The modern chemist is not a discoverer, he is an inventor.He sits down at his desk and draws a "Kekulé ring" or rather hexagon.Then he rubs out an H and hooks a nitro group (NO2) on to the carbon in place of it; next he rubs out the O2 of the nitro group and puts in H2; then he hitches on such other elements, or carbon chains and rings as he likes. He works like an architect designing a house and when he gets a picture of the proposed compounds to suit him he goes into the laboratory to make it. First he takes down the bottle of benzene and boils up some of this with nitric acid and sulfuric acid.This he puts in the nitro group and makes nitro-benzene, C6H5NO2He treats this with hydrogen, which displaces the oxygen and gives C6H5NH2 or aniline, which is the basis of so many of these compounds that they are all commonly called "the aniline dyes." But aniline itself is not a dye. It is a colorless or brownish oil.
It is not necessary to follow our chemist any farther now that we have seen how he works, but before we pass on we will just look at one of his products, not one of the most complicated but still complicated enough.
The name of this is sodium ditolyl-disazo-beta-naphthylamine-6-sulfonic-beta-naphthylamine-3.6-disulfonate.
These chemical names of organic compounds are discouraging to the beginner and amusing to the layman, but that is because neither of them realizes that they are not really words but formulas.They are hyphenated because they come from Germany.The name given above is no more of a mouthful than "a-square-plus-two-a-b-plus-b-square" or "Third Assistant Secretary of War to the President of the United States of America."The trade name of this dye is Brilliant Congo, but while that is handier to say it does not mean anything.Nobody but an expert in dyes would know what it was, while from the formula name any chemist familiar with such compounds could draw its picture, tell how it would behave and what it was made from, or even make it.The old alchemist was a secretive and pretentious person and used to invent queer names for the purpose of mystifying and awing the ignorant.But the chemist in dropping the al- has dropped the idea of secrecy and his names, though equally appalling to the layman, are designed to reveal and not to conceal.
From this brief explanation the reader who has not studied chemistry will, I think, be able to get some idea of how these very intricate compounds are built up step by step. A completed house is hard to understand, but when we see the mason laying one brick on top of another it does not seem so difficult, although if we tried to do it we should not find it so easy as we think. Anyhow, let me give you a hint. If you want to make a good impression on a chemist don't tell him that he seems to you a sort of magician, master of a black art, and all that nonsense. The chemist has been trying for three hundred years to live down the reputation of being inspired of the devil and it makes him mad to have his past thrown up at him in this fashion. If his tactless admirers would stop saying "it is all a mystery and a miracle to me, and I cannot understand it" and pay attention to what he is telling them they would understand it and would find that it is no more of a mystery or a miracle than anything else.You can make an electrician mad in the same way by interrupting his explanation of a dynamo by asking: "But you cannot tell me what electricity really is."The electrician does not care a rap what electricity "really is"—if there really is any meaning to that phrase.All he wants to know is what he can do with it.
From Hesse's "The Industry of the Coal Tar Dyes," Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, December, 1914
The tar obtained from the gas plant or the coke plant has now to be redistilled, giving off the ten "crudes" already mentioned and leaving in the still sixty-five per cent.of pitch, which may be used for roofing, paving and the like.The ten primary products or crudes are then converted into secondary products or "intermediates" by processes like that for the conversion of benzene into aniline.There are some three hundred of these intermediates in use and from them are built up more than three times as many dyes.The year before the war the American custom house listed 5674 distinct brands of synthetic dyes imported, chiefly from Germany, but some of these were trade names for the same product made by different firms or represented by different degrees of purity or form of preparation.Although the number of possible products is unlimited and over five thousand dyes are known, yet only about nine hundred are in use.We can summarize the situation so:
Coal-tar → 10 crudes → 300 intermediates → 900 dyes → 5000 brands.
Or, to borrow the neat simile used by Dr. Bernhard C. Hesse, it is like cloth-making where "ten fibers make 300 yarns which are woven into 900 patterns."
The advantage of the artificial dyestuffs over those found in nature lies in their variety and adaptability.Practically any desired tint or shade can be made for any particular fabric.If my lady wants a new kind of green for her stockings or her hair she can have it.Candies and jellies and drinks can be made more attractive and therefore more appetizing by varied colors.Easter eggs and Easter bonnets take on new and brighter hues.
More and more the chemist is becoming the architect of his own fortunes. He does not make discoveries by picking up a beaker and pouring into it a little from each bottle on the shelf to see what happens. He generally knows what he is after, and he generally gets it, although he is still often baffled and occasionally happens on something quite unexpected and perhaps more valuable than what he was looking for. Columbus was looking for India when he ran into an obstacle that proved to be America. William Henry Perkin was looking for quinine when he blundered into that rich and undiscovered country, the aniline dyes. William Henry was a queer boy. He had rather listen to a chemistry lecture than eat. When he was attending the City of London School at the age of thirteen there was an extra course of lectures on chemistry given at the noon recess, so he skipped his lunch to take them in. Hearing that a German chemist named Hofmann had opened a laboratory in the Royal College of London he headed for that. Hofmann obviously had no fear of forcing the young intellect prematurely. He perhaps had never heard that "the tender petals of the adolescent mind must be allowed to open slowly."He admitted young Perkin at the age of fifteen and started him on research at the end of his second year.An American student nowadays thinks he is lucky if he gets started on his research five years older than Perkin.Now if Hofmann had studied pedagogical psychology he would have been informed that nothing chills the ardor of the adolescent mind like being set at tasks too great for its powers.If he had heard this and believed it, he would not have allowed Perkin to spend two years in fruitless endeavors to isolate phenanthrene from coal tar and to prepare artificial quinine—and in that case Perkin would never have discovered the aniline dyes.But Perkin, so far from being discouraged, set up a private laboratory so he could work over-time.While working here during the Easter vacation of 1856—the date is as well worth remembering as 1066—he was oxidizing some aniline oil when he got what chemists most detest, a black, tarry mass instead of nice, clean crystals.When he went to wash this out with alcohol he was surprised to find that it gave a beautiful purple solution.This was "mauve," the first of the aniline dyes.
The funny thing about it was that when Perkin tried to repeat the experiment with purer aniline he could not get his color. It was because he was working with impure chemicals, with aniline containing a little toluidine, that he discovered mauve. It was, as I said, a lucky accident. But it was not accidental that the accident happened to the young fellow who spent his noonings and vacations at the study of chemistry. A man may not find what he is looking for, but he never finds anything unless he is looking for something.
Mauve was a product of creative chemistry, for it was a substance that had never existed before. Perkin's next great triumph, ten years later, was in rivaling Nature in the manufacture of one of her own choice products. This is alizarin, the coloring matter contained in the madder root. It was an ancient and oriental dyestuff, known as "Turkey red" or by its Arabic name of "alizari." When madder was introduced into France it became a profitable crop and at one time half a million tons a year were raised. A couple of French chemists, Robiquet and Colin, extracted from madder its active principle, alizarin, in 1828, but it was not until forty years later that it was discovered that alizarin had for its base one of the coal-tar products, anthracene. Then came a neck-and-neck race between Perkin and his German rivals to see which could discover a cheap process for making alizarin from anthracene. The German chemists beat him to the patent office by one day! Graebe and Liebermann filed their application for a patent on the sulfuric acid process as No. 1936 on June 25, 1869. Perkin filed his for the same process as No. 1948 on June 26. It had required twenty years to determine the constitution of alizarin, but within six months from its first synthesis the commercial process was developed and within a few years the sale of artificial alizarin reached $8,000,000 annually. The madder fields of France were put to other uses and even the French soldiers became dependent on made-in-Germany dyes for their red trousers. The British soldiers were placed in a similar situation as regards their red coats when after 1878 the azo scarlets put the cochineal bug out of business.
The modern chemist has robbed royalty of its most distinctive insignia, Tyrian purple. In ancient times to be "porphyrogene," that is "born to the purple," was like admission to the Almanach de Gotha at the present time, for only princes or their wealthy rivals could afford to pay $600 a pound for crimsoned linen. The precious dye is secreted by a snail-like shellfish of the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. From a tiny sac behind the head a drop of thick whitish liquid, smelling like garlic, can be extracted. If this is spread upon cloth of any kind and exposed to air and sunlight it turns first green, next blue and then purple. If the cloth is washed with soap—that is, set by alkali—it becomes a fast crimson, such as Catholic cardinals still wear as princes of the church. The Phœnician merchants made fortunes out of their monopoly, but after the fall of Tyre it became one of "the lost arts"—and accordingly considered by those whose faces are set toward the past as much more wonderful than any of the new arts. But in 1909 Friedlander put an end to the superstition by analyzing Tyrian purple and finding that it was already known. It was the same as a dye that had been prepared five years before by Sachs but had not come into commercial use because of its inferiority to others in the market. It required 12,000 of the mollusks to supply the little material needed for analysis, but once the chemist had identified it he did not need to bother the Murex further, for he could make it by the ton if he had wanted to. The coloring principle turned out to be a di-brom indigo, that is the same as the substance extracted from the Indian plant, but with the addition of two atoms of bromine.Why a particular kind of a shellfish should have got the habit of extracting this rare element from sea water and stowing it away in this peculiar form is "one of those things no fellow can find out."But according to the chemist the Murex mollusk made a mistake in hitching the bromine to the wrong carbon atoms. He finds as he would word it that the 6:6' di-brom indigo secreted by the shellfish is not so good as the 5:5' di-brom indigo now manufactured at a cheap rate and in unlimited quantity.But we must not expect too much of a mollusk's mind.In their cheapness lies the offense of the aniline dyes in the minds of some people.Our modern aristocrats would delight to be entitled "porphyrogeniti" and to wear exclusive gowns of "purple and scarlet from the isles of Elishah" as was done in Ezekiel's time, but when any shopgirl or sailor can wear the royal color it spoils its beauty in their eyes.Applied science accomplishes a real democracy such as legislation has ever failed to establish.
Any kind of dye found in nature can be made in the laboratory whenever its composition is understood and usually it can be made cheaper and purer than it can be extracted from the plant.But to work out a profitable process for making it synthetically is sometimes a task requiring high skill, persistent labor and heavy expenditure.One of the latest and most striking of these achievements of synthetic chemistry is the manufacture of indigo.
Indigo is one of the oldest and fastest of the dyestuffs. To see that it is both ancient and lasting look at the unfaded blue cloths that enwrap an Egyptian mummy.When Caesar conquered our British ancestors he found them tattooed with woad, the native indigo.But the chief source of indigo was, as its name implies, India.In 1897 nearly a million acres in India were growing the indigo plant and the annual value of the crop was $20,000,000.Then the fall began and by 1914 India was producing only $300,000 worth!What had happened to destroy this profitable industry?Some blight or insect?No, it was simply that the Badische Anilin-und-Soda Fabrik had worked out a practical process for making artificial indigo.
That indigo on breaking up gave off aniline was discovered as early as 1840. In fact that was how aniline got its name, for when Fritzsche distilled indigo with caustic soda he called the colorless distillate "aniline," from the Arabic name for indigo, "anil" or "al-nil," that is, "the blue-stuff." But how to reverse the process and get indigo from aniline puzzled chemists for more than forty years until finally it was solved by Adolf von Baeyer of Munich, who died in 1917 at the age of eighty-four. He worked on the problem of the constitution of indigo for fifteen years and discovered several ways of making it. It is possible to start from benzene, toluene or naphthalene. The first process was the easiest, but if you will refer to the products of the distillation of tar you will find that the amount of toluene produced is less than the naphthalene, which is hard to dispose of. That is, if a dye factory had worked out a process for making indigo from toluene it would not be practicable because there was not enough toluene produced to supply the demand for indigo.So the more complicated napthalene process was chosen in preference to the others in order to utilize this by-product.
The Badische Anilin-und-Soda Fabrik spent $5,000,000 and seventeen years in chemical research before they could make indigo, but they gained a monopoly (or, to be exact, ninety-six per cent.) of the world's production. A hundred years ago indigo cost as much as $4 a pound. In 1914 we were paying fifteen cents a pound for it. Even the pauper labor of India could not compete with the German chemists at that price. At the beginning of the present century Germany was paying more than $3,000,000 a year for indigo. Fourteen years later Germany was selling indigo to the amount of $12,600,000. Besides its cheapness, artificial indigo is preferable because it is of uniform quality and greater purity. Vegetable indigo contains from forty to eighty per cent. of impurities, among them various other tinctorial substances. Artificial indigo is made pure and of any desired strength, so the dyers can depend on it.
The value of the aniline colors lies in their infinite variety. Some are fast, some will fade, some will stand wear and weather as long as the fabric, some will wash out on the spot. Dyes can be made that will attach themselves to wool, to silk or to cotton, and give it any shade of any color. The period of discovery by accident has long gone by. The chemist nowadays decides first just what kind of a dye he wants, and then goes to work systematically to make it. He begins by drawing a diagram of the molecule, double-linking nitrogen or carbon and oxygen atoms to give the required intensity, putting in acid or basic radicals to fasten it to the fiber, shifting the color back and forth along the spectrum at will by introducing methyl groups, until he gets it just to his liking.
Art can go ahead of nature in the dyestuff business.Before man found that he could make all the dyes he wanted from the tar he had been burning up at home he searched the wide world over to find colors by which he could make himself—or his wife—garments as beautiful as those that arrayed the flower, the bird and the butterfly.He sent divers down into the Mediterranean to rob the murex of his purple.He sent ships to the new world to get Brazil wood and to the oldest world for indigo.He robbed the lady cochineal of her scarlet coat.Why these peculiar substances were formed only by these particular plants, mussels and insects it is hard to understand.I don't know that Mrs. Cacti Coccus derived any benefit from her scarlet uniform when khaki would be safer, and I can't imagine that to a shellfish it was of advantage to turn red as it rots or to an indigo plant that its leaves in decomposing should turn blue.But anyhow, it was man that took advantage of them until he learned how to make his own dyestuffs.
Our independent ancestors got along so far as possible with what grew in the neighborhood. Sweetapple bark gave a fine saffron yellow. Ribbons were given the hue of the rose by poke berry juice. The Confederates in their butternut-colored uniform were almost as invisible as if in khaki or feldgrauMadder was cultivated in the kitchen garden.Only logwood from Jamaica and indigo from India had to be imported. That we are not so independent today is our own fault, for we waste enough coal tar to supply ourselves and other countries with all the new dyes needed. It is essentially a question of economy and organization. We have forgotten how to economize, but we have learned how to organize.
The British Government gave the discoverer of mauve a title, but it did not give him any support in his endeavors to develop the industry, although England led the world in textiles and needed more dyes than any other country. So in 1874 Sir William Perkin relinquished the attempt to manufacture the dyes he had discovered because, as he said, Oxford and Cambridge refused to educate chemists or to carry on research. Their students, trained in the classics for the profession of being a gentleman, showed a decided repugnance to the laboratory on account of its bad smells. So when Hofmann went home he virtually took the infant industry along with him to Germany, where Ph.D.'s were cheap and plentiful and not afraid of bad smells. There the business throve amazingly, and by 1914 the Germans were manufacturing more than three-fourths of all the coal-tar products of the world and supplying material for most of the rest. The British cursed the universities for thus imperiling the nation through their narrowness and neglect; but this accusation, though natural, was not altogether fair, for at least half the blame should go to the British dyer, who did not care where his colors came from, so long as they were cheap. When finally the universities did turn over a new leaf and began to educate chemists, the manufacturers would not employ them. Before the war six English factories producing dyestuffs employed only 35 chemists altogether, while one German color works, the Höchster Farbwerke, employed 307 expert chemists and 74 technologists.
This firm united with the six other leading dye companies of Germany on January 1, 1916, to form a trust to last for fifty years. During this time they will maintain uniform prices and uniform wage scales and hours of labor, and exchange patents and secrets. They will divide the foreign business pro rata and share the profits. The German chemical works made big profits during the war, mostly from munitions and medicines, and will be, through this new combination, in a stronger position than ever to push the export trade.
As a consequence of letting the dye business get away from her, England found herself in a fix when war broke out. She did not have dyes for her uniforms and flags, and she did not have drugs for her wounded. She could not take advantage of the blockade to capture the German trade in Asia and South America, because she could not color her textiles. A blue cotton dyestuff that sold before the war at sixty cents a pound, brought $34 a pound. A bright pink rhodamine formerly quoted at a dollar a pound jumped to $48. When one keg of dye ordinarily worth $15 was put up at forced auction sale in 1915 it was knocked down at $1500. The Highlanders could not get the colors for their kilts until some German dyes were smuggled into England. The textile industries of Great Britain, that brought in a billion dollars a year and employed one and a half million workers, were crippled for lack of dyes. The demand for high explosives from the front could not be met because these also are largely coal-tar products.Picric acid is both a dye and an explosive.It is made from carbolic acid and the famous trinitrotoluene is made from toluene, both of which you will find in the list of the ten fundamental "crudes."
Both Great Britain and the United States realized the danger of allowing Germany to recover her former monopoly, and both have shown a readiness to cast overboard their traditional policies to meet this emergency.The British Government has discovered that a country without a tariff is a land without walls.The American Government has discovered that an industry is not benefited by being cut up into small pieces.Both governments are now doing all they can to build up big concerns and to provide them with protection.The British Government assisted in the formation of a national company for the manufacture of synthetic dyes by taking one-sixth of the stock and providing $500,000 for a research laboratory.But this effort is now reported to be "a great failure" because the Government put it in charge of the politicians instead of the chemists.
The United States, like England, had become dependent upon Germany for its dyestuffs. We imported nine-tenths of what we used and most of those that were produced here were made from imported intermediates. When the war broke out there were only seven firms and 528 persons employed in the manufacture of dyes in the United States. One of these, the Schoelkopf Aniline and Chemical Works, of Buffalo, deserves mention, for it had stuck it out ever since 1879, and in 1914 was making 106 dyes. In June, 1917, this firm, with the encouragement of the Government Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, joined with some of the other American producers to form a trade combination, the National Aniline and Chemical Company.The Du Pont Company also entered the field on an extensive scale and soon there were 118 concerns engaged in it with great profit.During the war $200,000,000 was invested in the domestic dyestuff industry.To protect this industry Congress put on a specific duty of five cents a pound and an ad valorem duty of 30 per cent.on imported dyestuffs; but if, after five years, American manufacturers are not producing 60 per value of the domestic consumption, the protection is to be removed.For some reason, not clearly understood and therefore hotly discussed, Congress at the last moment struck off the specific duty from two of the most important of the dyestuffs, indigo and alizarin, as well as from all medicinals and flavors.
The manufacture of dyes is not a big business, but it is a strategic business. Heligoland is not a big island, but England would have been glad to buy it back during the war at a high price per square yard. American industries employing over two million men and women and producing over three billion dollars' worth of products a year are dependent upon dyes. Chief of these is of course textiles, using more than half the dyes; next come leather, paper, paint and ink. We have been importing more than $12,000,000 worth of coal-tar products a year, but the cottonseed oil we exported in 1912 would alone suffice to pay that bill twice over. But although the manufacture of dyes cannot be called a big business, in comparison with some others, it is a paying business when well managed.The German concerns paid on an average 22 per cent.dividends on their capital and sometimes as high as 50 per cent.Most of the standard dyes have been so long in use that the patents are off and the processes are well enough known.We have the coal tar and we have the chemists, so there seems no good reason why we should not make our own dyes, at least enough of them so we will not be caught napping as we were in 1914.It was decidedly humiliating for our Government to have to beg Germany to sell us enough colors to print our stamps and greenbacks and then have to beg Great Britain for permission to bring them over by Dutch ships.
The raw material for the production of coal-tar products we have in abundance if we will only take the trouble to save it. In 1914 the crude light oil collected from the coke-ovens would have produced only about 4,500,000 gallons of benzol and 1,500,000 gallons of toluol, but in 1917 this output was raised to 40,200,000 gallons of benzol and 10,200,000 of toluol. The toluol was used mostly in the manufacture of trinitrotoluol for use in Europe. When the war broke out in 1914 it shut off our supply of phenol (carbolic acid) for which we were dependent upon foreign sources. This threatened not only to afflict us with headaches by depriving us of aspirin but also to removed the consolation of music, for phenol is used in making phonographic records. Mr. Edison with his accustomed energy put up a factory within a few weeks for the manufacture of synthetic phenol. When we entered the war the need for phenol became yet more imperative, for it was needed to make picric acid for filling bombs.This demand was met, and in 1917 there were fifteen new plants turning out 64,146,499 pounds of phenol valued at $23,719,805.
Some of the coal-tar products, as we see, serve many purposes. For instance, picric acid appears in three places in this book. It is a high explosive. It is a powerful and permanent yellow dye as any one who has touched it knows. Thirdly it is used as an antiseptic to cover burned skin. Other coal-tar dyes are used for the same purpose, "malachite green," "brilliant green," "crystal violet," "ethyl violet" and "Victoria blue," so a patient in a military hospital is decorated like an Easter egg. During the last five years surgeons have unfortunately had unprecedented opportunities for the study of wounds and fortunately they have been unprecedentedly successful in finding improved methods of treating them. In former wars a serious wound meant usually death or amputation. Now nearly ninety per cent. of the wounded are able to continue in the service. The reason for this improvement is that medicines are now being made to order instead of being gathered "from China to Peru." The old herb doctor picked up any strange plant that he could find and tried it on any sick man that would let him. This empirical method, though hard on the patients, resulted in the course of five thousand years in the discovery of a number of useful remedies. But the modern medicine man when he knows the cause of the disease is usually able to devise ways of counteracting it directly. For instance, he knows, thanks to Pasteur and Metchnikoff, that the cause of wound infection is the bacterial enemies of man which swarm by the million into any breach in his protective armor, the skin.Now when a breach is made in a line of intrenchments the defenders rush troops to the threatened spot for two purposes, constructive and destructive, engineers and warriors, the former to build up the rampart with sandbags, the latter to kill the enemy.So when the human body is invaded the blood brings to the breach two kinds of defenders.One is the serum which neutralizes the bacterial poison and by coagulating forms a new skin or scab over the exposed flesh.The other is the phagocytes or white corpuscles, the free lances of our corporeal militia, which attack and kill the invading bacteria.The aim of the physician then is to aid these defenders as much as possible without interfering with them.Therefore the antiseptic he is seeking is one that will assist the serum in protecting and repairing the broken tissues and will kill the hostile bacteria without killing the friendly phagocytes.Carbolic acid, the most familiar of the coal-tar antiseptics, will destroy the bacteria when it is diluted with 250 parts of water, but unfortunately it puts a stop to the fighting activities of the phagocytes when it is only half that strength, or one to 500, so it cannot destroy the infection without hindering the healing.
In this search for substances that would attack a specific disease germ one of the leading investigators was Prof. Paul Ehrlich, a German physician of the Hebrew race. He found that the aniline dyes were useful for staining slides under the microscope, for they would pick out particular cells and leave others uncolored and from this starting point he worked out organic and metallic compounds which would destroy the bacteria and parasites that cause some of the most dreadful of diseases.A year after the war broke out Professor Ehrlich died while working in his laboratory on how to heal with coal-tar compounds the wounds inflicted by explosives from the same source.
One of the most valuable of the aniline antiseptics employed by Ehrlich is flavine or, if the reader prefers to call it by its full name, diaminomethylacridinium chloride.Flavine, as its name implies, is a yellow dye and will kill the germs causing ordinary abscesses when in solution as dilute as one part of the dye to 200,000 parts of water, but it does not interfere with the bactericidal action of the white blood corpuscles unless the solution is 400 times as strong as this, that is one part in 500.Unlike carbolic acid and other antiseptics it is said to stimulate the serum instead of impairing its activity.Another antiseptic of the coal-tar family which has recently been brought into use by Dr. Dakin of the Rockefeller Institute is that called by European physicians chloramine-T and by American physicians chlorazene and by chemists para-toluene-sodium-sulfo-chloramide.
This may serve to illustrate how a chemist is able to make such remedies as the doctor needs, instead of depending upon the accidental by-products of plants. On an earlier page I explained how by starting with the simplest of ring-compounds, the benzene of coal tar, we could get aniline. Suppose we go a step further and boil the aniline oil with acetic acid, which is the acid of vinegar minus its water. This easy process gives us acetanilid, which when introduced into the market some years ago under the name of "antifebrin" made a fortune for its makers.
The making of medicines from coal tar began in 1874 when Kolbe made salicylic acid from carbolic acid.Salicylic acid is a rheumatism remedy and had previously been extracted from willow bark.If now we treat salicylic acid with concentrated acetic acid we get "aspirin."From aniline again are made "phenacetin," "antipyrin" and a lot of other drugs that have become altogether too popular as headache remedies—say rather "headache relievers."
Another class of synthetics equally useful and likewise abused, are the soporifics, such as "sulphonal," "veronal" and "medinal."When it is not desired to put the patient to sleep but merely to render insensible a particular place, as when a tooth is to be pulled, cocain may be used.This, like alcohol and morphine, has proved a curse as well as a blessing and its sale has had to be restricted because of the many victims to the habit of using this drug.Cocain is obtained from the leaves of the South American coca tree, but can be made artificially from coal-tar products.The laboratory is superior to the forest because other forms of local anesthetics, such as eucain and novocain, can be made that are better than the natural alkaloid because more effective and less poisonous.
I must not forget to mention another lot of coal-tar derivatives in which some of my readers will take a personal interest. That is the photographic developers. I am old enough to remember when we used to develop our plates in ferrous sulfate solution and you never saw nicer negatives than we got with it. But when pyrogallic acid came in we switched over to that even though it did stain our fingers and sometimes our plates.Later came a swarm of new organic reducing agents under various fancy names, such as metol, hydro (short for hydro-quinone) and eikongen ("the image-maker").Every fellow fixed up his own formula and called his fellow-members of the camera club fools for not adopting it though he secretly hoped they would not.
Under the double stimulus of patriotism and high prices the American drug and dyestuff industry developed rapidly. In 1917 about as many pounds of dyes were manufactured in America as were imported in 1913 and our exports of American-made dyes exceeded in value our imports before the war. In 1914 the output of American dyes was valued at $2,500,000. In 1917 it amounted to over $57,000,000. This does not mean that the problem was solved, for the home products were not equal in variety and sometimes not in quality to those made in Germany. Many valuable dyes were lacking and the cost was of course much higher. Whether the American industry can compete with the foreign in an open market and on equal terms is impossible to say because such conditions did not prevail before the war and they are not going to prevail in the future. Formerly the large German cartels through their agents and branches in this country kept the business in their own hands and now the American manufacturers are determined to maintain the independence they have acquired. They will not depend hereafter upon the tariff to cut off competition but have adopted more effective measures. The 4500 German chemical patents that had been seized by the Alien Property Custodian were sold by him for $250,000 to the Chemical Foundation, an association of American manufacturers organized "for the Americanization of such institutions as may be affected thereby, for the exclusion or elimination of alien interests hostile or detrimental to said industries and for the advancement of chemical and allied science and industry in the United States."The Foundation has a large fighting fund so that it "may be able to commence immediately and prosecute with the utmost vigor infringement proceedings whenever the first German attempt shall hereafter be made to import into this country."
So much mystery has been made of the achievements of German chemists—as though the Teutonic brain had a special lobe for that faculty, lacking in other craniums—that I want to quote what Dr. Hesse says about his first impressions of a German laboratory of industrial research:
Directly after graduating from the University of Chicago in 1896, I entered the employ of the largest coal-tar dye works in the world at its plant in Germany and indeed in one of its research laboratories. This was my first trip outside the United States and it was, of course, an event of the first magnitude for me to be in Europe, and, as a chemist, to be in Germany, in a German coal-tar dye plant, and to cap it all in its research laboratory—a real sanctum sanctorum for chemists. In a short time the daily routine wore the novelty off my experience and I then settled down to calm analysis and dispassionate appraisal of my surroundings and to compare what was actually before and around me with my expectations. I found that the general laboratory equipment was no better than what I had been accustomed to; that my colleagues had no better fundamental training than I had enjoyed nor any better fact—or manipulative—equipment than I; that those in charge of the work had no better general intellectual equipment nor any more native ability than had my instructors; in short, there was nothing new about it all, nothing that we did not have back home, nothing—except the specific problems that were engaging their attention, and the special opportunities of attacking them. Those problems were of no higher order of complexity than those I had been accustomed to for years, in fact, most of them were not very complex from a purely intellectual viewpoint. There was nothing inherently uncanny, magical or wizardly about their occupation whatever. It was nothing but plain hard work and keeping everlastingly at it. Now, what was the actual thing behind that chemical laboratory that we did not have at home? It was money, willing to back such activity, convinced that in the final outcome, a profit would be made; money, willing to take university graduates expecting from them no special knowledge other than a good and thorough grounding in scientific research and provide them with opportunity to become specialists suited to the factory's needs.
It is evidently not impossible to make the United States self-sufficient in the matter of coal-tar products. We've got the tar; we've got the men; we've got the money, too. Whether such a policy would pay us in the long run or whether it is necessary as a measure of military or commercial self-defense is another question that cannot here be decided. But whatever share we may have in it the coal-tar industry has increased the economy of civilization and added to the wealth of the world by showing how a waste by-product could be utilized for making new dyes and valuable medicines, a better use for tar than as fuel for political bonfires and as clothing for the nakedness of social outcasts.
The primitive man got his living out of such wild plants and animals as he could find.Next he, or more likely his wife, began to cultivate the plants and tame the animals so as to insure a constant supply.This was the first step toward civilization, for when men had to settle down in a community (civitas) they had to ameliorate their manners and make laws protecting land and property.In this settled and orderly life the plants and animals improved as well as man and returned a hundredfold for the pains that their master had taken in their training.But still man was dependent upon the chance bounties of nature.He could select, but he could not invent.He could cultivate, but he could not create.If he wanted sugar he had to send to the West Indies.If he wanted spices he had to send to the East Indies.If he wanted indigo he had to send to India.If he wanted a febrifuge he had to send to Peru.If he wanted a fertilizer he had to send to Chile.If he wanted rubber he had to send to the Congo.If he wanted rubies he had to send to Mandalay.If he wanted otto of roses he had to send to Turkey.Man was not yet master of his environment.
This period of cultivation, the second stage of civilization, began before the dawn of history and lasted until recent times.We might almost say up to the twentieth century, for it was not until the fundamental laws of heredity were discovered that man could originate new species of plants and animals according to a predetermined plan by combining such characteristics as he desired to perpetuate.And it was not until the fundamental laws of chemistry were discovered that man could originate new compounds more suitable to his purpose than any to be found in nature.Since the progress of mankind is continuous it is impossible to draw a date line, unless a very jagged one, along the frontier of human culture, but it is evident that we are just entering upon the third era of evolution in which man will make what he needs instead of trying to find it somewhere.The new epoch has hardly dawned, yet already a man may stay at home in New York or London and make his own rubber and rubies, his own indigo and otto of roses.More than this, he can make gems and colors and perfumes that never existed since time began.The man of science has signed a declaration of independence of the lower world and we are now in the midst of the revolution.
Our eyes are dazzled by the dawn of the new era.We know what the hunter and the horticulturist have already done for man, but we cannot imagine what the chemist can do.If we look ahead through the eyes of one of the greatest of French chemists, Berthelot, this is what we shall see:
The problem of food is a chemical problem. Whenever energy can be obtained economically we can begin to make all kinds of aliment, with carbon borrowed from carbonic acid, hydrogen taken from the water and oxygen and nitrogen drawn from the air....The day will come when each person will carry for his nourishment his little nitrogenous tablet, his pat of fatty matter, his package of starch or sugar, his vial of aromatic spices suited to his personal taste; all manufactured economically and in unlimited quantities; all independent of irregular seasons, drought and rain, of the heat that withers the plant and of the frost that blights the fruit; all free from pathogenic microbes, the origin of epidemics and the enemies of human life.On that day chemistry will have accomplished a world-wide revolution that cannot be estimated.There will no longer be hills covered with vineyards and fields filled with cattle.Man will gain in gentleness and morality because he will cease to live by the carnage and destruction of living creatures....The earth will be covered with grass, flowers and woods and in it the human race will dwell in the abundance and joy of the legendary age of gold—provided that a spiritual chemistry has been discovered that changes the nature of man as profoundly as our chemistry transforms material nature.
But this is looking so far into the future that we can trust no man's eyesight, not even Berthelot's.There is apparently no impossibility about the manufacture of synthetic food, but at present there is no apparent probability of it.There is no likelihood that the laboratory will ever rival the wheat field.The cornstalk will always be able to work cheaper than the chemist in the manufacture of starch.But in rarer and choicer products of nature the chemist has proved his ability to compete and even to excel.
What have been from the dawn of history to the rise of synthetic chemistry the most costly products of nature? What could tempt a merchant to brave the perils of a caravan journey over the deserts of Asia beset with Arab robbers?What induced the Portuguese and Spanish mariners to risk their frail barks on perilous waters of the Cape of Good Hope or the Horn?The chief prizes were perfumes, spices, drugs and gems. And why these rather than what now constitutes the bulk of oversea and overland commerce?Because they were precious, portable and imperishable.If the merchant got back safe after a year or two with a little flask of otto of roses, a package of camphor and a few pearls concealed in his garments his fortune was made.If a single ship of the argosy sent out from Lisbon came back with a load of sandalwood, indigo or nutmeg it was regarded as a successful venture.You know from reading the Bible, or if not that, from your reading of Arabian Nights, that a few grains of frankincense or a few drops of perfumed oil were regarded as gifts worthy the acceptance of a king or a god.These products of the Orient were equally in demand by the toilet and the temple.The unctorium was an adjunct of the Roman bathroom.Kings had to be greased and fumigated before they were thought fit to sit upon a throne.There was a theory, not yet altogether extinct, that medicines brought from a distance were most efficacious, especially if, besides being expensive, they tasted bad like myrrh or smelled bad like asafetida.And if these failed to save the princely patient he was embalmed in aromatics or, as we now call them, antiseptics of the benzene series.
Today, as always, men are willing to pay high for the titillation of the senses of smell and taste. The African savage will trade off an ivory tusk for a piece of soap reeking with synthetic musk. The clubman will pay $10 for a bottle of wine which consists mostly of water with about ten per cent.of alcohol, worth a cent or two, but contains an unweighable amount of the "bouquet" that can only be produced on the sunny slopes of Champagne or in the valley of the Rhine.But very likely the reader is quite as extravagant, for when one buys the natural violet perfumery he is paying at the rate of more than $10,000 a pound for the odoriferous oil it contains; the rest is mere water and alcohol.But you would not want the pure undiluted oil if you could get it, for it is unendurable.A single whiff of it paralyzes your sense of smell for a time just as a loud noise deafens you.
Of the five senses, three are physical and two chemical. By touch we discern pressures and surface textures. By hearing we receive impressions of certain air waves and by sight of certain ether waves. But smell and taste lead us to the heart of the molecule and enable us to tell how the atoms are put together. These twin senses stand like sentries at the portals of the body, where they closely scrutinize everything that enters. Sounds and sights may be disagreeable, but they are never fatal. A man can live in a boiler factory or in a cubist art gallery, but he cannot live in a room containing hydrogen sulfide. Since it is more important to be warned of danger than guided to delights our senses are made more sensitive to pain than pleasure. We can detect by the smell one two-millionth of a milligram of oil of roses or musk, but we can detect one two-billionth of a milligram of mercaptan, which is the vilest smelling compound that man has so far invented. If you do not know how much a milligram is consider a drop picked up by the point of a needle and imagine that divided into two billion parts.Also try to estimate the weight of the odorous particles that guide a dog to the fox or warn a deer of the presence of man.The unaided nostril can rival the spectroscope in the detection and analysis of unweighable amounts of matter.
What we call flavor or savor is a joint effect of taste and odor in which the latter predominates.There are only four tastes of importance, acid, alkaline, bitter and sweet.The acid, or sour taste, is the perception of hydrogen atoms charged with positive electricity.The alkaline, or soapy taste, is the perception of hydroxyl radicles charged with negative electricity.The bitter and sweet tastes and all the odors depend upon the chemical constitution of the compound, but the laws of the relation have not yet been worked out.Since these sense organs, the taste and smell buds, are sunk in the moist mucous membrane they can only be touched by substances soluble in water, and to reach the sense of smell they must also be volatile so as to be diffused in the air inhaled by the nose.The "taste" of food is mostly due to the volatile odors of it that creep up the back-stairs into the olfactory chamber.
A chemist given an unknown substance would have to make an elementary analysis and some tedious tests to determine whether it contained methyl or ethyl groups, whether it was an aldehyde or an ester, whether the carbon atoms were singly or doubly linked and whether it was an open chain or closed.But let him get a whiff of it and he can give instantly a pretty shrewd guess as to these points.His nose knows.
Although the chemist does not yet know enough to tell for certain from looking at the structural formula what sort of odor the compound would have or whether it would have any, yet we can divide odoriferous substances into classes according to their constitution.What are commonly known as "fruity" odors belong mostly to what the chemist calls the fatty or aliphatic series.For instance, we may have in a ripe fruit an alcohol (say ethyl or common alcohol) and an acid (say acetic or vinegar) and a combination of these, the ester or organic salt (in this case ethyl acetate), which is more odorous than either of its components.These esters of the fatty acids give the characteristic savor to many of our favorite fruits, candies and beverages.The pear flavor, amyl acetate, is made from acetic acid and amyl alcohol—though amyl alcohol (fusel oil) has a detestable smell.Pineapple is ethyl butyrate—but the acid part of it (butyric acid) is what gives Limburger cheese its aroma.These essential oils are easily made in the laboratory, but cannot be extracted from the fruit for separate use.
If the carbon chain contains one or more double linkages we get the "flowery" perfumes.For instance, here is the symbol of geraniol, the chief ingredient of otto of roses:
The rose would smell as sweet under another name, but it may be questioned whether it would stand being called by the name of dimethyl-2-6-octadiene-2-6-ol-8.Geraniol by oxidation goes into the aldehyde, citral, which occurs in lemons, oranges and verbena flowers. Another compound of this group, linalool, is found in lavender, bergamot and many flowers.
Geraniol, as you would see if you drew up its structural formula in the way I described in the last chapter, contains a chain of six carbon atoms, that is, the same number as make a benzene ring.Now if we shake up geraniol and other compounds of this group (the diolefines) with diluted sulfuric acid the carbon chain hooks up to form a benzene ring, but with the other carbon atoms stretched across it; rather too complicated to depict here.These "bridged rings" of the formula C5H8, or some multiple of that, constitute the important group of the terpenes which occur in turpentine and such wild and woodsy things as sage, lavender, caraway, pine needles and eucalyptus.Going further in this direction we are led into the realm of the heavy oriental odors, patchouli, sandalwood, cedar, cubebs, ginger and camphor.Camphor can now be made directly from turpentine so we may be independent of Formosa and Borneo.
When we have a six carbon ring without double linkings (cyclo-aliphatic) or with one or two such, we get soft and delicate perfumes like the violet (ionone and irone).But when these pass into the benzene ring with its three double linkages the odor becomes more powerful and so characteristic that the name "aromatic compound" has been extended to the entire class of benzene derivatives, although many of them are odorless.The essential oils of jasmine, orange blossoms, musk, heliotrope, tuberose, ylang ylang, etc., consist mostly of this class and can be made from the common source of aromatic compounds, coal tar.
The synthetic flavors and perfumes are made in the same way as the dyes by starting with some coal-tar product or other crude material and building up the molecule to the desired complexity.For instance, let us start with phenol, the ill-smelling and poisonous carbolic acid of disagreeable associations and evil fame.Treat this to soda-water and it is transformed into salicylic acid, a white odorless powder, used as a preservative and as a rheumatism remedy.Add to this methyl alcohol which is obtained by the destructive distillation of wood and is much more poisonous than ordinary ethyl alcohol.The alcohol and the acid heated together will unite with the aid of a little sulfuric acid and we get what the chemist calls methyl salicylate and other people call oil of wintergreen, the same as is found in wintergreen berries and birch bark.We have inherited a taste for this from our pioneer ancestors and we use it extensively to flavor our soft drinks, gum, tooth paste and candy, but the Europeans have not yet found out how nice it is.
But, starting with phenol again, let us heat it with caustic alkali and chloroform. This gives us two new compounds of the same composition, but differing a little in the order of the atoms. If you refer back to the diagram of the benzene ring which I gave in the last chapter, you will see that there are six hydrogen atoms attached to it. Now any or all these hydrogen atoms may be replaced by other elements or groups and what the product is depends not only on what the new elements are, but where they are put. It is like spelling words. The three letters t, r and a mean very different things according to whether they are put together as art, tar or ratOr, to take a more apposite illustration, every hostess knows that the success of her dinner depends upon how she seats her guests around the table.So in the case of aromatic compounds, a little difference in the seating arrangement around the benzene ring changes the character.The two derivatives of phenol, which we are now considering, have two substituting groups.One is—O-H (called the hydroxyl group).The other is—CHO (called the aldehyde group).If these are opposite (called the para position) we have an odorless white solid.If they are side by side (called the ortho position) we have an oil with the odor of meadowsweet.Treating the odorless solid with methyl alcohol we get audepine (or anisic aldehyde) which is the perfume of hawthorn blossoms. But treating the other of the twin products, the fragrant oil, with dry acetic acid ("Perkin's reaction") we get cumarin, which is the perfume part of the tonka or tonquin beans that our forefathers used to carry in their snuff boxes.One ounce of cumarin is equal to four pounds of tonka beans.It smells sufficiently like vanilla to be used as a substitute for it in cheap extracts.In perfumery it is known as "new mown hay."
You may remember what I said on a former page about the career of William Henry Perkin, the boy who loved chemistry better than eating, and how he discovered the coal-tar dyes.Well, it is also to his ingenious mind that we owe the starting of the coal-tar perfume business which has had almost as important a development.Perkin made cumarin in 1868, but this, like the dye industry, escaped from English hands and flew over the North Sea.Before the war Germany was exporting $1,500,000 worth of synthetic perfumes a year. Part of these went to France, where they were mixed and put up in fancy bottles with French names and sold to Americans at fancy prices.
The real vanilla flavor, vanillin, was made by Tiemann in 1874.At first it sold for nearly $800 a pound, but now it may be had for $10.How extensively it is now used in chocolate, ice cream, soda water, cakes and the like we all know.It should be noted that cumarin and vanillin, however they may be made, are not imitations, but identical with the chief constituent of the tonka and vanilla beans and, of course, are equally wholesome or harmless.But the nice palate can distinguish a richer flavor in the natural extracts, for they contain small quantities of other savory ingredients.
A true perfume consists of a large number of odoriferous chemical compounds mixed in such proportions as to produce a single harmonious effect upon the sense of smell in a fine brand of perfume may be compounded a dozen or twenty different ingredients and these, if they are natural essences, are complex mixtures of a dozen or so distinct substances. Perfumery is one of the fine arts. The perfumer, like the orchestra leader, must know how to combine and coördinate his instruments to produce a desired sensation. A Wagnerian opera requires 103 musicians. A Strauss opera requires 112. Now if the concert manager wants to economize he will insist upon cutting down on the most expensive musicians and dropping out some of the others, say, the supernumerary violinists and the man who blows a single blast or tinkles a triangle once in the course of the evening.Only the trained ear will detect the difference and the manager can make more money.
Suppose our mercenary impresario were unable to get into the concert hall of his famous rival.He would then listen outside the window and analyze the sound in this fashion: "Fifty per cent.of the sound is made by the tuba, 20 per the bass drum, 15 per the 'cello and 10 per the clarinet.There are some other instruments, but they are not loud and I guess if we can leave them out nobody will know the difference."So he makes up his orchestra out of these four alone and many people do not know the difference.
The cheap perfumer goes about it in the same way. He analyzes, for instance, the otto or oil of roses which cost during the war $400 a pound—if you could get it at any price—and he finds that the chief ingredient is geraniol, costing only $5, and next is citronelol, costing $20; then comes nerol and others. So he makes up a cheap brand of perfumery out of three or four such compounds. But the genuine oil of roses, like other natural essences, contains a dozen or more constituents and to leave many of them out is like reducing an orchestra to a few loud-sounding instruments or a painting to a three-color print. A few years ago an attempt was made to make music electrically by producing separately each kind of sound vibration contained in the instruments imitated. Theoretically that seems easy, but practically the tone was not satisfactory because the tones and overtones of a full orchestra or even of a single violin are too numerous and complex to be reproduced individually.So the synthetic perfumes have not driven out the natural perfumes, but, on the contrary, have aided and stimulated the growth of flowers for essences.The otto or attar of roses, favorite of the Persian monarchs and romances, has in recent years come chiefly from Bulgaria.But wars are not made with rosewater and the Bulgars for the last five years have been engaged in other business than cultivating their own gardens.The alembic or still was invented by the Arabian alchemists for the purpose of obtaining the essential oil or attar of roses.But distillation, even with the aid of steam, is not altogether satisfactory.For instance, the distilled rose oil contains anywhere from 10 to 74 per cent.of a paraffin wax (stearopten) that is odorless and, on the other hand, phenyl-ethyl alcohol, which is an important constituent of the scent of roses, is broken up in the process of distillation.So the perfumer can improve on the natural or rather the distilled oil by leaving out part of the paraffin and adding the missing alcohol.Even the imported article taken direct from the still is not always genuine, for the wily Bulgar sometimes "increases the yield" by sprinkling his roses in the vat with synthetic geraniol just as the wily Italian pours a barrel of American cottonseed oil over his olives in the press.
Another method of extracting the scent of flowers is by enfleurage, which takes advantage of the tendency of fats to absorb odors. You know how butter set beside fish in the ice box will get a fishy flavor. In enfleurage moist air is carried up a tower passing alternately over trays of fresh flowers, say violets, and over glass plates covered with a thin layer of lard.The perfumed lard may then be used as a pomade or the perfume may be extracted by alcohol.
But many sweet flowers do not readily yield an essential oil, so in such oases we have to rely altogether upon more or less successful substitutes.For instance, the perfumes sold under the names of "heliotrope," "lily of the valley," "lilac," "cyclamen," "honeysuckle," "sweet pea," "arbutus," "mayflower" and "magnolia" are not produced from these flowers but are simply imitations made from other essences, synthetic or natural.Among the "thousand flowers" that contribute to the "Eau de Mille Fleurs" are the civet cat, the musk deer and the sperm whale.Some of the published formulas for "Jockey Club" call for civet or ambergris and those of "Lavender Water" for musk and civet.The less said about the origin of these three animal perfumes the better.Fortunately they are becoming too expensive to use and are being displaced by synthetic products more agreeable to a refined imagination.The musk deer may now be saved from extinction since we can make tri-nitro-butyl-xylene from coal tar.This synthetic musk passes muster to human nostrils, but a cat will turn up her nose at it.The synthetic musk is not only much cheaper than the natural, but a dozen times as strong, or let us say, goes a dozen times as far, for nobody wants it any stronger.
Such powerful scents as these are only pleasant when highly diluted, yet they are, as we have seen, essential ingredients of the finest perfumes. For instance, the natural oil of jasmine and other flowers contain traces of indols and skatols which have most disgusting odors.Though our olfactory organs cannot detect their presence yet we perceive their absence so they have to be put into the artificial perfume.Just so a brief but violent discord in a piece of music or a glaring color contrast in a painting may be necessary to the harmony of the whole.
It is absurd to object to "artificial" perfumes, for practically all perfumes now sold are artificial in the sense of being compounded by the art of the perfumer and whether the materials he uses are derived from the flowers of yesteryear or of Carboniferous Era is nobody's business but his.And he does not tell.The materials can be purchased in the open market.Various recipes can be found in the books.But every famous perfumer guards well the secret of his formulas and hands it as a legacy to his posterity.The ancient Roman family of Frangipani has been made immortal by one such hereditary recipe.The Farina family still claims to have the exclusive knowledge of how to make Eau de Cologne.This famous perfume was first compounded by an Italian, Giovanni Maria Farina, who came to Cologne in 1709.It soon became fashionable and was for a time the only scent allowed at some of the German courts.The various published recipes contain from six to a dozen ingredients, chiefly the oils of neroli, rosemary, bergamot, lemon and lavender dissolved in very pure alcohol and allowed to age like wine.The invention, in 1895, of artificial neroli (orange flowers) has improved the product.
French perfumery, like the German, had its origin in Italy, when Catherine de' Medici came to Paris as the bride of Henri II.She brought with her, among other artists, her perfumer, Sieur Toubarelli, who established himself in the flowery land of Grasse.Here for four hundred years the industry has remained rooted and the family formulas have been handed down from generation to generation.In the city of Grasse there were at the outbreak of the war fifty establishments making perfumes.The French perfumer does not confine himself to a single sense.He appeals as well to sight and sound and association.He adds to the attractiveness of his creation by a quaintly shaped bottle, an artistic box and an enticing name such as "Dans les Nues," "Le Coeur de Jeannette," "Nuit de Chine," "Un Air Embaumé," "Le Vertige," "Bon Vieux Temps," "L'Heure Bleue," "Nuit d'Amour," "Quelques Fleurs," "Djer-Kiss."
The requirements of a successful scent are very strict. A perfume must be lasting, but not strong. All its ingredients must continue to evaporate in the same proportion, otherwise it will change odor and deteriorate. Scents kill one another as colors do. The minutest trace of some impurity or foreign odor may spoil the whole effect. To mix the ingredients in a vessel of any metal but aluminum or even to filter through a tin funnel is likely to impair the perfume. The odoriferous compounds are very sensitive and unstable bodies, otherwise they would have no effect upon the olfactory organ. The combination that would be suitable for a toilet water would not be good for a talcum powder and might spoil in a soap. Perfumery is used even in the "scentless" powders and soaps. In fact it is now used more extensively, if less intensively, than ever before in the history of the world.During the Unwashed Ages, commonly called the Dark Ages, between the destruction of the Roman baths and the construction of the modern bathroom, the art of the perfumer, like all the fine arts, suffered an eclipse."The odor of sanctity" was in highest esteem and what that odor was may be imagined from reading the lives of the saints.But in the course of centuries the refinements of life began to seep back into Europe from the East by means of the Arabs and Crusaders, and chemistry, then chiefly the art of cosmetics, began to revive.When science, the greatest democratizing agent on earth, got into action it elevated the poor to the ranks of kings and priests in the delights of the palate and the nose.We should not despise these delights, for the pleasure they confer is greater, in amount at least, than that of the so-called higher senses.We eat three times a day; some of us drink oftener; few of us visit the concert hall or the art gallery as often as we do the dining room.Then, too, these primitive senses have a stronger influence upon our emotional nature than those acquired later in the course of evolution.As Kipling puts it:
Smells are surer than sounds or sights
To make your heart-strings crack.
Organic compounds, on which our life and living depend, consist chiefly of four elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. These compounds are sometimes hard to analyze, but when once the chemist has ascertained their constitution he can usually make them out of their elements—if he wants to. He will not want to do it as a business unless it pays and it will not pay unless the manufacturing process is cheaper than the natural process. This depends primarily upon the cost of the crude materials. What, then, is the market price of these four elements? Oxygen and nitrogen are free as air, and as we have seen in the second chapter, their direct combination by the electric spark is possible. Hydrogen is free in the form of water but expensive to extricate by means of the electric current. But we need more carbon than anything else and where shall we get that? Bits of crystallized carbon can be picked up in South Africa and elsewhere, but those who can afford to buy them prefer to wear them rather than use them in making synthetic food. Graphite is rare and hard to melt. We must then have recourse to the compounds of carbon. The simplest of these, carbon dioxide, exists in the air but only four parts in ten thousand by volume. To extract the carbon and get it into combination with the other elements would be a difficult and expensive process.Here, then, we must call in cheap labor, the cheapest of all laborers, the plants.Pine trees on the highlands and cotton plants on the lowlands keep their green traps set all the day long and with the captured carbon dioxide build up cellulose.If, then, man wants free carbon he can best get it by charring wood in a kiln or digging up that which has been charred in nature's kiln during the Carboniferous Era.But there is no reason why he should want to go back to elemental carbon when he can have it already combined with hydrogen in the remains of modern or fossil vegetation.The synthetic products on which modern chemistry prides itself, such as vanillin, camphor and rubber, are not built up out of their elements, C, H and O, although they might be as a laboratory stunt.Instead of that the raw material of the organic chemist is chiefly cellulose, or the products of its recent or remote destructive distillation, tar and oil.
It is unnecessary to tell the reader what cellulose is since he now holds a specimen of it in his hand, pretty pure cellulose except for the sizing and the specks of carbon that mar the whiteness of its surface. This utilization of cellulose is the chief cause of the difference between the modern world and the ancient, for what is called the invention of printing is essentially the inventing of paper. The Romans made type to stamp their coins and lead pipes with and if they had had paper to print upon the world might have escaped the Dark Ages. But the clay tablets of the Babylonians were cumbersome; the wax tablets of the Greeks were perishable; the papyrus of the Egyptians was fragile; parchment was expensive and penning was slow, so it was not until literature was put on a paper basis that democratic education became possible.At the present time sheepskin is only used for diplomas, treaties and other antiquated documents.And even if your diploma is written in Latin it is likely to be made of sulfated cellulose.
The textile industry has followed the same law of development that I have indicated in the other industries.Here again we find the three stages of progress, (1) utilization of natural products, (2) cultivation of natural products, (3) manufacture of artificial products.The ancients were dependent upon plants, animals and insects for their fibers.China used silk, Greece and Rome used wool, Egypt used flax and India used cotton.In the course of cultivation for three thousand years the animal and vegetable fibers were lengthened and strengthened and cheapened.But at last man has risen to the level of the worm and can spin threads to suit himself.He can now rival the wasp in the making of paper.He is no longer dependent upon the flax and the cotton plant, but grinds up trees to get his cellulose.A New York newspaper uses up nearly 2000 acres of forest a year.The United States grinds up about five million cords of wood a year in the manufacture of pulp for paper and other purposes.
In making "mechanical pulp" the blocks of wood, mostly spruce and hemlock, are simply pressed sidewise of the grain against wet grindstones. But in wood fiber the cellulose is in part combined with lignin, which is worse than useless. To break up the ligno-cellulose combine chemicals are used. The logs for this are not ground fine, but cut up by disk chippers.The chips are digested for several hours under heat and pressure with acid or alkali.There are three processes in vogue.In the most common process the reagent is calcium sulfite, made by passing sulfur fumes (SO2) into lime water.In another process a solution of caustic of soda is used to disintegrate the wood.The third, known as the "sulfate" process, should rather be called the sulfide process since the active agent is an alkaline solution of sodium sulfide made by roasting sodium sulfate with the carbonaceous matter extracted from the wood.This sulfate process, though the most recent of the three, is being increasingly employed in this country, for by means of it the resinous pine wood of the South can be worked up and the final product, known as kraft paper because it is strong, is used for wrapping.
But whatever the process we get nearly pure cellulose which, as you can see by examining this page under a microscope, consists of a tangled web of thin white fibers, the remains of the original cell walls.Owing to the severe treatment it has undergone wood pulp paper does not last so long as the linen rag paper used by our ancestors.The pages of the newspapers, magazines and books printed nowadays are likely to become brown and brittle in a few years, no great loss for the most part since they have served their purpose, though it is a pity that a few copies of the worst of them could not be printed on permanent paper for preservation in libraries so that future generations could congratulate themselves on their progress in civilization.
But in our absorption in the printed page we must not forget the other uses of paper.The paper clothing, so often prophesied, has not yet arrived.Even paper collars have gone out of fashion—if they ever were in.In Germany during the war paper was used for socks, shirts and shoes as well as handkerchiefs and napkins but it could not stand wear and washing.Our sanitary engineers have set us to drinking out of sharp-edged paper cups and we blot our faces instead of wiping them.Twine is spun of paper and furniture made of the twine, a rival of rattan.Cloth and matting woven of paper yarn are being used for burlap and grass in the making of bags and suitcases.
Here, however, we are not so much interested in manufactures of cellulose itself, that is, wood, paper and cotton, as we are in its chemical derivatives.Cellulose, as we can see from the symbol, C6H10O5, is composed of the three elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.These are present in the same proportion as in starch (C6H10O5), while glucose or grape sugar (C6H12O6) has one molecule of water more. But glucose is soluble in cold water and starch is soluble in hot, while cellulose is soluble in neither. Consequently cellulose cannot serve us for food, although some of the vegetarian animals, notably the goat, have a digestive apparatus that can handle it. In Finland and Germany birch wood pulp and straw were used not only as an ingredient of cattle food but also put into war bread. It is not likely, however, that the human stomach even under the pressure of famine is able to get much nutriment out of sawdust. But by digesting with dilute acid sawdust can be transformed into sugars and these by fermentation into alcohol, so it would be possible for a man after he has read his morning paper to get drunk on it.
If the cellulose, instead of being digested a long time in dilute acid, is dipped into a solution of sulfuric acid (50 to 80 per cent.)and then washed and dried it acquires a hard, tough and translucent coating that makes it water-proof and grease-proof.This is the "parchment paper" that has largely replaced sheepskin.Strong alkali has a similar effect to strong acid.In 1844 John Mercer, a Lancashire calico printer, discovered that by passing cotton cloth or yarn through a cold 30 per cent.solution of caustic soda the fiber is shortened and strengthened.For over forty years little attention was paid to this discovery, but when it was found that if the material was stretched so that it could not shrink on drying the twisted ribbons of the cotton fiber were changed into smooth-walled cylinders like silk, the process came into general use and nowadays much that passes for silk is "mercerized" cotton.
Another step was taken when Cross of London discovered that when the mercerized cotton was treated with carbon disulfide it was dissolved to a yellow liquid. This liquid contains the cellulose in solution as a cellulose xanthate and on acidifying or heating the cellulose is recovered in a hydrated form. If this yellow solution of cellulose is squirted out of tubes through extremely minute holes into acidulated water, each tiny stream becomes instantly solidified into a silky thread which may be spun and woven like that ejected from the spinneret of the silkworm. The origin of natural silk, if we think about it, rather detracts from the pleasure of wearing it, and if "he who needlessly sets foot upon a worm" is to be avoided as a friend we must hope that the advance of the artificial silk industry will be rapid enough to relieve us of the necessity of boiling thousands of baby worms in their cradles whenever we want silk stockings.
On a plain rush hurdle a silkworm lay
When a proud young princess came that way.
The haughty daughter of a lordly king
Threw a sidelong glance at the humble thing,
Little thinking she walked in pride
In the winding sheet where the silkworm died.
But so far we have not reached a stage where we can altogether dispense with the services of the silkworm.The viscose threads made by the process look as well as silk, but they are not so strong, especially when wet.
Besides the viscose method there are several other methods of getting cellulose into solution so that artificial fibers may be made from it.A strong solution of zinc chloride will serve and this process used to be employed for making the threads to be charred into carbon filaments for incandescent bulbs.Cellulose is also soluble in an ammoniacal solution of copper hydroxide.The liquid thus formed is squirted through a fine nozzle into a precipitating solution of caustic soda and glucose, which brings back the cellulose to its original form.
In the chapter on explosives I explained how cellulose treated with nitric acid in the presence of sulfuric acid was nitrated.The cellulose molecule having three hydroxyl (—OH) groups, can take up one, two or three nitrate groups (—ONO2).The higher nitrates are known as guncotton and form the basis of modern dynamite and smokeless powder. The lower nitrates, known as pyroxylin, are less explosive, although still very inflammable. All these nitrates are, like the original cellulose, insoluble in water, but unlike the original cellulose, soluble in a mixture of ether and alcohol. The solution is called collodion and is now in common use to spread a new skin over a wound. The great war might be traced back to Nobel's cut finger. Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist—and a pacifist. One day while working in the laboratory he cut his finger, as chemists are apt to do, and, again as chemists are apt to do, he dissolved some guncotton in ether-alcohol and swabbed it on the wound. At this point, however, his conduct diverges from the ordinary, for instead of standing idle, impatiently waving his hand in the air to dry the film as most people, including chemists, are apt to do, he put his mind on it and it occurred to him that this sticky stuff, slowly hardening to an elastic mass, might be just the thing he was hunting as an absorbent and solidifier of nitroglycerin. So instead of throwing away the extra collodion that he had made he mixed it with nitroglycerin and found that it set to a jelly. The "blasting gelatin" thus discovered proved to be so insensitive to shock that it could be safely transported or fired from a cannon. This was the first of the high explosives that have been the chief factor in modern warfare.
But on the whole, collodion has healed more wounds than it has caused besides being of infinite service to mankind otherwise. It has made modern photography possible, for the film we use in the camera and moving picture projector consists of a gelatin coating on a pyroxylin backing.If collodion is forced through fine glass tubes instead of through a slit, it comes out a thread instead of a film.If the collodion jet is run into a vat of cold water the ether and alcohol dissolve; if it is run into a chamber of warm air they evaporate.The thread of nitrated cellulose may be rendered less inflammable by taking out the nitrate groups by treatment with ammonium or calcium sulfide.This restores the original cellulose, but now it is an endless thread of any desired thickness, whereas the native fiber was in size and length adapted to the needs of the cottonseed instead of the needs of man.The old motto, "If you want a thing done the way you want it you must do it yourself," explains why the chemist has been called in to supplement the work of nature in catering to human wants.
Instead of nitric acid we may use strong acetic acid to dissolve the cotton. The resulting cellulose acetates are less inflammable than the nitrates, but they are more brittle and more expensive. Motion picture films made from them can be used in any hall without the necessity of imprisoning the operator in a fire-proof box where if anything happens he can burn up all by himself without disturbing the audience. The cellulose acetates are being used for auto goggles and gas masks as well as for windows in leather curtains and transparent coverings for index cards. A new use that has lately become important is the varnishing of aeroplane wings, as it does not readily absorb water or catch fire and makes the cloth taut and air-tight.Aeroplane wings can be made of cellulose acetate sheets as transparent as those of a dragon-fly and not easy to see against the sky.
The nitrates, sulfates and acetates are the salts or esters of the respective acids, but recently true ethers or oxides of cellulose have been prepared that may prove still better since they contain no acid radicle and are neutral and stable.
These are in brief the chief processes for making what is commonly but quite improperly called "artificial silk."They are not the same substance as silkworm silk and ought not to be—though they sometimes are—sold as such.They are none of them as strong as the silk fiber when wet, although if I should venture to say which of the various makes weakens the most on wetting I should get myself into trouble.I will only say that if you have a grudge against some fisherman give him a fly line of artificial silk, 'most any kind.
The nitrate process was discovered by Count Hilaire de Chardonnet while he was at the Polytechnic School of Paris, and he devoted his life and his fortune trying to perfect it. Samples of the artificial silk were exhibited at the Paris Exposition in 1889 and two years later he started a factory at Basançon. In 1892, Cross and Bevan, English chemists, discovered the viscose or xanthate process, and later the acetate process. But although all four of these processes were invented in France and England, Germany reaped most benefit from the new industry, which was bringing into that country $6,000,000 a year before the war. The largest producer in the world was the Vereinigte Glanzstoff-Fabriken of Elberfeld, which was paying annual dividends of 34 per 1914.
The raw materials, as may be seen, are cheap and abundant, merely cellulose, salt, sulfur, carbon, air and water.Any kind of cellulose can be used, cotton waste, rags, paper, or even wood pulp.The processes are various, the names of the products are numerous and the uses are innumerable.Even the most inattentive must have noticed the widespread employment of these new forms of cellulose.We can buy from a street barrow for fifteen cents near-silk neckties that look as well as those sold for seventy-five.As for wear—well, they all of them wear till after we get tired of wearing them.Paper "vulcanized" by being run through a 30 per cent.solution of zinc chloride and subjected to hydraulic pressure comes out hard and horny and may be used for trunks and suit cases.Viscose tubes for sausage containers are more sanitary and appetizing than the customary casings.Viscose replaces ramie or cotton in the Welsbach gas mantles.Viscose film, transparent and a thousandth of an inch thick (cellophane), serves for candy wrappers.Cellulose acetate cylinders spun out of larger orifices than silk are trying—not very successfully as yet—to compete with hog's bristles and horsehair.Stir powdered metals into the cellulose solution and you have the Bayko yarn.Bayko (from the manufacturers, Farbenfabriken vorm.Friedr. Bayer and Company) is one of those telescoped names like Socony, Nylic, Fominco, Alco, Ropeco, Ripans, Penn-Yan, Anzac, Dagor, Dora and Cadets, which will be the despair of future philologers.
This photograph was taken in the barking room of the big pulp mill of the Great Northern Paper Company at Millinocket, Maine
This is now made into a large variety of useful articles of which a few examples are here pictured
Soluble cellulose may enable us in time to dispense with the weaver as well as the silkworm.It may by one operation give us fabrics instead of threads.A machine has been invented for manufacturing net and lace, the liquid material being poured on one side of a roller and the fabric being reeled off on the other side.The process seems capable of indefinite extension and application to various sorts of woven, knit and reticulated goods.The raw material is cotton waste and the finished fabric is a good substitute for silk.As in the process of making artificial silk the cellulose is dissolved in a cupro-ammoniacal solution, but instead of being forced out through minute openings to form threads, as in that process, the paste is allowed to flow upon a revolving cylinder which is engraved with the pattern of the desired textile.A scraper removes the excess and the turning of the cylinder brings the paste in the engraved lines down into a bath which solidifies it.
Tulle or net is now what is chiefly being turned out, but the engraved design may be as elaborate and artistic as desired, and various materials can be used.Since the threads wherever they cross are united, the fabric is naturally stronger than the ordinary.It is all of a piece and not composed of parts.In short, we seem to be on the eve of a revolution in textiles that is the same as that taking place in building materials.Our concrete structures, however great, are all one stone.They are not built up out of blocks, but cast as a whole.
Lace has always been the aristocrat among textiles. It has maintained its exclusiveness hitherto by being based upon hand labor.In no other way could one get so much painful, patient toil put into such a light and portable form.A filmy thing twined about a neck or dropping from a wrist represented years of work by poor peasant girls or pallid, unpaid nuns.A visit to a lace factory, even to the public rooms where the wornout women were not to be seen, is enough to make one resolve never to purchase any such thing made by hand again.But our good resolutions do not last long and in time we forget the strained eyes and bowed backs, or, what is worse, value our bit of lace all the more because it means that some poor woman has put her life and health into it, netting and weaving, purling and knotting, twining and twisting, throwing and drawing, thread by thread, day after day, until her eyes can no longer see and her fingers have become stiffened.
But man is not naturally cruel.He does not really enjoy being a slave driver, either of human or animal slaves, although he can be hardened to it with shocking ease if there seems no other way of getting what he wants.So he usually welcomes that Great Liberator, the Machine.He prefers to drive the tireless engine than to whip the straining horses.He had rather see the farmer riding at ease in a mowing machine than bending his back over a scythe.
The Machine is not only the Great Liberator, it is the Great Leveler also.It is the most powerful of the forces for democracy.An aristocracy can hardly be maintained except by distinction in dress, and distinction in dress can only be maintained by sumptuary laws or costliness.Sumptuary laws are unconstitutional in this country, hence the stress laid upon costliness. But machinery tends to bring styles and fabrics within the reach of all. The shopgirl is almost as well dressed on the street as her rich customer. The man who buys ready-made clothing is only a few weeks behind the vanguard of the fashion. There is often no difference perceptible to the ordinary eye between cheap and high-priced clothing once the price tag is off. Jewels as a portable form of concentrated costliness have been in favor from the earliest ages, but now they are losing their factitious value through the advance of invention. Rubies of unprecedented size, not imitation, but genuine rubies, can now be manufactured at reasonable rates. And now we may hope that lace may soon be within the reach of all, not merely lace of the established forms, but new and more varied and intricate and beautiful designs, such as the imagination has been able to conceive, but the hand cannot execute.
Dissolving nitrocellulose in ether and alcohol we get the collodion varnish that we are all familiar with since we have used it on our cut fingers. Spread it on cloth instead of your skin and it makes a very good leather substitute. As we all know to our cost the number of animals to be skinned has not increased so rapidly in recent years as the number of feet to be shod. After having gone barefoot for a million years or so the majority of mankind have decided to wear shoes and this change in fashion comes at a time, roughly speaking, when pasture land is getting scarce. Also there are books to be bound and other new things to be done for which leather is needed. The war has intensified the stringency; so has feminine fashion. The conventions require that the shoe-tops extend nearly to skirt-bottom and this means that an inch or so must be added to the shoe-top every year.Consequent to this rise in leather we have to pay as much for one shoe as we used to pay for a pair.
Here, then, is a chance for Necessity to exercise her maternal function.And she has responded nobly.A progeny of new substances have been brought forth and, what is most encouraging to see, they are no longer trying to worm their way into favor as surreptitious surrogates under the names of "leatheret," "leatherine," "leatheroid" and "leather-this-or-that" but come out boldly under names of their own coinage and declare themselves not an imitation, not even a substitute, but "better than leather."This policy has had the curious result of compelling the cowhide men to take full pages in the magazines to call attention to the forgotten virtues of good old-fashioned sole-leather!There are now upon the market synthetic shoes that a vegetarian could wear with a clear conscience.The soles are made of some rubber composition; the uppers of cellulose fabric (canvas) coated with a cellulose solution such as I have described.
Each firm keeps its own process for such substance a dead secret, but without prying into these we can learn enough to satisfy our legitimate curiosity. The first of the artificial fabrics was the old-fashioned and still indispensable oil-cloth, that is canvas painted or printed with linseed oil carrying the desired pigments. Linseed oil belongs to the class of compounds that the chemist calls "unsaturated" and the psychologist would call "unsatisfied." They take up oxygen from the air and become solid, hence are called the "drying oils," although this does not mean that they lose water, for they have not any to lose.Later, ground cork was mixed with the linseed oil and then it went by its Latin name, "linoleum."
The next step was to cut loose altogether from the natural oils and use for the varnish a solution of some of the cellulose esters, usually the nitrate (pyroxylin or guncotton), more rarely the acetate.As a solvent the ether-alcohol mixture forming collodion was, as we have seen, the first to be employed, but now various other solvents are in use, among them castor oil, methyl alcohol, acetone, and the acetates of amyl or ethyl.Some of these will be recognized as belonging to the fruit essences that we considered in Chapter V, and doubtless most of us have perceived an odor as of over-ripe pears, bananas or apples mysteriously emanating from a newly lacquered radiator.With powdered bronze, imitation gold, aluminum or something of the kind a metallic finish can be put on any surface.
Canvas coated or impregnated with such soluble cellulose gives us new flexible and durable fabrics that have other advantages over leather besides being cheaper and more abundant. Without such material for curtains and cushions the automobile business would have been sorely hampered. It promises to provide us with a book binding that will not crumble to powder in the course of twenty years. Linen collars may be water-proofed and possibly Dame Fashion—being a fickle lady—may some day relent and let us wear such sanitary and economical neckwear. For shoes, purses, belts and the like the cellulose varnish or veneer is usually colored and stamped to resemble the grain of any kind of leather desired, even snake or alligator.
If instead of dissolving the cellulose nitrate and spreading it on fabric we combine it with camphor we get celluloid, a plastic solid capable of innumerable applications.But that is another story and must be reserved for the next chapter.
But before leaving the subject of cellulose proper I must refer back again to its chief source, wood. We inherited from the Indians a well-wooded continent. But the pioneer carried an ax on his shoulder and began using it immediately. For three hundred years the trees have been cut down faster than they could grow, first to clear the land, next for fuel, then for lumber and lastly for paper. Consequently we are within sight of a shortage of wood as we are of coal and oil. But the coal and oil are irrecoverable while the wood may be regrown, though it would require another three hundred years and more to grow some of the trees we have cut down. For fuel a pound of coal is about equal to two pounds of wood, and a pound of gasoline to three pounds of wood in heating value, so there would be a great loss in efficiency and economy if the world had to go back to a wood basis. But when that time shall come, as, of course, it must come some time, the wood will doubtless not be burned in its natural state but will be converted into hydrogen and carbon monoxide in a gas producer or will be distilled in closed ovens giving charcoal and gas and saving the by-products, the tar and acid liquors. As it is now the lumberman wastes two-thirds of every tree he cuts down. The rest is left in the forest as stump and tops or thrown out at the mill as sawdust and slabs.The slabs and other scraps may be used as fuel or worked up into small wood articles like laths and clothes-pins.The sawdust is burned or left to rot.But it is possible, although it may not be profitable, to save all this waste.
In a former chapter I showed the advantages of the introduction of by-product coke-ovens.The same principle applies to wood as to coal.If a cord of wood (128 cubic feet) is subjected to a process of destructive distillation it yields about 50 bushels of charcoal, 11,500 cubic feet of gas, 25 gallons of tar, 10 gallons of crude wood alcohol and 200 pounds of crude acetate of lime.Resinous woods such as pine and fir distilled with steam give turpentine and rosin.The acetate of lime gives acetic acid and acetone.The wood (methyl) alcohol is almost as useful as grain (ethyl) alcohol in arts and industry and has the advantage of killing off those who drink it promptly instead of slowly.
The chemist is an economical soul.He is never content until he has converted every kind of waste product into some kind of profitable by-product.He now has his glittering eye fixed upon the mountains of sawdust that pile up about the lumber mills.He also has a notion that he can beat lumber for some purposes.
In the last chapter I told how Alfred Nobel cut his finger and, daubing it over with collodion, was led to the discovery of high explosive, dynamite. I remarked that the first part of this process—the hurting and the healing of the finger—might happen to anybody but not everybody would be led to discovery thereby. That is true enough, but we must not think that the Swedish chemist was the only observant man in the world. About this same time a young man in Albany, named John Wesley Hyatt, got a sore finger and resorted to the same remedy and was led to as great a discovery. His father was a blacksmith and his education was confined to what he could get at the seminary of Eddytown, New York, before he was sixteen. At that age he set out for the West to make his fortune. He made it, but after a long, hard struggle. His trade of typesetter gave him a living in Illinois, New York or wherever he wanted to go, but he was not content with his wages or his hours. However, he did not strike to reduce his hours or increase his wages. On the contrary, he increased his working time and used it to increase his income. He spent his nights and Sundays in making billiard balls, not at all the sort of thing you would expect of a young man of his Christian name. But working with billiard balls is more profitable than playing with them—though that is not the sort of thing you would expect a man of my surname to say.Hyatt had seen in the papers an offer of a prize of $10,000 for the discovery of a satisfactory substitute for ivory in the making of billiard balls and he set out to get that prize.I don't know whether he ever got it or not, but I have in my hand a newly published circular announcing that Mr. Hyatt has now perfected a process for making billiard balls "better than ivory."Meantime he has turned out several hundred other inventions, many of them much more useful and profitable, but I imagine that he takes less satisfaction in any of them than he does in having solved the problem that he undertook fifty years ago.
The reason for the prize was that the game on the billiard table was getting more popular and the game in the African jungle was getting scarcer, especially elephants having tusks more than 2-7/16 inches in diameter.The raising of elephants is not an industry that promises as quick returns as raising chickens or Belgian hares.To make a ball having exactly the weight, color and resiliency to which billiard players have become accustomed seemed an impossibility.Hyatt tried compressed wood, but while he did not succeed in making billiard balls he did build up a profitable business in stamped checkers and dominoes.
Setting type in the way they did it in the sixties was hard on the hands. And if the skin got worn thin or broken the dirty lead type were liable to infect the fingers. One day in 1863 Hyatt, finding his fingers were getting raw, went to the cupboard where was kept the "liquid cuticle" used by the printers. But when he got there he found it was bare, for the vial had tipped over—you know how easily they tip over—and the collodion had run out and solidified on the shelf.Possibly Hyatt was annoyed, but if so he did not waste time raging around the office to find out who tipped over that bottle.Instead he pulled off from the wood a bit of the dried film as big as his thumb nail and examined it with that "'satiable curtiosity," as Kipling calls it, which is characteristic of the born inventor.He found it tough and elastic and it occurred to him that it might be worth $10,000.It turned out to be worth many times that.
Collodion, as I have explained in previous chapters, is a solution in ether and alcohol of guncotton (otherwise known as pyroxylin or nitrocellulose), which is made by the action of nitric acid on cotton.Hyatt tried mixing the collodion with ivory powder, also using it to cover balls of the necessary weight and solidity, but they did not work very well and besides were explosive.A Colorado saloon keeper wrote in to complain that one of the billiard players had touched a ball with a lighted cigar, which set it off and every man in the room had drawn his gun.
The trouble with the dissolved guncotton was that it could not be molded. It did not swell up and set; it merely dried up and shrunk. When the solvent evaporated it left a wrinkled, shriveled, horny film, satisfactory to the surgeon but not to the man who wanted to make balls and hairpins and knife handles out of it. In England Alexander Parkes began working on the problem in 1855 and stuck to it for ten years before he, or rather his backers, gave up. He tried mixing in various things to stiffen up the pyroxylin.Of these, camphor, which he tried in 1865, worked the best, but since he used castor oil to soften the mass articles made of "parkesine" did not hold up in all weathers.
Another Englishman, Daniel Spill, an associate of Parkes, took up the problem where he had dropped it and turned out a better product, "xylonite," though still sticking to the idea that castor oil was necessary to get the two solids, the guncotton and the camphor, together.
But Hyatt, hearing that camphor could be used and not knowing enough about what others had done to follow their false trails, simply mixed his camphor and guncotton together without any solvent and put the mixture in a hot press. The two solids dissolved one another and when the press was opened there was a clear, solid, homogeneous block of—what he named—"celluloid." The problem was solved and in the simplest imaginable way. Tissue paper, that is, cellulose, is treated with nitric acid in the presence of sulfuric acid. The nitration is not carried so far as to produce the guncotton used in explosives but only far enough to make a soluble nitrocellulose or pyroxylin. This is pulped and mixed with half the quantity of camphor, pressed into cakes and dried. If this mixture is put into steam-heated molds and subjected to hydraulic pressure it takes any desired form. The process remains essentially the same as was worked out by the Hyatt brothers in the factory they set up in Newark in 1872 and some of their original machines are still in use. But this protean plastic takes innumerable forms and almost as many names. Each factory has its own secrets and lays claim to peculiar merits.The fundamental product itself is not patented, so trade names are copyrighted to protect the product.I have already mentioned three, "parkesine," "xylonite" and "celluloid," and I may add, without exhausting the list of species belonging to this genus, "viscoloid," "lithoxyl," "fiberloid," "coraline," "eburite," "pulveroid," "ivorine," "pergamoid," "duroid," "ivortus," "crystalloid," "transparene," "litnoid," "petroid," "pasbosene," "cellonite" and "pyralin."
Celluloid can be given any color or colors by mixing in aniline dyes or metallic pigments.The color may be confined to the surface or to the interior or pervade the whole.If the nitrated tissue paper is bleached the celluloid is transparent or colorless.In that case it is necessary to add an antacid such as urea to prevent its getting yellow or opaque.To make it opaque and less inflammable oxides or chlorides of zinc, aluminum, magnesium, etc., are mixed in.
Without going into the question of their variations and relative merits we may consider the advantages of the pyroxylin plastics in general. Here we have a new substance, the product of the creative genius of man, and therefore adaptable to his needs. It is hard but light, tough but elastic, easily made and tolerably cheap. Heated to the boiling point of water it becomes soft and flexible. It can be turned, carved, ground, polished, bent, pressed, stamped, molded or blown. To make a block of any desired size simply pile up the sheets and put them in a hot press. To get sheets of any desired thickness, simply shave them off the block. To make a tube of any desired size, shape or thickness squirt out the mixture through a ring-shaped hole or roll the sheets around a hot bar.Cut the tube into sections and you have rings to be shaped and stamped into box bodies or napkin rings.Print words or pictures on a celluloid sheet, put a thin transparent sheet over it and weld them together, then you have something like the horn book of our ancestors, but better.
Nowadays such things as celluloid and pyralin can be sold under their own name, but in the early days the artificial plastics, like every new thing, had to resort to camouflage, a very humiliating expedient since in some cases they were better than the material they were forced to imitate.Tortoise shell, for instance, cracks, splits and twists, but a "tortoise shell" comb of celluloid looks as well and lasts better.Horn articles are limited to size of the ceratinous appendages that can be borne on the animal's head, but an imitation of horn can be made of any thickness by wrapping celluloid sheets about a cone.Ivory, which also has a laminated structure, may be imitated by rolling together alternate white opaque and colorless translucent sheets.Some of the sheets are wrinkled in order to produce the knots and irregularities of the grain of natural ivory.Man's chief difficulty in all such work is to imitate the imperfections of nature.His whites are too white, his surfaces are too smooth, his shapes are too regular, his products are too pure.
The precious red coral of the Mediterranean can be perfectly imitated by taking a cast of a coral branch and filling in the mold with celluloid of the same color and hardness. The clear luster of amber, the dead black of ebony, the cloudiness of onyx, the opalescence of alabaster, the glow of carnelian—once confined to the selfish enjoyment of the rich—are now within the reach of every one, thanks to this chameleon material. Mosaics may be multiplied indefinitely by laying together sheets and sticks of celluloid, suitably cut and colored to make up the picture, fusing the mass, and then shaving off thin layers from the end. That chef d'œuvre of the Venetian glass makers, the Battle of Isus, from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, can be reproduced as fast as the machine can shave them off the block. And the tesserae do not fall out like those you bought on the Rialto.
The process thus does for mosaics, ivory and coral what printing does for pictures.It is a mechanical multiplier and only by such means can we ever attain to a state of democratic luxury.The product, in cases where the imitation is accurate, is equally valuable except to those who delight in thinking that coral insects, Italian craftsmen and elephants have been laboring for years to put a trinket into their hands.The Lord may be trusted to deal with such selfish souls according to their deserts.
But it is very low praise for a synthetic product that it can pass itself off, more or less acceptably, as a natural product. If that is all we could do without it. It must be an improvement in some respects on anything to be found in nature or it does not represent a real advance. So celluloid and its congeners are not confined to the shapes of shell and coral and crystal, or to the grain of ivory and wood and horn, the colors of amber and amethyst and lapis lazuli, but can be given forms and textures and tints that were never known before 1869.
Let me see now, have I mentioned all the uses of celluloid?Oh, no, there are handles for canes, umbrellas, mirrors and brushes, knives, whistles, toys, blown animals, card cases, chains, charms, brooches, badges, bracelets, rings, book bindings, hairpins, campaign buttons, cuff and collar buttons, cuffs, collars and dickies, tags, cups, knobs, paper cutters, picture frames, chessmen, pool balls, ping pong balls, piano keys, dental plates, masks for disfigured faces, penholders, eyeglass frames, goggles, playing cards—and you can carry on the list as far as you like.
Celluloid has its disadvantages.You may mold, you may color the stuff as you will, the scent of the camphor will cling around it still.This is not usually objectionable except where the celluloid is trying to pass itself off for something else, in which case it deserves no sympathy.It is attacked and dissolved by hot acids and alkalies.It softens up when heated, which is handy in shaping it though not so desirable afterward.But the worst of its failings is its combustibility.It is not explosive, but it takes fire from a flame and burns furiously with clouds of black smoke.
But celluloid is only one of many plastic substances that have been introduced to the present generation. A new and important group of them is now being opened up, the so-called "condensation products." If you will take down any old volume of chemical research you will find occasionally words to this effect: "The reaction resulted in nothing but an insoluble resin which was not further investigated."Such a passage would be marked with a tear if chemists were given to crying over their failures.For it is the epitaph of a buried hope.It likely meant the loss of months of labor.The reason the chemist did not do anything further with the gummy stuff that stuck up his test tube was because he did not know what to do with it.It could not be dissolved, it could not be crystallized, it could not be distilled, therefore it could not be purified, analyzed and identified.
What had happened was in most cases this.The molecule of the compound that the chemist was trying to make had combined with others of its kind to form a molecule too big to be managed by such means.Financiers call the process a "merger."Chemists call it "polymerization."The resin was a molecular trust, indissoluble, uncontrollable and contaminating everything it touched.
But chemists—like governments—have learned wisdom in recent years.They have not yet discovered in all cases how to undo the process of polymerization, or, if you prefer the financial phrase, how to unscramble the eggs.But they have found that these molecular mergers are very useful things in their way.For instance there is a liquid known as isoprene (C5H8).This on heating or standing turns into a gum, that is nothing less than rubber, which is some multiple of C5H8
For another instance there is formaldehyde, an acrid smelling gas, used as a disinfectant.This has the simplest possible formula for a carbohydrate, CH2O. But in the leaf of a plant this molecule multiplies itself by six and turns into a sweet solid glucose (C6H12O6), or with the loss of water into starch (C6H10O5) or cellulose (C6H10O5).
But formaldehyde is so insatiate that it not only combines with itself but seizes upon other substances, particularly those having an acquisitive nature like its own. Such a substance is carbolic acid (phenol) which, as we all know, is used as a disinfectant like formaldehyde because it, too, has the power of attacking decomposable organic matter. Now Prof. Adolf von Baeyer discovered in 1872 that when phenol and formaldehyde were brought into contact they seized upon one another and formed a combine of unusual tenacity, that is, a resin. But as I have said, chemists in those days were shy of resins. Kleeberg in 1891 tried to make something out of it and W. H. Story in 1895 went so far as to name the product "resinite," but nothing came of it until 1909 when L. H. Baekeland undertook a serious and systematic study of this reaction in New York. Baekeland was a Belgian chemist, born at Ghent in 1863 and professor at Bruges. While a student at Ghent he took up photography as a hobby and began to work on the problem of doing away with the dark-room by producing a printing paper that could be developed under ordinary light. When he came over to America in 1889 he brought his idea with him and four years later turned out "Velox," with which doubtless the reader is familiar. Velox was never patented because, as Dr. Baekeland explained in his speech of acceptance of the Perkin medal from the chemists of America, lawsuits are too expensive. Manufacturers seem to be coming generally to the opinion that a synthetic name copyrighted as a trademark affords better protection than a patent.
Later Dr. Baekeland turned his attention to the phenol condensation products, working gradually up from test tubes to ton vats according to his motto: "Make your mistakes on a small scale and your profits on a large scale."He found that when equal weights of phenol and formaldehyde were mixed and warmed in the presence of an alkaline catalytic agent the solution separated into two layers, the upper aqueous and the lower a resinous precipitate.This resin was soft, viscous and soluble in alcohol or acetone.But if it was heated under pressure it changed into another and a new kind of resin that was hard, inelastic, unplastic, infusible and insoluble.The chemical name of this product is "polymerized oxybenzyl methylene glycol anhydride," but nobody calls it that, not even chemists.It is called "Bakelite" after its inventor.
The two stages in its preparation are convenient in many ways. For instance, porous wood may be soaked in the soft resin and then by heat and pressure it is changed to the bakelite form and the wood comes out with a hard finish that may be given the brilliant polish of Japanese lacquer. Paper, cardboard, cloth, wood pulp, sawdust, asbestos and the like may be impregnated with the resin, producing tough and hard material suitable for various purposes. Brass work painted with it and then baked at 300° F. acquires a lacquered surface that is unaffected by soap. Forced in powder or sheet form into molds under a pressure of 1200 to 2000 pounds to the square inch it takes the most delicate impressions. Billiard balls of bakelite are claimed to be better than ivory because, having no grain, they do not swell unequally with heat and humidity and so lose their sphericity.Pipestems and beads of bakelite have the clear brilliancy of amber and greater strength.Fountain pens made of it are transparent so you can see how much ink you have left.A new and enlarging field for bakelite and allied products is the making of noiseless gears for automobiles and other machinery, also of air-plane propellers.
Celluloid is more plastic and elastic than bakelite.It is therefore more easily worked in sheets and small objects.Celluloid can be made perfectly transparent and colorless while bakelite is confined to the range between a clear amber and an opaque brown or black.On the other hand bakelite has the advantage in being tasteless, odorless, inert, insoluble and non-inflammable.This last quality and its high electrical resistance give bakelite its chief field of usefulness.Electricity was discovered by the Greeks, who found that amber (electron) when rubbed would pick up straws.This means simply that amber, like all such resinous substances, natural or artificial, is a non-conductor or di-electric and does not carry off and scatter the electricity collected on the surface by the friction.Bakelite is used in its liquid form for impregnating coils to keep the wires from shortcircuiting and in its solid form for commutators, magnetos, switch blocks, distributors, and all sorts of electrical apparatus for automobiles, telephones, wireless telegraphy, electric lighting, etc.
Bakelite, however, is only one of an indefinite number of such condensation products. As Baeyer said long ago: "It seems that all the aldehydes will, under suitable circumstances, unite with the aromatic hydrocarbons to form resins."So instead of phenol, other coal tar products such as cresol, naphthol or benzene itself may be used.The carbon links (-CH2-, methylene) necessary to hook these carbon rings together may be obtained from other substances than the aldehydes, for instance from the amines, or ammonia derivatives.Three chemists, L.V.Kedman, A.J.Weith and F.P.Broek, working in 1910 on the Industrial Fellowships of the late Robert Kennedy Duncan at the University of Kansas, developed a process using formin instead of formaldehyde.Formin—or, if you insist upon its full name, hexa-methylene-tetramine—is a sugar-like substance with a fish-like smell.This mixed with crystallized carbolic acid and slightly warmed melts to a golden liquid that sets on pouring into molds.It is still plastic and can be bent into any desired shape, but on further heating it becomes hard without the need of pressure.Ammonia is given off in this process instead of water which is the by-product in the case of formaldehyde.The product is similar to bakelite, exactly how similar is a question that the courts will have to decide.The inventors threatened to call it Phenyl-endeka-saligeno-saligenin, but, rightly fearing that this would interfere with its salability, they have named it "redmanol."
A phenolic condensation product closely related to bakelite and redmanol is condensite, the invention of Jonas Walter Aylesworth. Aylesworth was trained in what he referred to as "the greatest university of the world, the Edison laboratory." He entered this university at the age of nineteen at a salary of $3 a week, but Edison soon found that he had in his new boy an assistant who could stand being shut up in the laboratory working day and night as long as he could.After nine years of close association with Edison he set up a little laboratory in his own back yard to work out new plastics.He found that by acting on naphthalene—the moth-ball stuff—with chlorine he got a series of useful products called "halowaxes."The lower chlorinated products are oils, which may be used for impregnating paper or soft wood, making it non-inflammable and impregnable to water.If four atoms of chlorine enter the naphthalene molecule the product is a hard wax that rings like a metal.
Condensite is anhydrous and infusible, and like its rivals finds its chief employment in the insulation parts of electrical apparatus.The records of the Edison phonograph are made of it.So are the buttons of our blue-jackets.The Government at the outbreak of the war ordered 40,000 goggles in condensite frames to protect the eyes of our gunners from the glare and acid fumes.
The various synthetics played an important part in the war. According to an ancient military pun the endurance of soldiers depends upon the strength of their soles. The new compound rubber soles were found useful in our army and the Germans attribute their success in making a little leather go a long way during the late war to the use of a new synthetic tanning material known as "neradol." There are various forms of this. Some are phenolic condensation products of formaldehyde like those we have been considering, but some use coal-tar compounds having no phenol groups, such as naphthalene sulfonic acid.These are now being made in England under such names as "paradol," "cresyntan" and "syntan."They have the advantage of the natural tannins such as bark in that they are of known strength and can be varied to suit.
This very grasping compound, formaldehyde, will attack almost anything, even molecules many times its size.Gelatinous and albuminous substances of all sorts are solidified by it.Glue, skimmed milk, blood, eggs, yeast, brewer's slops, may by this magic agent be rescued from waste and reappear in our buttons, hairpins, roofing, phonographs, shoes or shoe-polish.The French have made great use of casein hardened by formaldehyde into what is known as "galalith" (i.e., milkstone).This is harder than celluloid and non-inflammable, but has the disadvantages of being more brittle and of absorbing moisture.A mixture of casein and celluloid has something of the merits of both.
The Japanese, as we should expect, are using the juice of the soy bean, familiar as a condiment to all who patronize chop-sueys or use Worcestershire sauce.The soy glucine coagulated by formalin gives a plastic said to be better and cheaper than celluloid.Its inventor, S.Sato, of Sendai University, has named it, according to American precedent, "Satolite," and has organized a million-dollar Satolite Company at Mukojima.
The algin extracted from the Pacific kelp can be used as a rubber surrogate for water-proofing cloth. When combined with heavier alkaline bases it forms a tough and elastic substance that can be rolled into transparent sheets like celluloid or turned into buttons and knife handles.
In Australia when the war shut off the supply of tin the Government commission appointed to devise means of preserving fruits recommended the use of cardboard containers varnished with "magramite."This is a name the Australians coined for synthetic resin made from phenol and formaldehyde like bakelite.Magramite dissolved in alcohol is painted on the cardboard cans and when these are stoved the coating becomes insoluble.
Tarasoff has made a series of condensation products from phenol and formaldehyde with the addition of sulfonated oils.These are formed by the action of sulfuric acid on coconut, castor, cottonseed or mineral oils.The products of this combination are white plastics, opaque, insoluble and infusible.
Since I am here chiefly concerned with "Creative Chemistry," that is, with the art of making substances not found in nature, I have not spoken of shellac, asphaltum, rosin, ozocerite and the innumerable gums, resins and waxes, animal, mineral and vegetable, that are used either by themselves or in combination with the synthetics.What particular "dope" or "mud" is used to coat a canvas or form a telephone receiver is often hard to find out.The manufacturer finds secrecy safer than the patent office and the chemist of a rival establishment is apt to be baffled in his attempt to analyze and imitate.But we of the outside world are not concerned with this, though we are interested in the manifold applications of these new materials.
There seems to be no limit to these compounds and every week the journals report new processes and patents.But we must not allow the new ones to crowd out the remembrance of the oldest and most famous of the synthetic plasters, hard rubber, to which a separate chapter must be devoted.
There is one law that regulates all animate and inanimate things.It is formulated in various ways, for instance:
Running down a hill is easy. In Latin it reads, facilis descensus Averni. Herbert Spencer calls it the dissolution of definite coherent heterogeneity into indefinite incoherent homogeneity. Mother Goose expresses it in the fable of Humpty Dumpty, and the business man extracts the moral as, "You can't unscramble an egg." The theologian calls it the dogma of natural depravity. The physicist calls it the second law of thermodynamics. Clausius formulates it as "The entropy of the world tends toward a maximum." It is easier to smash up than to build up. Children find that this is true of their toys; the Bolsheviki have found that it is true of a civilization. So, too, the chemist knows analysis is easier than synthesis and that creative chemistry is the highest branch of his art.
This explains why chemists discovered how to take rubber apart over sixty years before they could find out how to put it together.The first is easy.Just put some raw rubber into a retort and heat it.If you can stand the odor you will observe the caoutchouc decomposing and a benzine-like liquid distilling over. This is called "isoprene." Any Freshman chemist could write the reaction for this operation. It is simply
C10H16 → 2C5H8
caoutchouc isoprene
That is, one molecule of the gum splits up into two molecules of the liquid.It is just as easy to write the reaction in the reverse directions, as 2 isoprene→ 1 caoutchouc, but nobody could make it go in that direction.Yet it could be done.It had been done.But the man who did it did not know how he did it and could not do it again.Professor Tilden in May, 1892, read a paper before the Birmingham Philosophical Society in which he said:
I was surprised a few weeks ago at finding the contents of the bottles containing isoprene from turpentine entirely changed in appearance.In place of a limpid, colorless liquid the bottles contained a dense syrup in which were floating several large masses of a yellowish color.Upon examination this turned out to be India rubber.
But neither Professor Tilden nor any one else could repeat this accidental metamorphosis.It was tantalizing, for the world was willing to pay $2,000,000,000 a year for rubber and the forests of the Amazon and Congo were failing to meet the demand.A large share of these millions would have gone to any chemist who could find out how to make synthetic rubber and make it cheaply enough.With such a reward of fame and fortune the competition among chemists was intense.It took the form of an international contest in which England and Germany were neck and neck.
The English, who had been beaten by the Germans in the dye business where they had the start, were determined not to lose in this.Prof. W.H.Perkin, of Manchester University, was one of the most eager, for he was inspired by a personal grudge against the Germans as well as by patriotism and scientific zeal.It was his father who had, fifty years before, discovered mauve, the first of the anilin dyes, but England could not hold the business and its rich rewards went over to Germany.So in 1909 a corps of chemists set to work under Professor Perkin in the Manchester laboratories to solve the problem of synthetic rubber.What reagent could be found that would reverse the reaction and convert the liquid isoprene into the solid rubber?It was discovered, by accident, we may say, but it should be understood that such advantageous accidents happen only to those who are working for them and know how to utilize them.In July, 1910, Dr. Matthews, who had charge of the research, set some isoprene to drying over metallic sodium, a common laboratory method of freeing a liquid from the last traces of water.In September he found that the flask was filled with a solid mass of real rubber instead of the volatile colorless liquid he had put into it.
Twenty years before the discovery would have been useless, for sodium was then a rare and costly metal, a little of it in a sealed glass tube being passed around the chemistry class once a year as a curiosity, or a tiny bit cut off and dropped in water to see what a fuss it made. But nowadays metallic sodium is cheaply produced by the aid of electricity. The difficulty lay rather in the cost of the raw material, isoprene. In industrial chemistry it is not sufficient that a thing can be made; it must be made to pay. Isoprene could be obtained from turpentine, but this was too expensive and limited in supply. It would merely mean the destruction of pine forests instead of rubber forests. Starch was finally decided upon as the best material, since this can be obtained for about a cent a pound from potatoes, corn and many other sources. Here, however, the chemist came to the end of his rope and had to call the bacteriologist to his aid. The splitting of the starch molecule is too big a job for man; only the lower organisms, the yeast plant, for example, know enough to do that. Owing perhaps to the entente cordiale a French biologist was called into the combination, Professor Fernbach, of the Pasteur Institute, and after eighteen months' hard work he discovered a process of fermentation by which a large amount of fusel oil can be obtained from any starchy stuff. Hitherto the aim in fermentation and distillation had been to obtain as small a proportion of fusel as possible, for fusel oil is a mixture of the heavier alcohols, all of them more poisonous and malodorous than common alcohol. But here, as has often happened in the history of industrial chemistry, the by-product turned out to be more valuable than the product. From fusel oil by the use of chlorine isoprene can be prepared, so the chain was complete.
But meanwhile the Germans had been making equal progress. In 1905 Prof. Karl Harries, of Berlin, found out the name of the caoutchouc molecule. This discovery was to the chemists what the architect's plan of a house is to the builder. They knew then what they were trying to construct and could go about their task intelligently.
Mark Twain said that he could understand something about how astronomers could measure the distance of the planets, calculate their weights and so forth, but he never could see how they could find out their names even with the largest telescopes.This is a joke in astronomy but it is not in chemistry.For when the chemist finds out the structure of a compound he gives it a name which means that.The stuff came to be called "caoutchouc," because that was the way the Spaniards of Columbus's time caught the Indian word "cahuchu."When Dr. Priestley called it "India rubber" he told merely where it came from and what it was good for.But when Harries named it "1-5-dimethyl-cyclo-octadien-1-5" any chemist could draw a picture of it and give a guess as to how it could be made.Even a person without any knowledge of chemistry can get the main point of it by merely looking at this diagram: