China and the Manchus
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That one day I should come again."
More a revolutionary than ever, he soon set to work to collect funds which flowed in freely from Chinese sources in all quarters of the world.At last, in September 1911, the train was fired, beginning with the province of Ssŭch'uan, and within an incredibly short space of time, half China was ablaze.By the middle of October the Manchus were beginning to feel that a great crisis was at hand, and the Regent was driven to recall Yüan Shih-kʽai, whom he had summarily dismissed from office two years before, on the conventional plea that Yüan was suffering from a bad leg, but really out of revenge for his treachery to the late Emperor, which had brought about the latter's arrest and practical deposition by the old Empress Dowager in 1898.
To this summons Yüan slily replied that he could not possibly leave home just then, as his leg was not yet well enough for him to be able to travel, meaning, of course, to gain time, and be in a position to dictate his own terms. On the 30th October, when it was already too late, the baby Emperor, reigning under the year-title Hsüan Tʽung (wide control), published the following edict:—
"I have reigned for three years, and have always acted conscientiously in the interests of the people, but I have not employed men properly, not having political skill.I have employed too many nobles in political positions, which contravenes constitutionalism.On railway matters someone whom I trusted fooled me, and thus public opinion was opposed.When I urged reform, the officials and gentry seized the opportunity to embezzle.When old laws are abolished, high officials serve their own ends.Much of the people's money has been taken, but nothing to benefit the people has been achieved.On several occasions edicts have promulgated laws, but none of them have been obeyed.People are grumbling, yet I do not know; disasters loom ahead, but I do not see.
"The Ssŭch'uan trouble first occurred; the Wu-chʽang rebellion followed; now alarming reports come from Shansi and Hunan.In Canton and Kiangsi riots appear.The whole empire is seething.The minds of the people are perturbed.The spirits of our nine late emperors are unable properly to enjoy sacrifices, while it is feared the people will suffer grievously.
"All these are my own fault, and hereby I announce to the world that I swear to reform, and, with our soldiers and people, to carry out the constitution faithfully, modifying legislation, developing the interests of the people, and abolishing their hardships—all in accordance with the wishes and interests of the people.Old laws that are unsuitable will be abolished."
Nowhere else in the world is the belief that Fortune has a wheel which in the long run never fails to "turn and lower the proud," so prevalent or so deeply-rooted as in China."To prosperity," says the adage, "must succeed decay,"—a favourite theme around which the novelist delights to weave his romance.This may perhaps account for the tame resistance of the Manchus to what they recognized as the inevitable.They had enjoyed a good span of power, quite as lengthy as that of any dynasty of modern times, and now they felt that their hour had struck.To borrow another phrase, "they had come in with the roar of a tiger, to disappear like the tail of a snake."
On November 3, certain regulations were issued by the National Assembly as the necessary basis upon which a constitution could be raised.The absolute veto of the Emperor was now withdrawn, and it was expressly stated that Imperial decrees were not to over-ride the law, though even here we find the addition of "except in the event of immediate necessity."The first clause of this document was confined to the following prophetic statement: "The Ta Chʽing dynasty shall reign for ever."
On November 8, Yüan Shih-kʽai was appointed Prime Minister, and on December 3, the new Empress Dowager issued an edict, in which she said:
"The Regent has verbally memorialized the Empress Dowager, saying that he has held the Regency for three years, and his administration has been unpopular, and that constitutional government has not been consummated. Thus complications arose, and people's hearts were broken, and the country thrown into a state of turmoil. Hence one man's mismanagement has caused the nation to suffer miserably. He regrets his repentance is already too late, and feels that if he continues in power his commands will soon be disregarded. He wept and prayed to resign the regency, expressing the earnest intention of abstaining in the future from politics. I, the Empress Dowager, living within the palace, am ignorant of the state of affairs but I know that rebellion exists and fighting is continuing, causing disasters everywhere, while the commerce of friendly nations suffers. I must enquire into the circumstances and find a remedy. The Regent is honest, though ambitious and unskilled in politics. Being misled, he has harmed the people, and therefore his resignation is accepted. The Regent's seal is cancelled. Let the Regent receive fifty thousand taels annually from the Imperial household allowances, and hereafter the Premier and the Cabinet will control appointments and administration. Edicts are to be sealed with the Emperor's seal. I will lead the Emperor to conduct audiences. The guardianship of the holy person of the Emperor, who is of tender age, is a special responsibility. As the time is critical, the princes and nobles must observe the Ministers, who have undertaken a great responsibility, and be loyal and help the country and people, who now must realize that the Court does not object to the surrender of the power vested in the throne. Let the people preserve order and continue business, and thus prevent the country's disruption and restore prosperity."
On January 1, 1912, Sun Yat-sen entered the republican capital, Nanking, and received a salute of twenty-one guns.He assumed the presidency of the provisional government, swearing allegiance, and taking an oath to dethrone the Manchus, restore peace, and establish a government based upon the people's will.These objects accomplished, he was prepared to resign his office, thus enabling the people to elect a president of a united China.The first act of the provisional government was to proclaim a new calendar forthwith, January 1 becoming the New Year's Day of the republic.
On January 5 was issued the following republican manifesto:—
"To all friendly nations,—Greeting. Hitherto irremediable suppression of the individual qualities and the national aspirations of the people having arrested the intellectual, moral, and material development of China, the aid of revolution was invoked to extirpate the primary cause. We now proclaim the consequent overthrow of the despotic sway of the Manchu dynasty, and the establishment of a republic. The substitution of a republic for a monarchy is not the fruit of transient passion, but the natural outcome of a long-cherished desire for freedom, contentment, and advancement. We Chinese people, peaceful and law-abiding, have not waged war except in self-defence. We have borne our grievance for two hundred and sixty-seven years with patience and forbearance. We have endeavoured by peaceful means to redress our wrongs, secure liberty, and ensure progress; but we failed. Oppressed beyond human endurance, we deemed it our inalienable right, as well as a sacred duty, to appeal to arms to deliver ourselves and our posterity from the yoke to which we have for so long been subjected. For the first time in history an inglorious bondage is transformed into inspiring freedom. The policy of the Manchus has been one of unequivocal seclusion and unyielding tyranny. Beneath it we have bitterly suffered. Now we submit to the free peoples of the world the reasons justifying the revolution and the inauguration of the present government. Prior to the usurpation of the throne by the Manchus the land was open to foreign intercourse, and religious tolerance existed, as is shown by the writings of Marco Polo and the inscription on the Nestorian tablet at Hsi-an Fu. Dominated by ignorance and selfishness, the Manchus closed the land to the outer world, and plunged the Chinese into a state of benighted mentality calculated to operate inversely to their natural talents, thus committing a crime against humanity and the civilized nations which it is almost impossible to expiate. Actuated by a desire for the perpetual subjugation of the Chinese, and a vicious craving for aggrandizement and wealth, the Manchus have governed the country to the lasting injury and detriment of the people, creating privileges and monopolies, erecting about themselves barriers of exclusion, national custom, and personal conduct, which have been rigorously maintained for centuries. They have levied irregular and hurtful taxes without the consent of the people, and have restricted foreign trade to treaty ports. They have placed the likin embargo on merchandise, obstructed internal commerce, retarded the creation of industrial enterprises, rendered impossible the development of natural resources, denied a regular system of impartial administration of justice, and inflicted cruel punishment on persons charged with offences, whether innocent or guilty. They have connived at official corruption, sold offices to the highest bidder, subordinated merit to influence, rejected the most reasonable demands for better government, and reluctantly conceded so-called reforms under the most urgent pressure, promising without any intention of fulfilling. They have failed to appreciate the anguish-causing lessons taught them by foreign Powers, and in process of years have brought themselves and our people beneath the contempt of the world. A remedy of these evils will render possible the entrance of China into the family of nations. We have fought and have formed a government. Lest our good intentions should be misunderstood, we publicly and unreservedly declare the following to be our promises:—
"The treaties entered into by the Manchus before the date of the revolution, will be continually effective to the time of their termination.Any and all treaties entered into after the commencement of the revolution will be repudiated.Foreign loans and indemnities incurred by the Manchus before the revolution will be acknowledged.Payments made by loans incurred by the Manchus after its commencement will be repudiated.Concessions granted to nations and their nationals before the revolution will be respected.Any and all granted after it will be repudiated.The persons and property of foreign nationals within the jurisdiction of the republic will be respected and protected.It will be our constant aim and firm endeavour to build on a stable and enduring foundation a national structure compatible with the potentialities of our long-neglected country.We shall strive to elevate the people to secure peace and to legislate for prosperity.Manchus who abide peacefully in the limits of our jurisdiction will be accorded equality, and given protection.
"We will remodel the laws, revise the civil, criminal, commercial, and mining codes, reform the finances, abolish restrictions on trade and commerce, and ensure religious toleration and the cultivation of better relations with foreign peoples and governments than have ever been maintained before.It is our earnest hope that those foreign nations who have been steadfast in their sympathy will bind more firmly the bonds of friendship between us, and will bear in patience with us the period of trial confronting us and our reconstruction work, and will aid the consummation of the far-reaching plans, which we are about to undertake, and which they have long vainly been urging upon our people and our country.
"With this message of peace and good-will the republic cherishes the hope of being admitted into the family of nations, not merely to share its rights and privileges, but to co-operate in the great and noble task of building up the civilization of the world.
"Sun Yat-sen, President."
The next step was to displace the three-cornered Dragon flag, itself of quite modern origin, in favour of a new republican emblem.For this purpose was designed a flag of five stripes,—yellow, red, blue, white, black,—arranged at right angles to the flagstaff in the above order, and intended to represent the five races—Chinese, Manchus, Mongols, Tibetan, Mussulmans—gathered together under one rule.
On February 12, three important edicts were issued. In the first, the baby-emperor renounces the throne, and approves the establishment of a provisional republican government, under the direction of Yüan Shih-kʽai, in conjunction with the existing provisional government at Nanking. In the second, approval is given to the terms under which the emperor retires, the chief item of which was an annual grant of four million taelsOther more sentimental privileges included the retention of a bodyguard, and the continuance of sacrifices to the spirits of the departed Manchu emperors.In the third, the people are exhorted to preserve order and abide by the Imperial will regarding the new form of government.
Simultaneously with the publication of these edicts, the last scene of the drama was enacted near Nanking, at the mausoleum of the first sovereign of the Ming dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644). Sun Yat-sen, as provisional first president, accompanied by his Cabinet and a numerous escort, proceeded thither, and after offering sacrifice as usual, addressed, through a secretary, the following oration to the tablet representing the names of that great hero:—
"Of old the Sung dynasty became effete, and the Kitan Tartars and Yüan dynasty Mongols seized the occasion to throw this domain of China into confusion, to the fierce indignation of gods and men.It was then that your Majesty, our founder, arose in your wrath from obscurity, and destroyed those monsters of iniquity, so that the ancient glory was won again.In twelve years you consolidated the Imperial sway, and the dominions of the Great Yü were purged of pollution and cleansed from the noisome Tartar.Often in history has our noble Chinese race been enslaved by petty frontier barbarians from the north.Never have such glorious triumphs been won over them as your Majesty achieved.But your descendants were degenerate, and failed to carry on your glorious heritage; they entrusted the reins of government to bad men, and pursued a short-sighted policy.In this way they encouraged the ambitions of the eastern Tartar savages (Manchus), and fostered the growth of their power.They were thus able to take advantage of the presence of rebels to invade and possess themselves of your sacred capital.From a bad eminence of glory basely won, they lorded it over this most holy soil, and our beloved China's rivers and hills were defiled by their corrupting touch, while the people fell victims to the headsman's axe or the avenging sword.Although worthy patriots and faithful subjects of your dynasty crossed the mountain ranges into Canton and the far south, in the hope of redeeming the glorious Ming tradition from utter ruin, and of prolonging a thread of the old dynasty's life, although men gladly perished one after the other in the forlorn attempt, heaven's wrath remained unappeased, and mortal designs failed to achieve success.A brief and melancholy page was added to the history of your dynasty, and that was all.
"As time went on, the law became ever harsher, and the meshes of its inexorable net grew closer.Alas for our Chinese people, who crouched in corners and listened with startled ears, deprived of power of utterance, and with tongues glued to their mouths, for their lives were past saving.Those others usurped titles to fictitious clemency and justice, while prostituting the sacred doctrines of the sages: whom they affected to honour.They stifled public opinion in the empire in order to force acquiescence in their tyranny.The Manchu despotism became so thorough and so embracing that they were enabled to prolong their dynasty's existence by cunning wiles.In Yung Chêng's reign the Hunanese Chang Hsi and Tsêng Ching preached sedition against the dynasty in their native province, while in Chia Chʽing's reign the palace conspiracy of Lin Ching dismayed that monarch in his capital.These events were followed by rebellions in Ssŭ-ch'uan and Shensi; under Tao Kuang and his successor the Tʽai-pʽings started their campaign from a remote Kuangsi village.Although these worthy causes were destined to ultimate defeat, the gradual trend of the national will became manifest.At last our own era dawned, the sun of freedom had risen, and a sense of the rights of the race animated men's minds.In addition the Manchu bandits could not even protect themselves.Powerful foes encroached upon the territory of China, and the dynasty parted with our sacred soil to enrich neighbouring nations.The Chinese race of to-day may be degenerate, but it is descended from mighty men of old.How should it endure that the spirits of the great dead should be insulted by the everlasting visitation of this scourge?
"Then did patriots arise like a whirlwind, or like a cloud which is suddenly manifested in the firmament.They began with the Canton insurrection; then Peking was alarmed by Wu Yüeh's bomb (1905).A year later Hsü Hsi-lin fired his bullet into the vitals of the Manchu robber-chief, En Ming, Governor of Anhui.Hsiung Chêng-chi raised the standard of liberty on the Yang-tsze's banks; rising followed rising all over the empire, until the secret plot against the Regent was discovered, and the abortive insurrection in Canton startled the capital.One failure followed another, but other brave men took the place of the heroes who died, and the empire was born again to life.The bandit Manchu court was shaken with pallid terror, until the cicada threw off its shell in a glorious regeneration, and the present crowning triumph was achieved.The patriotic crusade started in Wu-chʽang; the four corners of the empire responded to the call.Coast regions nobly followed in their wake, and the Yang-tsze was won back by our armies.The region south of the Yellow River was lost to the Manchus, and the north manifested its sympathy with our cause.An earthquake shook the barbarian court of Peking, and it was smitten with a paralysis.To-day it has at last restored the government to the Chinese people, and the five races of China may dwell together in peace and mutual trust.Let us joyfully give thanks.How could we have attained this measure of victory had not your Majesty's soul in heaven bestowed upon us your protecting influence?I have heard say that triumphs of Tartar savages over our China were destined never to last longer than a hundred years.But the reign of these Manchus endured unto double, ay, unto treble, that period.Yet Providence knows the appointed hour, and the moment comes at last.We are initiating the example to Eastern Asia of a republican form of government; success comes early or late to those who strive, but the good are surely rewarded in the end.Why then should we repine to-day that victory has tarried long?
"I have heard that in the past many would-be deliverers of their country have ascended this lofty mound wherein is your sepulchre.It has served to them as a holy inspiration.As they looked down upon the surrounding rivers and upward to the hills, under an alien sway, they wept in the bitterness of their hearts, but to-day their sorrow is turned into joy.The spiritual influences of your grave at Nanking have come once more into their own.The dragon crouches in majesty as of old, and the tiger surveys his domain and his ancient capital.Everywhere a beautiful repose doth reign.Your legions line the approaches to the sepulchre; a noble host stands expectant.Your people have come here to-day to inform your Majesty of the final victory.May this lofty shrine wherein you rest gain fresh lustre from to-day's event, and may your example inspire your descendants in the times which are to come.Spirit!Accept this offering!"
We are told by an eye-witness, Dr Lim Boon-keng, that when this ceremony was over, Sun Yat-sen turned to address the assembly."He was speechless with emotion for a minute; then he briefly declared how, after two hundred and sixty years, the nation had again recovered her freedom; and now that the curse of Manchu domination was removed, the free peoples of a united republic could pursue their rightful aspirations.Three cheers for the president were now called for, and the appeal was responded to vigorously.The cheering was taken up by the crowds below, and then carried miles away by the thousands of troops, to mingle with the booming of distant guns."
The I yü kuo chih (costumes of strange nations). Circa 1380.
The Tung hua lu (a history of the Manchus down to A.D. 1735). 1765.
The Shêng wu chi (a history of the earlier wars under the Manchu dynasty). 1822.
A History of China, by Rev.J.Macgowan, 1897.
A History of the Manchus, by Rev.J.Ross, 1880.
The Chinese Repository.
The Chinese and their Rebellions, by T.T.Meadows, 1856.
Pamphlets issued by the Tʽai-pʽings, 1850-1864.
The Times, 1911-12.
The London and China Telegraph, 1911-12.
Abkhai, 18, 20;
death of, 19
Aisin Gioro, 118
Akutêng, 4;
death of, 6
Alabaster, Mr, 93
Albazin, 42
Amherst, Lord, 66
Amiot, Père, 42
Amoy, 42;
taken, 77
Amur, River, 17;
as boundary, 42
Amursana, 55
Ancestral worship, 44
An-chʽing, 86
Andijani, 100
Anglo-French expedition, 93;
the second, 94
Annam, 58
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 33
Arabtan, 43
Archery, 37
"Arrow" case, the, 92
Artillery, 17
Assemblies, national and provincial, 122
Athalik Ghazi, 100
Audience, the first, 103
Badakshan, 43
Bannermen, 37
Banzai, 15
Baschpa, 11
Baturu, 88
"Blood thicker than water," 95
Bogue Forts taken, 77
Bokhara, Ameer of, 100
Boxers, the, 115
British fleet arrives, 76
"Brother of Christ," the, 82
Burgevine, 89
Burlingame mission, the, 102
Burma, 32, 56
"Button," the, 29
Cagliostro, 66
Calendar, the, 43;
European adopted, 129
Camoens, 73
Cantlie, Dr, 124
Canton, riot at, 75;
foreign houses burnt at, 93;
captured, 93
Cantonese serve on British men-of-war, 78
Catalogue of Imperial Library, 59
Catholic missionaries, 33;
rank accorded to, 114
Census, the, 48
Chapu taken, 77
Chi Hsiang, 98
Chia Ching, 61
Chia Chʽing, 61;
attacked in streets of Peking, 64;
died, 68
Chʽien Lung, 54;
pictures of his victories, 55;
abdicates, 59
Chihli, 3
Chin dynasty, 4
China proper, 41
"China's sorrow," 47
Chinese language, death for teaching to foreigners, 71
Chinkiang taken, 77;
captured by Tʽai-pʽings, 85
Chʽing (or Great Pure) dynasty, 20;
established, 28
Chino-Japanese war, 110
Christianity, 44;
oppressed, 52;
forbidden, 54;
opposed, 112
Chʽung-hou, 101;
condemned to death, 101;
letter of apology to France, 103
Chusan occupied, 77
Cochin-China, 58
Co-hong system, 66
Coinage debased, 86
Concordance, Kʽang Hsi's, 50
Concubine thrown down well, 117
Confucian Classics, 59
Confucius, tomb of, 46
Constantine of China, the, 32
Court, flight of the, 116
Cycle, Chinese, 51
Dalai Lama, the, 33, 43
Davis, Sir J. , 67
De Quincey, 57
Divine Justice Society, 64
Dominicans, 45
"Dummy Documents," 122
Dungans, 57
Dutch, the, embassy, 33;
in Formosa, 35
Dwarf-nation, the, 109
Dynastic Histories, 59
Earthquake, 53
East India Company, 42, 67;
policy of, 71
Edict, against missionaries, 45;
for slaughter of all foreigners, 116;
nullification of, 116;
by baby Emperor, 125
Eighteen provinces, 41
Eleuths, 55
Elgin, Lord, 93, 94
Elliot, Captain, 74;
retires to Hongkong, 76
Emperor, Chinese, carried off, 6
Empress, suspicious death of, 106
Empress, Eastern, 98;
death of, 109
Empress, Western, see Empress Dowager
Empress Dowager, coups d'état, 98, 113;
plot to get rid of, 113;
flees, 116;
death of, 121
Encyclopædia, Kʽang Hsi's, 50
Eunuchs, 14; army of, 15;
restrictions on, 29;
oppression by, 63
Ever Victorious Army, 89
Ever-White Mountains, 1
Examinations, established, 20;
in poetical skill, 47;
system, 112;
to be changed, 118
Extra-territoriality, 79, 114
Feudatory princes, 29, 40;
no more Chinese, 41
Flag, the Dragon, 133;
the republican, 134;
of truce, violated, 95
Formosa, 34, 56;
ceded to Japan, 41, 42;
Japanese land on, 105;
republic in, 111
Fournier, Captain, 109
France, and Tongking, 109
Franciscans, 45
Galdan, 43
Galdan II. , 55
Gao-tchan, 57
Genghis Khan, 7
German priests murdered, 111
Ginseng, 19
Gioros, 118
God, the term for, 46
Golden Dragon, the, 70
Golden dynasty, 5
Gordon, Major, 89;
resigns, 90;
resumes command, 90
Grand Canal, the, 47
Great Mogul, 33
Great Wall, the, 17
Gros, Baron, 93
Gurkhas, 58
Han-lin College, presents address, 30
Hangchow, 6, 31, 47
Harashar, 57
Hassan, prince, 104
Heaven and Earth Society, 65
Heavenly city, the, 84
Heavenly dynasty, the, 83
Heavenly king, the, 83;
death of, 91
Heilungchiang, 8
Hingking, 10
Hongkong, ceded, 77
Hoppo, the, 119
Hsi Tsung, 14
Hsien Fêng, 80, 81;
death of, 96
Hsiung-nu, 11
Hsü Ching-chʽêng, executed, 117
Hsüan Tʽung, deposed, 134;
allowance of four million taels, 134
Hung Hsiu-chʽüan, 81
Hung League, 65
Huns, 11
Ili, 55
Immorality of foreigners, 108
Intermarriage prohibited, 37;
proposed between Manchus and Chinese, 117
Iquon, 34
Japan, 8;
and Korea, 110;
war with China, 110
Japanese, 104
Jehangir, 69
Jehol, 58;
Emperor flees to, 96, 115
Jesuits, 45, 52; make maps, 56
Kʽai-fêng, 2;
siege of, 22
Kalmucks, 43;
the trek of the, 56
Kʽang Hsi, 40;
leads army, 43;
as traveller, 46;
and literature, 49;
family troubles of, 50;
death of, 51
Kʽang Yu-wei, 113
Kashgaria, 56, 69;
Ameer of, 100
Khalkas, 43
Khokand, 43
Kiaochow, seized by Germany, 111
Kien Long, 54
Kin dynasty, 4
Kirin, 8
Kitans, 1
Koffler, A. , S. J. , 32
Kokonor, rebellion in, 53
Korea, 3;
conquest of, 19;
and Japan, 110
Kotow, the, 67
Koxinga, 34;
canonized, 35
Kuan-tung, 8
Kuang Hsü, 106, 107;
married, 109;
informally deposed, 113;
death of, 121
Kublai Khan, 7, 47
Kueichow, etc., aborigines of, 53
Kuldja, 56;
annexed by Russia, 100;
regained by Marquis Tsêng, 101
Kung, Prince, 96;
his coup d'état, 116;
joint regent with Empresses Dowager, 98
Kuo Sung-tao, 108
Laos tribes, 4
Lexicon, Kʽang Hsi's, 49
Lhasa, 43
Li Chin-chung, 14
Li Hung-chang, 89;
treachery of, 90;
wounded by assassin, 110
Li Tzŭ-chʽêng, 21;
loses an eye, 22;
defeated, 26;
death of, 26
Liao dynasty, 2, 4
Liao-tung, 8
Liao-yang, 17
Likin, 87
Lim Boon-keng, Dr, 139
Lin, Commissioner, 75;
destroys opium, 75;
cashiered, 76;
further career of, 84;
death of, 85
Loch, Mr, captured, 95
Long-haired rebels, 84
Loo-choo islands, 104
Macao, 73;
occupied by Portuguese, 73
Macartney, Lord, 58
Magalhaens, 53
Mahometans, 43;
discontented, 100;
crushed by Tso Tsung-tʽang, 101
Mahometanism, tolerated, 112
Man born good, 86
Manchuria, 8
Manchus, the, origin of, 1;
etymology of name, 8;
their script, 10;
name as a title, 12;
archers, 17;
religion of, 20, 112;
established as a dynasty, 29;
garrisons, 36;
language spoken at court, 49;
literature, 49;
bravery of soldiers, 77;
England and the dynasty, 91;
they monopolize fat posts, 110;
to travel, young, 113;
standard of education of, 118;
indictment of rule of, 130
Miao-tzŭ, the, 54;
how pacified, 70
Mings, the, dynasty of, 8;
Emperor commits suicide, 24;
attempts to restore, 31, 32;
the Tombs, 47 (also under Kʽang Hsi);
dynastic history of, 53
Mongolia, conquest of, 19
Mongols, the, 7;
derivations of name, 7;
recognize Manchu supremacy, 21
Morrison, Dr R. , 67;
his dictionary, 71;
his Bible, 72
Mukden, 8; capture of, 16
Nanking, 6;
treaty of, 79;
captured by Tʽai-pʽings, 84;
captured from Tʽai-pʽings, 91
Nan-yang, 32
Napier, Lord, 72;
his death, 73
Napoleon, his opinion, 67
National Assembly, 127
Nepal, 56
Nestorians, the, 11;
Tablet, 44
Nien-fei, 99
"Nine Thousand Years," 15
Ningpo, taken, 77
Ning-yüan, siege of, 17
Nurhachu, 9; death of, 18
Nü-chêns, 1
Nü-chih, 5
Oath, written in blood, 18;
a forced, 94
Ogotai, 7
"Old Buddha," 135
One-eyed rebel, 24
Opaochi, 2
Opium, prohibited, 74;
smuggled 74;
smoking of prohibited, 120;
exception to include Empress Dowager, 120
Ouigours, 11
Palmerston, Lord, 76
Panshen Erdeni, 58
Panthays, the, 103
Parkes, Mr, 92;
captured, 95
Peacock's feather, 29
Peking, 2, 5;
attack on, 19;
captured, 24;
surrendered, 96
Penal Code, the, 37
ʽPhagspa, 11
Pope, the, and ancestral worship, 45
Population, 48, 55
Port Arthur, captured by Japanese, 110;
"leased" to Russia, 111
Ports, five opened to trade, 79
Portuguese mission, 53
Pottinger, Sir Henry, 77
Provinces, number of, 41
Ptolemaic system, 44
Quelpart, 8
Queue, the, 17;
strictly enforced, 31;
Tʽai-pʽings cut off the, 83
Railway, the Woosung, 108
Railways, ordered by edict, 111
Reform, edicts, 111;
Empress Dowager pretends to favour, 117;
constitutional, 122;
again promised, 127
Regent, the, resigns, 127
Republic, the, authorized by Manchus, 134
"Revolt of the Tartars," 57
Revolution, the, 122
Ricci, 44
Russia, embassy from, 33;
fear of, 73;
war with Japan and its influence, 119
"Sam Collinson," 96
Schaal, Adam, 17, 43
Schlegel, Dr, 66
Secret Societies, 61, 65;
their lodges, 66
Sêng-ko-lin-sin, defeated, 96
Shan States, 54
Shanghai, taken, 77
Shêngking, 8
Shimonoseki, treaty of, 110
Shun, dynasty, 22
Shun Chih, 29;
death of, 33
Siege of the Legations, 115
"Slave" and "servant," 37
"Slay" changed to "protect," 117
Society of God, the, 82
Soochow, burnt by Imperialists, 87;
capitulated, 90
Stanton, Sir George, 67
Su-shên tribe, the, 1
Succession violated, rule of, 106
Suleiman, sultan, 103
Summer palace, 67;
burnt, 96;
built on plan of Trianon, 97
Sun Yat-sen, 123;
kidnapped in London, 123;
enters Nanking, 129;
elected first President, 129;
manifesto by, 129;
visits tomb of first Ming Emperor, 134;
announces fall of Manchus, 135
Sungari, river, 3
Sungaria, 43
Sungs, dynasty of, 2;
Southern, 6
Syriac, 11
Tʽai-pʽings, the dynasty, 83;
manifesto, 83;
successes, 84;
advance on Peking, 85;
slaughter of princes, 90;
last prince and king murdered, 91;
end of rebellion, 91
Tʽai-shan, ascent of by Kʽang Hsi, 46
Tʽai Tsu, 18
Tʽai Tsung, 20
Taku, forts taken, 94;
repulse at, 95;
captured, 95
Ta-li, 103;
treacherously surrendered, 104
Tan-lo, 8
Tao Kuang, 69;
death of, 80
Tartar general, 36
Tashilumbo, 58
Tatnell, Commander, 95
Tea, 39;
mentioned by Pepys, 39;
export from Foochow, 39
Tibet, 43, 56, 58
Tientsin, reached, 76;
Treaty of, 94;
ratification refused, 94;
ratified, 97;
massacre, 102
Timour, 57
Tobacco prohibited, 20
Tongking and France, 109
Torture of prisoners, 96
Trade, European, 71
Treaty with Russia, 42
Triad Society, 65
Trimetrical Classic, 86
Tsai Tsê's mission, Duke, 119
Tsêng Kuo-fan, 86
Tsêng, the Marquis, 101
Tsitsihar, 8
Tso Tsung-tʽang, 89;
his campaign in Central Asia, 101
Tu Wên-hsiu, 103;
death of, 104
Tʽung Chih, 98;
married, 103;
died, 106
Turguts, 56
Turkestan, 43, 57
Twist Rebels, 99
Types, movable, 50
Unicorn appears, 15
University for Peking, 112
Verbiest, 44
Viceroy, the, 36
Ward, and his troops, 89;
death of and shrine to, 89
Wei Chung-hsien, 14
Wei-hai-wei, captured by Japanese, 110;
"leased" to England, 111
Western Empress, 98
White Feather Society, 64
White Lily Society, 61
Wo-jen, his wish, 123
Wu-chʽang, 27
Wu Kʽo-tu, 107
Wu San-kuei, 21, 23;
joins the Manchus, 26;
his conditions, 28;
his rebellion, 40;
death of, 41
Ya-kʽo-sa, 42
Yakoob Beg, 100;
assassinated, 101
Yang-tsze, the, 6
Yeh, Governor, 92;
captured and exiled, 93
Yellow girdles, 118
Yellow riding jacket, 88;
given to Gordon, 91
Yellow river, 2;
changes its bed, 47
Young China party, 123;
plot to seize Canton, 123
Yüan Chʽang, executed, 117
Yüan-ming-yüan, 96
Yüan Shih-kʽai, 124;
appointed Prime Minister, 127
Yung Chêng, 52;
his hostility to missionaries, 53;
his death and character, 53