A New, Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Portuguese Language

A New, Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Portuguese Language
Author: Franz Ahn
Pages: 181,808 Pages
Audio Length: 2 hr 31 min
Languages: en


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Learn a foreign language as you learned your mother-tongue.” It is the way that nature herself follows, it is the same which the mother points out in speaking to her child, repeating to it a hundred times the same words, combining them imperceptibly and succeeding in this way in making it speak the same language she speaks. To learn in this manner is no longer a study, it is an amusement. This is in a few words the Method which Prof. Ahn has so successfully adopted in his continental Grammars.

The Editor of this Grammar has followed the rational System, which has already procured for Prof. Ahn a European reputation, and he has adopted it for the Study of the Portuguese Language. He is greatly indebted to the excellent Grammars by Bösche, Müller, etc., which he has used for the ground work of this Grammar and it is hoped that its simplicity and utility will procure for it that favour, which the German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Dutch and Latin Grammars of Prof. Ahn have already found in the Colleges and Schools of England.

The Editor.

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