A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms / or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning

A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms / or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning
Author: Samuel Fallows
Pages: 997,784 Pages
Audio Length: 13 hr 51 min
Languages: en


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spurious, true, legitimate, certain, accepted, current, received.

ANT: Unreliable, spurious, false, apocryphal, disputed, exploded, rejected, counterfeit, unfounded, unauthorized, baseless, fabulous, fictitious.


KEY: Authenticate.

SYN: Confirm, settle, establish, verify, substantiate, identify.

ANT: Contravene, disprove, disestablish, refute, upset.


KEY: Author.

SYN: Creator, producer, inventor, originator, parent, cause, constructor, agent, maker, composer, fabricator, committer, perpetrator, doer.

ANT: Destroyer, annihilator, demolisher, spoiler, undoer, reverser.


KEY: Authoritative.

SYN: Decisive, sure, conclusive, authentic, powerful, firm, potent, dictatorial, imperious, arbitrary, arrogant, imperative, dogmatic, commanding.

ANT: Weak, inconclusive, vague, indeterminate, indefinite, vacillating, undecisive, bland, conciliatory, affable, lenient, persuasive.


KEY: Authority.

SYN: Ground, justification, authenticity, genuineness, conclusiveness, decisiveness, control, direction, jurisdiction, government, regulation, power, right, rule, sway, sufferance, supremacy, dominion.

ANT: Groundlessness, spuriousness, indecision, inconclusiveness, inoperativeness, incompetency, weakness, usurpation, wrong.


KEY: Authorize, [See EMPOWER].


KEY: Autocracy, [See AUTOCRATIC].


KEY: Autocratic.

SYN: Independent, arbitrary, despotic, irresponsible, absolute.

ANT: Dependent, subordinate, re sponsible, constitutional, limited.


KEY: Auxiliary.

SYN: Helpful, abetting, aiding, accessory, promotive, conducive, assistant, ancillary, assisting, subsidiary, helping.

ANT: Unassisting, unconducive, unpromotive, redundant, superfluous, obstructive, retardative, irrelevant, cumbersome.


KEY: Avail \v.\

SYN: Suffice, hold, stand, endure, answer, tell, profit, help, benefit, advantage, service, use, utility.

ANT: Fail, fall, disappoint, betray.


KEY: Avail.

SYN: Profit, help, benefit, advantage, use, utility, service.

ANT: Disadvantage, hindrance, helplessness.


KEY: Available.

SYN: Useful, appropriable, convertible, attainable, handy, conducive, applicable, procurable, advantage, helpful, profitable, suitable, serviceable.

ANT: Useless, inappropriate, inapplicable, unprocurable, inconducive, irrelevant, Inoperative, unavailable.


KEY: Avarice.

SYN: Greed, cupidity, rapacity, penuriousness, niggardliness, miserliness, stinginess, covetousness, acquisitiveness, griping, greediness.

ANT: Large-heartedness, unselfishness, liberality, bountifulness, profuseness, squander, prodigality, extravagance, waste.


KEY: Avaricious, [See LIBERAL].


KEY: Avenge.

SYN: Vindicate, right, visit, retaliate.

ANT: Waive, don, forego, condone, remit, forgive, overlook.


KEY: Avenue.

SYN: Approach, adit, access, entrance.

ANT: Exit, egress.


KEY: Aver.

SYN: Assert, asseverate, affirm, depose, avouch, protest, oblige, declare.

ANT: Deny, contradict, contravene, disavow, disclaim, repudiate, gainsay, oppugn.


KEY: Average.

SYN: Mean, medium, middle, mediocre.

ANT: Extreme, excess, defect, perfectness, perfection.


KEY: Averse.

SYN: Hostile, disinclined, indisposed, repugnant, backward, unwilling, reluctant, loath.

ANT: Ready, disposed, eager, prone, inclined, desirous.


KEY: Aversion.

SYN: Hatred, dislike, distaste, repugnance, uncongeniality, abhorrence, antipathy.

ANT: Love, desire, affection, liking, congeniality, sympathy, ardor, eagerness, avidity.


KEY: Avidity.

SYN: Cupidity, avarice, desire, greed, longing, rapacity, eagerness.

ANT: Coldness, indifference, apathy, insensibility, antipathy, nausea, aversion, repugnance, loathing.


KEY: Avocation.

SYN: Profession, calling, lot, employment, vocation, occupation, business, pursuit, line.

ANT: Holiday, leisure, idleness, self-abandonment, misemployment.


KEY: Avoid.

SYN: Quit, shun, abandon, desert, forsake, relinquish, fly, eschew, elude, dodge, escape, shirk.

ANT: Seek, court, approach, accost, address, affect.


KEY: Avouch.

SYN: Aver, protest, declare, propound, asseverate, profess.

ANT: Deny, contradict, oppose, oppugn, contravene, controvert, gainsay.


KEY: Avow, [See AVOUCH].


KEY: Awaken, [See BOUSE].


KEY: Award.

SYN: Assign, apportion, attribute, accord, grant, distribute, divide, allot, give, determine, decree, order, adjudge.

ANT: Refuse, withhold, withdraw, retain, misappropriate, misapportion.


KEY: Aware.

SYN: Conscious, sensible, informed, certified, assured, known, apprised, cognizant.

ANT: Unconscious, insensible, ignorant, unaware, uninformed.


KEY: Away.

SYN: Far, afar, separate, detached, loose, abroad.

ANT: Close, near.


KEY: Awe.

SYN: Fear, dread, veneration, reverence.

ANT: Fearlessness, contempt, disrespect, familiarity, irreverence.


KEY: Awful.

SYN: Fearful, direful, appalling, terrible, alarming, dreadful, horrible, solemn, portentous, horrific.

ANT: Inocuous, informidable, unimposing, unastonishing, commonplace, unnoticeable, unalarming, alluring.


KEY: Awhile.

SYN: Briefly, little.

ANT: Ever, always, forever, ever, more.


KEY: Awkward.

SYN: Ungainly, clownish, clumsy, maladroit, unhandy, uncouth, rough, boorish, bungling, gawky.

ANT: Neat, clever, dexterous, skilful, adroit, handy.


KEY: Awry.

SYN: Crooked, aslant, askew, atwist, bent, carved, distorted, twisted, wrong.

ANT: Right, straight, true, direct.


KEY: Axiom.

SYN: Self-evident truth, aphorism, truism, apophthegm, maxim.

ANT: Nonsense, absurdity, soliloquy, absurdness.


KEY: Azure \a.\

SYN: Blue, cerulean, sky blue, bluish, blue-colored.

ANT: Orange, ochreous, orange-colored, orange-flame.


KEY: Babble \v.\

SYN: Prate, prattle, dribble, chatter, gabble, twaddle, blab, cackle.

ANT: Enunciate, vociferate, hush, suppress.


KEY: Babbler.

SYN: Blab, chatterbox, gossip, tattler, telltale.

ANT: Confident, confessor.


KEY: Babbling.

SYN: Prating, blabbing, talkativeness, tattling, cackling, gossip, loquacity, garrulity.

ANT: Reticence, reserve, secretiveness, closeness, refrain, incommunicativeness, taciturnity.


KEY: Babel.

SYN: Hubbub, confusion, clamor, jargon, din, discord, clang.

ANT: Elocution, articulation, monotony, distinctness, consecutiveness, intonation, enunciation, unisonousness.


KEY: Backbiter.

SYN: Detractor, traducer, calumniator, slanderer, cynic, maligner, defamer.

ANT: Vindicator, upholder, palliator, advocate, mitigator, defender, befriender.


KEY: Backslider.

SYN: Renegade, abjurer, recreant, apostate.

ANT: Professor, confessor, adherent, zealot, bigot.


KEY: Backsliding, [See BACKSLIDER].


KEY: Backwardness.

SYN: Reluctance, slowness, shyness, hesitation, unwillingness, repugnance.

ANT: Forwardness, readiness, willingness, promptitude, alacrity.


KEY: Backward, [See BACKWARDNESS].


KEY: Bad, [See GOOD].


KEY: Baffle.

SYN: Frustrate, counteract, estop, disconcert, elude, mock, thwart, confound, defeat, perplex, restrain, upset, foil, mar, balk, neutralize, dodge, counterfoil.

ANT: Point, aid, abet, enforce, promote, assist, advance, encourage.


KEY: Bait.

SYN: Morsel, snare, decoy, enticement, allurement, inducement.

ANT: Warning, scarecrow, dissuasive, deterrent, prohibition, intimidation, threat.


KEY: Balance.

SYN: Weigh, poise, pit, et, counterpoise, counteract, neutralize, equalize, estimate, redress, adjust.

ANT: Upset, tilt, cant, subvert, mispoise, overbalance.


KEY: Balderdash.

SYN: Gasconade, flummery, rhodomontade, bombast, fustian, froth.

ANT: Sense, wisdom, logic, reason, sobriety, truthfulness.


KEY: Balk.

SYN: Estop, bar, thwart, frustrate, foil, stop, prevent, hinder, neutralize, nullify, mar, counteract, disappoint, defeat, baffle.

ANT: Aid, abet, promote, advance, encourage, instigate.


KEY: Balmy, [See AROMATIC].


KEY: Bandy.

SYN: Interchange, exchange, reciprocate, cross, pass.

ANT: Quash, silence, drop, burke, close, stifle, extinguish.


KEY: Baneful, [See PERNICIOUS].


KEY: Banish.

SYN: Expel, abandon, dispel, eject, extrude, exclude, relegate, expatriate, repudiate, disclaim.

ANT: Cherish, foster, protect, consider, encourage, locate, retain, entertain, domiciliate, domesticate, harbor.


KEY: Banishment.

SYN: Outlawry, ostracism, expatriation, expulsion, persecution.

ANT: Remaining, cherishing, fostering, retaining.


KEY: Banquet.

SYN: Feast, festivity, treat, entertainment, festival, carousal, carouse, regalement, cheer.

ANT: Fast, abstinence, starvation.


KEY: Banter.

SYN: Badinage, chaff, mockery, derision, ridicule, irony, jeering, raillery.

ANT: Discussion, discourse, argument.


KEY: Barbarous.

SYN: Rude, strange, uncivilized, brutal, cruel, ferocious, inhuman, merciless, outlandish, savage, uncouth, atrocious, flagitious, unfettered, nefarious, gross.

ANT: Polite, civilized, refined, humane, urbane.


KEY: Barely, [See HARDLY].


KEY: Bargain.

SYN: Transaction, negotiation, business, profit, speculation, higgling, gain, hawking, chaffer, haggling.

ANT: Loss, misprofit.


KEY: Barren, [See STERILE].


KEY: Base \a.\

SYN: Vile, dishonorable, low, sordid, ignoble, worthiest, mean, infamous, shameful, grovelling, disingenuous, disesteemed, cheap, corrupt, deep.

ANT: Lofty, exalted, refined, noble, esteemed, honored, valued, pure, correct, shrill.


KEY: Baseless, [See GROUNDLESS].


KEY: Bashful.

SYN: Modest, diffident, shy, retiring, reserved.

ANT: Bold, impudent, forward, unreserved, pert, conceited, ostentatious, egotistic.


KEY: Bask.

SYN: Luxuriate, repose, lounge, dally.

ANT: Stir, work, toil, slave, drudge, labor.


KEY: Baste.

SYN: Buffet, cudgel, pound, beat.

ANT: Soothe, tickle, caress, stroke.


KEY: Battle.

SYN: Fight, conflict, contest, combat, engagement, encounter, action.

ANT: Peace, truce, pacification, arbitrament, council, mediation.


KEY: Bauble.

SYN: Toy, trifle, plaything, knicknack, gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaw.

ANT: Valuable, possession, acquisition, gera, ornament, decoration, jewel.




KEY: Bawl.

SYN: Shout, vociferate, halloo, roar, bellow.

ANT: Whisper, mutter, babble, mumble.


KEY: Bays.

SYN: Laurels, trophy, success, prize, premium, achievement, victory, triumph.

ANT: Failure, defeat, disgrace, stigma, brand.


KEY: Beach.

SYN: Shore, coast, strand, seacoast, seaboard, seashore.

ANT: Sea, ocean, deep, main.


KEY: Beaming.

SYN: Shining, gleaming, bright, radiant, beautiful, transparent, translucid.

ANT: Dull, opaque, dingy, beamless, wan, matt.


KEY: Bear.

SYN: Carry, lift, transport, convey, maintain, uphold, suffer, undergo, support, tolerate, waft, yield, sustain, hold, harbor, entertain, fill, enact, endure, admit, produce, generate.

ANT: Drop, refuse, decline, resign, expel, eject, resist, repel, protest, resent, reject.


KEY: Bearing.

SYN: Behavior, deportment, manner, aspect, carriage, mien, demeanour, port, conduct, inclination, position, appearance, direction, course.

ANT: Misbehaviour, jurisdirection, misobservation.


KEY: Beastly, [See BRUTAL].


KEY: Beat.

SYN: Strike, pound, batter, surpass, thrash, cudgel, overcome, defeat, conquer, worst, whack, belabor, vanquish.

ANT: Defend, protect, shield, fall, shelter, surrender, stroke, caress, pat.


KEY: Beatitude.

SYN: Blessedness, bliss, beatification.

ANT: Misery, pain, suffering, punishment.


KEY: Beautiful, [See BEAUTY, and HANDSOME].


KEY: Beautify.

SYN: Decorate, adorn, ornament, deck.

ANT: Deform, spoil, mar, stain, deface, disfigure, befoul, soil, denude, bare, strip.


KEY: Beauty.

SYN: Loveliness, grace, fairness, seemliness, comeliness, picturesqueness, exquisiteness, adornment, embellishment.

ANT: Foulness, ugliness, deformity, hideousness, bareness, unattractiveness.


KEY: Because.

SYN: Owing, consequently, accordingly.

ANT: Irrespectively, independently, inconsequently, unconnectedly.


KEY: Beck.

SYN: Nod, sign, signal, symbol, token, indication, authority, orders, instruction, subserviency, influence, call, command, control, mandate.

ANT: Independence, insubservience.


KEY: Become.

SYN: Befit, grace, beseem, behove.

ANT: Misbeseem, misfit, misbecome, disgrace.


KEY: Becoming.

SYN: Beseeming, neat, fit, proper, decorous, comely, seemly, befitting, graceful, decent, suitable, improving.

ANT: Unbeseeming, unseemly, uncomely, unbecoming, unbefitting, ungraceful, indecent, unsuitable, unimproving, derogatory.


KEY: Bedaub.

SYN: Bespatter, befoul, discolor, mar, disfigure, deface, besmear, spoil, soil, stain.

ANT: Cleanse, absterge, purify, embellish, whiten, decorate, beautify.


KEY: Bedeck, [See DECK].


KEY: Bedizen.

SYN: Tawdry, betinselled, gaudy, flashy, bespangled.

ANT: Adorned, robed, decorated, beautified.


KEY: Befall.

SYN: Happen, occur, betide, fall, supervene, bechance.

ANT: Miss, pass, spare, pretermit.


KEY: Befitting.

SYN: Fitting, decent, becoming, suitable, appropriate, proper, consistent, expedient, desirable.

ANT: Obligatory, compulsory, unbefitting, indecent, unbecoming, unsuitable, inappropriate, incompatible, inexpedient, improper.


KEY: Befool.

SYN: Deceive, cheat, mystify, bamboozle, ensnare, hoodwink, mislead.

ANT: Guide, enlighten, advise, undeceive, lead.


KEY: Before.

SYN: Precedently, anteriorly, antecedently.

ANT: After, afterwards, subsequently, posteriorly, later, behind.


KEY: Befriend.

SYN: Assist, countenance, support, advocate, promote, protect, defend.

ANT: Oppose, di?countenanced, withstand, thwart, decry, defame, oppress, annoy.


KEY: Beg.

SYN: Ask, request, entreat, supplicate, beseech, implore, pray, petition, crave.

ANT: Insist, exact, extort, require, demand.


KEY: Beggar.

SYN: Mendicant, petitioner, suitor, suppliant, applicant.

ANT: Exactor, extortioner.


KEY: Beggarly, Miserable, poor, stinted, wretched, niggardly, stingy, scant, illiberal.

ANT: Noble, princely, stately, prodigal, sumptuous, liberal, profuse, gorgeous, magnificent.


KEY: Beggary.

SYN: Want, penury, destitution, indigence, mendicancy.

ANT: Affluence, riches, abundance, plenty.


KEY: Begin.

SYN: Initiate, commence, prepare, start, originate, arise, inaugurate.

ANT: Achieve, complete, terminate, conclude, consummate, finish, close, end.


KEY: Beginner.

SYN: Tyro, novice, neophyte, learner, pupil.

ANT: Adept, expert, master, authority.


KEY: Beginning.

SYN: Commencement, start, origin, rise, initiation, preparation, preface, prelude, inauguration, inception, threshold, opening, source, outset, foundation.

ANT: End, close, termination, conclusion, consummation, completion.


KEY: Beguile, [See BEFOOL].


KEY: Behalf.

SYN: Side, interest, advantage, aid, bestead.



KEY: Behavior.

SYN: Conduct, bearing, demeanor, proceeding, comportment, action, manner, deportment.

ANT: Misdemeanor, misbehavior, misconduct.


KEY: Behest.

SYN: Injunction, command, instruction, mandate, commission, requirement, trust.

ANT: Option, liberty, non-interference, discretion.


KEY: Behind, [See BEFORE].


KEY: Behold.

SYN: Look, discern, regard, view, descry, look upon, gaze, contemplate, observe, see, scan, survey.

ANT: Overlook, disregard, ignore, miss, blink, wink, connive.


KEY: Beholden.

SYN: Bound, obliged, indebted, thankful, grateful.

ANT: Unindebted, unobliged, unbound, unthankful, ungrateful.


KEY: Beholder.

SYN: Spectator, observer, bystander, witness, looker-on.



KEY: Belief.

SYN: Assent, faith, trust, credence, avowal, assurance, admission, conviction, opinion, permission, creed, reliance, concession, confidence.

ANT: Dissent, unbelief, distrust, denial, misgiving, disavowal, rejection, disbelief.


KEY: Bellicose.

SYN: Quarrelsome, pugnacious, belligerent, irascible, contentious.

ANT: Peaceful, peaceable, unquarrelsome, pacific, unwarlike, unexcitable, good-tempered, genial.


KEY: Belligerent.

SYN: Contending, engaging, fighting, opposed, adverse, rival, conflicting, antagonist, assailant, hostile.

ANT: Neutral, pacific, peaceful, nonbelligerent, appeased, reconciled.


KEY: Bellow, [See BAWL].


KEY: Belonging.

SYN: Related, connected, appertaining, cognate, congenial, obligatory, accompanying.

ANT: Unrelated, unconnected, Irrelevant, impertinent, alien, uncongenial, discretional, optional, uninvolved, unimplied, independent.


KEY: Belong to.

SYN: Pertain to, appertain to, regard, relate to.

ANT: Not to belong to, not to appertain to, not to relate to.


KEY: Beloved.

SYN: Cared for, cherished, loved.

ANT: Hated, loathed.


KEY: Below.

SYN: Under, beneath, adown, underneath.

ANT: Above, over, aloft.


KEY: Bend.

SYN: Curve, deviate, incline, tend, swerve, diverge, mold, persuade, influence, bias, dispose, direct, lower, subordinate to, lean, deflect, bow, condescend, yield, stoop, submit.

ANT: Proceed, continue, extend, advance, stand, stiffen, break, crush, resist.


KEY: Beneath.

SYN: Below, underneath, under, adown.

ANT: Above, over, overhead, aloft.


KEY: Benediction.

SYN: Blessing, commendation, approval, benison, gratitude, thankfulness, thanksgiving.

ANT: Curse, malediction, disapproval, censure, obloquy, execration, ingratitude.


KEY: Benefaction.

SYN: Grant, gratuity, boon, donation, aims, present, gift, endowment, bequest, favor, presentation.

ANT: Deprivation, reservation, disfavor, presumption, confiscation, disendowment.


KEY: Benefactor.

SYN: Friend, supporter, contributor, upholder, well-wisher, favorer, well-doer, patron.

ANT: Foe, opponent, disfavorer, antagonist, rival, backfriend, oppressor.


KEY: Beneficial.

SYN: Profitable, salutary, advantageous, wholesome, salubrious.

ANT: Prejudicial, noxious, hurtful, unprofitable, detrimental.


KEY: Beneficent.

SYN: Bountiful, benevolent, benignant.

ANT: Hard, uncommiserating, griping, unbeneficent, illiberal, oppressive, cruel.


KEY: Benefit.

SYN: Boon, behoof, service, utility, avail, use, good, advantage, profit, favor, blessing.

ANT: Evil, loss, disadvantage, detriment, damage, calamity, bereavement, injury, privation.


KEY: Benevolence.

SYN: Kindness, goodwill, charity, philanthropy, kindliness, kind-heartedness, benignity, beneficence, liberality.

ANT: Unkindness, harshness, barbarity, niggardliness, maleficence, malignity, illiberality, ill-will, churlishness.


KEY: Benevolent, [See BENEFICIENT].


KEY: Benignant, [See BENEFICIENT].


KEY: Benison, [See BENEDICTION].


KEY: Bent.

SYN: Inclination, angle, direction, bias, determination, disposition, intention, prepossession, propensity, predilection, turn, leaning.

ANT: Indisposition, aversion.


KEY: Bequeath.

SYN: Give, grant, leave by will, devise, will, bestow, impart, demise, leave \n.\ Legacy, inheritance.

ANT: Withhold, alienate \n.\ Disinheritance, transference, abalienation, dispossession.


KEY: Bereave.

SYN: Rob, deprive, divest, dispossess, impoverish, reduce, spoil, strip.

ANT: Replenish, compensate, reinstate, satisfy, enrich, benefit.


KEY: Bereavement.

SYN: Destitution, affliction, deprivation, loss.

ANT: Gift, blessing, donation, benefaction, compensation, reparation, restoration, reinstatement, substitution, restitution, consolation.



KEY: Bereft.

SYN: Robbed, deprived, destitute, denied, spoiled.

ANT: Endowed, enriched, compensated, consoled, possessed.


KEY: Beseech.

SYN: Entreat, pray, solicit, ask, implore, crave, request, supplicate, petition, beg.

ANT: Insist, demand, exact, intimidate, command, coerce.


KEY: Beseem.

SYN: Befit, suit, belong, appertain.

ANT: Unbeseem, disgrace.


KEY: Beseeming.

SYN: Befitting, belonging, suitable, appertaining, consistent, compatible, requisite, decent, graceful.

ANT: Unbefitting, unseemly, unsuitable, improper, indecent, ungraceful.


KEY: Bound.

SYN: Hem, surround, environ, encircle, besiege, beleaguer, embarrass.

ANT: Liberate, abandon.


KEY: Beside.

SYN: Close, near, alongside, additionally, over and above, together, moreover.

ANT: Separate, apart, inclusively.


KEY: Besiege.

SYN: Beset, beleaguer, sit, invest.

ANT: Abandon, (Phrase, “Raise the siege”).


KEY: Besmear, [See BEDAUB].


KEY: Besotted.

SYN: Intoxicated, steeped, stupefied, drunk, drenched, doltish, gross, prejudiced.

ANT: Sober, temperate, clear, unbiased, unprejudiced, enlightened, refined.


KEY: Bespatter.

SYN: Besprinkle, befoul, bedaub, revile, vilify, asperse.

ANT: Absterge, sponge, cleanse, purify, vindicate, defend, clear.


KEY: Bespeak.

SYN: Betoken, foreorder, forestall, provide, prearrange, indicate, evidence.

ANT: Belie, resign, countermand.


KEY: Bestead \v.\

SYN: Convenience, serve, uphold, assist, accommodate, benefit.

ANT: Thwart, damage, incommode, oppose, injure.


KEY: Bestead \n.\

SYN: Interest, behalf, advantage, benefit, part, side.

ANT: Injury, disadvantage, opposition, detriment, damage.


KEY: Bestir.Commonly used reflexively for, to stir one's self, [See STIR].


KEY: Bestir \n.\ [See STIR].


KEY: Bestow.

SYN: Confer, give, present, award, accord, grant.

ANT: Withhold, withdraw, reserve, alienate, transfer, appropriate, usurp, seize.


KEY: Better \v.\

SYN: Meliorate, improve, amend, emend, ameliorate, rectify, reform.

ANT: Make worse.


KEY: Betide.

SYN: Befall, occur, happen.



KEY: Betimes.

SYN: Early, beforehand, preparedly, readily.

ANT: Behindhand, slowly, sluggishly, belatedly.


KEY: Betoken.

SYN: Teach, indicate, proclaim, presage, augur, portend, foreshow, signify, forebode, evidence, declare, manifest, involve, imply.

ANT: Misindicate, mislead, misdeclare, misteach, belie, mask, hide.


KEY: Betray.

SYN: Deceive, delude, dupe, circumvent, ensnare, dishonor, manifest, indicate, reveal.

ANT: Protect, preserve, guard, conserve, foster, cherish, fence, conceal, cover, suppress.


KEY: Between, Betwixt, [See AMIDST].


KEY: Bevy \n.\

SYN: Assembly, parterre, galaxy, constellation, nock.

ANT: Gang, crew, herd, mob.


KEY: Bewail.

SYN: Lament, deplore, rue, bemoan, sorrow, grieve, mourn for.

ANT: Exult, hail, rejoice, welcome, greet.


KEY: Beware.

SYN: Care, refrain, consider, heed, look, fear, avoid.

ANT: Ignore, overlook, neglect, incur, brave, dare.


KEY: Bewilder.

SYN: Daze, dazzle, confound, mystify, puzzle, embarrass, astonish, perplex, confuse, mislead.

ANT: Guide, inform, lead, instruct, enlighten, edify.


KEY: Bewildered, [See CONFUSED].


KEY: Bewitch.

SYN: Enchant, fascinate, charm, captivate, entrance.

ANT: Exorcise, disillusionize, disenchant.


KEY: Beyond.

SYN: Over, further, past, more.

ANT: Here, close, near, hither, less, short.


KEY: Bias, [See BENT].


KEY: Bicker.

SYN: Wrangle, quarrel, jar, dispute, contend.

ANT: Chat, gossip, converse, agree.


KEY: Bickering.

SYN: Wrangling, disputing, contention, strife, altercation, dispute.

ANT: Conversing, chatting, agreeing.


KEY: Bid.

SYN: Tell, request, instruct, direct, order, proffer, charge, command, propose, offer.

ANT: Forbid, deter, prohibit, restrain.


KEY: Bide.

SYN: Wait, remain, tarry, stay, await, expect, anticipate, continue, bear, abide, endure.

ANT: Quit, depart, migrate, move, resist, resent, repel, abjure, protest, rebel.


KEY: Big.

SYN: Large, great, wide, huge, bulky, proud, arrogant, pompous, fat, massive, gross.

ANT: Little, small, narrow, minute, slight, lean, affable, easy, unaffected.


KEY: Bigoted.

SYN: Prejudiced, intolerant, narrow-minded, blindly devoted, onesided, confined.

ANT: Unprejudiced, open-minded, large-minded, broad, comprehensive, liberal.


KEY: Bigotry.

SYN: Prejudice, Pharisaism, obstinacy, credulity, fanaticism, intolerance, superstition.

ANT: Liberality, charity, enlightenment, toleration, eclecticism, latitudinarianism.


KEY: Bill.

SYN: Account, reckoning, score, charges, jaw, mandible, beak.


KEY: Bind.

SYN: Fetter, engage, tie, fasten, secure, lace, twine, oblige, compel, restrict, restrain, secure.

ANT: Untie, loose, unfasten, acquit, free, liberate.


KEY: Binding.

SYN: Restrictive, obligatory, restraining, stringent, styptic, costive, astringent.

ANT: Loosening, opening, enlarging, distending.


KEY: Birth.

SYN: Parentage, extraction, nativity, family, race, origin, source, rise, lineage, nobility.

ANT: Death, extinction, plebeianism.


KEY: Bit.

SYN: Morsel, piece, fragment, part.

ANT: Mass, whole.


KEY: Biting.

SYN: Pungent, censorious, piercing, gnawing, sarcastic, sardonic, trenchant.

ANT: Pleasant, genial, soothing, complacent, flattering.


KEY: Bitter.

SYN: Harsh, sour, sharp, tart, acrimonious, sarcastic, severe, sad, afflictive, intense, stinging, pungent, acrid, cutting.

ANT: Sweet, mellow, pleasant, affable, kindly, genial, light, mitigated, trivial.


KEY: Bitterness, [See ANTIPATHY].


KEY: Blacken.

SYN: Bespatter, befoul, bedaub, defame, decry, calumniate, dishonor, asperse, traduce, vilify, slander, malign.

ANT: Vindicate, clear, eulogize.


KEY: Blackguard.

SYN: Scoundrel, rascal, rapscallion, blackleg, villain.

ANT: Gentleman.


KEY: Blame.

SYN: Censure, chide, rebuke, reproach, vituperate, dispraise, disapprove, condemn, reprehend, reprobate, reprove.

ANT: Acquit, exculpate, exonerate, encourage, praise, approve.


KEY: Blamable, [See BLAMELESS].


KEY: Blameless.

SYN: Pure, innocent, irresponsible.

ANT: Criminated, implicated, answerable, blameworthy, faulty, guilty, blamable.


KEY: Blanch.

SYN: Bleach, whiten.

ANT: Darken, color, obfuscate.


KEY: Bland.

SYN: Soft, mild, gentle, complaisant, courteous, affable, gracious, tender, benign.

ANT: Harsh, abrupt, rough.


KEY: Blandiloquence.

SYN: Glossiness, blarney, humbug, flattery, speciousness, adulation.

ANT: Bluntness, roughness, abruptness.


KEY: Blandishment.

SYN: Coaxing, flattery, wheedling, fawning, cajolery.

ANT: Roughness, bluntness, unmannerliness.


KEY: Blank.

SYN: Bleak, bare, utter, unmitigated, broad.

ANT: Modified, qualified, mitigated.


KEY: Blasphemy.

SYN: Swearing, profaneness, impiety.

ANT: Reverence, veneration, godliness.


KEY: Blast \v.\

SYN: Blight, shrivel, destroy, wither.

ANT: Restore, expand, swell.


KEY: Blast \n.\

SYN: Breeze, efflation, explosion, blight, burst, blaze, frustration, destruction, squall, gale, tempest, hurricane, affiliation.

ANT: Zephyr, gentle breeze, neutralization.


KEY: Blatant.

SYN: Noisy, bellowing, vociferous, clamorous, braying.

ANT: Quiet, low-toned, gentle.


KEY: Blaze, [See BLAST].


KEY: Blazon.

SYN: Notify, signalize, publicate, adventure, circulate, propagate, disseminate.

ANT: Cover, conceal, hide, suppress, hush, palliate, shroud, bury.


KEY: Bleach.

SYN: Whiten, blanch.

ANT: Darken, blacken, soil, [See BLANCH].


KEY: Bleak.

SYN: Blank, bare, open, cold, exposed, stormy, nipping.

ANT: Warm, sheltered, verdant, luxuriant, zephyrous, balmy, halcyonic.


KEY: Blemish.

SYN: Spot, blur, blot, flaw, speck, fault, imperfection, stain, daub, tarnish, defacement, discoloration, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonor, defect.

ANT: Purity, unsulliedness, honor, intactness.


KEY: Blench.

SYN: Start, shy, shudder, recoil, shrink.

ANT: Encounter, dare, venture, face, stand.


KEY: Blend.

SYN: Mix, harmonize, unite, combine, fuse, merge, amalgamate, mingle, commingle, coalesce.

ANT: Run, separate, divide, dissociate, confound.


KEY: Bless.

SYN: Felicitate, endow, enrich, gladden, rejoice, cheer, thank.

ANT: Deprive, sadden, impoverish, ignore, curse, anathematize.


KEY: Blessedness, [See JOY].


KEY: Blessing.

SYN: Felicitation, benediction, endowment, donation, gift, gratitude, thankfulness, thanks, benefit.

ANT: Impoverishment, deprivation, bereavement, malediction, thanklessness, obliviousness, catastrophe, disaster, calamity, detriment, curse, damn.


KEY: Blight, [See BLAST].


KEY: Blind.

SYN: Sightless, unseeing, eyeless, depraved, undiscerning, ignorant, prejudiced, uninformed, unconscious, unaware.

ANT: Farsighted, penetrating, sensitive, keen, discriminating, clearsighted, pure-minded, aware, conscious.


KEY: Blink.

SYN: Wink, ignore, connive, overlook.

ANT: Notice, visit, note, mark.


KEY: Bliss.

SYN: Blessedness, joy, ecstasy, rapture.

ANT: Condemnation, accursedness, suffering, misery, woe.


KEY: Blithe.

SYN: Light, merry, joyous, happy, bright, elastic, gladsome, bonny, vivacious, lively, cheerful, blithesome, gay.

ANT: Heavy, dull, dejected, sullen.


KEY: Block.

SYN: Stop, arrest, fill, obstruct.

ANT: Free, liberate, open, pave.


KEY: Blockhead.

SYN: Dolt, dunderhead, jolterhead, dunce, ninny, numskull, dullard, simpleton, booby, loggerhead, ignoramus.

ANT: Sage, adept, luminary, schoolman, philosopher, savant.


KEY: Bloodshed.

SYN: Slaughter, massacre, carnage, butchery.


KEY: Bloodthirsty.

SYN: Gory, bloody, murderous, inhuman, cruel, ruthless, savage.

ANT: Humane, kind, merciful.


KEY: Bloom.

SYN: Blossom, bud, flower, sprout, germinate, beauty, freshness, delicacy.

ANT: Decay, decadence, coarseness, blight, blast, harshness, roughness, toughness, superannuation, cadaverousness, ghastliness.


KEY: Blooming.

SYN: Flourishing, fair, flowering, blossoming, young, beautiful.

ANT: Fading, waning, blighted, old, blasted, paralyzed, superannuated, unsightly, deformed.


KEY: Blot \v.\

SYN: Obscure, tarnish, spoil, sully, spot, discolor, pollute, obliterate, erase, blur, stain, blotch, smear, smutch.

ANT: Elucidate, clear, absterge, perpetuate, cleanse, manifest, conserve.


KEY: Blot out.

SYN: Erase, efface, cancel, expunge, wipe out, obliterate, destroy.

ANT: Restore, replace.


KEY: Blotch, [See BLOT].


KEY: Blow.

SYN: Puff, blast, breath, stroke, infliction, wound, disappointment, affliction, knock, shock, calamity, misfortune.

ANT: Assuagement, consolation, relief, comfort, blessing, sparing.


KEY: Bluff.

SYN: Bare, open, bold, abrupt, frank, plain-spoken, blunt, surly, rude, blustering, swaggering, brusque, hectoring, coarse, discourteous, rough, bullying.

ANT: Undulating, inclined, inabrupt, courteous, polished, reserved.


KEY: Blunder.

SYN: Error, mistake, misunderstanding, fault, oversight, inaccuracy, delusion, slip.

ANT: Accuracy, truthfulness, exactness, correctness, faultlessness, ratification, atonement, foresight, prevention, hit, success, achievement, correction.


KEY: Blunt \a.\

SYN: Dull, obtuse, pointless, edgeless, insensitive, bluff, coarse, impolite, plain-mannered, uncivil, rude.

ANT: Sharp, keen, pointed, acute, aculeated, sensitive, polished, bland, eloquent, courteous, reserved.


KEY: Blunt \v.\

SYN: To subdue, repress, tranquilize, discourage, ossify, numb, harden.

ANT: Quicken, sharpen, instigate, suscitate, stimulate, animate, excite, vitalize.


KEY: Blur, [See BLEMISH].


KEY: Blush.

SYN: Bloom, color, carnation, complexion, aspect, shame, confusion, guiltiness, self-reproach.

ANT: Innocence, purity, guiltlessness, unconsciousness, boldness, effrontery.


KEY: Bluster.

SYN: Storm, rage, puff, insult, blow, swagger, fume, brag.

ANT: [See BRAG].


KEY: Blustering, [See BLUFF].


KEY: Boast \v.\

SYN: Vaunt, brag, swagger, swell, bluster, vapor, triumph, glory.

ANT: [See BRAG].


KEY: Boasting, [See OSTENTATION].


KEY: Bode.

SYN: Foretell, betoken, foreshadow, presage, predict, prophesy, promise, forebode, herald, announce, prognosticate, portend, augur.

ANT: Relate, record, narrate, remember.


KEY: Bodily.

SYN: Collectively, wholly, summarily, unitedly, compactedly, together, corporeal, fleshy, material, physical.

ANT: Piecemeal, partially, ghostly, fragmentarily, gradually, spiritual.


KEY: Body.

SYN: Substance, mass, whole, substantiality, collectiveness, assemblage, collection, matter, association, organization.

ANT: Spirit, soul, individual.


KEY: Boggle.

SYN: Halt, hesitate, dubitate, falter, blunder, blotch, botch, spoil, mar.

ANT: Encounter, face, advance, refine, clear, work, perfect, complete, beautify.


KEY: Boll.

SYN: bubble, effervesce, rage, explode, fume.

ANT: Calm, subside, recover, cool.


KEY: Boisterous.

SYN: Loud, violent, unrestrained, tempestuous, stormy, uncontrolled, intemperate.

ANT: Peaceful, calm, serene, selfpossessed.


KEY: Bold.

SYN: Courageous, fearless, adventurous, brave, self-confident, forward, intrepid, dauntless, valiant, daring, audacious, lion-hearted, doughty.

ANT: Timid, fearful, inadventurous, shy, bashful, retiring.


KEY: Bolster.

SYN: Support, prop, help, aid, sustain, subsidize, patch, tinker, buoy.

ANT: Depress, dispirit, relax.


KEY: Bombast.

SYN: Rhodomontade, braggadocio, gasconade, bluster, inflatedness, pomposity, exaggerativeness, fustian.

ANT: Truthfulness, moderation, refrain, veracity, modesty, temperateness, humility.


KEY: Bombastic, [See OSTENTATION].


KEY: Bond.

SYN: Tie, fastening, chain, association, manacle, fetter, compact, obligation, security.

ANT: Freedom, option, discretion, honor, parole.


KEY: Bondage.

SYN: Servitude, confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, subjection, serfdom, thraldom, captivity, slavery.

ANT: Freedom, liberty, independence, manumission, liberation.


KEY: Bondsman.

SYN: Slave, serf, prisoner, captive, vassal.

ANT: Freeman, yeoman, gentleman, lord, master.


KEY: Bonny.

SYN: Fair, pretty, pleasant, lively, cheerful, shapely, buxom.

ANT: Dull, unseemly, ill-favored, deformed.


KEY: Bonus.

SYN: Premium, douceur, boon, benefit.

ANT: Fine, penalty, mulct, amercement, discount.


KEY: Booby.

SYN: Idiot, dunce, numskull.

ANT: Wiseacre, solon, oracle.


KEY: booklist.

SYN: Studious, erudite, pedantic, learned.

ANT: Unbookish, unstudious, inerudite, unlearned, ignorant, uneducated.


KEY: Boorish, [See CLOWNISH].


KEY: Bootless.

SYN: Useless, profitless, unavailing, abortive.

ANT: Useful, profitable, availing, effective, effectual.


KEY: Booty.

SYN: Plunder, blackmail, loot, spoils, prey, pillage.

ANT: Restitution, fine, confiscation, forfeiture, amercement, penalty.


KEY: Border.

SYN: Limit, boundary, brink, rim, verge, brim, edge, edging, band, hem, enclosure, confine.

ANT: Land, tract, interior, substance, space, centre.


KEY: Border on.

SYN: Be contiguous to, be adjacent to, conterminous with, adjoin, adjacent to.

ANT: Remote from, away from.


KEY: Bore.

SYN: Perforate, pierce, weary, penetrate.

ANT: Please, gratify, delight.


KEY: Bosom.

SYN: Breast, hollow, valley, deep, bed, centre, heart, mind, soul, will.

ANT: Surface, exterior, manner, deportment, demeanor.


KEY: Botch.

SYN: Patch, cobble, blunder, clump, disconcert, spoil, jumble, mess, bungle, mar, blacksmith.

ANT: Fine-draw, trim, harmonize, mend, beautify, embroider, manipulate, handle, manage.


KEY: Both.

SYN: Twain.

ANT: Neither.


KEY: Bother.

SYN: Fuse, worry, pester, excitement, stir, plague, vex, annoy, tease, confusion, vexation, flurry, trouble.

ANT: Calm, composure, orderliness, peace, quiet.


KEY: Bottom.

SYN: Deep, profound, floor, groundwork, depth, ground, foot.

ANT: Top, summit, apex, crown, brow, surface.


KEY: Bound \n.\

SYN: Limit, boundary, inclosure, confine, border.



KEY: Bound \v.\

SYN: Confine, limit, circumscribe, terminate, restrict, restrain.

ANT: Enlarge, open, extend, spread out.


KEY: Bound \v.\

SYN: To leap, jump, frisk, spring, skip.

ANT: Hobble, limp, crawl, creep, shamble.


KEY: Boundary, [See BOUND].


KEY: Boundless.

SYN: Unbounded, immeasurable, infinite, unlimited, illimitable, unmeasurable.

ANT: Narrow, restricted, limited, confined, circumscribed.


KEY: Bountiful, [See LIBERAL].


KEY: Bounty.

SYN: Liberality, bounteousness, benevolence, munificence, donation, gift, generosity, charity, benignity.

ANT: Illiberality, closeness, hardy, hardness, churlishness, stinginess, niggardliness.


KEY: Bower.

SYN: Shady recess, arbor, retreat, alcove.

ANT: Open place.


KEY: Brae.

SYN: Boast, vaunt, swagger, bully.

ANT: Cringe, whine, whimper.


KEY: Braggart, [See BRAG].


KEY: Braid.

SYN: Bind, tie, weave, plait.

ANT: Unbind, dishevel.


KEY: Branch.

SYN: Member, bifurcation, bough, limb, offspring, shoot, spray, sprig, twig, ramification, offshoot, relative, scion.

ANT: Trunk, stock, stem, race, family, house.


KEY: Brand \v.\

SYN: denounce, stigmatize, disgrace, mark.

ANT: Distinguish, honor, decorate.


KEY: Brand \n.\

SYN: Disgrace, stigma, infamy, mark.

ANT: Decoration, badge, distinction, honor.


KEY: Brandish.

SYN: Flourish, fence, agitate, wield, whisk, shake, wave.

ANT: Stay, arrest, suspend.


KEY: Bravado.

SYN: Boasting, bragging, vaunting, bluster.



KEY: Brave, [See GALLANT].


KEY: Brawl.

SYN: Wrangle, broil, scold, roar, shout, vociferate.

ANT: Whisper, softness, mellowness, melodiousness, intonation.


KEY: Brawny.

SYN: Muscular, powerful, strong, athletic, sinewy, herculean, robust, stout.

ANT: Lean, weak, fragile, delicate, effeminate, feeble.


KEY: Bray.

SYN: Pound, bruise, beat, pulverize.

ANT: Compact, compound, amalgamate, conglomerate.


KEY: Breach.

SYN: Rupture, divulsion, gap, quarrel, violation, nonperformance.

ANT: Integrity, conservation, healing, reconciliation, inviolateness, fulfillment.


KEY: Break.

SYN: Fracture, rupture, shatter, shiver, destroy, tame, curb, demolish, tear asunder, rend, burst, sever, smash, split, subdue, violate, infringe.

ANT: Heal, piece, conjoin, protect, conserve, encourage, rally, observe, obey.


KEY: Breast, [See BOSOM].


KEY: Breath.

SYN: Respiration, inspiration, expiration, inhalation, exhalation, /Met./ Life.

ANT: To latter, Cessation, passing, departure, perishing, dying, death.


KEY: Breathe, [See BREATH].


KEY: Breathless.

SYN: Exhausted, eager, absorbed, fascinated, attentive, bewildered, astounded.

ANT: Cool, calm, collected, unexcited, fresh, indifferent, inattentive, unastonished.


KEY: Breed \v.\

SYN: Generate, procreate, engender, propagate, produce, beget, hatch, nourish, train, instruct, evolve, cause.

ANT: Destroy, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, stifle.


KEY: Breed \n.\ [See LINEAGE].


KEY: Breeding.

SYN: Nurture, education, training, discipline, instruction, manners, air, demeanor, decorum.

ANT: ill-manners, ill-training, illbehavior, ignorance.


KEY: Brevity.

SYN: Shortness, closeness, conciseness, succinctness, terseness, compendiousness, pointedness, abbreviation, abridgment.

ANT: Length, protraction, elongation, extension, prolixity, diffusiveness, [See IDENTITY], tediousness.


KEY: Drew.

SYN: Concoct, compound, mix, hatch, prepare, season, threaten, impend, increase, collect, form, gather, grow.

ANT: Pass, disperse, break, spoil, miscompound, mar.


KEY: Bridle.

SYN: Curb, restrain, govern, control, master, moderate, compress.

ANT: Loosen, liberate, relax, vent, discharge.


KEY: Brief, [See SHORT].


KEY: Bright.

SYN: Shining, brilliant, burnished, luminous, lucid, sparkling, limpid, clever, happy, witty, joyous, cheerful, radiant.

ANT: Opaque, dull, dead, muddy, stupid, slow, sullen, dejected, cheerless, joyless, imbecile.


KEY: Brilliant.

SYN: Flashing, radiant, shining, lustrous, glorious, luminous, effulgent, beaming, sparkling.



KEY: Bring.

SYN: Fetch, procure, convey, carry, bear, adduce, import, produce, cause, induce.

ANT: Export, remove, abstract, subtract, prevent, exclude, debar, transport.


KEY: Brisk.

SYN: Quick, lively, vivacious, active, alert, nimble, sprightly, spirited, animated, prompt, effervescent.

ANT: Slow, heavy, dull, inactive, [See in-^k)lent], sluggish, unenergetic, stagnant.


KEY: Bristling.

SYN: Full, stocked, multitudinous, crowded, swarming, multifarious.

ANT: Bare, nude, scant, devoid, vacant.


KEY: Brittle, [See FRAGILE].


KEY: Broach.

SYN: Moot, start, launch, originate, suggest, exhibit, propound.

ANT: Reserve, secrete, seal, repress, cork, bottle.


KEY: Broad.

SYN: Wide, extensive, expansive, ample, liberal, comprehensive, unreserved, indelicate, coarse, generic.

ANT: Narrow, restricted, confined, limited, bigoted, prejudiced, illiberal, narrow-minded, reserved, veiled, enigmatical, shrouded, shaded, refined, delicate, sketchy, specific, pointed.


KEY: Broadcast.

SYN: Scattered abroad, dispersed, profusely, unsparingly, indiscriminately, injudiciously, extensively.

ANT: Collectedly, concentratively, sparingly, reservedly, locally, partially, discreetly, charily.


KEY: Broil, [See AFFRAY].


KEY: Brook.

SYN: Bear, tolerate, suffer, endure, undergo, submit to, permit.

ANT: Resist, resent, reject.


KEY: Brotherhood.

SYN: Fraternity, association, fellowship, society, sodality.


KEY: Brotherly.

SYN: Fraternal, kind, affectionate, tender.

ANT: Unkind, hard, harsh, unfraternal.


KEY: Browbeat.

SYN: Intimidate, bully, overbear, cow, overawe, boycott, bulldoze.

ANT: Encourage, rally, countenance, support.


KEY: Bruise \v.\ [See BREAK].


KEY: Brunt.

SYN: Impulse, attack, aggression, onslaught, onset, assault, shock.

ANT: Resistance, endurance, repulsion.


KEY: Brutal.

SYN: Savage, inhuman, rude, unfeeling, merciless, ruthless, brutish, barbarous, sensual, beastly, ignorant, stolid, dense, cruel, violent, vindictive, bloodthirsty, intemperate.

ANT: Humane, civilized, generous, intelligent, polished, chivalrous, conscientious, self-controlled.


KEY: Brutish, [See BRUTAL].


KEY: Bubble.

SYN: Trifle, toy, fancy, conceit, vision, dream, froth, trash.

ANT: Acquisition, prize, treasury reality, substance, verity, jewel, good, advantage.


KEY: Bud \v.\

SYN: Sprout, blossom, bloom, germinate.


KEY: Buffoon.

SYN: Wag, clown, jester.

ANT: Wit, genius, philosopher, pedant, visionary, dissembler, prig, enthusiast, hypocrite.


KEY: Bugbear.

SYN: Hobgoblin, goblin, gorgon, ghoul, spirit, spook, specter, ogre, scarecrow.



KEY: Build, [See CONSTRUCT].


KEY: Building.

SYN: Edifice, architecture, construction, erection, fabric, structure.

ANT: Ruin, dilapidation, dismantlement, demolition.


KEY: Builder, [See BUILDING].


KEY: Bulk.

SYN: Mass, whole, entirety, integrity, majority, size, magnitude, extension, body, volume, bigness, largeness, massiveness, dimension.

ANT: Tenuity, minority, dismemberment, disintegration, diminution, portion, contraction, section, atom, particle.


KEY: Bulk, [See SIZE].


KEY: Bulky.

SYN: Huge, unwieldy, heavy, large, ample, ponderous, burly, cumbrous, gigantic, brawny, massive.

ANT: Small, light, slight, airy, thin, delicate, nimble, attenuated, slender, sylphlike, puny, tiny.


KEY: Bully.

SYN: swashbuckler, swaggerer, braggadocio.



KEY: Bullying, [See BLUSTERING].


KEY: Bulwark.

SYN: Rampart, fortress, fortification, palladium, citadel, intrenchment, stronghold, parapet, bastion.

ANT: Storming, siege, investment, bombardment, cannonade, boarding.


KEY: Bungler.

SYN: Botcher, clown, lubber, fumbler, novice.

ANT: Adept, adroit, master, artist, workman, proficient, professor.


KEY: Buoy.

SYN: Float, support, sustain, elevate, elate, assure, animate, cheer, inspire.

ANT: Sink, drown, depress, swamp, overcome, deject, crush, fail, betray.


KEY: Buoyant.

SYN: Sprightly, spirited, vivacious, lively, light, floating, hopeful, cheerful, elastic, [See JOY].

ANT: Heavy, depressed, cheerless, joyless, dejected, moody, desponding.


KEY: Burden \v.\ [See LOAD].


KEY: Burden \n.\

SYN: Load, weight, Incubus, obstruction, oppression, grief, difficulty, affliction.

ANT: Ease, lightness, airiness, expedition, facility, acceleration, abjugation, liberation, lightheartedness, alleviation, assuagement, mitigation, consolation, disburdenment.




KEY: Burial.

SYN: Interment, sepulture, inhumation, entombment.

ANT: Exhumation, disinterment.


KEY: Burke.

SYN: Stifle, shelve, strangle, smother.

ANT: Enucleate, propound, promulge, publicate, promote, foster, reanimate, eliminate, ventilate, bruit, suscitate.


KEY: Burlesque.

SYN: Parody, travesty, satire, caricature, grotesque, droll, farcical, comic, ludicrous.

ANT: Classic, pure, severe, tragic, historic, grave, truthful.


KEY: Burly, [See BULKY].


KEY: Burn.

SYN: Ignite, kindle, brand, consume, cauterize, rage, glow, smoulder, blaze, flash, cremate, incinerate.

ANT: Extinguish, stifle, cool, wane, subside, glimmer, lower, pale.


KEY: Burning, [See ARDENT].


KEY: Burnish.

SYN: Brighten, glaze, polish, gloze, gloss.

ANT: Scratch, dull, abrade, bedim, cloud, frost, matt.


KEY: Burst \v.\

SYN: Extravasate, displode, explode, discharge, shiver, shatter, disrupt, rend, break, split.

ANT: Cohere, hold, stand.


KEY: Bury.

SYN: Inter, inhume, conceal, repress, suppress, obliterate, cancel, entomb, compose, hush.

ANT: Disinter, exhume, bruit, excavate, expose, resuscitate, publicate, aggravate.


KEY: Business.

SYN: Occupation, profession, vocation, transaction, trade, calling, office, employment, interest, duty, affair, matter, concern.

ANT: Stagnation, leisure, inactivity.


KEY: Bustle.

SYN: Business, activity, stir, commotion, energy, excitement, haste, hurry, eagerness, flurry.

ANT: Idleness, vacation, inactivity, Indolence, Indifference, unconcernedness, coolness, calm, stagnation, quiet, desertion.


KEY: Busy.

SYN: Industrious, diligent, assiduous, engaged, occupied.

ANT: Idle, slothful, lazy, indolent, unoccupied.


KEY: But.

SYN: Save, except, barring, yet, beside, excluding, still, excepting, notwithstanding.

ANT: With, including, inclusive, nevertheless, however, notwithstanding.


KEY: Butchery, [See CARNAGE].


KEY: Buxom.

SYN: Bonny, blithe, shapely.

ANT: Lean, slender, ill-shaped.


KEY: Buy.

SYN: Purchase, bribe, subsidize, suborn.

ANT: Sell, vend, hawk, retail.


KEY: Buyer, [See BUY].


KEY: Cabal.

SYN: Confederacy, conspiracy, combination, coterie, gang, faction, plot, political intrigue, junto, league.

ANT: Parliament, legislation, council, government, empire, synod.


KEY: Cabalistic.

SYN: Mystic, symbolical, fanciful, occult.

ANT: Patent, practical, instructive, lucid, simple.


KEY: Cabbage.

SYN: Rob, steal, filch, crib, pocket, shirk, pillage, abstract, purloin.



KEY: Cachinnation.

SYN: Grin, chuckle, giggle, snigger, titter, cackle.

ANT: Longfacedness, whine, whimper.




KEY: Cadaverous.

SYN: Pale, exsanguineous, bloodless, hueless, pallid, ghastly, ashy.

ANT: Rosy, incarnadine, sanguine, chubby, brawny.


KEY: Caducity.

SYN: Decline, infirmity, decrepitude, senility, decadence, transience, delicacy.

ANT: Vigor, youth, freshness, vitality, renovation, permanence.


KEY: Cage.

SYN: Imprison, immure, confine, incarcerate, cabin, crib.

ANT: Liberate, free, dismiss, unbar.


KEY: Caitiff.

SYN: Rascal, miscreant, rogue, churl, villain, ruffian.

ANT: Worthy, gentleman, patriot, philanthropist.


KEY: Cajole.

SYN: Tempt, lure, coat, flatter, wheedle, delude, cheat, inveigle, dupe.

ANT: Chide, rate, scold, warn.


KEY: Calamity.

SYN: Disaster, misfortune, mishap, catastrophe, misadventure, trouble, visitation, affliction, reverse, blight.

ANT: godsend, blessing, boon.


KEY: Calamitous.

SYN: Disastrous, illfated, fatal, unlucky, hapless, unfortunate, inauspicious, troublous, illstarred, ill-omened.

ANT: Felicitous, fortunate, auspicious, favorable, propitious, advantageous.


KEY: Calculate.

SYN: Estimate, consider, weigh, number, count, apportion, proportion, investigate, reckon, rate, compute.

ANT: Guess, conjecture, hit, chance, risk, stake, miscalculate.


KEY: Calculated.

SYN: Fitted, congenial, adapted, conducive.

ANT: Unfitted, unadapted, uncongenial, unconducive, adverse, unqualified, unsuited, miscalculated, ill-adapted.


KEY: Calculating.

SYN: Wary, cautious, circumspect, sagacious, careful, farsighted, guarded.

ANT: Shortsighted, dull, obtuse, improvident, incautious, rash, careless.


KEY: Calculation.

SYN: Estimation, consideration, balance, apportionment, investigation, reckoning, computation, anticipation, forethought, regard, circumspection, watchfulness, vigilance, caution, care.

ANT: Inconsiderateness, inconsideration, incaution, indiscretion, miscalculation, misconception, exclusion, exception, omission, carelessness, seposition.


KEY: Calibre.

SYN: Gauge, diameter, ability, capacity, force, strength, power.

ANT: correlative, as character, mind, etc.


KEY: callback, [See RECALL].


KEY: Call out, [See PROCLAIM].


KEY: Call together, [See CONVENE].


KEY: Called.

SYN: Named, designated, denominated, Determined.

ANT: Unnamed, undesignated, misnamed, misdesignated.


KEY: Calling, [See BUSINESS].


KEY: Callous, [See FAVORABLE].


KEY: Calm.

SYN: Smooth, pacify, compose, allay, still, soothe, appease, assuage, quiet, tranquilize.

ANT: Stir, excite, agitate, disconcert, ruffle, lash, heat, discompose.


KEY: Calumniate, [See SLANDER].


KEY: Calumniator, [See BACKBITER].


KEY: Calumnious.

SYN: Slanderous, defamatory, scurrilous, abusive.



KEY: Calumny.

SYN: Slander, defamation, detraction, libel, traducement, backbiting, opprobrium, aspersion.

ANT: Vindication, clearance, eulogy, panegyric.


KEY: Camp.

SYN: Encamp, bivouac.


KEY: Cancel.

SYN: Efface, blot out, annul, expunge, nullify, quash, rescind, repeal, revoke, abrogate, obliterate, discharge, erase, abolish, countervail.

ANT: Enforce, enact, re-enact, confirm, perpetuate, contract.


KEY: Candid.

SYN: Fair, honest, open, sincere, frank, artless, impartial, plain, straightforward, aboveboard, transparent, unreserved, ingenious.

ANT: unfair, close, mysterious, reserve, shuffling, disingenuous, insincere, Jesuitical.


KEY: Candidate.

SYN: Aspirant, petitioner, canvasser, applicant, claimant, solicitor.

ANT: Waiver, decliner, abandoner, resigner, abjurer, noncompetitor.


KEY: Canon.

SYN: Rule, measure, regulation, test, law.

ANT: Misguidance, antinomy, Irregularity, misrule.


KEY: Canvass \v.\

SYN: Question, Investigate, challenge, test, dispute, solicit, sift, examine, discuss, apply for, request.

ANT: Pretermit, allow, ignore, disregard, admit, pass, misexamine, misinvestigate.


KEY: Capable, [See ABLE].


KEY: Capability.

SYN: Cleverness, aptitude, talent, capacity, power, facility, faculty.

ANT: Dulness, inaptitude, awkwardness, difficulty.


KEY: Capacious.

SYN: Spacious, comprehensive, voluminous, ample, accommodative, extensive, wide.

ANT: Narrow, restricted, limited, confined, shallow, contracted, petty.


KEY: Capacity.

SYN: Space, size, volume, tonnage, calibre, ability, faculty, compatability, cleverness, talents, magnitude, parts, competency, compressiveness, accommodation.

ANT: Narrowness, restriction, Incapacity, coarctation, contractedness.


KEY: Capital.

SYN: Chief, excellent, important, cardinal, principal, consummate, high.

ANT: Inferior, unimportant, subordinate, minor, defective, mean.


KEY: Capitulate.

SYN: Stipulate, yield, surrender, submit.

ANT: Resist, struggle, contend.


KEY: Caprice, [See DRY].


KEY: Capricious.

SYN: Wayward, uncertain, fanciful, freakish, fitful, fickle, changeful, whimsical, humorsome, inconstant, crotchety.

ANT: Firm, unchanging, inflexible, decided, unswerving, constant.


KEY: Captious.

SYN: Carping, caviling, censorious, hypercritical, cross, fault-finding, critical, cynical, petulant, irritable, splenetic, touchy, peevish, fretful.

ANT: Appreciative, commendatory, encouraging, complimentary, approving, laudatory, flattering.


KEY: Captivate, [See BEWITCH].


KEY: Captivated.

SYN: Taken, charmed, smitten, fascinated, enslaved, captured, enthralled.

ANT: Free, unaffected, uninfluenced, unscathed, insensible, insensitive.


KEY: Captivating.

SYN: Charming, bewitching, fascinating, alluring, seductive, attractive.

ANT: Hideous, loathsome, repulsive, uncaptivating, uninteresting.


KEY: Captivity, [See THRALDOM].


KEY: Capture \v.\ [See SEIZE].


KEY: Capture \n.\ [See PRIZE].


KEY: Care.

SYN: Attention, pains, anxiety, concern, trouble, circumspection, regard, solicitude, caution, prevention, custody, preservation, thrift, heed, foresight, wariness, economy, prudence.

ANT: Inattention, neglect, disregard, carelessness, indifference, temerity, remissness, improvidence, unguardedness, incaution.


KEY: Career.

SYN: Course, success, walk, line, progress, history, way of ill passage, race.

ANT: Misproceeding, misdeportment, unsuccess, miscarriage.


KEY: Careful, [See COMMON].


KEY: Careless, [See COMMON].


KEY: Caress \v.\ [See FONDLE].


KEY: Caress \n.\

SYN: Endearment, blandishment, wheedling, fondling, stroking.

ANT: Vexation, irritation, annoyance, teasing, persecution, provocation.


KEY: Cargo.

SYN: Freight, burden, load, consignment, merchandise, lading, goods.

ANT: Conveyance, bearer, carrier.


KEY: Caricature.

SYN: Mimicry, parody, travesty, burlesque, extravagance, exaggeration, hyperbole, monstrosity, farce.

ANT: Portraiture, representation, resemblance, justice, fidelity, truthfulness.


KEY: Carnage.

SYN: Massacre, slaughter, bloodshed, butchery.

ANT: Ransom, deliverance, quarter.


KEY: Carnal.

SYN: Fleshly, sensual, selfindulgent, licentious, animal, coarse, base, worldly, impure, libidinous, secular.

ANT: Spiritual, ethereal, pure, selfcontrolled, temperate, exalted, refined.


KEY: Carnival.

SYN: Revel, rout, festivity, masquerade.

ANT: Fast, mortification, lent, retirement.


KEY: Carol.

SYN: Sing, warble, chirp, trill, whistle, chirrup, chant, hum.

ANT: Whine, croak, cry, dirge, lament.


KEY: Carouse.

SYN: Festivity, feast, banquet, revel, debauch.

ANT: Fast, starvation, maceration, abstinence.


KEY: Carousal.

SYN: Wassail, revel, banquet, orgies.



KEY: Carp.

SYN: Cavil, censure, challenge, overhaul, canvass, hypercriticise, object, catch.

ANT: Allow, concede, admit, compliment, encourage, approve, applaud, endorse, acquiesce, assent.


KEY: Carpet, (Metaphorical).

SYN: Table, board, consideration, consultation.

ANT: Shelf, rejection, disposal, oblution.


KEY: Carriage.

SYN: Transportation, conveyance, bearing, manner, conduct, demeanor, walk, gait, mien, behavior, deportment, vehicle.

ANT: Misconveyance, miscarriage, misconduct, misconsignment.


KEY: Carry, [See BEAK].


KEY: Carry on, [See TRANSACT].


KEY: Carry through, [See COMPLETE].


KEY: Case.

SYN: Occurrence, circumstance, contingency, event, plight, predicament, fact, subject, condition, instance.

ANT: Hypothesis, supposition, fancy, theory, conjecture.


KEY: Cash.

SYN: Money, specie, coin, currency, capital.


KEY: Cast \v.\

SYN: Hurl, send down, throw, fling, pitch, impel, project, construct, mold, frame.

ANT: Raise, elevate, recover, erect, accept, approve, retain, carry, ignore, miscalculate, misprovide, break, dissipate, dismember, dislocate.


KEY: Cast \n.\

SYN: Mould, stamp, kind, figure, form, aspect, mien, air, style, manner, character.

ANT: Malformation, deformity, abnormity.


KEY: castaway, [See REJECT].


KEY: Cast down, [See MELANCHOLY].


KEY: Cast out, [See EJECT].


KEY: Caste.

SYN: Order, class, rank, lineage, race, blood, dignity, respect.

ANT: Degradation, taboo, disrepute, abasement, reproach.


KEY: Castigate.

SYN: Whip, flagellate, cane.

ANT: Reward, encourage, decorate, caress.


KEY: Casual.

SYN: Accidental, occasional, incidental, contingent, unforeseen, fortuitous.

ANT: Regular, ordinary, systematic, periodic, certain, fixed, [See CASUALTY].


KEY: Casualty.

SYN: Accident, contingency, chance, fortuity, hap, misfortune, occurrence, mischance, [See ACCIDENT].

ANT: Appointment, assignment, provision, ordinance, enactment.


KEY: Casuistry.

SYN: Sophistry, Jesuitry, fallacy, refinement, quibble, strawsplitting.

ANT: Reason, conscience, commonsense.


KEY: Catalogue \n.\ [See BAWL].


KEY: Catastrophe.

SYN: Revolution, disaster, calamity, misfortune, misadventure, reverse, blow, visitation.

ANT: Blessing, victory, triumph, felicitation, achievement, ovation, success, godsend.


KEY: Catch.

SYN: Take, seize, grip, clutch, capture, secure, ensnare, snatch, hit, arrest, comprehend, overtake, apprehend.

ANT: Lose, miss, misapprehend, escape.


KEY: Catching, [See PESTIFEROUS].


KEY: catechism.

SYN: Erotetics, socratics, interrogation, creed, system, compendium.

ANT: Reading, excogitation, elaboration.


KEY: Catechumen.

SYN: Tyro, learner, pupil, novice, scholar.

ANT: Master, doctor, professor, teacher, savant.


KEY: Categorical.

SYN: Plain, positive, declaratory, peremptory, affirmative, absolute, demonstrative, distinct.

ANT: Obscure, uncertain, ambiguous, dubious, contingent, hypothetical, hazy, oracular, enigmatical, mystical.


KEY: Category.

SYN: State, kind, predicament, condition, nature, order, mode, sort, class.

ANT: Essence, truth, being.


KEY: Causality.

SYN: Eventuality, operativeness, potentiality, effectuality, productiveness, conduciveness.

ANT: Preventiveness, retardativeness, obstructiveness, counteractivity, unproductiveness, ineffectiveness, inoperativeness, barrenness.


KEY: Causation, [See CAUSALITY].


KEY: Cause \v.\ [See PRODUCE].


KEY: Cause \n.\

SYN: Source, origin, producer, agent, creator, purpose, inducement, reason, account, principle, motive, object, suit, action.

ANT: Effect, result, accomplishment, end, production, issue, preventive.


KEY: Caustic.

SYN: Burning, mordant, pungent, irritating, biting, pointed, sarcastic, trenchant, severe.

ANT: Pointless, mild, soothing, conciliating, vapid, flat, tame.


KEY: Caution.



KEY: Cautious, [See CIRCUMSPECT].


KEY: Cavalier \a.\ [See ARROGANT].


KEY: Cavil, [See CARP].


KEY: Cavity, [See OPENING].


KEY: Caviller, [See CAVIL].


KEY: Cease.

SYN: Intermit, stop, desist, abstain, discontinue, quit, refrain, end, pause, leave off.

ANT: Ceaseless, never-ending, everlasting, constant, incessant, [See ETERNAL].


KEY: Ceaseless, [See CEASE].




KEY: Celebrate, [See HONOR].


KEY: Celebrated.

SYN: Famed, renowned, illustrious, eminent, glorious, famous, noted, distinguished, notable, exalted.

ANT: Unrenowned, obscure, undistinguished, unknown, disgraced, mean.


KEY: Celebration.

SYN: Commemoration, solemnization, observance.

ANT: Oblivion, inobservance, obsolescence, desuetude.


KEY: Celebrity.

SYN: Fame, honor, glory, star, reputation, distinction, renown, notability, eminence, notoriety.

ANT: Obscurity, meanness, ingloriousness, ignominy, disgrace, contempt, cipher, nobody.


KEY: Celerity.

SYN: Rapidity, speed, haste, velocity, swiftness, quickness, fleetness, despatch.

ANT: Slowness, inertness, slaggishness, tardiness, cumbrousness.


KEY: Celestial.

SYN: Heavenly, ethereal, atmospheric, supernal, angelic, radiant, eternal, immortal, seraphic, divine, godlike, elysian.

ANT: Earthly, terrestrial, terrene, sublunary, human, mortal, hellish, infernal.


KEY: Cement.

SYN: Bind, bond, unite, perpetuate, consolidate.

ANT: Detach, dissolve, dissociate, disintegrate, divorce.


KEY: Censorious, [See CAPTIOUS].


KEY: Censure \v.\ [See BLAME].


KEY: Censure.

SYN: Blame, stricture, reproach, reprobate, inculpate, reprove, condemn, reprehend, chide, berate, scold, upbraid, disapproval, remonstrance, rebuke, reprimand, dispiaise.

ANT: Praise, eulogy, approbation, encouragement, commendation.


KEY: Central.

SYN: Mediate, accessible, convenient,.

ANT: Remote, inaccessible, inconvenient.


KEY: Centralize.

SYN: Concentrate, fix, localize, collect.

ANT: Disperse, disseminate, distribute, apportion, divide, delocalize.


KEY: Ceremonial.

SYN: Official, ministerial, functional, pompous, imposing, sumptuous, scenic.

ANT: Ordinary, private, unimposing, unostentatious, undramatic.


KEY: Ceremonious.

SYN: Punctilious, formal, prim, precise.

ANT: Brusque, blunt, supercilious, bluff, unceremonious.


KEY: Ceremony.

SYN: Display, pageant, solemnity, rite, formality.



KEY: Certain.

SYN: true, fixed, regular, established, incontrovertible, undoubtful, indubitable, infallible, unmistakable, sure, unfailing, real, actual, undeniable, positive, convinced, assured.

ANT: Uncertain, dubious, exceptional, irregular, casual, occasional, questionable, doubtful, vacillating, undecided, uncertain.


KEY: Certainly.

SYN: Surely, positively, unquestionably.

ANT: Possibly, probably, perhaps, contingently, doubtfully, occasionally.


KEY: Certainty.

SYN: Assurance, demonstrableness, positiveness, unquestionableness, confidence, conviction.

ANT: Dubiousness, precariousness, casualty, vicissitude, uncertainty, irregularity, hesitation, doubt, misgiving, conjecture, indecision.


KEY: Certify.

SYN: Acknowledge, aver, attest, vouch, avow, avouch, testify, protest, declare, demonstrate, prove, evidence, inform, assure.

ANT: Disprove, disavow, misinform, misadvise.


KEY: Cessation.

SYN: Stopping, halt, discontinuance, quiescence, suspension, intermission, lull, respite, stop, rest, abeyance, pause.

ANT: Continuance, uninterruptedness, unintermission, incessancy.


KEY: Cession.

SYN: Concession, yielding, surrender, abandonment, relinquishment, grant.

ANT: Retention, claimance, maintenance, appropriation, usurpation, vindication, assumption.


KEY: Chafe.

SYN: Gall, rub, vex, irritate, chagrin, tease, harass, disappoint, grieve, annoy, worry, calcitrate, re sent, resist, fret, fidget, writhe.

ANT: Soothe, smooth, coax, calm, humor, console, submit, endure, succumb, crouch, truckle.


KEY: Chaff.

SYN: Banter, badinage, nonsense, frivolity, trash, chaffer.

ANT: Emphasis, seriousness, sense, substance, reason, argument, marrow, pith, gist.


KEY: Chaffer.

SYN: Haggle, bargain, higgle, stickle, boggle.

ANT: Close, conclude, agree, negotiate.


KEY: Chagrin \v.\ [See CHAFE].


KEY: Challenge \v.\

SYN: Defy, summon, dare, question, investigate, brave, canvass.

ANT: Pass, allow, grant, concede.


KEY: Champion \n.\

SYN: Hero, warrior, combatant, vindicator, challenger, defender, protector.

ANT: Renegade, deserter, poltroon, miscreant, traitor, coward, adversary, opponent.


KEY: Chance \v.\ [See HAZARD].


KEY: Chance \n.\

SYN: Accident, fortuity, hazard, haphazard, fortune, random, casualty, befoulment, luck.

ANT: Law, rule, sequence, consequence, causation, effectuation, intention, purpose, design, certainty.


KEY: Change \v.\

SYN: Vary, alter, modify, diversify, qualify, transmute, substitute, fluctuate, shift, veer, exchange.

ANT: Conserve, retain, stabilitate, fix, clinch, stand, endure, last, hold.


KEY: Change \n.\ [See VARIATION].


KEY: Changeable.




KEY: Changeful, [See CHANGEABLE].


KEY: Changeless.

SYN: Regular, settled, steady, firm, stationary, consistent, resolute, reliable, undeviating, uniform, immutable, immovable.

ANT: Irregular, unsettled, unsteady, wavering, fluctuating, capricious, irresolute, vacillating, variable, mutable, plastic.


KEY: Chaplet.

SYN: Garland, wreath, coronal.


KEY: Character.

SYN: Symbol, letter, nature, type, disposition, genius, temperament, cast, estimation, repute, office, reputation, part, capacity, class, order, sort, stamp, kind, quality, species, sign, tone, mark, figure, record.

ANT: Vagueness, anonymousness, nondescription, disrepute.


KEY: Characteristic.

SYN: Distinction, peculiarity, diagnosis, idiosyncrasy, speciality, individuality, personality, singularity.

ANT: Nondescription, abstractedness, generality, miscellany.


KEY: Characterize.

SYN: Mark, distinguish, describe, particularize, style, designate, individualize, specify, identify.

ANT: Hint, insinuate, sketch, suggest, adumbrate.


KEY: Charge.

SYN: Direct, enjoin, advise, admonish, arraign, inculpate, entrust, commit, load, accuse, impeach, attack, assault, impute, carry.

ANT: Clear, free, discharge, acquit, liberate.


KEY: Chargeable.

SYN: Attributable, ascribable, imputable.

ANT: Not attributable, not ascribable, not imputable.


KEY: Charity, [See BENEVOLENCE].


KEY: Charitable.

SYN: Kind, benign, benevolent, beneficent, liberal, considerate, forgiving, compassionate, placable, inexacting, inextreme.

ANT: Uncharitable, unkind, harsh, selfish, churlish, illiberal, censorious, unforgiving, uncompassionate, implacable, extreme, exacting, retaliative, revengeful.


KEY: Charlatan, [See QUACK], Charm \v.\

SYN: Bewitch, enchant, fascinate, lay, soothe, mesmerize, delight, enrapture, transport, entice, allure, entrance, captivate, subdue.

ANT: Disenchant, disillusionize, excite, rouse, disturb, annoy, Irritate, alarm, terrify, repel, disgust.


KEY: Charm \n.\

SYN: Spell, incantation, enchantment, fascination, attraction, allurement.

ANT: Disenchantment, repulsion, fear.


KEY: Chary.

SYN: Careful, cautions, calculating, frugal, shy, wary, sparing, slow, saving, reluctant.

ANT: Liberal, lavish, profuse, eager.


KEY: Chase \v.\

SYN: Pursue, hunt, follow, drive, prosecute.

ANT: Abandon, relinquish, discard, dismiss, avoid, elude, evade.


KEY: Chaste.

SYN: Pure, modest, uncontaminated, spotless, immaculate, undented, virtuous, incorrupt, simple, unaffected, nice.

ANT: Impure, corrupt, meretricious, gaudy, flashy, overdecorated.


KEY: Chasten.

SYN: Purify, discipline, chastise, correct, castigate, improve, spiritualize, afflict, refine.

ANT: Indulge, sensualize, brutalize, degrade, corrupt, pamper, carnalize, spoil, demoralize.


KEY: Chat, [See BABBLE].


KEY: Chattels.

SYN: Effects, goods, wares, movables, furniture.

ANT: Freehold.


KEY: Chatter.

SYN: Rattle, jabber, cackle, prattle, twaddle.

ANT: Reason, sense, argument, reticence, philosophy, conversation.


KEY: Cheap.

SYN: Common, inexpensive, uncostly, mean, vile, worthless, low-priced.

ANT: Rare, costly, worthy, expensive, honorable, noble, high.


KEY: Cheat \v.\

SYN: Overreach, fleece, silence, trick, gull, cozen, juggle, defraud, swindle, dupe, beguile, deceive, deprive, hoodwink, prevaricate, dissemble, shuffle, inveigle.

ANT: Enlighten, guide, remunerate, compensate, undeceive, disabuse.


KEY: Cheat \n.\

SYN: Deception, fraud, imposition, trick, artifice, illusion, imposture, swindle, finesse, deceit, lie, fiction.

ANT: Troth, reality, verity, fact, certainty, genuineness, verification, honesty, authenticity.


KEY: Check \n.\

SYN: Repulse, hindrance, set back, rebuff.

ANT: Encouragement, freedom, liberty.


KEY: Check \v.\

SYN: Curb, restrain, stop, stay, repress, hinder, impede, inhibit, cohibit, bridle, control, obstruct.

ANT: Loose, liberate, instigate, accelerate, license, indulge, allow, abet.


KEY: Cheer \v.\ [See ENCOURAGE].


KEY: Cheer \n.\

SYN: Hope, happiness, comfort, hospitality, plenty, conviviality.

ANT: Dejection, sullenness, gloom, starvation, niggardliness, dearth, inhospitableness, churlishness, unsociableness.


KEY: Cheerful.

SYN: Lively, gay, bright, happy, bonny, merry, joyful, pleasant, buoyant, sunny, enlivening, in good spirits, sprightly, blithe, joyous.

ANT: Lifeless, dull, gloomy, unhappy, dejected, depressed, sullen, joyless, melancholy, depressing, dispiriting.


KEY: Cheerfulness, [See CHEERFUL].


KEY: Cheerless, [See CHEERFUL].


KEY: Cherish.

SYN: Foster, nurse, promote, nourish, nurture, comfort, protect, entertain, value, encourage.

ANT: Stifle, abandon, discard, discourage, check.


KEY: Chew.

SYN: Masticate, munch, eat.

ANT: Gorge, bolt whole.


KEY: Chicanery.

SYN: Artifice, subtlety, sophistry, subterfuge, prevarication, shift, trickery, dodge, quibble, mystification, pettifogging, underhandedness.

ANT: Openness, candor, fairness, cogency, demonstrativeness, soundness.


KEY: Chide.

SYN: Rate, scold, trounce, reprove, reprimand, rebuke, blame, admonish, objurgate.

ANT: Applaud, flatter, compliment.


KEY: Chief \a.\

SYN: Chef, the head, [See CAPITAL].


KEY: Chief \n.\ [See CHIEFTAIN].


KEY: Chiefly, [See MAINLY].


KEY: Chieftain.

SYN: Captain, general, chief, commander, head man, leader.

ANT: Follower, attendant, retainer, subaltern, vassal, satellite, minion, adherent.


KEY: Childish.

SYN: Weak, silly, puerile, infantine, imbecile, foolish, trifling, paltry, trivial.

ANT: Strong, resolute, manly, wise, judicious, sagacious, chivalrous, profound, politic.


KEY: Chimerical, [See VISIONARY].


KEY: Chivalrous.

SYN: Courageous, generous, knightly, gallant, heroic, adventurous, valiant, spirited, handsome, high-minded.

ANT: Unhandsome, dirty, sneaking, pettifogging, scrubby, dastardly, recreant, ungenerous, ungentlemanly.


KEY: Choice \n.\

SYN: Option, adoption, selection, election, preference, alternative.

ANT: Compulsion, necessity, rejection, refusal, unimportance, indifference, refuse.


KEY: Choice \a.\

SYN: Select, exquisite, precious, dainty, cherished, valuable, excellent, rare.

ANT: Common, ordinary, Inferior, cheap, valueless, despicable, trumpery.


KEY: Choke.

SYN: Throttle, strangle, gag, smother, burke, suffocate, stifle.

ANT: Eliminate, educe, promote, demonstrate, discuss, disseminate, moot, bruit, ventilate.


KEY: Choler, [See ANGER].


KEY: Choleric.

SYN: Hasty, testy, impetuous, irascible.

ANT: Cool, phlegmatic, serene, placid, dispassionate, stoical.


KEY: Choose.

SYN: Select, elect, prefer, appropriate, adopt, cull, pick out.

ANT: Leave, dismiss, reject, refuse, disclaim, repudiate, ignore, decline.


KEY: Chronicle \v.\

SYN: Record, register.


KEY: Chronicle \n.\ [See ANNALS].


KEY: Chuckle.

SYN: Grin, crow, cackle.

ANT: Cry, wail, grumble, whimper, whine.


KEY: Churchyard.

SYN: Buryingground, burial place, cemetery, God's acre, necropolis, graveyard.


KEY: Churlish.

SYN: Illiberal, niggardly, inhospitable, unsociable, unneighborly.

ANT: Liberal, bountiful, hospitable neighborly, sociable.


KEY: Cipher.

SYN: Nonentity, dot, nothing, trifle, button, (fig.)straw, pin, rush, molehill.

ANT: Somebody, bigwig, something, notability, celebrity, triton, colossus, star.


KEY: Circuit.

SYN: Tour, circumference.

ANT: Line, straightness, directness.


KEY: Circuitous.

SYN: Indirect, tortuous, devious, serpentine, round about, sinuous, winding.

ANT: Linear, direct, straight.


KEY: Circular.

SYN: Round, spherical.

ANT: Lineal, direct.


KEY: Circulate.

SYN: Disseminate, disuse, propagate, publish, notify, spread, travel.

ANT: Suppress, avert, hush, cease, stagnate.


KEY: Circumference.

SYN: Periphery, enclosure, circuit, outline, boundary.

ANT: Diameter, crossing, bisection, transection, transversion.


KEY: Circumlocution.

SYN: Periphrasis, verbosity, inconciseness, insuccinctness, ambiguousness, anfractuosity.

ANT: Terseness, point, conciseness, succinctness, condensation, directness, plainness, simplicity, coherence.


KEY: Circumscribe.

SYN: Define, designate, delineate, limit, enclose, confine, restrict, fence.

ANT: Expand, dilate, dissipate, disenclose, distend.


KEY: Circumscribed.

SYN: Limited, narrow, restricted.

ANT: Limitless, ample, unconfined.


KEY: Circumspect.

SYN: Cautious, wary, careful, heedful, attentive, prudent, watchful, scrupulous, vigilant.

ANT: Heedless, incautious, careless, reckless, invigilant, incircumspect.


KEY: Circumstance.

SYN: Detail, feature, point, event, occurrence, incident, situation, position, fact, topic, condition, particular, specialty.

ANT: Deed, case, transaction.


KEY: Circumstantial.

SYN: Inferential, constructive, minute, detailed, elaborate, specific.

ANT: Jocular, positive, inaccurate, loose, general.


KEY: Circumvent.

SYN: Ensnare, entrap, outwit, diplomatize.

ANT: Force, subjugate, reduce, compel, circumvention, [See CIRCUMVENT].


KEY: Citadel.

SYN: Fortress, castle, stronghold, acropolis.


KEY: Cite.

SYN: Summon, call, quote, adduce, mention, name, select, refer to.

ANT: Discard, dismiss, canvass, dispute, reject, contradict, disprove, discredit, challenge.


KEY: Citizen.

SYN: Townsman, inhabitant, burgess, subject, denizen.

ANT: Alien, foreigner, visitor, exile.


KEY: Civic.

SYN: Municipal, corporate, urbane, oppidan.

ANT: Suburban, provincial, rural, cosmopolitan.


KEY: Civil.

SYN: Well-mannered, political, courteous, well-bred, complaisant, affable, urbane, polite, obliging, accommodating, respectful.

ANT: Disobliging, unaccommodating, disrespectful, boorish, clownish, churlish, uncivil.


KEY: Civilization.

SYN: Amelioration, culture, cultivation, humanization, refinement.

ANT: Demoralization, savagery, uncivilization, barbarism, rudeness, brutality.


KEY: Claim \v.\

SYN: Demand, ask, require, insist, pretense, right, privilege, title, request, maintain.

ANT: Forego, waive, disclaim, abjure, disavow, abandon, concede, surrender, repudiate.


KEY: Claim \n.\

SYN: Assertion, vindication, pretension, title, right, privilege, arrogation, demand.

ANT: Waiving, abjuration, disclaimer, surrender.


KEY: Claimant.

SYN: Assertor, vindicator, appellant, litigant.

ANT: Relinquisher, resigner, conceder, waiver, renouncer, abjurer.


KEY: Clamor.

SYN: Contention, contentiousness, squabble, tumult, hubbub, noise, uproar, outcry, obloquy.

ANT: Silence, acquiescence, reticence.


KEY: Clamorous, [See NOISY].


KEY: Clandestine.

SYN: Furtive, secret, sly, stealthy, surreptitious, hidden, disguised, concealed, private, underhand.


KEY: Clasp.

SYN: Grasp, connect, unite, bracket, concatenate, embrace.

ANT: Relax, sever, unclasp, disconnect, detach, exclude.


KEY: Class, [See ORDER].


KEY: Classical.

SYN: Pure, refined, elegant, polished, chaste, augustan.

ANT: Corrupt, debased, inelegant, harsh, barbarous, unclassical, uncouth.


KEY: Classification, taxonomic.

SYN: Order, species, nature, character, cast, stamp, group, kind, section, sect, category, assortment, designation, description, genus.

ANT: Individuality, speciality, isolation, alienation, division, distinction, singularity, exclusion, heterogenity.


KEY: Classify.

SYN: Arrange, systematize, adjust, rank, class, tabulate, dispose, collocate, assort.

ANT: Derange, confound, disorder, disorganize, intermix.


KEY: Clause.

SYN: Portion, paragraph, stipulation, provision, article, condition, chapter, section, passage.

ANT: Document, instrument, muniment.


KEY: Clean \v.\

SYN: Purify, clarify.

ANT: Pollute, befoul, bespatter, defile.


KEY: Clean \a.\

SYN: Pure, neat, cleanly, clear, purified, cleansed, untarnished, spotless, unclogged, upright.

ANT: Impure, untidy, dirty, entangled, hampered, unclean.


KEY: Clear \v.\

SYN: Clarify, disencumber, disentangle, disembarrass, vindicate, liberate, set free, release, exonerate, exculpate, justify, retrieve, acquit, absolve, whitewash, extricate, eliminate.

ANT: Befoul, contaminate, pollute, clog, encumber, embarrass, involve, implicate.


KEY: Clear \a.\

SYN: Open, pure, bright, transparent, free, disencumbered, disentangled, disengaged, absolved, acquitted, serene, unclouded, evident, apparent, distinct, manifest, conspicuous, unobstructed, plain, obvious, intelligible, lucid.

ANT: Thick, muddy, foul, opaque, encumbered, entangled, condemned, convicted, turbid, dubious, indistinct, unintelligible.


KEY: Clearly.

SYN: Plainly, obviously, distinctly, evidently, palpably, lucidly, explicitly, perspicuously.

ANT: Opaquely, indistinctly, Imperfectly, confusedly.


KEY: Cleave.

SYN: Sunder, split, divide, adhere, rend, di?sever, stick.

ANT: Conserve, unite, splice, bond, cement, agglutinate, consolidate, separate, depart, desert, apostatize, secede.


KEY: Clemency, [See MERCY].


KEY: Clergyman.

SYN: Pastor, divine, parson, preacher, presbyter, minister, elder, deacon, bishop, dominie, rector, prelate, priest, monk, friar, vicar, curate.

ANT: Layman, laic, congregation, laity, flock.


KEY: Clever.

SYN: Able, ready, talented, quick, ingenious, dexterous, adroit, expert, gifted, quick-witted, skillful, well-contrived.

ANT: Weak, dull, stupid, slow, illcontrived, doltish, uninventive, awkward, clumsy, bungling, botched.


KEY: Climate.

SYN: Air, atmosphere, temperature, weather, clime, sky, region, sphere, latitude.

ANT: Earth, globe, world, sphere.


KEY: Climax.

SYN: Summit, height, consummation, acme, point, head, mered, ian, culmination, zenith.

ANT: Base, floor, bathos, anticlimax, depth, gulf, nadir.


KEY: Climb.

SYN: Ascend, mount, clamber, swarm, surmount, scale, escalade, soar, creep up, rise.

ANT: Descend, drop, fall, slip, tumble, swoop.


KEY: Cling.

SYN: Fasten, hold, adhere, embrace, stick, cleave, hang, twine, hug.

ANT: Drop, recede, secede, apostatize, abandon, relax, forego, swerve, surrender.


KEY: Clip.

SYN: Curtail, prune, contract, abridge.

ANT: Elongate, cherish, grow, nourish.


KEY: Cloak.

SYN: Conceal, disguise, mask, veil, hide, cover, palliate, screen, mitigate, extenuate.

ANT: Exhibit, propound, promulge, portray, aggravate, expose, demonstrate, reveal.


KEY: Close \a.\

SYN: Narrow, limited, restricted, condensed, packed, secret, compressed, solid, firm, compact, reserved, niggardly, shut, fast, dense.

ANT: Wide, open, ample, spacious, airy, unconfined, dispersed, rarefied, subtle, vaporous, patent, public, advertised, open-handed, liberal, frank.


KEY: Close \v.\

SYN: Shut, conclude, stop, complete.

ANT: Open, initiate, conduct, protract.


KEY: Clothe \v.\

SYN: Invest, robe, drape, dress, array, attire, cover.

ANT: Denude, strip, divest.


KEY: Clothes, [See HABILIMENTS].


KEY: Cloudy, [See MUGGY and OBSCURE].


KEY: Clownish.

SYN: Bustic, boorish, bucolic, Boeotian, awkward, clumsy, cloddish, untutored, rude.

ANT: Polite, civil, urbane, affable, graceful, polished, refined, courtly, high-bred, intelligent, educated.


KEY: Clumsy.

SYN: Awkward, inexpert, uncouth, maladroit, botching, bungling, unskillful, unwieldly, unhandy, ill-shaped.

ANT: Neat, workmanlike, artistic, handy, skillful, clever, expert, adroit, dexterous.


KEY: Cluster.

SYN: Bunch, group, gathering, muster, throng.

ANT: Scattering, sprinkling, dispersion.


KEY: Clutch \v.\

SYN: Grasp, grab, seize, catch, grip, grapple with, snatch, pounce.

ANT: Liberate, release, emancipate.


KEY: Coagulate.

SYN: Mix, blend, fuse, coalesce, amalgamate, condense.

ANT: Rarefy, expand, dissipate, subtilize, discombine.


KEY: Coadjutor.

SYN: Assistant, ally, cooperator, accessory, accomplice.

ANT: Opponent, counteractor, antagonist, baffler, adversary.


KEY: Coalesce.

SYN: Harmonize, blend, mix, combine, join, unite, amalgamate, cohere.

ANT: Disagree, discomport.


KEY: Coalition.

SYN: Combination, consentaneity, compromise, consociation, union, alliance, league, compact, amalgamation, composition, confederacy.

ANT: Dissociation, disruption, disagreement, dissentience.


KEY: Coarse.

SYN: Common, ordinary, indelicate, vulgar, gross, unrefined, immodest, rough, rude, unpolished.

ANT: Fine, refined gentle, polished, delicate, choice.


KEY: Coax.

SYN: Wheedle, fawn, flatter, call, ole, persuade, overcome, seduce, allure, circumvent.

ANT: Intimidate, coerce, impel, instigate, drive.


KEY: Cobble.

SYN: Patch, botch, bungle, clout.

ANT: Repair, manipulate, finedraw.


KEY: Cobweb.

SYN: Trifle, cipher, moonshine, prejudice, bugbear, phantasy, caprice.

ANT: Substance, verity, axiom, law, reality, perpetuity, institution, truth.


KEY: Cockney.

SYN: Londoner, citizen, swell.

ANT: Clodhopper, bumpkin, lout.


KEY: Coddle.

SYN: Spoil, humor, pamper, nurse, caress.


KEY: Codger.

SYN: Gaffer, churl, curmudgeon.

ANT: Swell, fop, spendthrift, scapegrace, puppy.


KEY: Codify.

SYN: Summarize, digest, incorporate, embody, condense.

ANT: Expunge, abrogate, annul, disembody, disincorporate, rescind.


KEY: Coerce.

SYN: Restrain, inhibit, impel, compel, drive, counteract, check, constrain, force, confine, intimidate.

ANT: Permit, persuade, urge, instigate, encourage, liberate, induce, seduce, tempt.


KEY: coetaneous.

SYN: Coeval, contemporary, synchronous.

ANT: Incoincident, incontemporaneous, anachronistic, asynchronous.


KEY: Coeval, [See COETANEOUS].


KEY: Coexist.

SYN: Concur, comport, accompany, coalesce, coincide.

ANT: Disconcur, discomport.


KEY: Coexistent.

SYN: Concurrent, coetaneous, contemporary, coincident, compatible, correspondent, correlative.

ANT: Discurrent, incontemporaneous, incompatible, adverse, repugnant, antagonistic.


KEY: coextension.

SYN: Commensurateness, equality, parallelism, conterminousness.

ANT: Incommensurateness, inadequacy, inconterminousness, disparity, divergency, inequality.


KEY: Coextensive, [See COEXTENSION].


KEY: Cogent.

SYN: Forcible, powerful, potent, strong, persuasive, influential.

ANT: Weak, ineffectual, powerless, feeble.


KEY: Cogitate.

SYN: Think, ruminate, reflect, meditate, brood, speculate, contemplate, ponder, muse.

ANT: Idle, maunder, dream.


KEY: Cogitation, [See COGITATE].


KEY: Cognizance.

SYN: Notice, observation, recognition, knowledge, experience.

ANT: Inadvertence, neglect, ignorance, inexperience, oversight, connivance.


KEY: Cognizant.

SYN: Aware, informed.

ANT: Unaware, ignorant, uninformed.


KEY: Cohere.

SYN: Stick, adhere, conform, unite, coalesce.

ANT: Sever, separate, disunite, disintegrate.


KEY: Coherent.

SYN: Consecutive, consistent, complete, sensible, compact, logical, close.

ANT: Inconsecutive, rambling, disunited, inconsistent, discursive, loose, silly, illogical, aberrant.


KEY: Cohibit.

SYN: Prevent, hinder, curb, restrain, inhibit.

ANT: Indulge, permit, incite, instigate, encourage, urge.


KEY: Coin.

SYN: Fabricate, counterfeit, invent.

ANT: Misform, misconstrue.


KEY: Coincide, [See AGREE].


KEY: Coincidence.

SYN: Chance, fortuity, casualty, concurrence, correspondence, contemporaneousness, commensurateness, harmony, agreement, consent.

ANT: Design, purpose, adaptation, synchronism, anachronism, disharmony, incommensurateness, discordance, variation, difference.


KEY: Cold, [See FRIGID].


KEY: Collate.

SYN: Adduce, collect, compare, gather, induct, extract, cite.

ANT: Verify, identify, recognize, authenticate.


KEY: Collateral.

SYN: Indirect, related, connected, parallel.

ANT: Direct, linear, essential, integral.


KEY: Colleague.

SYN: Helper, companion, associate, ally, confederate, coadjutor, partner, assistant, adjutant, assessor.

ANT: co-opponent, corival, counteragent, co-antagonist, competitor, colluctator.


KEY: Collect.

SYN: Collate, gather, glean, sum, infer, learn, congregate, assemble, convoke, convene, muster, amass, garner, accumulate.

ANT: Classify, arrange, distribute, dispose, dispense, divide, sort, deal.


KEY: Collected.

SYN: Calm, composed, cool, attentive, self-possessed, firm, placid, serene, unmoved.

ANT: Excited, distracted, wandering, dazed, scared, bewildered.


KEY: Collection.

SYN: Assembly, assemblage, store, gathering, collation.

ANT: Dispersion, distribution, dispensation, division, arrangement, disposal, classification.


KEY: Collision.

SYN: Encounter, conflict, crash, opposition, impact, concussion, clash.

ANT: Interswerving, interdivergence, shave.


KEY: Collocate.

SYN: Place, locate, arrange, classify, tabulate, allocate.

ANT: Move, dislocate, distribute, dispense, disturb, disperse, confound, confuse, displace, misplace.


KEY: Collocation, [See COLLOCATE].


KEY: Colloquy.

SYN: Conference, consultation, conversation, council, confabulation.

ANT: Clamor, outcry, tumult, babel.


KEY: Colluctation.

SYN: Wrestling, contention, competition.

ANT: Coadjutorship, assistance, support, backing.


KEY: Collusion.

SYN: Connivance, accompliceship, confederacy.

ANT: Baffling, frustration, counteraction, defeat, discomfiture, discernment, betrayal, exposure, informership, traitorship.


KEY: Color.

SYN: Hue, tint, complexion, pretense, speciousness, tinge, garbling, falsification, distortion, perversion, varnish.

ANT: Achromatism, paleness, nakedness, openness, genuineness, transparency, truthfulness.


KEY: Colorable.

SYN: Specious, ostensible, deceptive, dressed, tinged, warped.

ANT: Genuine, candid, open, naked, transparent.


KEY: Colossal, [See GIGANTIC].


KEY: Combat \v.\ [See RESIST].


KEY: Combat \n.\

SYN: Encounter, conflict, contention, struggle, contest, engagement, arms, battle.

ANT: Surrender, submission, mediation, reconciliation, truce, arbitration.


KEY: Combination.

SYN: Union, association, consortment, concert, confederacy, alliance, league, coalition, cabal, synthesis, co-operation.

ANT: Division, disunion, disruption, dissolution, dispersion, analysis, opposition, resistance, non-location, removal,.


KEY: Comely.

SYN: Seemly, graceful, elegant, shapely, suitable, fitting, handsome, decent, becoming.

ANT: Unseemly, ungraceful, inelegant, unshapely.


KEY: Comfortable.

SYN: Snug, satisfied, pleasant, agreeable, cozy, commodious, convenient, consoled.

ANT: Uncomfortable, dissatisfied, troubled, miserable, wretched, cheerless, unhappy, disagreeable, forlorn.


KEY: Comfortless, [See COMFORTABLE].


KEY: Comic, [See LUDICROUS].


KEY: Comity.

SYN: Urbanity, pleasantness, affability, blandness.

ANT: Rudeness, distantness, roughness, churlishness.


KEY: Command \v.\

SYN: Order, direct, instruct, charge, bid, enjoin.

ANT: Supplicate, entreat, persuade, beg, petition, suggest, represent.


KEY: Command \n.\ [See MANDATE].


KEY: Commanding, [See AUTHORITATIVE].


KEY: Commemorate.

SYN: Perpetuate, celebrate, solemnize, keep.

ANT: Ignore, drop, abolish, forget, obliviate.


KEY: Commence.

SYN: Begin, start, open, initiate, inaugurate, enter upon, set about, undertake.

ANT: Finish, terminate, conclude, consummate, complete.


KEY: Commend.

SYN: Praise, laud, extol, approve, recommend, encourage, applaud, eulogize.

ANT: Blame, censure, disapprove, discourage, denounce, condemn, discommend.


KEY: Commendation, [See APPROBATION].


KEY: Commensurate.

SYN: Equal, adequate, sufficient, coextensive, conterminous.

ANT: Unequal, short, scant, inadequate, insufficient, incommensurate.


KEY: Comment \v.\

SYN: Note, observe, interpret, illustrate, expound, dilate, explain, expatiate, criticise.

ANT: Confound, confuse, obscure, mystify, misinterpret, misapprehend, misconceive, misrepresent.


KEY: Comment \n.\ [See OBSERVATION].


KEY: Commentator.

SYN: Interpreter, explainer, note-maker, scholiast, expositor, glossary, elucidator.

ANT: Mystifier, misinterpreter, puzzler, enigmatist, Oedipus.


KEY: Commerce.

SYN: Trade, traffic, merchandize, barter, exchange, business, communication, dealing, intercourse.

ANT: Stagnation, exclusion, inactivity, interdict, embargo, dullness.


KEY: Commiserate.

SYN: Despise, contemn, pity, compassionate, condole, sympathize.

ANT: Admire, envy, disregard, maltreat, molest, ignore, condemn.


KEY: Commiseration, [See PITY].


KEY: Commit.

SYN: Perpetrate, execute, confide, [See DO], relegate, intrust, assign, allocate, consign.

ANT: Miscommit, misconsign, misintrust, omit.


KEY: Commodious.

SYN: Ample, easy, convenient, spacious, suitable, comfortable.

ANT: Inconvenient, incommodious, narrow, ill-contrived, incommensurate, discommodious.


KEY: Commodity.

SYN: Staple, ware, article, stock.

ANT: Drug, offal, refuse, garbage.


KEY: Common.

SYN: Ordinary, familiar, habitual, everyday, frequent, coarse, vulgar, low, mean, universal.

ANT: Unusual, exceptional, scarce, rare, uncommon, refined, partial, infrequent, sporadic, egregious, excellent.


KEY: Commotion.

SYN: Agitation, disturbance, tumult, excitement, turmoil, perturbation.

ANT: Quiescence, calm, subsidence, pacification, tranquillity, mitigation, appeasement, soothing, allaying, moderating.


KEY: Communicate.

SYN: Adjoin, join, touch, reveal, disclose, divulge, promulgate, publish, attach, co-operate, unite, impart, tell, announce, declare.

ANT: Separate, disjoin, recede, stop, suppress, conceal, secrete, withhold, reserve.


KEY: Communication, [See INTERCOURSE].


KEY: Communion.

SYN: Participation, share, converse, agreement, partnership, comportionment, fellowship, association, intercourse.

ANT: Exclusion, deprivation, nonparticipation, disqualification, disconnection, alienation, disruption.


KEY: Community.

SYN: Aggregation, association, commonwealth, co-ordination, society, sympathy, order, class, brotherhood, fraternity, polity, unity, nationality, similarity, homogeneity.

ANT: Segregation, secession, independence, dissociation, disconnection, rivalry, hostility, animosity, estrangement, dissimilarity, contrariance, heterogeneity.


KEY: Commute.

SYN: Alter, mitigate, substitute, exchange, compensate, barter, equalize, balance, modify.

ANT: Misappropriation, misconvert, misappropriate, disallow, stabilitate, perpetuate, stereotype.


KEY: Compact \n.\ [See AGREEMENT].


KEY: Compact \a.\

SYN: Dense, close, hard, solid, firm, pithy, concise, condensed, contracted, compendious, convenient, concentrated, consolidated, concrete.

ANT: Ductile, brittle, friable, diffuse, unshapely, straggling, sparse, broadcast, dispread.


KEY: Companion.

SYN: Associate, mate, comrade, colleague, ally, partner, accomplice, coadjutor.

ANT: Rival, toe, antagonist, adversary.


KEY: Companionable.

SYN: Pleasant, affable, sociable, convertible, friendly, easy, agreeable, gregarious.

ANT: Disagreeable, churlish, unsociable, distant, reserved, ungenial, cold, inaccessible, unneighborly, solitary.


KEY: Companionship.

SYN: Converse, acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, friendliness, association.

ANT: Ignorance, distance, avoidance, estrangement, alienation, unfamiliarity, soitude, isolation.


KEY: Company.

SYN: Aggregation, association, union, sodality, order, fraternity, guild, corporation, society, community, assemblage, assembly, crew, posse, gang, troop, audience, congregation, concourse.

ANT: Rivalry, opposition, disqualification, antagonism, counteragency, competition, counterassociation.


KEY: Compare.

SYN: Assimilate, collate, parallel.

ANT: Contrast, oppose, dissociate, disconnect, pit, distinguish.


KEY: Comparable.

SYN: Resembling, approximate, similar.

ANT: Dissimilar, unlike, remote, inferior.


KEY: Comparative.

SYN: Relatively, proportionately.

ANT: Absolutely, actually, positively, superlatively.


KEY: Comparison, [See LIKENESS].


KEY: Compartment.

SYN: Division, partition, allotment, sphere, space.

ANT: correlative, viz, anything of which it is a compartment.


KEY: Compass \n.\

SYN: Area, enclosure, circuit, circumference, horizon.

ANT: Common, space, tract, expanse, boundlessness, limitlessness, indefiniteness.


KEY: Compass \v.\

SYN: Encompass, surround, enclose, environ, circumscribe, embrace, achieve, effect, effectuate, consummate, complete, circumvent.

ANT: Expand, disband, unfold, amplify, display, dismiss, liberate, discard, fail, bungle, botch, misconceive, mismanage, misconstrue.


KEY: Compassion.

SYN: Pity, sympathy, condolence, tenderness, fellow-feeling, commiseration, pardon.

ANT: Hardheartedness, unforgiveness, cruelty, antipathy, denunciation, condemnation, vindictiveness, retaliation.


KEY: Compassionate, [See KIND].


KEY: Compatible.

SYN: Consistent, consentaneous, harmonious, coexistent, correspondent, congruous, accordant, agreeable, congenial, consonant.

ANT: Incompatible, impossible, insupposable, inconsistent, discordant, hostile, adverse, antagonistic, incongruous, destructive, inter-repugnant, contradictory.


KEY: Compeer.

SYN: Equal, co-ordinate, peer, fellow, mate, compatriot, comrade.

ANT: Inferior, superior, solitary.


KEY: Compel.

SYN: Force, oblige, drive, constrain, necessitate, make, coerce, bind.

ANT: Persuade, convince, coax, allure, egg, induce, tempt, seduce, acquit, cozen, liberate, release.


KEY: Compendious.

SYN: Condensed, concentrated, brief, short, succinct, concise, abridged, commodious, convenient, useful, handy, comprehensive, compact.

ANT: Diffuse, vague, prolix, shapeless, cumbrous, undigested.


KEY: Compendium, [See ABRIDGEMENT].


KEY: Compensate.

SYN: Atone, satisfy, remunerate, indemnity, reimburse, pay, requite, reward, recompense, make amends for.

ANT: Defraud, deprive, cheat, dissatisfy, injure, damage.


KEY: Compensation.

SYN: Remuneration, equivalent, wages, pay, allowance, restoration, restitution, satisfaction, atonement, expiation, indemnification, amercement, damages.

ANT: Deprivation, injury, nonpayment, gratuity, donation, fraudulence, damage.


KEY: Compete.

SYN: Contend, rival, cope, emulate.

ANT: Participate, share.


KEY: Competence.

SYN: Power, adequacy, sufficiency, wealth, ability.

ANT: Incompetence, weakness, inability, insufficiency, want, poverty, impecuniosity, indigence.


KEY: Competent, [See ADEQUATE].


KEY: Competition.

SYN: Rivalry, emulation, race, two of a trade.

ANT: Association, colleagueship, alliance, jointstock, copartnership, confederation.


KEY: Competitor.

SYN: Rival, emulator, opponent, adversary, antagonist.

ANT: Participator, partner, auxiliary, colleague.


KEY: Compilation.

SYN: Collation, composition, patchwork.

ANT: Effusion, creation.


KEY: Complacent.

SYN: Pleased, satisfied, content, pleasant, affable, kind, mannerly, acquiescent, amiable.

ANT: Dissatisfied, irritated, churlish, unmannerly, morose, austere, grudging.


KEY: Complain, [See GROWL].


KEY: Complaint.

SYN: Murmur, discontent, repining, grievance, annoyance, remonstrance, expostulation, lamentation, sickness, disease.

ANT: Congratulation, rejoicing, approbation, complacency, boon, benefit, applause, jubilee, health, sanity.


KEY: Complaisant, [See POLITE].


KEY: Complement.

SYN: Completion, fulfilment, totality, supply, counterpart, correlative.

ANT: Deficiency, deficit, insufficiency, abatement, detraction, defalcation, diminution, drawback.


KEY: Complete \v.\ [See ACCOMPLISH].


KEY: Complete \a.\

SYN: Full, perfect, finished, adequate, entire, consummate, total, exhaustive, thorough, accomplished.

ANT: Incomplete, partial, imperfect, unfinished, inadequate.


KEY: Completely.

SYN: Fully, totally, altogether, wholly, perfectly, entirely, thoroughly.

ANT: Partially, incompletely, Imperfectly.


KEY: Completion, [See TINGE].


KEY: Complex.

SYN: Intricate, multifarious, compound, complicated, multifold, involved, deep, many-sided, abstruse, close, tangled, obscure.

ANT: Obvious, plain, simple, direct, inobscure, superficial, vague, loose, unraveled.


KEY: Complexion.

SYN: Face, aspect, color, look, feature, appearance, character, hue, interpretation, indication.

ANT: Unindicativeness, concealment, reticence, inexpression, heart, core.


KEY: Complexity \n.\ [See COMPLEX].


KEY: Compliance.

SYN: Yielding, submission, obedience, acquiescence, consent, ductility, docility.

ANT: Resistance, repulsion, disobedience, refusal, noncompliance.


KEY: Compliant, [See SUBMISSIVE].


KEY: Complicated.

SYN: Confused, intricate, involved, perplexed, entangled.

ANT: Clear, simple, uninvolved, lucid, unraveled.


KEY: Compliment \v.\ [See PRAISE].


KEY: Compliment \n.\

SYN: Homage, courtesy, flattery, praise.

ANT: Insult, discourtesy, contempt.


KEY: Complimentary.

SYN: Commendatory, laudatory, panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, lavish of praise.

ANT: Disparaging, condemnatory, damnatory, denunciatory, reproachful, abusive, objurgatory, vituperative, defamatory.


KEY: Comply, [See YIELD].


KEY: Component.

SYN: Ingredient, element, constituent, factor, content, rudiment.

ANT: Aggregate, sum, entirety, adventitious, compound, nonconstituent, foreign, heterogeneous.


KEY: Comport.

SYN: Demean, conduct, carry, behove, tally, consist, harmonize, match, agree, suit, coincide.

ANT: Misdemean, misconduct, forget, vary, differ, disagree, contrast, militate.


KEY: Compose.

SYN: Construct, compile, soothe, allay, calm, put together, constitute, draw up, frame, form, pacify, mitigate, settle, adjust, write.

ANT: Analyze, awaken, stir, dissect, criticise, irritate, excite.


KEY: Composed, [See COLLECTED and PLACID].


KEY: Composition.

SYN: Compound, conformation, structure, mixture, combination, compromise, adjustment, settlement, commutation.

ANT: Analysis, segregation, examination, criticism, discussion, disturbance, aggravation, perpetuation.


KEY: Composure.

SYN: Tranquility, sereneness, self-possession, sedateness, calm, repose.

ANT: Perturbation, restlessness, mobility, disturbance.


KEY: Compound \v.\

SYN: Concert, mix, amalgamate, fuse.

ANT: Resolve, analyze.


KEY: Compound \n.\

SYN: Mixture, combination, amalgamation, junction, unification, coalescence.

ANT: Decomposition, analysis, dissection, resolution.


KEY: Comprehend.

SYN: Comprise, embody, grasp, understand, conceive, apprehend, enclose, include, involve, embrace.

ANT: Exclude, except, misunderstand.


KEY: Comprehension.

SYN: Understanding, conception, capacity, perception, apprehension.

ANT: Misunderstanding, misconception.


KEY: Comprehensive.

SYN: Wide, ample, general, extensive, large, broad, all, embracing, generic, significant, capacious, inclusive, compendious, pregnant.

ANT: Narrow, restricted, shallow, exclusive, adversative, exceptive.


KEY: Compress.

SYN: Condense, compact, crowd, squeeze, contract, abridge, epitomize, summarize.

ANT: Expand, dilate, diffuse, colliquate, Compression, [See COMPRESS].


KEY: Comprise \v.\

SYN: Embrace, include, involve, contain, comprehend, imply.

ANT: Exclude, except, discard, bar, omit, reject.


KEY: Comprobation.

SYN: Induction, co-evidence, co-testimony.

ANT: disproof, counterevidence, refutation, rejoinder, intercontrariance.


KEY: Compromise \v.\

SYN: Arbitrate, adjust, compose, settle, endanger, implicate, involve.

ANT: Aggravate, excite, foster, perpetuate, exempt, enfranchise, disengage, extricate, exonerate.


KEY: Compulsion \n.\

SYN: For, ce, restraint, control, coercion.

ANT: Persuasion, coaxing, alluring, Inducing.


KEY: Compunction.

SYN: Contrition, penitence, misgiving, remorse, regret, sorrow.

ANT: Satisfaction, self-complacency, assurance.


KEY: Compute.

SYN: Calculate, reckon, count, number, appraise, value, estimate, cast up, rate.

ANT: Conjecture, guess, surmise.


KEY: Comrade, [See COMPLEX].


KEY: Concatenation.

SYN: Linking, connection, stringing, continuity.

ANT: Discatenation, unlinking, unchanging, severance, intermission, disconnection.


KEY: Concave.

SYN: Hollow, scooped, pitted, excavated, retreating, alveolar.

ANT: Convex, tumular, protuberant, relievant, embossed, intumescent.


KEY: Conceal.

SYN: Hide, secrete, disguise, keep secret, dissemble, screen, suppress.

ANT: Reveal, manifest, exhibit, avow, confess, expose, promulgate, publish, divulge.


KEY: Concede.

SYN: Surrender, grant, allow, yield, admit, resign.

ANT: Refuse, withhold, deny, contradict, contest, claim, contend.


KEY: Conceit.

SYN: Idea, notion, thought, affectation, vanity, abstraction, imagination, conception, whim, vagary, egotism.

ANT: Substance, reality, verity, concretion, body, fact, naturalness, simplicity, unaffectedness, humility.


KEY: Conceited.

SYN: Egotistical, self-conceited, vain.

ANT: Self-deprecating, simple, unassuming, unaffected.


KEY: Conceive.

SYN: Imagine, apprehend, believe, suppose, design, think, understand.

ANT: Produce, express, propound, declare, execute, misconceive.


KEY: Conception, [See CONCEIVE].


KEY: Concentrate.

SYN: assemble, converge, muster, congregate, convene, draw, conglomerate, condense, localize, centralize.

ANT: Disperse, scatter, dismiss, decentralize.


KEY: Concentration, [See CONCENTRATE].


KEY: Concern.

SYN: Interest, regard, anxiety, matter, affair, institution, solicitude, moment, regret, sympathy, sorrow.

ANT: Indifference, disregard, carelessness, congratulation, chuckling.


KEY: Concerning.

SYN: About, of, relating, regarding, touching, in relation to, respecting, with respect to, with regard to, with reference to, relative to.

ANT: Omitting, disregarding.


KEY: Concert \v.\ [See CONTRIVE].


KEY: Concert \n.\

SYN: Onion, combination, concord, harmony, agreement, association, co-operation.

ANT: Dissociation, counteraction, opposition.


KEY: Concession, [See CONCEPT].


KEY: Conciliate.

SYN: Win, gain, enlist, pacify, make friendly, reconcile, propitiate.

ANT: Lose, estrange, excommunicate, eject, alienate, irritate, displease.


KEY: Concise.

SYN: Condensed, terse, pregnant, expressive, pointed, neat, compendious, succinct, summary, brief, short.

ANT: Diffuse, prolix, verbose, circumlocutory, rambling, discursive.


KEY: Conclave.

SYN: Council, assembly, bureau, synod, cabinet, caucus.

ANT: Crowd, multitude, assemblage, population, throng, populace, mob, concourse.


KEY: Conclude.

SYN: Close, terminate, complete, end, decide, finish, infer, deduce, determine, argue.

ANT: Begin, initiate, start, open, prolong, protract, perpetuate, doubt, dispute.


KEY: Conclusion, [See CONCLUDE and TERMINATION].


KEY: Conclusive.

SYN: Definitive, indisputable, final, positive, decisive.

ANT: Uncertain, dubious, questionable, hypothetical, supposititious, problematical, theoretical, vague, indeterminate, inconclusive.


KEY: Concoct.

SYN: Compound, prepare, mix, hatch, brew.

ANT: Spoil, upset, disconcoct, disconcert, mar, misprepare.


KEY: Concoction.

SYN: Brew, mixture, compound.

ANT: Crudity, rawness, ingredient.


KEY: Concomitant.

SYN: Accompanying, attending, attendant, synchronous.

ANT: Precedent, subsequent, diverse, unconnected, independent, irrelative.


KEY: Concord.

SYN: Harmony, accordance, agreement, peace, union, unity, unanimity, amity.

ANT: Discord, disagreement, variance, animosity.


KEY: Concordance, [See CONCORD].


KEY: Concourse.

SYN: Assembly, assemblage, crowd, throng, convergence, mob.

ANT: Cabinet, conclave, cabal, dispersion, desertion, solitude.


KEY: Concrete.

SYN: Firm, compact, consolidated, indurated, embodied, particularized.

ANT: Loose, sloppy, luteous, shifting, boggy, swampy, yielding, unresisting, abstract, generalize.


KEY: Concur.

SYN: Approve, acquiesce, assent, coincide, meet, converge, concentrate, agree.

ANT: Diverge, radiate, disagree, dissent, part, differ.


KEY: Concussion, [See COLLISION and COMMOTION].


KEY: Condemn.

SYN: Blame, convict, reprove, cast, censure, denounce, doom, sentence.

ANT: Absolve, acquit, exonerate, pardon, justify, approve.


KEY: Condense, [See ABRIDGE].


KEY: Condescend.

SYN: Stoop, descend, deign, vouchsafe.

ANT: Disdain, scorn, spurn.


KEY: Condescension \n.\ [See CONDESCEND].


KEY: SYN:, Affability, graciousness, favor, stooping.

ANT: Haughtiness, arrogance, pride, superciliousness, disdain, scorn.


KEY: Condign.

SYN: Deserved, merited, meet, just, adequate.

ANT: Undeserved, unmerited, scant, excessive.


KEY: Condiment.

SYN: Sauce, pickle, preserve, seasoning.

ANT: Gall, wormwood, ashes, aloe.


KEY: Condition.

SYN: State, case, mood, term, mode, qualification, requisite, stipulation, predicament, proviso, situation, circumstances, plight.

ANT: Relation, dependence, situation, circumstance, concession, fulfillment, adaptation.


KEY: Conditionally.

SYN: Provisionally, relatively, provided, hypothetical, contingently.

ANT: Absolutely, unconditionally, categorically, positively.


KEY: Condole.

SYN: Sympathize, console, commiserate.

ANT: Congratulate, exhilarate, disregard, rally, discompassionate, discommiserate.


KEY: Condolence, [See CONDOLE].


KEY: Condonation.

SYN: Indulgence, excuse, amnesty, pardon, forgiveness.

ANT: Expiation, satisfaction, atonement.


KEY: Conduce.

SYN: Concur, contribute, avail, aid, tend, coincide, converge, assist, help, make for, conspire, lead, subserve.

ANT: Indispose, counteract, defeat, neutralize.


KEY: Conducive, [See CONDUCE].

SYN: Contributive, promotive, subsidiary, causative, effective, productive.

ANT: Preventive, counteractive, contrariant, repugnant, destructive.


KEY: Conduct \v.\

SYN: Lead, bring, carry, transfer, direct, guide, control, manage, administer.

ANT: Mislead, miscarry, mismanage, misconduct, misadminister.


KEY: Conduct \n.\ [See BEHAVIOR].


KEY: Confabulation, [See COLLOQUY].


KEY: Confection \n.\ [See CONCOCTION, CONDIMENT, and COMPOUND.(Used