A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary / For the Use of Students
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a prep. [= on] on, at, in, to, for
ā I. (āwa, ō) adv. always, ever, at all, continuously, for ever, Æ, AO, CP. ā on ēcnisse; ā butan ende world without end: at any time: in any degree[ON. ei, ey]
II. f. = ǣ
ā- (unemphatic verbal prefix); I. orig. = forth, away, but as a rule only intensitive in meaning.
II. = on-
III. ym(b)-
IV. = ā (I.) in pronouns and participles, and gives a sense of indefiniteness.
V. = ǣ-
āǣlan = onǣlan
āǣðan = āīeðan
āb = ōweb
ābacan6 to bake, ÆH 2·2689
ābǣdan to compel, restrain, ward off: exact, take toll: force out, extract
ābæligan = ǣbylgan
ābǣran to disclose, bring to light, DD 41.
ābære (W 27424) = ǣbære
ābærnan = onbærnan
abal (Gen 500) = afol
ābannan7 to summon, convoke, command: announce, proclaim. ā. ūt call out, assemble, Chr[‘abanne’]
ābarian to lay bare, disclose
abbad, abbod, abbot == abbud
abbud (a, o) m. ‘abbot,’ BH, Chr; Æ.[L. abbatem]
abbuddōm m. abbatial jurisdiction, BH.
abbudesse f. abbess, Chr
abbudhād m. abbatial rank, dignity, LL.
abbudlēast f. lack of an abbot, BC 1·155´.
abbudrīce (o) n. abbey, abbacy, office or jurisdiction of an abbot (used even of a convent of nuns).
ābēatan7 to beat, strike, break to pieces, make to fall, Cr[‘abeat’]
ābēcēdē f. ABC, alphabet
ābedecian (eðe-) to get by begging or asking, Bo 7112
abedisse = abbudesse
ābēgan = ābȳgan
ābelgan3 to make angry, irritate, offend, Sol; Æ, AO, CP: hurt, distress: be angry with[‘abelgen’]
ābēodan2 to order, proclaim, bid, command, direct: summon, call out: announce, relate, declare, present, offer, AO; Æ. hǣl ā. to wish one good luck, greet, bid farewell to[‘abede’]
ābeofian = ābifian
ābēogan = ābūgan
ābeornan3 to take fire, PPs 10516
ābēowan (WW 21746) = ābȳwan
āberan4 to bear, carry: endure, suffer, Mt, Bo; Æ, CP: bear (a child), Æ: take away, remove: reveal: (refl.) restrain oneself: do without, NC 268.
ā-berd, -bered crafty, cunning
āberendlic bearable
ābernan (N) = ābeornan
āberstan3 to burst out, break out, Æ, CP: break away, escape. ūt ā. break out
ābeðecian = ābedecian
ābicgan = ābycgan
ābīdan1 to ‘abide,’ wait, remain, delay, remain behind, AO: survive: wait for, await, Æ: expect, Mt 113
ābiddan5 to ask for, request, require, demand, pray, pray to, pray for, Æ: get by asking, obtain, Æ, AO, CP: call out (an army).
ābifian (eo) to tremble, quake, shake
ābilgð, ābilhð = ǣbylgð
ābiran = āberan
ābiring = ābyrging
ābisg-, ābiseg- = ābysg-
ābītan1 to bite in pieces, tear to pieces, devour, gnaw, Æ, AO: taste, partake of, consume
ābit(e)rian to turn bitter, CP 34124: embitter
ābitt = ābit
ābītt = ābīt
The first edition gives “ābit” as a form of ābiddan, “ābīt” as a form of ābīdan or ābītan
āblācian to become pale, grow faint: become tarnished, CP 1352
āblǣcan to bleach, whiten, BJPs 509
āblǣcnes f. pallor, gloom, Lcd 1·294.
āblǣcung f. pallor, HGl 518.
āblǣst inspired, furious
āblāwan1 to blow, blow away, breathe upon, Æ: puff up, swell, Lcd 93b. [‘ablow’]
āblāw-nes, -ung f. inflation, Lcd
āblegned ulcerated, Lcd
āblendan to blind, put out the eyes of, Æ, CP: dazzle, deceive, delude, Æ[‘ablend’]
āblēred bare, uncovered, bald[blēre]
āblīcan1 to shine, glitter
āblicgan = āblycgan
āblignes = ǣbylgnes
āblindan to make blind, Bl 1514
āblindian = āblendan
āblinnan3 to cease, leave off, desist, Æ, AO, CP.
āblinnednes f. cessation, interruption, A 5·465.
āblinnendlīce indefatigably, HGl 42932
āblinnendnes = āblinnednes
āblisian (Æ) = āblysian
āblissian to make glad, please, GD 335n.
āblongen = ābolgen, pp. of ābelgan
āblycgan (i) to grow pale, Æ: make afraid
āblynnan = āblinnan
āblysian to blush
āblysung f. blushing, shame, RB 13311
ābodian to announce, proclaim, LkR 123
ābolgennes f. irritation, WW 23019
āborgian to be surety for, LL: (w. æt) borrow
āborian = ābarian
ābracian to engrave, emboss
ābrǣdan I. to spread out, dilate: stretch out, Æ.
II. bake, Lcd 44a.
ābraslian to crash, crackle, GD 23612
ābrēac pret. 3 sg. of ābrūcan
ābrēat pret. 3 sg. of ābrēotan
ābrecan4 to break, break to pieces, break down, conquer, capture, violate, destroy, Æ, AO, CP: break away from
ābrēdan3 to move quickly, draw, unsheath, wench, pull out, Mt: withdraw, take away, draw back, free from, Æ, AO. ūp ābroden drawn up, raised up: start up, awake[‘abraid’]
ābredwian to lay low, kill, B 2619.
ābrēgan to alarm, terrify
ābregdan = ābrēdan
ābrēotan2 to destroy, kill
ābrēotnes f. extermination, OET 182.
ābrēoðan2 (intr.) to fail, decay, deteriorate, perish, be destroyed, Ma; Æ. ābroðen (pp.) degenerate, reprobate, ÆGr. (tr. and wk.) destroy[v.‘brethe’]
ābrerd- = onbryrd-
ābroðennes f. baseness, cowardice, W.
ābrūcan3 to eat, A 11·117
ābryrd- = onbryrd-
ābrȳtan to destroy, EPs 369
ābūfan (= on-) adv. above, Chr 1090e
ābūgan2 (= on-) to bow, incline, bend, submit, do reverence, B, ChrL; Æ: swerve, turn (to or from), deviate, CP: withdraw, retire: be bent or turned, turn one’s self[‘abow’]
ābunden unimpeded
ābūrod not inhabited, TC 16228
ābūtan, -būten, -būton. I. prep. acc. on, about, around, on the outside, round about, CP, ChrL, Æ
II. adv. about, nearly, ChrC[= onbūtan; ‘about’]
ābycgan to buy, pay for, requite: redeem: perform, execute
ābyffan to mutter, WW 44724
ābȳgan (ē) to bend, deflect: subdue, bring low: convert
ābȳgendlic v. un-ā.
ābylg-, ābylig- = ǣbylg-
ā-byrgan, -byrian to taste, eat
ābyrging (-iri-) f. taste
ābysgian to busy, occupy, employ: engage in, undertake: take up, fill, GD.
ābysgung f. occupation: trouble
ābȳwan (ēo) to rub off, polish, cleanse, purify
ac I. conj. but: but also, moreover, nevertheless, however: because, for (?) : and (?) , An 569. ac gif unless, except, Bl 151. [Goth. ak]
II. interrog. particle, why, wherefore, whether: in direct questions = L. nonne, numquid
āc f. gds. and np. ǣc ‘oak,’ Æ, Ct, Lcd; Mdf: (‡) ship of oak: (w. nap. ācas) name of the rune for a[OHG. eih]
ācǣgan = ācīgan
ācǣglod ‘serratus,’ Nar 2026
ācænn- = ācenn-
ācærran = ācirran
ācalan6 to become frost-bitten, Lcd 2b.
acan6 to ‘ache,’ suffer pain, Æ
acas, acase f. (NG) = æcs
ācbēam m. oak-tree
accent m. accent[L.]
accutian ? = ācunnian
āccynn n. a kind of oak, WW 4306
ācdrenc m. oak drink, drink made from acorns?, WW.
ace = ece
ācealdian to become cold, Æ, CP[‘acold’]
ācēapian to buy off, buy out
ācēlan to cool off, still, quiet, Met[‘akele’]
ācelma = ǣcelma
ācen = ǣcen
ācennan to bring forth, produce, renew, Bo, WG; Æ: attribute to[‘akenne(d)’]
ācennedlic ‘genuinus,’ native, OEG.
ācennednes (WG; Æ), -cennes (CP, NG; AO) f. birth[‘akenn(ed)nes’]
ācennend m. parent, DR 19711
ācennicge f. mother, DR.
ācenning f. birth, Bk 16.
ācēocian (tr.) to choke: (intr.) burn out
ācēocung f. ‘ruminatio,’ WW 1792
āceorfan3 to cut off, hew down, AO, CP. onweg ā. to cut away. of ā. to cut off, AO.
ācēosan2 to choose, AO, CP.
acer = æcer
ācerr- = ācirr-
ācīgan to call, summon
ācirran (e, y) (tr.) to turn, turn away or aside: (intr.) turn oneself, go, return
ācirrednes v. onweg-ā.
ācl = ācol
āclǣc == āglǣc
āclǣnsian to cleanse, purify, Æ.
āclēaf n. oak leaf, Lcd
āclēofan2 to cleave, EC 35110
ācleopian to call out, WW 3785
+āclian † to frighten, excite[ācol]
āclungen contracted, WW 23937[clingan]
ācmelu n. acorn meal, Lcd
ācmistel f. mistletoe, Lcd
ācn- = ēacn-
ācnāwan1 to know, recognise, understand
ācnyssan to drive out, expel, SPs 3513
ācofrian to recover, Lcd[‘acover’]
ācol † affrighted, dismayed
ācōlian to grow cold, CP.
ācolitus m. acolyte, LL [L.].
ācolmōd † fearful minded, timid
+ācolmōdian to cast down, sadden, WW 20916[ācol]
ācordian to make terms, reconcile, Chr 1120.
ācorenlic eligible, worthy of choice, CP 40936
ācostnian to try, test, prove, CM, WW.
ācræftan to think out, devise, AO 4629
ācrammian to cram, WW 23610
ācrēopian to creep, crawl, Æ.
ācrimman3 (y) to cram, stuff, WW.
ācrind f. oak bark, Lcd
ācrummen pp. of ācrimman
acs = æx
ācs- = āsc-
acse = asce
āctān m. oak-twig, Lcd
āctrēo n. oak-tree, Wif 2836
ācucian (Æ) = ācwician
ācul = ācol
ācuma (Æ) = ācumba
ācuman4 to come, come forth (from), Æ: bear, bring: endure, withstand, Æ: get to or from, reach, Gen[‘acome’]
ācum-ba m. , -be fn. ‘oakum,’ hards, tow, Lcd, OEG, WW: ashes of oakum: parings, clippings[cemban]
ācumendlic tolerable, Æ: possible
ācumendlīcnes f. possibility
ācunnan (NG) = oncunnan
ācunnian to try, test, prove: experience, CP.
ācunnung f. experience, trial, GD.
ācusan to accuse, MtL 1210 [L.].
ācwacian to tremble
ācwæncan = ācwencan
ācweccan (tr.) to move, swing, shake, vibrate, Ma; Æ: (intr.) quiver, Æ.[‘aquetch’]
ācwelan4 to die, perish, Æ, AO, CP.
ācwellan to kill, destroy, JnL; Æ, AO, CP.[‘aquell’]
ācwellednes (eæ2) f. slaughter, EPs 4322
ācwencan to quench, extinguish, Mt; AO.[‘aquench’]
ācweorna m. squirrel, Gl[‘aquerne’]
ācweorran3 to guzzle, gorge, ELPs 7771
ācwern = ācweorna
ācwerren = ācworren pp. of ācweorran
ācweðan5 to say, speak out, declare, utter, express, answer, Gen: reject, banish, Gen 304. [‘acweath’]
ācwician (tr.) to quicken, vivify, Ps: (intr.) revive, BH[‘aquick’]
ācwīnan1 to dwindle away, disappear, go out (of fire), BH, LPs
ācwincan3 to vanish, be extinguished or eclipsed
ā-cwucian, -cwycian = ācwician
ācwudu m. an oak wood, KC 6·21819
ācwylan = ācwelan
ācwylman to kill, slay
ācwylmian to be tormented, W 2205
ācwyncan = ācwencan
ācynned = ācenned pp. of ācennan
ācyrr- = ācirr-
ācȳðan to show, proclaim, reveal, announce, confirm, prove
ād mn. heap, funeral pile, pyre: fire, flame[OHG. eit]
ādǣlan to divide, separate
ādēadian to fail, decay, mortify, become torpid or callous, Æ.
ādēafian to became deaf, WW 17925
ādēafung f. deafening, making deaf, Lcd[v.‘adeave’]
ādel I. = ādl.
II. = ādela
ādela m. mud, dirt, filth, filthy place, Æ[‘addle’]
ādelfan3 to delve, dig, excavate, Æ, AO, CP.
ādeliht filthy, WW.
ādelsēað m. sewer, sink, Æ.
ādēman to judge, try, deprive of or exclude from by a legal decision: try, afflict
ādeorcian to become dull, obscure, tarnished, CP: grow dark, W.
āderian to hurt, GD 21919
adesa m. , adese f. ‘adze,’ hatchet, BH, W
ādexe = āðexe
ād-faru f. ds. -fære way or path to the funeral pile, B 3010.
ādfini n. limit? ash-heap of a beacon?EC 3545
ādfȳr n. sacrificial fire, Ex 398.
+ādgian = +ēadgian
ādihtan to compose, write
ādihtian to regulate, arrange, order, CP.
ā-dīlegian, -dīl(i)gian (ȳ) to destroy, blot out, annihilate, devastate, CP.
ādimmian to become dim or dull, to darken, obscure, CP.
ādl fn. , ādle f. disease, infirmity, sickness, AO, CP.
ādlēg m. flame of the funeral pile, Ph 222.
±ādlian to be diseased or ill, languish, Æ: cause disease, DR.
ādlig sick, diseased, Æ.
ādliga m. sick person
ādliht = ādeliht
ādloma m. one crippled by fire, Gu 884. [lama?]
ādlsēoc sick of a contagious disease, ES 39·322.
ādl-ðracu ‡ f. gs. -ðræce force of disease
ādlung f. illness, ÆH 1·12231
ādlwērig weary from illness, Gu 981.
ādōn (for conj. v. dōn) to take away, send away: cast out, expel, destroy: (w. preps. to, on, from, etc.) put, place, take, remove, set free, AO, CP.
adosa = adesa
ādrǣdan = ondrǣdan
ādrǣfan to drive away, shut out, expel, AO, CP.[‘adreve’]
ādrǣnct = ādrenced pp. of ādrencan
ādragan6 to draw (sword), HL 15356
ādrēfan = ādrǣfan
adreminte f. feverfew
ādrencan to submerge, immerse, drown, AO.[‘adrench’]
ādrēogan2 to act, perform, do, practise, Æ: bear, suffer, endure, An; CP: pass time, live, Æ.[‘adree’]
ādrēogendlic bearable
ādrēohan = ādrēogan
ādrēopan2 to drip, drop, An
ādrēosan2 to fall to pieces, decline, vanish, fail
ādrīfan1 to drive, drive away, drive out, pursue, follow up, LL; Æ, AO, CP: stake out (a ford): chase (metal), Æ.[‘adrive’]
ādrīgan = ādrȳgan
ādrincan3 be drowned, extinguished, BH; AO.[‘adrink’]
ādrūgian, ādrūwian (Mt, Æ) to dry up[‘adroughe’]
ādrȳgan (ī) to become dry, dry up, wither, CP: dry, wipe dry
ādrysnan to extinguish, repress, NG.
adsa = adesa
adulsēað = adelsēað
ādumbian to become dumb, keep silence, Mk; Æ.[v.‘dumb’ vb.]
a-dūn, -dūna, -dūne adv. down, downward, Æ. [= ofdūne]
adūne(ā)stīgan to descend, CPs
adūnfeallan to fall down, EPs 14414
adūnweard adv. downwards, ChrL[‘a-downward’]
ādūstrigan = andūstrian
ādwǣscan (ē) to put out, quench, extinguish, blot out, destroy, AO: suppress, Æ, CP.
ā-dwelian to wander, stray
ādwellan, pret. 3 sg. -dwealde to seduce, lead astray: hinder, Æ.
ādwēscan = ādwǣscan
ādwīnan1 to dwindle or waste away
ādȳdan to destroy, mortify, kill, Æ[‘adeaden’]
ādȳfan to overpower with sound
ādylf = ādealf pret. of ādelfan
ādȳlgian, ādȳlegian = ādīlegian
ādymman = ādimmian
ādysgian to make foolish, W 18512
ǣ- accented verbal prefix, = (1) without; (2) ā-.
ǣ I. f. also ǣw f. (and m. or n.? in NG) law (divine or human), custom, covenant, AO, CP; WG, NG. butan ǣ outlaw: (esp. in pl.) rite, ceremony: faith, religion. unrihte ǣ false religion. Crīstes ǣ gospel: scriptures, revelation: marriage, Æ: (lawful) wifeFor some comps.v.ǣw-.[‘æ’]
II. = ēa I.
III. interj. oh! alas!
ǣa I. = ēa I.
II. gp. of ǣ
æal- = eal-
ǣalā interj. = ēalā
ǣar- = ēar-
āeargian to become remiss, AO 21220
ǣbǣre (ē LL) manifest, notorious, public, open, evident, clear[‘eber’]
āebbian to ebb away, recede, Chr
æbbung (= ebb-) f. ‘ebbing.’ sǣ æ. gulf, bay, WW 154
ǣbebod n. injunction of the law, command, PPs 118102
ǣbēc fp. books of the law, WW 43915
ǣbēre = ǣbǣre
ǣbesn = ǣfesn
ǣbilg-, -bili(g)- = ǣbylg-
ǣblǣc- = āblǣc-
ǣblǣce lustreless, pale, pallid
ǣbod m. business, Æ: statute
ǣboda m. messenger, preacher, Gu 909.
ǣbræce = ǣwbræce
ǣbreca = ǣwbreca
ǣbrecð f. sacrilege, LPs
ǣbrucol sacrilegious, GPH 402.
æbs f? fir-tree, Æ.[L. abies]
ǣbylg n. = ǣbylgð
ǣbylga m. anger, LPs 7749
±ǣbylgan, -byli(g)an to make angry, offend, Æ.
ǣbylgnes f. anger, offence, Æ.
ǣbylgð, -bylgðu f. anger, AO.
ǣbylig- = ǣbylg-
ǣ-bylð, -bylygð = ǣbylgð
ǣc I. f. = āc.
II. (N) = ēac
ǣcambe f. = ācumbe
ǣcan = īecan
æccyrn = æcern
æce = ece
ǣce = ēce
æced = eced
æcedwīn n. wine mingled with myrrh, MkL 1523
ǣcēlan = ācēlan
ǣcelma m. chilblain, OEG, WW.
ǣcelmehte (ecil-) having chilblains, OEG 1523.
ǣcen I. a wood of oaks
II. oaken, WW 27014
III. = ēacen pp. of ēacan
æcer nap. æcras m. field, sown land, cultivated land, Mt; Æ, AO, CP; Mdf: a certain quantity of land, ‘acre,’ Æ; v. LL 2·267: crop
æcerceorl m. countryman, farmer, NC 268.
æceren = æcern
æcerhege m. hedge of a field, KC 3·332
æcermǣlum by acres, KC 6·985
æcermann m. farmer, WW[‘acreman’]
æcern n. nut, mast of tree, Æ (i2): ‘acorn,’ WW.
æcernspranca m. ‘ilex,’ oak sapling? ÆGr 6915
æcersǣd n. seed enough for an acre? Chr 1124.
æcerteoðung f. tithe of the produce of the soil, W 31024
æcertȳning f. fencing, EC 3779
æcerweorc n. field-work, GPH 391.
æces = æx
æcest, æceð pres. 2 and 3 sg. of acan
ǣcilma = ǣcelma
æcirn = æcern
ǣclǣca = āglǣca
ǣclēaw = ǣglēaw
ǣcnōsle degenerate, not noble, WW.
+ǣcnōsliende degenerating, WW 21812
ǣcræft † m. knowledge of law or ordinances, religion
ǣcræftig learned in the law; as sb. = lawyer, scribe, Pharisee
æcras v. æcer
æcren = æcern
æcs f. ‘axe,’ pickaxe, hatchet, CP; Mt (æx).
æcst, æcð pres. 2 and 3 sg. of acan
ǣcumba = ācumba
æcur = æcer
æcyrf m. (wood-)choppings, BH 22415
æd (NG) = æt
æd- = ed-
ædderseax (WW) = ǣdreseax
æddre, ǣdr = ǣdre
ǣdre I. f. artery, vein, pulse, nerve, sinew, B; AO: pl. veins, kidneys: runlet of water, fountain, spring, stream[‘eddre’]
II. adv. at once, directly, instantly, quickly: (†) fully, entirely[OS. ādro]
ǣdreseax (der) n. lancet, WW 41010
ǣdreweg m. artery, vein
ǣdrīfan = ādrīfan
ædwist = edwist
æfæst = æfest
ǣfæst = ǣwfæst
æfdæll -dell (NG) = ofdæle
æfdȳne m. declivity, Gl
ǣfelle without skin, peeled, WW 19031
æfen = efen
ǣfen (ē) nm. ‘even,’ evening, eventide, B, MkL, Gu (ēfn). tō ǣfenes till evening: eve, RB
ǣfencollatio the ‘collatio’ read before compline, NC 268.
ǣfendrēam m. even-song, RB.
ǣfengebed n. evening service, WW 12934
ǣfengereord n. evening meal, supper (often used in pl. of one meal).
ǣfengereordian to sup, give supper to, CM 1030.
ǣfengereordung f. supper, NC 269.
ǣfengeweorc n. evening work, Lcd 70b.
ǣfen-giefl, -gifl n. evening repast, supper, AO, CP.
ǣfen-glōm, -glōma m. , -glōmung (omm-, eom-) f. gloaming, twilight
ǣfengrom fierce at eve, B 2074.
æfenian = æfnian
ǣfenlāc n. evening sacrifice, evening prayer, PPs 1403
ǣfenlǣcan to grow towards evening, Lk 2429
ǣfenlēoht n. evening light, B 403.
ǣfenleoð † n. evening song
ǣfenlic of the evening; adv.-līce.
ǣfenlof n. lauds (service), CM 1035.
ǣfenmete m. supper
ǣfenoffrung f. evening sacrifice, NC 269.
ǣfenrǣding f. reading (during the evening meal at a monastery), ‘collatio,’ CM.
ǣfenrepsung f. nightfall, Æ.
ǣfen-rest, -ræst † f. evening rest
ǣfensang m. ‘evensong,’ Æ, RB
ǣfensceop m. evening singer, bard, Rd 95[scop]
ǣfenscīma m. evening splendour, Gen 2448.
ǣfensprǣc f. evening talk, B 759.
ǣfensteorra m. the evening star, Hesperus, Bo; Æ.[‘evenstar’]
ǣfen-tīd f. , -tima m. eventide, Æ.
ǣfenðēnung f. evening service: evening repast, supper
ǣfenðēowdōm m. evening service or office, WW 12934
ǣfenung = ǣfnung
ǣfer = ǣfre
æferðe f. name of a plant, Lcd
æfes- = efes-
æfesa ? m. , æfese (m.) f. = æfesn
æfesn, æfesen f. relish, dainty, special pasturage, pannage; the charge for special pasturage, LL.
æfesne ? = æpsen?
æfest mf. envy, hatred, malice, spite, CP; El, Ps: zeal, rivalry[‘evest’]
ǣfest == ǣwfæst
æfestful full of envy
±æfestian -igian to be or become envious
æfestig envious: zealous
æfestlīce = ofostlīce
æfgælð f. superstition, OEG.
æfgerefa (-groefa) ‘exactor,’ LkL 1258
æfgrynde n. abyss, PPs 356
æfhynde = ofhende
æfian (-an?) to be in a miserable condition, Cr 1357 (or æfnan? Gollancz).
æfisc (EC 291) = efesc
æflāst m. a wandering from the way? Ex 473.
±æfnan (e) to carry out, do, perform, fulfil: cause: endure, suffer: (+) hold, sustain[ON. efna]
æfne = efne
±ǣfnian to grow towards evening, Æ.
ǣfnung f. ‘evening,’ sunset, Æ
ǣfre adv. ‘ever,’ at any time, Sat, Mt: always, constantly, perpetually, Cr, RB; Æ, CP: henceforth: ne ǣ. ; ǣ. ne (= nǣfre) never; ǣ. tō aldre for ever. ǣ. ǣlc, W, Chr. ǣ. ǣnig any at all, KC
æfreda m. what is taken or separated from, OEG (Napier). [æf; *hreda (hreddan)]: tow, oakum (BT).
ǣfremmende pious, religious, Jul 648.
æfse I. = efes.
II. = æbs
æfsecgan to confute, ES 42163
æfst == æfest
æfsweorc n. pasturage, WW 41012 (= *æfesweorc).
æft = eft
æftan adv. from behind, behind, in the rear, Ma[‘aft’]
æftanweard adj. behind, in the rear, following, Rd 635
æftemest adj. last, hindmost, Æ, AO.
æfter I. prep. (w. d. , i. and—chiefly N. —a.) (local and temporal) after, along, behind, through, throughout, during: (causal) following, in consequence of, according to, for the purpose of: (object) after, about, in pursuit of, for
II. adv. after, then, afterwards, thereafter: thereupon, later, back (= in return). æ. ðon, ðæm, ðisum; æ. ðæm (ðon, ðan) ðe; afterwards, thereafter
æftera = æfterra
æfterǣ f. the book Deuteronomy, Æ.
æfterboren adj. ‘afterborn,’ posthumous, ÆGr
æftercweðan5 to speak after, repeat. æftercweðendra lof praise from posterity: to renounce, abjure, Chr 1094.
æftercyning m. later king, BH 14024 B.
æfterealu n. small beer, WW 1294
æfterfilian = æfterfylgan
æfterfiligend = æfterfylgend
æfterfolgere m. follower, AO 14223
æfter-folgian, -fylgan (AO) to follow after, succeed, pursue
æfterfylgednes f. sequel, ÆL 23b365
æfterfylgend m. follower, successor, AO, -līce in succession
æfterfylgendnes f. succession, SHy 11.
æfterfylgung (eft-) f. pursuit
æfterfylig- = æfterfylg-
æfter-genga, -gengea m. follower, successor: descendant, Æ.
æftergengel m. successor, KC.
æftergengnes f. succession, Æ: posterity: inferiority
æftergyld n. further payment, LL.
æfterhǣðe f? autumn drought, AO 1027
æfterhyrigan to imitate, BH.
æfterlēan n. reward, recompense, restitution, retribution, Gen 76
æfterlic second, WW 50519
æfterra (comp.) second, following, next, latter, lower, CP.
æfter-rāp (Æ) -ræpe m. crupper
æfterrīdan1 to ride after
æfterrōwan7 to row after, ES 41325
æfterryne m. ‘occursus,’ CPs 187
æftersang m. (after-song), matins, CM 449.
æftersingallic (= -sanglic) of matins, CM 476.
æftersingend m. succentor, WW 12923
æftersona soon, afterwards, again, NG.
æfterspræc f. after-claim, LL 3987
æftersprecan5 to claim, LL 226[9,4].
æfterspyrian to track out, search, inquire into, examine, CP.
æfterweard adj. after, following, further, behind, in the rear, later, Æ.
æfterweardnes f. posterity, WW 46418
æfterwriten written afterwards, Lcd 69b.
æfterwyrcan to cause, effect
æfter-yld, -yldo f.†advanced age, old age: after age, later time, BH.[ield(o)]
æfteweard = æfterweard
æftewearde adv. behind
æftra = æfterra
æftresta superl. last
æftum adv. after, MtR 2421
æftyr = æfter
æfðanc, æfðanca (o, u) m. insult, offence: grudge, displeasure, anger
æf-weard (CP) -ward absent
æfweardnes f. absence, Bo, GD.
æfwela f. decrease of wealth, Lcd 3·17013
æfwendla (WW 2231) = æfwyrdla
æf-werdelsa, -wyrdelsa m. injury, damage, loss
æfwyrdla, m. injury, damage, loss: fine for injury or loss
æfwyrð(u) ? f. degradation, disgrace, RB.
ǣfyllende fulfilling the law, pious, Cr 704.
ǣfyn = ǣfen
ǣfyrmða fp. sweepings, rubbish[feormian]
ǣg n. (nap. ǣgru) ‘egg,’ Lcd, Lk, OET, Met
ǣg = īeg
ǣgan = āgan
æge = ege
ǣgen = āgen
ǣgera (K) dp. of ǣg
ǣgerfelma f. egg-skin, Lcd 20b.
ǣgergelu n. yolk of egg, Gl[ǣg, geolu]
ǣgflota m. seafarer, sailor, An 258. [īeg]
ǣggemang n. egg-mixture, WW.
ǣg-hwā mf. , -hwæt, n. pron. each one, every one, everything, who or whatever. ǣghwǣt neut. anything[ǣg = āgi]
ǣghwǣr everywhere, in every direction, Mk; Æ: in every case, in every respect: anywhere[‘aywhere’]
ǣghwæs (gs. of ǣghwā) altogether, in every way, entirely, wholly, throughout, in general
ǣghwæt v. ǣghwā
ǣghwæðer (ǣgðer, āðer). I. pron. each or every one (of two or more), ‘either,’ both, AO, Mt (gð).
II. conj. ǣghwæðer (ge)... ge; ǣgðer... and both...and; as well...as
ǣg-hwanan, -hwanon(e), -hwannon, -hwanum, from all parts, everywhere, on every side, in every way
ǣg-hwār, -hwēr = ǣghwǣr
ǣghwelc = ǣghwilc
ǣghweðer = ǣghwæðer
ǣghwider on every side, in all directions: in any direction, anywhere
ǣghwilc adj. each, every, whosoever, whatsoever, all, every one, Bo, Met. ǣ. ānra each. ǣ. ōðer each other, Ma. ǣghwilces in every way[v.‘each’]
ǣg-hwonan, -hwonon (CP), -hwonene = ǣghwanan
ǣghwyder = ǣghwider
ǣghwylc = ǣghwilc
ǣgift f. (m? n?) restitution, repayment
ǣgilde adv. receiving no ‘wergild’ as compensation, LL.
ǣgilt = ǣgylt
ǣglǣc == āglǣc
ǣglēaw learned in the law
ǣglēca = āglǣca
ǣglīm m. white of egg[līm]
ǣgmang (WW 489) = ǣggemang
ǣgmore f. root of the eye, socket? Lcd 3·985[ēage]
ægnan sb. pl. awns, sweepings, chaff, Gl[v.egenu]
ǣgnes = āgnes, v. āgen
ǣgnian = āgnian
ǣgru v. ǣg
ægsa = egsa
ǣgscill (y) f. eggshell, Lcd
ǣgðer = ǣghwæðer
ǣgweard f. watch on the shore, B 241.[īeg]
ǣgwern = ǣghwǣr
ǣgwyrt f. dandelion, Lcd 158b.
ǣgylde = ǣgilde
ǣgylt m. sin, offence[ǣw, gylt]
ǣgype without skill or cunning (BT), PPs 10610
æhher (MkR 428) = ēar
ǣhīw n. pallor, OEG 4897.
ǣhīwe pallid: deformed
ǣhīwnes f. pallor, Lcd 1·2943
ǣhlȳp m. breach of the peace, assault, LL. [cp. æthlȳp]
æht == eaht
ǣht I. f. (rare in sg.) possessions, goods, lands, wealth, cattle, Mk; AO: ownership, control[āgan: ‘aught’ sb.]
II. = ōht
āēhtan to persecute, LkL 2112
ǣhtboren born in bondage, RB 1120
ǣhte = āhte pret. sg. of āgan
ǣhteland n. territory, BH 35814
æhtemann m. tiller of the soil, serf, farmer, Æ.
ǣhteswān m. swineherd who was a chattel on an estate, LL 4497
ǣhtgesteald n. possession, Jul 115.
ǣhtgestrēon n. possessions, Ph 506.
ǣtgeweald † mn. power, control
æhtian = eahtian
+æhtle f. esteem, B 369.
æhtowe (LkR 221) = eahta
ǣhtspēd f. wealth, riches, LPs 10324
ǣhtspēdig rich
ǣhtwela † m. wealth, riches
ǣhtwelig wealthy, rich, Jul 18.
ǣhwænne = āhwænne
ǣhwǣr, -hwār = āhwǣr
Printed on one line:
ǣhwænne, ǣhwǣr, -hwār = āhwænne, āhwær
ǣhwyrfan = āhwierfan
æhx = æcs
æig = æg
æl- prefix = I. eal(l)-
II. el(e)-
æl m. piercer, ‘awl,’ Æ
ǣl m. ‘eel,’ WW; Mdf.
ǣlā = ēalā
ǣlǣdend m. legislator, SPs 921
ǣlǣrende m. teacher of the law, instructor in religion, El 506.
ǣlǣte I. n. desert place
II. desert, empty, W 4721
III. f. divorced woman
ǣlǣten I. = ālǣten pp. of ālǣtan
II. = ǣlǣte II.
ǣlagol lawgiving, GPH 397363
ǣlan to kindle, light, set on fire, burn, Æ, CP.
ǣlārēow (-lārua) m. teacher of the law, Pharisee, NG.
ælað = ealað
ælbeorht = eallbeorht
ælbitu (Gl) = ilfetu
ǣlc [ēlc, ylc (VPs); v.‘each’] I. (pron. subst.) any, all, every, each (one), Æ, AO, CP. ǣlc... ōðrum the one...the other
II. (adj. pron.) each, Lcd: any, CP
ǣlceald † altogether cold, very cold
ælcor = elcor
ælcra = elcra
ælcræftig † almighty, all-powerful
ǣlcuht (AO) ælcwuht n. everything
æld = æled
æld- = ield-
ældewuta (NG) = ealdwita
ǣlecung = ōleccung
ǣled † m. gs. ǣldes fire, firebrand. ǣ. weccan to kindle a fire, Whale 21. [ON. eldr]
ǣledfȳr n. flame of fire, Ph 366?
ǣledlēoma m. fire-brand, B 3125.
ælegrǣdig greedy, ÆL 18213[eall-]
ælegrēne (RPs 1273) = eallgrēne
ælelendisc = elelendisc
ælemidde f. exact middle, Æ.
ǣlenge I. lengthy, tedious, vexatious, CP[‘elenge’]
II. weariness
ǣlengnes f. tediousness, Sc, WW.
ælepe ? ‘origanum,’ wild marjoram, WW 29919[ælene?BT]
ǣlepūte f. ‘eel-pout,’ burbot, WW
æleð pres. 3 sg. of alan
ǣleð, ǣlð = ǣled
ælewealdend = eallwealdend
ælf mf. (pl. ielfe, ylfe) ‘elf,’ sprite, fairy, goblin, incubus, B, Lcd
ælfādl f. nightmare, Lcd 123b.
ælfæle = ealfelo
æl-faru, -fær f. whole army, host, Ex 66.
ælfcynn n. elfin race, Lcd 123a.
ælfer = ælfaru
ǣl-fisc, -fix m. eel, TC 24211
ælfitu = ylfetu
æl-fremed, -fremd, (el-) strange, foreign, Æ: (+) estranged, LPs 574: (w. fram) free, separated from, Æ.
ælfremeda (el-) m. stranger, foreigner
ælfremedung f. ‘alienatio,’ RHy 514
ælf-scīene (ī2ȳ2) † bright as an elf or fairy, beautiful, radiant
ælfsiden f. elvish influence, nightmare, Lcd 120b.
ælfsogoða m. hiccough (thought to have been caused by elves), Lcd 124b.
ælfðēodlīce = elðēodiglīce
ælfðone f. nightshade, Lcd 123b.
ælfylce (= el-) † n. I. strange land
II. foreign band, enemy
ǣlhyd f. eel receptacle? eel-skin?(BT) LL 45517
ǣlic (of the law), legal, lawful, Æ.adv.-līce.
ælifn f. sustenance, Gl?(v.ES 42·166)
ǣling f. burning, Æ: ardour
ǣling- = ǣleng-
æll- = æl-, eal(l)-, el(l)-
ælmes = ælmesse
ælmesæcer m. ground of which the yield was given as alms, first-fruits, A 11·369
ælmesbæð n. gratuitous bath, W 1712
ælmesdæd f. almsdeed, Æ.
ælmesdōnde giving alms, NC 269.
ælmesfeoh n. alms: Peter’s pence, Romescot, LL [‘almsfee’]
ælmesfull charitable
ælmesgedāl n. distribution of alms
ælmesgeorn charitable, Æ.
ælmesgifa (y3) m. giver of alms, W 724
ælmesgifu f. alms, charity, W 15920
ælmeshlāf m. dole of bread, TC 47423
ælmeslāc giving of alms, NC 269.
ælmeslēoht n. a light in church provided at the expense of a pious layman
ælmeslic charitable: depending on alms, poor, -līce, adv. charitably, OET.(Ct.)
ælmeslond m. land granted in frankalmoigne[almes-]
ælmesmann m. ‘almsman,’ bedesman, beggar, Lcd; Æ.
ælmespening m. alms-penny
ælmesriht n. right of receiving alms
ælmesse f. ‘alms,’ almsgiving, Da, Mt; Æ, CP.[L. eleēmosyna]
ælmessylen (e3) f. almsgiving
ælmesweorc n. almsdeed, Bl 2517
ælmidde = ælemidde
ælmiehtig = ælmihtig
ælmihtig (ea2, e2) adj.‘almighty,’ B, Ps, TC; AO, CP: m. the Almighty
ælmihtignes f. omnipotence, AS 5913
ælmyrca m. one entirely black, Ethiopian, An 432.
ælmysse = ælmesse
ǣlnet n. eel net, BH.
ǣlpig = ānlīpig
ælren adj. of an alder tree, KC 7·316. [‘aldern’]
ælreord = elreord
ælsyndrig separately, LkR 23
æltǣwe (ēo, ō) complete, entire, perfect, healthy, sound, true, Æ, AO, CP: noted, Æ[Goth. tēwa]. -līce adv.
ælðēod (ælðied-) == elðēod
æl-walda, -wealda = ealwealda
ælwiht † m. strange creature, monster [= *elwiht]; (in pl.) = eallwihta
æmbern = embren
ǣmelle insipid, WW 42930
ǣmelnes f. slackness, sloth, Æ: weariness, disgust, WW.
ǣmen, ǣmenne (AO) uninhabited, desolate, desert
ǣmenne solitude, AS 411 (v. Wfg 3).
ǣmerge f. embers, ashes, dust, Lcd; Æ.[‘ember’]
ǣmet- = ǣmett-
ǣmetbed n. ant-hill, Lcd 121b.
ǣmethwīl f. leisure, Æ.
ǣmethyll m. ant-hill, CP 19125
ǣmetian = ǣmtian
ǣmetta m. leisure, rest, CP.[mōt]
ǣmette f. ‘emmet,’ ant, Lcd, WW; Æ.
ǣmettig (CP), -m(e)tig (Æ) ‘empty,’ vacant, Bl, Æ: unoccupied, without employment, Æ: unmarried, CP
ǣmettigian = ǣmtian
ǣminde n. forgetfulness, Lcd 1·384´.
ǣmōd dismayed, disheartened, Æ, AO.
ǣmt- = ǣmett-
±ǣmtian to ‘empty,’ Æ: to be at leisure, have time for, Æ, CP.
ǣmtignes f. emptiness, GD 3517
ǣmūða m. ‘cæcum intestinum,’ WW 16011
ǣmynde = ǣminde
ǣmyrce excellent, WW 39338
ǣmyrie = ǣmerge
ǣmytte = ǣmette
ǣn == ān
+æn- = +en-
ænbrece = unbrece
ænd- = end-
ǣne (āne) once, at some time, Æ, B: at any time: at once[‘ene’]
æned = ened
ǣnes adv. once
ǣnetre = ānwintre
ǣnett, ǣnetnes = ānet
ǣnga = ānga
ǣngancundes in a unique way? (BT), Lcd 162b.
ænge = enge
ængel = engel
Ænglisc = Englisc
ænid = ened
ǣnig adj. pron. and sb. ‘any,’ any one, Mk, Jn. ǣnige ðinga somehow, anyhow[ān]
ǣnigge = ānēage
ǣnigmon any one, some one, NG.
ǣniht = āwuht
ǣninga = ānunga
ænlǣnan = onlǣnan
ǣnlefan = endlufon
ǣnlēp- = ānlēp-
ǣnlic one, ‘only,’ singular, solitary, Ps; Lk: unique, glorious, noble, splendid, excellent, Bo; Æ, AO.adv.-līce.
ǣnlīpig (Æ) = ānlīpig
ǣnne (AO, CP) v. ān
ǣnote useless, LL 254[3,34].
ǣnrǣdnis = ānrǣdnes
ǣnyge = ānēage
ǣnytte = ǣnette
æpl == æppel
æpled = æppled
æppel m. (nap. æpplas, rarely ap(p)la, æppla) any kind of fruit, fruit in general: ‘apple,’ CP, Gen: apple of the eye, ball, anything round, Bo, CP, Sol
æppelbǣre † fruit-bearing: apple-bearing
æppelbearu m. orchard, PPs 782
æppelberende apple-bearing, DR 9816
æppelcynn n. kind of apple, Lcd 67a.
æppelcyrnel n. apple pip, WW 44023
æppelfæt n. apple-vessel, ZDA 31·15401
æppelfealu apple-yellow, bay, B 2165.
æppelhūs n. fruit storehouse, WW.
æppelscealu f. apple-core, WW 3711
æppelscrēad n. (only in pl.) apple-parings, WW 1181
æppeltrēow n. ‘apple-tree,’ WW
æppeltūn m. apple or fruit garden, orchard, Æ, CP.
æppelðorn m. crab-apple tree, BC 3·93´.
æppelwīn n. cider, WW 4309
æppled † shaped like an apple, round, embossed, El[‘appled’]
æppul- = apul-
æps == æsp, æbs
æpsen shameless, OEG 7301
æpsenes f. disgrace
ǣr I. adv. comp. ǣror; sup. ǣrost, ǣr(e)st ‘ere,’ before that, soon, formerly, beforehand, previously, already, lately, till; (comp.) sooner, earlier; (sup.) just now, first of all, OET, Jn, El: early, prematurely, Gu, Mk. on ǣr; ǣr ðissum previously, formerly, beforehand, CP. tō ǣr too soon. ǣr oððe æfter sooner or later. hwonne ǣr how soon? when? hwēne ǣr just before. on ealne ǣrne mergen very early in the morning. ne ǣr ne siððan neither sooner nor later. ǣr and sið at all times
II. conj. ‘ere,’ before that, until, Æ, AO, CP. ǣr ðam(ðe) before, B
III. prep. (w. d.) before
IV. adj. only in comp. and sup. (ǣrra, ǣrest) q. v.
V. f. = ār f.
VI. n. = ār n.
ǣr- = I. early, former
II. intensitive prefix.
ǣra I. m. scraper, strigil, Gl
II. = ǣrra
ǣrǣt m. excessive (or too early?) eating
ærbe- = yrfe-, ierfe-
ǣrbeðoht premeditated
ǣrboren earlier born, first-born (or ? two words), Gen 973.
ærc = earc
ærce == arce
ǣrcwide m. prophecy? Mod 4.
ǣrdǣd f. former deed
ǣrdæg m. (nap. ǣrdagas) early day, early morn, dawn: in pl. former days, past times, AO.
ǣrdēað m. premature death, Ex 539.
ærdian = eardian
ærdon = ærndon? from ærnan (Grein), Ma 191.
ærdung = eardung
ǣre I. = ȳre
II. in comp. = -oared
ǣrēafe (= ǣ2) detected, TC 23016
ǣreldo ‘anteritus,’ WW 34712
ǣren made of brass, brazen, Æ, AO, CP: tinkling? [ār; cp. Ger. ehern]
ǣrendbōc f. message, letter
ǣrenddraca (AO, CP) = ǣrendraca
ǣrende n. ‘errand,’ message, BH, Gu; AO: mission, An, Chr: answer, news, tidings, Æ.
ǣrendfæst commissioned with an errand, ÆL 26221
ǣrendgāst m. angel, Gen 2296.
ǣrendgewrit n. written message, letter, Æ, CP.
±ǣrendian to go on an errand, carry a message, send word to, CP: intercede, BH; Æ: (+)speed, succeed, W 2389[‘ernde’]
ǣrendraca m. messenger, apostle, ambassador, angel, Æ, AO: representative, substitute, proxy, BH 27619
ǣrendscip n. skiff, small boat
ǣrendsecg m. messenger, Gen 658.
ǣrendsprǣc f. message, Rd 6115
ǣrendung f. errand: errand-going, RB[‘ernding’]
ǣrend-wraca (AO) -wreca, (CP) = ǣrendraca
ǣrendwrit = ǣrendgewrit
ǣrenscip = ǣrendscip
ǣrer = ǣror
ǣrest I. adv. and superl. adj. first, at first, before all, Æ, CP. ðā, ðonne, siððan ǣ. as soon as. ǣ. ðinga first of all
II. = ǣrist
ǣrfæder m. forefather, B 2622.
ǣrfæst == ārfæst
ærfe == ierfe, yrfe
ǣrgedōn done before, CP.
ǣrgefremed before committed
ǣrgelēred previously instructed, MtL 148
ǣrgenemned, -gesæd = ǣrnemned
ǣrgestrēon † n. ancient treasure
ǣrgeweorc † n. ancient work, work of olden times
ǣrgewinn n. former strife or trouble, old warfare, Cross 19.
ǣrgewyrht † n. former work, deed of old
ǣrglæd very bright, Ex 293.
ǣrgōd † good from old times? , very good
ǣrhwīlum † erewhile, formerly
ærian = erian
ærig (OET) = earh
ǣriht † n. code of law or faith
ǣring f. day-break, early morning (A).
ǣrisc = ēarisc
ǣrist I. (ē) mfn. rising, VPs: resurrection, awakening, Jn; CP.[‘arist’]
II. = ǣrest
ǣrlēof? very dear, OEG 56296
ǣrlēst = ārlēast
ǣrlic(ā) adj. ; -līce adv. ‘early,’ Jn
ǣrlyft f. early morning air, WW 41513
ærm = earm
ǣrmorgen (a1, a2, e2) m. early morning, dawn, day-break
ǣrmorgenlic of early morning, DR.
ærn n. dwelling, habitation, house, building, closet
ǣrn = ǣren
ærnan to ‘run,’ ride, gallop, BH: (+) to ride, run to, reach, gain by running or riding, AO: = +iernan
ærndian = ærendian
ǣrne-mergen, -merigen (Æ) = ǣrmorgen
ǣrnemergenlic matutinal, CM 277.
ǣrnemned aforementioned
ærneweg m. road for riding on, race-course[iernan]
ærnian = earnian
ærning f. ‘running,’ riding, racing, Bo, GD: flow of blood, MtL 920(iorn-)
ærnð = ernð
ærnðegen (?) m. house-officer, Gl
ærnung = earnung
ǣron = ǣrran
ǣror I. adv. earlier, before, beforehand, formerly, Æ, AO: rather
II. prep. (w. d.) before
ǣrost = ǣrest
ǣrra m. ǣrre fn. adj. earlier, former, Bo, El; CP. on ǣrran dæg the day before yesterday[‘ere,’ ‘erer’]
ǣrror = ǣror
ærs = ears
ǣrsceaft ‡ f. old work, ancient building
ærschen, ærshen = erschen
ǣrst = ǣrest
ǣrstæf = ārstæf
ǣr-ðam, -ðon, -ðamðe v. ǣr
ærð- = yrð-
ǣrwacol early awake, Æ.
+ærwe depraved, wicked, EPs 1004
ǣrwela m. ancient wealth, B 2747.
ǣrworuld f. ancient world, Cr 937.
ǣrynd = ǣrend
ǣryr = ǣror
ǣryst I. = ǣrist
II. = ǣrest
ǣs n. food, meat, carrion: bait[OHG. ās]
æsc I. m. nap. ascas ‘ash’-tree, Gl, KC; Mdf: name of the rune for æ: (†) spear, lance: ship, Æ.
II. = æcs
ǣscære unshorn, untrimmed[scieran]
ǣscan to demand (legally), LL 177´.
ǣscapo (WW 27336) = ǣsceapa
æscberend † m. , -bora † m. spear-bearer, soldier
æscberende spear-bearing, Gen 2041.
æsce = asce
ǣsce f. asking, inquiry, search, LL: claim (to insurance money for theft of cattle), LL 1752[‘ask’ sb.]
ǣsceap (ē1) n. remnant, patch
æsceda fpl. refuse?WW 14833
æscegeswāp n. cinders, ashes, TC 31833
æscen I. fm. vessel of ash-wood, bucket, pail, bottle, cup
II. adj. made of ash-wood, ashen, Lcd
æscfealu ashy-hued, WW 20423
æscgræg ashy gray, WW 20424
æschere m. naval force, Ma 69.
æscholt † n. spear of ash-wood, spear-shaft, lance (v. also Mdf).
ǣscian = ācsian
æscmann m. ship-man, sailor, pirate[æsc]
æscplega m. play of spears, battle, Jud 217.
æscrind f. bark of the ash-tree, Lcd
æscrōf † brave in battle
æscstede m. place of battle, Mod 17; Mdf.
æscstederōd f. cross marking a battlefield?Ct (BT).
æsctīr m. glory in war, Gen 2069.
æscðracu f. battle, Gen 2153.
æsc-ðrote, -ðrotu f. a plant, ferula? vervain?
ǣsmæl smallness of the eye, Lcd
ǣsmogu np. slough (of snake) Lcd 88a. [ā-smūgan]
æscwert = æscwyrt
æscwiga † m. (spear-) warrior
æscwlanc † brave
æscwyrt f. verbena, vervain
ǣscyldian ‘delinquere,’ PPs
ǣsellend (y2) m. lawgiver
æsil = hæsel
æslitend m. law-breaker, LPs
æsne- = esne-
æsp = æspe I.
æspe I. f. aspen-tree, white poplar, Gl; Mdf.[‘asp1’]
II. = æbs
æspen adj. aspen
ǣspreng, ǣspring(e) = ǣspryng
æsprind (ps) f. aspen, bark, Lcd[‘asp’]
ǣspringnes = āsprungenes
ǣspryng nf. spring, fountain, CP.[ēa]: departure, Creat 77.
ǣst I. = ǣrest
II. = ēst
ǣstǣnan = āstǣnan
ǣstan = ēastan
æstel m. book-marker, CP 9.[L. hastula]
æsul = esol
ǣswǣpe sbpl. sweepings, rubbish
ǣswic m. offence, stumbling-block, infamy, seduction, deceit
ǣswica, ǣswicend m. offender, deceiver, hypocrite, traitor
ǣswice m. violation of God’s laws (or? adultery), W 1643
±ǣswician to offend, deceive, Æ: apostatize, WW 34212: desert, Æ.
ǣswicnes f. stumbling-block, LPs 10536
ǣswicung f. offence, stumbling-block, Æ: deceit, Æ: sedition
ǣswind idle, slothful, WW 42213[swīð]
ǣsyllend = ǣsellend
æt I. prep. (w. d. and, more rarely, a.) (local) ‘at,’ near, by, in, on, upon, with, before, next to, as far as, up to, into, toward: (temporal) at, at the time of, near, in, on, to, until: (causal) at, to, through: (source) from: (instrumental) by. æt fēawum wordum in few words, BH: in respect to, as to
II. adv. at, to, near. æt nehstan, æt siðestan finally. æt- in composition = at, to, from
ǣt I. mfn. eatables, food, meat, flesh, Gu; Æ, AO. ǣt and wǣt food and drink, Æ: the act of feeding, eating, PPs; MkL (ē).[‘eat’ sb.]
II. pret. 3 sg. of etan
ǣt- = āte-
-ǣta v. self-ǣta.
ætǣwian = ætīewan
āetan5 to eat, devour, AS 1716; 375
ætbēon anv. to be present
ætberan4 to carry to, bring, produce, show, Da: carry off, B[‘atbear’]
ætberstan3 to break out, or away, escape from, Æ[‘atburst’]
ætbrēdan = ætbregdan
ætbrēdendlic ablative, ÆGr 237
æt-bregdan, -brēdan3 to take away, carry off, deprive of, snatch away, draw off, withdraw, Mt; Æ: release, rescue, enlarge: prevent, ÆL 31126[‘atbraid’]
ætclifian to adhere, BJPs 1016
ætclīðan to adhere, OET 181.
ætdēman to refuse, give judgment against, EC 202.
ætdōn anv. to take away, deprive
ǣte = āte
ætēaca (eth-) m. ‘appendix,’ OEG 5318
ætēacnes = ætȳcnes
ætealdod too old, Æ (2159).
ætēaw- = ætīew-, ætȳw-
ætēcan = ætȳcan
ætegār = ætgār
æteglan to harm, PPs 8819
ætēode pret. 3 sg. of *ætgān he came
ǣteorian = āteorian
ætēow- = ætīew-, ætȳw-
ætercyn = atorcyn
ǣtere (ē1) m.‘eater,’ glutton, Prov; NG.
ǣtern I. (NG) viper
II. = ǣtren
ætēw- = ætīew-, ætȳw-
ætfæstan (= oð-) to inflict on, afflict with: fasten to, drive into, impart to, CP 11519: commit, entrust: marry to
ætfæstnian to fasten? entrust?AS 2119
ætfaran6 to escape, Shr 1423
ætfeallan7 to fall, fall out: fall away, fail, be reduced, LL; Æ: happen[‘atfall’]
ætfele m. adhesion, PPs 7223
ætfeng m. attaching, distraint v. LL 2·279.
ætfeohtan2 † to grope about
ætfēolan3 to stick to: adhere, apply oneself to, continue in, CP.
ætfeorrian to take from, Sc 1607
ætferian to carry away, bear off
ætfīlan = ætfēolan
ætflēon2 to flee away, escape by flight, Æ[‘atflee’]
ætflōwan7 to flow together, accumulate, SPs 6110
ætfōn7 to seize upon, lay claim to, LL[‘atfong’]
ætforan I. prep. w. d. before, in the presence of, in front of, close by, Jn; Æ.[‘atfore’].
II. adv. beforehand (time).
ætfyligan, -fylgan to adhere, cling to
æt-gædere (AO), -gæddre (CP), -gædre, -gæderum adv. together, united, at the same time[gadrian]
æt-gǣre n. , -gār m. spear, dart, javelin, Gl
ætgangan7 to go to, approach, Az 183. [‘atgo’]
ætgeddre, -gedre = ætgædere
ætgenumen removed, taken away, WW 52939
ǣtgiefa † (eo, i) m. food-giver, feeder
ætgifan5 to render, give, B 2878.
ætglīdan1 to slip away, disappear, OEG 7132
ætgrǣpe seizing. æ. weorðan seize, B 1268.
æthabban to retain, Æ.
æthealdan7 to keep back, Sc 10918
æthebban6 to take away, take out, hold back, Æ: exalt oneself, CP 11313
æthindan prep. w. d. behind, after, Chr; Æ.[‘athinden’]
æthlēapan7 to run away, flee, escape, W 1625
æthlȳp m. assault. [cp. ǣhlȳp]
æthrīnan1 to touch, move, Mt; Æ.[‘atrine’]
æthrine m. touch
æthwā each, every one
æthwāre somewhat, HGl 42137
æt-hwega, -hwæga, -hweg(u) adv. somewhat, tolerably, a little: how
æthweorfan3 to return, go back, B 2299.
æthwōn adv. almost, nearly
æthȳd ‘eviscerata,’ (skinned?BT), WW 392´.
ætiernan3 to run away, Æ[‘atrin’]
ætīewan (oð-; ē, ēa, ēo, ī, ȳ) pret. sg. -īe(w)de, (tr.) to show, reveal, display, disclose, manifest, Mt (ȳ), CP: (intr.) show oneself, become visible, appear, Mt (ȳ). [‘atew’]
ǣting f. eating, Sc 17045 (ē): pasture?Mdf.
ǣtinge (y2) speechless, OEG 4645
ætis pres. 3 sg. of ætwesan, ætbēon
ætīw- = ætīew-, ætȳw-
ætlǣdan (= oð-) to drive away, Æ[‘atlead’]
ǣtlic adj. eatable, WW, LkL (ē).
ætlicgan5 to lie idle, ÆGr 222[‘atlie’]
ætlimpan3 to fall away from, escape, be lost, Æ.
ætlūtian to lurk, hide, Æ[‘atlutien’]
ætnēhstan (ȳ) adv. at last
ætnes f. edibility, WW 22611
ætniman4 to take away, deprive of, Ex 414.
ætol = etol
ǣton pret. pl. of etan
ǣtor = ātor
ǣtorcynn = ātorcynn
ǣtran = ǣtrian
ætreccan w. d. and a. to declare forfeit, deprive of, Lcd
ǣtren poisoned, poisonous, MtL (-ern). [‘attern’]
ǣtrenmōd of venomous spirit, malignant (or? two words), GnE 163.
ǣtrennes f. poisonous nature, Lcd 55a.
±ǣtrian to poison, AO: become poisonous[‘atter’]
ætrig poisonous, Lcd; Æ.[‘attery’]
ætrihte (y) I. adj. right at, near, present, at hand
II. adv. almost, nearly
ætsacan6 to deny, Lk; Æ: renounce, Mk[‘atsake’]
ætsamne (æ, e, o) adv. united, together, at once, AO.
ætscēotan2 to escape, disappear, MF (Vesp.D xiv).
ætscūfan2 to shove away
ætsittan5 to sit by, remain, stay, Chr[‘atsit’]
ætslāpan7 to sleep beside, Lcd 83a.
ætslīdan1 to slip, glide, fall, Æ
ætsomne (Æ) = ætsamne
ætspornan3 (u) to strike against, stumble, go wrong, CP: rebel (æt).
ætspornung f. offence, stumbling-block, misfortune, CM 230.
ætspringan3 to rush forth, spurt out, B 1121. [‘atspring’]
ætspringnes, -sprung(en)nes f. defection
ætspurnan = ætspornan
ætspyrning = ætspornung
ætst = itst pres. 2 sg. of etan
ætst- = oðst-
ætstæl m. aid, assistance (GK); = ætsteall (BT), Gu 150.
ætstæppan6 to step up to, B 745.
ætstandan6 to stand still, stand at, near, in or by, Æ: remain, stand up: check, resist, Æ: cease, Lk; Æ.[‘atstand’]
ætstandend m. bystander, attendant, Æ.
ætstandende standing by, GD 28421
ætsteall m. assistance, meeting with hostile intent (GK): station, camp station (BT), Wald 121
ætstent v. ætstandan
ætstente v. ætstyntan
ætstillan to still, Lcd 25b.
ætstrengan to withhold wrongfully, LL 206´.
ætstyntan to blunt, dull, weaken
ætswerian6 to deny on oath, LL.
ætswīgan to keep silence about (be) GD 21718
ætswimman3 to escape by swimming, swim out, Chr 918.
āettan (āyttan) to eat up
ǣtter, ǣttor = ātor
ǣttr- = ætr-
ætðringan3 to take away from, deprive of
ætweaxan1 to increase (Swt.) .
ætwegan5 to bear away, carry off, B 1198.
ǣtwela abundance of food, feast, Soul 123.
ætwenian to wean from, LL 368´.
ætwesan anv. to be at hand
ætwesende at hand, imminent, WW.
ætwindan3 to escape, Æ[‘atwind’]
ætwist I. † f. presence
II. = edwist
ætwītan6 to reproach (with), censure, taunt, Met, Ps; CP.[‘atwite’]
ætwrencan to seize by fraud
ætȳcan to add to, increase, BH.[īecan]
ætȳcnes f. increase, BH.
ǣtȳnan = ontȳnan
ǣtynge = ǣtinge
ætys = ætis pres. 3 sg. of ætwesan
æt-ȳwan, -ȳwian = ætīewan
ætȳwednes f. showing, appearance, manifestation, revelation, GD.
ætȳwigendlic demonstrative, ÆGr
ætȳwnes f. showing, manifestation, revelation: apparition, Æ: Epiphany
ætȳwung f. manifestation, Epiphany, CM 531.
ǣðan I. (±)to make oath, swear[āð]
II. = īðan
æðel = æðele
ǣðel == ēðel
æðelboren of noble birth, distinguished, Æ: free-born, Æ: inborn, natural
æðelborennes f. nobility of birth or nature, Æ: inborn nature, OEG 4518.
æðelcund of noble birth
æðelcundnes f. nobleness, Bo 4613
æðelcyning m. noble king (Christ), Æ.
æðelduguð f. noble retinue, Cr 1012.
æðele noble, aristocratic, excellent, famous, glorious, Ex, Gen; Æ, AO, CP: splendid, fine, costly, valuable: lusty, young: pleasant, sweet-smelling, Gen: (+)natural, congenial, suitable[‘athel’]
æðel-ferðingwyrt, -fyrdingwyrt f. stitch-wort (plant), Lcd
+æðelian † to make noble or renowned, Hy[‘i-athele’]
æðelic = æðellic
āðelic = ēaðelic
æðeling m. man of royal blood, nobleman, chief, prince, AO, Chr (v. LL 2·274): †king, Christ, God, Cr: †man, hero, saint; in pl. men, people, Gen[‘atheling’]
æðelinghād n. princely state, Lcd 3·4385
æðellic noble, excellentadv.-līce.
æðelnes f. nobility, excellence
æðelo = æðelu
æðelstenc m. sweet smell, Ph 195.
æðeltungol † n. noble star
æðelu fn. nobility, family, descent, origin, CP: nature: noble qualities, genius, talents, pre-eminence, Bo: produce, growth[‘athel’]
ǣð- = ēð-
ǣðm (ē) m. air, breath, breathing, CP; Sat. (ē): vapour, B: blast, Æ.[‘ethem’]
ǣðmian to fume, exhale, emit a smell
ǣðre = ǣdre
ǣðreclic terrible, RPs 954
ǣðret- = āðryt-
ǣðrot n. disgust, weariness[āðrēotan]
ǣðryt I. troublesome, wearisome, disgusting
II. n. weariness, disgust, tediousness, Æ.
ǣðryte = ǣðryt I.
ǣðrytnes f. tedium, v.OEG 4582.
ǣðryttan to weary, Æ.
æðða (Bd, Death-song) = oððe
ǣw I. = ǣ.
II. = ǣwe
ǣwǣde without clothes, WW 23038
ǣwan to despise, scorn, Ps
ǣwbrǣce despising the law, Æ: adulterous, LL.
ǣwbreca (i, y) m. adulterer, LL (y). [‘eaubruche2’]
ǣwbryce m. adultery, Æ; LL[‘eaubruche1’]
ǣwda, æwdamann m. witness, compurgator, LL.
ǣwe I. fn. married woman, Æ: married people
II. lawful: married: born of the same marriage
ǣwelm = ǣwielm
ǣwenbrōðor m. brother by the same marriage, WW 41329
ǣwēne doubtful, uncertain
ǣwerd adj.? religious, or sb.? regular priest, ANS 128·298. [cp. ǣweweard]
æwerdla = æfwyrdla
ǣweweard m. priest, Bl 16127
ǣwfæst upright, pious, devout, religious, Æ, CP: married, Æ.
ǣwfæsten n. legal or public fast
ǣwfæstlic lawful: religious, CP (ǣf-).adv.-līce.
ǣwfæstnes f. religion, piety
ǣwicnes f. eternity, RPs 10217 (v. p. 303).
ǣwielm (e, i, y), -wielme m. source, fount, spring, beginning, AO, CP.[= ēawylm]
ǣwintre = ānwintre
ǣwis- = ǣwisc-
ǣwisc I. nf. offence, shame, disgrace, dishonour, AO.[Goth. aiwisks]
II. disgraced, shameless, indecent
ǣwiscberende disgraceful, shameful, WW 26442
ǣwisce = ǣwisc I.
ǣwisc-ferinend (Gl), -firina (NG) m. shameless sinner, publican
ǣwisclic disgraceful, infamous, OEG.
ǣwiscmōd ashamed, abashed, cowed
ǣwiscnes f. shameless conduct: reverence
ǣwita m. counsellor, El 455.
ǣwlic legal, lawfuladv.-līce.
±ǣwnian to marry, Æ.
ǣwnung f. wedlock, OEG.
ǣwul basket with a narrow neck for catching fish, WW 18111[?= cawl, BT]
ǣwumboren lawfully born, LL 76´.
ǣwung = ǣwnung
ǣwunge = ēawunge
ǣwyll m. stream, BC 1·542.
ǣ-wylm, -wylme = ǣwielm
æwyrdla = æfwyrdla
ǣwyrp m. throwing away: what is cast away: an abortion[āweorpan]
ǣwysc- = æwisc-
æx == æcs, eax
æxe = asce
æxeȳr f. axe-head, Chr 1012e[ȳr]
æxfaru f. ‘apparatus,’ naval expedition? (= æsc-? v. ES 37·184), Gl
æxian = ascian
æxl = eaxl
æxs = æcs
āfǣdan = āfēdan
āfǣgan to depict, figure, BH.[fāg]
āfǣgrian (æ) to ornament, adorn, BH.
ā-fælan, -fællan = āfyllan II.
āfǣman to foam out, PPs 118131
āfǣran to frighten, PPs, Mk, Chr; AO, CP.[‘afear,’ ‘afeared’]
āfæst = ǣwfæst
āfæstan I. to fast, LL, W.
II. to let out on hire, MkR 121
āfæstla interj. certainly! assuredly! Æ.
āfæstnian (e) to fix upon, fasten, make firm, confirm, AO: enter, inscribe, Æ: build
āfǣttian to fatten, anoint, APs 226; LPs 1405
āfandelic = āfandodlic
āfandian to try, test, prove, tempt, Lk, Lcd; Æ, CP: find out, experience, Æ. āfandod (and āfanden?) approved, excellent, Æ.
āfand-igendlic, -odlic proved, approved, laudableadv.-odlīce.
āfandung f. trial, Æ.
āfangennes f. reception, acceptance
afara = eafora
āfaran to go out, depart, march, travel, Æ, AO; Da 6[‘afare’]
āfeallan7 to fall down, fall in battle, Lk; CP: fall off, decay[‘afalle’]
āfeallan = āfyllan
āfēdan to feed, nourish, bring up, maintain, support, Æ; AO: bring forth, produce[‘afede’]
āfēgan to join, DR (oe).
āfehtan (DR) = āfeohtan
āfellan = āfyllan
āfelle = ǣfelle
āfeohtan3 to fight, fight against, attack, AO: tear out, destroy
āfēon ‘odisse,’ PPs
āfeormian to cleanse, purge, purify
āfeormung f. scouring, cleansing, purging, Sc
ā-feorran, -feorrian (CP) = āfierran
āfeorsian to remove, do away, expel, dispel, Æ: go away
āfer = āfor
afera = eafora
āfēran = āfǣran
aferian to provide horses for team work (as service for a lord), v.ANS 109·73f.
ā-ferian (Gl), -ferran = āfierran
āferscan to become fresh, Bo 8620
āfersian = āfeorsian
āfestnian (WW 498) = āfæstnian
afetigan = hafetian
āfierran (eo, i, y) to remove, withdraw, depart: estrange from, take away, expel, drive away, CP.[feorr]
āfierrednes (y) f. removal, NC 270.
āfīgen fried, Gl
āfilgan to pursue, Gen 1415
āfindan3 (= on-) to find, find out, discover, detect, Jn; Æ: experience, feel, Æ.[‘afind’]
āfir- = āfierr-, āfeor-, āfyr-
āfirðan (= y) to remove, Lcd 1·294n.
āflægen pp. of āflēan
āflǣman = āflīeman
āflēan6 to strip off, flay, GD.
āflēgan (DR) = āflīegan
āflēman = āflīeman
āflēon2, -flēogan to fly, flee away, Gu: fly from, escape[‘aflee’]
āflēotan2 to skim, Lcd
āflīan = āflīegan
āflīegan (ī, ȳ) to put to flight, expel, Æ (ī). [‘afley’]
āflīeman (ȳ) to put to flight, expel, scatter, disperse, rout, Chr; CP: banish[‘afleme’]
āflīgan = āflīegan
āflīgung f. attack? Lcd 1·33812
-āflīung v. mete-ā.
āflōwan7 to flow, flow away or from, pass away, AO, CP.
āflȳg-, āflȳh- = āflīeg-
āflygennes f. attack (BT), Lcd 1·3667
āflȳman = āflīeman
āfōgian = āwōgian
afol n. power, might, LL (30422).
āfōn (= on-) to receive, take in, take, Mk, Ps: lay hold of, seize, MtR, Jul: hold up support[‘afong’]
āfondian = āfandian
āfor bitter, acid, sour, sharp: dire, fierce severe, harsh, impetuous[OHG. eivar, eibar]
afora = eafora
āforhtian to be frightened, take fright, wonder at, Æ.
ā-frēfran, -frēfrian to comfort, console, make glad, CP.[frōfor]
āfrem-dan, -dian to alienate, Æ: become alienated
āfremðan (VPs) = āfremdan
āfremðung f. alienation, VHy.
āfrēoðan2 to froth, Lcd 45b.
āfrēon (-ia, N) to deliver, free
afslōg = ofslōg
after = æfter
āfūlian to become foul, putrefy, rot, be corrupt, defiled
afulic perversev.ES 42·162.
āfulliend m. fuller, MkR 93
āfunde rare wk. pret. 3 sg. of āfindan
āfundennes f. invention, device, discovery, Æ.
āfȳlan to foul, stain, defile, corrupt, CP; Æ.[‘afile’]
āfyllan I. (w. g. or d.) to fill, fill up, replenish, satisfy, Æ; AO: complete, fulfil[‘afill’].
II. (y = ie) to cause to fall, fell, beat down, overturn, subvert, demolish, abolish, Lk; Æ: slay, kill[‘afelle’]
āfyndan = āfindan
āfyr- = āfierr-
āfȳran to emasculate. āfȳred (CP), āfȳrd pp. as sb. eunuch
āfyrhtan to frighten, terrify, Æ, AO.
āfȳrida = āfȳred
āfyrran = āfierran
āfyrsian = āfeorsian
āfȳsan (intr.) to hasten: inspire with longing, Bl: (tr.) urge, impel, excite: drive away[fūs]
āga m. proprietor, owner, GD 23011
āgǣlan to hinder, keep back, preoccupy, detain, hold back, retard, delay, AO: neglect, CP: profane
āgǣlwan to terrify, astonish, AO.
āgalan6 to sound forth, sing, chant
āgald = āgeald pret. 3 sg. of āgieldan
āgālian to become slack, CP 6518
āgan I. (conj. Wt 546) to own, possess, have, obtain, An, Bo, Ma, Mt; AO, CP: give, give up, deliver, restore: have to pay, ‘owe,’ Mt, Lk: have to do, ANS 123·417. ā. ūt find out, discover
II. pret. 3 sg. of āginnan (onginnan).
āgān (conj. v. gān) to go, go by, pass (of time), Mk. of ā. go away: occur, befal, Æ: come forth, grow, Ps: approach: lose strength[‘ago’]
āgangan = āgān
āge f. possessions, property[ON. eiga]