Chinese cook book
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Is This Book for You?
To the person who is a thousand miles from a Chinese Restaurant.To he or she who would appreciate the opportunity and consider it a matter of pride to be able by a little practice in the art of an unknown science, to treat their friends, and themselves, to some of these remarkably delicious, fascinating, toothsome dishes.
To the man, out in the woods, in camp, on shipboard, at the club, who feels that the connecting link to unalloyed happiness would be a good big dish of Chop Suey.To the persons who are fond of Chinese dishes, but unable to eat them with the same relish in a Chinese Restaurant as they could at home.
To the woman who hears hubby talk about the dandy feed he had at the Chinese Restaurant, and who would welcome the chance to be able to treat him with the surprise of his life.
To these people I open the door to the secrets of Chinese cookery, giving them the methods herein used by the greatest Chinese Chefs in the world.By supplying you with the imported Chinese flavoring sauces and vegetables I make it possible for you to cook these foods in the ONLY GENUINE WAY.
To these people I respectfully dedicate this little book, with the hope that now and then my efforts may be appreciated by the fellow in the woods, or the lady who loves to cook (and eat Chop Suey.)
The Chinese flavoring sauces and vegetables called for in these recipes can be purchased from the publisher of this book.An illustrated catalogue containing prices and descriptions of the various imported ingredients will be sent FREE for the asking.