Harper's Round Table, June 4, 1895

Harper's Round Table, June 4, 1895
Author: Various
Pages: 163,808 Pages
Audio Length: 2 hr 16 min
Languages: en


Play Sample

Note—Map of New York city asphalted streets in No.809.Map of route from New York to Tarrytown in No.810.New York to Stamford, Connecticut, in No.811.New York to Staten Island in No.812.New Jersey, from Hoboken to Pine Brook in No.813.


is practised by people who buy inferior articles of food. The Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk is the best infant food. Infant Health is the title of a valuable pamphlet for mothers. Sent free by New York Condensed Milk Co. , New York. —[Adv.]



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Postage Stamps, &c.

HAWAII 1c. , 2c. 4c. , 5c. , 8c. , 10c. , 15c. , 25c. , 35c. , all unused; 100 fine varieties stamps, 12c. ; 1000 mixed U. S. , 25c. ; 5 var. obsolete Postage Due, 10c. ; $20 Confederate Bill, 10c. ; 5 foreign coins, 15c. ; 5 different U. S. Coppers, 15c.

F.J.STANTON, Norwich, N.Y.

STAMPS! 300 fine mixed Victoria, Cape of G. H. , India, Japan, etc., with fine Stamp Album, only 10c. New 80-p. Price-list free. Agents wanted at 50% commission. STANDARD STAMP CO. , 4 Nicholson Place, St. Louis, Mo. Old U. S. and Confederate Stamps bought.

100 all dif.Venezuela, Costa Rica, etc., only 10c.; 200 all dif.Hayti, Hawaii, etc., only 50c.Ag'ts wanted at 50 per ct.com.List FREE!

C.A.Stegmann, 2722 Eads Av., St.Louis, Mo.

50 var. , all dif. , 5c. ; 12 var. Heligoland, 15c. ; 6 var. Italy, 1858 to 1862, 5c. ; 3 var. Hanover, 5c. ; 35 var. C. American, 50c. Agents wanted.

F.W.MILLER, 904 Olive St., St.Louis, Mo.

BOYS & GIRLS ARE MADE HAPPY by sending their name and address on a postal card to BOORMAN & PARKER, 173, 5th AVE. , Chicago.

Round Table Chapters.

No.712—The Busy Bee Chapter, of Readington, N.J.Edwin Russell Opie, Readington.

No.713.—The Harry Harper Chapter, of Newtown, Conn.Officers are Agnes E.Platt, Samuel B.Brown, Carrie Jonas, Frank Andrews, John O.Pitzschler; Mabel E.Morris, Newtown.

No.714.—The Active Athletic Club, of Utica, N.Y.Albert H.Gabel, 764 Bleecker Street.

No.715.—The Allen Chapter, of Allentown, Pa.Claude T.Reno, Allentown.

No.716.—The George Washington Chapter, of Troy, N.Y.George P.Paul, 824 River Street.

No.717.—The Knights Outing Chapter, of Davenport, Iowa.Ned C.Crossett, 309 Mississippi Avenue.

No.718.—The General O.O.Howard Chapter, of Philadelphia, Pa.Members are Marcella, Hanley, and Norman Dale, Bella Moorehead, Mary Moore, George Oliphant, Frank Garrison, Amy Hamilton, John Steltz.Chapter address, Charles C.Oliphant, Girard College, Philadelphia.

No.719.—The Eagle Social Club, of New York city.Max Epstein, Paul Gumsberg; Abe Sandler, 12 Pitt Street.

Stamps and the School Fund.

Several members have kindly offered to sell some stamps in aid of the School Fund, and the Table thanks them.The Dorchester Exchange, W.J.Paul Sweeney, corner High and Highland streets, Dorchester, Mass., has good facilities, and so we suggest that others co-operate with it.Its offers are two: 1, It will give to the Fund the ten per cent.commission on all stamps sold to members during July and up to August 15th, and 2, It will give to the Fund the entire proceeds of the sale of all stamps contributed by members to be sold for said purpose.

The Exchange rules are easily complied with, and may be had on application, enclosing self-addressed and two-cent stamped envelope. Members who may want to purchase stamps to aid the Fund, and members who may be willing to contribute a few stamps to be sold for the Fund, are asked to send addressee and stamps to us as early as possible. Contributed stamps should be neatly mounted, and the price plainly marked in ink under each. Send not later than June 25th to Harper's Round Table, New York, and put in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope the words, "For Stamp Department."The Table warmly thanks Sir Knights Lantle V.Blum and Claude T.Reno for their offers in this direction, and begs them to help under this arrangement.Let's have a big list of names of possible buyers and as many contributions as possible.All who help in this way shall have their names on the Fund Honor Roll, to be published and preserved in the Good Will Building.

"The Wheelman's Mecca."

Springfield is a flourishing city of 50,000 inhabitants, and is situated on the left bank of the Connecticut River a few miles above the Connecticut State line.It was first settled by a brave trader, William Pynchon, and became a city in 1852.The largest United States arsenal is situated here and gives employment to many men.

The river is spanned by four bridges, and at one point is 1136 feet wide.The last battle of Shays's Rebellion was fought here, and the spot is marked by a monument.Springfield takes great pride in her schools, which are among the finest in Massachusetts.In a few months electric cars will be running to the "Paper City"—Holyoke, which is nearly as large a city as Springfield.Forest Park is the summer breathing-place of the city.It contains picnic grounds, fine drives, duck, lotus, and lily ponds, drinking-fountains, a "zoo" of small size, and many pavilions.

Paper, bicycles, railroad passenger cars, buttons, skates, and pistols are largely manufactured here.The Public Library contains about 90,000 volumes.Hampden Park has the best bicycle track in the United States, and Springfield is called the "Wheelman's Mecca."The famous "Yale-Harvard" football games are also played on Hampden Park.

Albert W.Atwater

A Glimpse of "The Glorious."

Most people who live in the Eastern States consider California a great distance off, and so it is; yet it takes only five days to cross the continent, by rail, and bring one from January snows to sunshine and flowers.Petaluma is a thriving town of three thousand, situated in Sonoma County, and connected with San Francisco by tide-water.The chief occupations of the people in the surrounding country are dairying, fruit-raising, and wine-making.The varieties of the Sonoma fruits most raised are cherries, apricots, peaches, pears, plums, apples, figs, olives, and grapes.There are many large dairies and creameries owned by the Swiss people, who find the surrounding country a good substitute for their native land.Before California came into the possession of the United States the swarthy Mexican and his fiery mustang roamed through the tall grass, tending enormous herds of cattle, sometimes slaughtering several hundred for their hides, and leaving the carcasses to the buzzards.

Samuel T.Bush, R.T.K.
East Oakland

A Collection of Newspapers.

We advised a member to write to the American Minister at Athens for a copy of a newspaper printed in modern Greek. Elsa Roeder kindly amends by suggesting the Atlantis, printed in New York.It is wholly in Greek, and no address other than New York city is necessary.Thanks, dear Lady Elsa.This collecting of present-day newspapers as a means of broadening and increasing one's knowledge of the world is most useful and interesting.It is also inexpensive, and as an educator equals or exceeds the collecting of stamps.Did you ever see a present-day newspaper that is published in Brussels or Rome, or even Paris or London?The American Consuls can give you the names and the amounts to remit for single copies.Or, if you send stamps for postage, the Consuls would in most cases forward the newspapers, we think.You can get a list of Consuls from the State Department, Washington, or can find them in the Congressional Directory, which your Member of Congress will gladly send you upon request.

Consuls are always desirous of serving the interests of fellow-Americans in such matters. The spread of English-speaking humanity has led to the founding of English newspapers in many foreign cities. In the Orient there are newspapers printed in English, and they are full of what to us are quaint items. Such papers are to be found in Constantinople, Cairo, Calcutta, Yokohama, Honolulu, and even in Teheran and Jerusalem. The Indian Mail and Japan Mail are interesting newspapers, and you would read the South Australian Chronicle, published in Adelaide, and the Tasmanian Mail, published in Hobart, with a great deal of curiosity. Then your collection ought to include such famous journals as the Gazette, of Cologne, Germany, printed in German, of course; the Gazette, of St. Petersburg, and the Novoe Vremya, of Moscow, printed in modern Russian; the Petit Journal, of Paris, and Independence Belge, of Brussels, in French; the Nacionale, of Madrid, and the Journal, of Rio de Janeiro, in Spanish; and papers from Constantinople, in Turkish, and from Tokyo, in Japanese. You should also include the Scotsman, of Edinburgh, Scotland, in your collection, and you might learn much that you do not know from a careful reading of newspapers published in North and South American cities.Did you ever see a Caracas newspaper?The study is a fascinating one, and as surely broadens and liberalizes as does knowledge on other studies, collegiate not excepted.

Out-door Entertainments.

Once every year there is held at Good Will Farm a Summer Celebration, which a great many of the Farm's friends attend.There are picnics, feasting, and, of course, some speeches.This summer Mr. Kirk Munroe is, we believe, to be a guest at the Farm, and will, of course, make a speech.

These Farm outings are held in July.Now, why may not the Table, during that month, or during the August vacation, hold as many outings as possible, the proceeds to go, little, whole, or in part, to the Round Table Industrial School Fund?The trouble is very slight, the fun great, and the satisfaction not to be measured.We urge this subject upon the attention of all Chapters, and upon all members of the Order.

Do you belong to a Sunday-school class?Ask it about undertaking it.If you are just the least bit interested, write us for particulars, with full and easily planned programme.We will give them promptly.You can carry out the details.All that is needed is a small company of half a dozen persons, old or young.

This school is for some boys who need a school-house—and have none.The Table is earning the Fund.Won't you help?

A Close View of the Shah.

I was in Paris during the great exhibition of 1889.While I was there the Shah of Persia came to France to see the World's Fair.I was at an outdoor show one day, which the Shah attended, and I happened to be very close to his box and had a good view of him and all his suite.He was a very dark man of Jewish type.He was attired in a long black cloak of soft cashmere which came to his knees.It was devoid of any ornament except heavy black silk frogs which fastened it.He wore a tall brimless Astrakhan hat, with a single precious stone on the front.It looked like a moonstone and was quite large.He wore a beautiful, curved sword, the only elaborate ornament that he had on.It was a magnificent weapon, containing many gems set in the hilt and scabbard.He also had on black boots of soft leather reaching to the knee.His staff had a great many more ornaments than he had, but were all attired in the same black coats and fur caps.

Jack Randall Crawford

The Gum on Stamps.

The gum on the back of the postage-stamps of the United States is made from alcohol one part, acetic acid one part, dextrine two parts, and water five parts.

Peabody, Mass

Answers to Kinks.





No.85—A kiss.



It is well always for boys to learn how to spell, as the experience of a little lad in England recently proved. He tried to write a verse to his teacher, and in using the word "bonny" to describe her face he wrote, "and oh your bony face."

The teacher did not like having her face referred to as bony, and the poor little fellow was kept in for an hour after the rest of the boys had gone home.



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At all grocery stores east of the Rocky Mountains two sizes of Ivory Soap are sold; one that costs five cents a cake, and a larger size.The larger cake is the more convenient and economical for laundry and general household use.If your Grocer is out of it, insist on his getting it for you.

The Procter & Gamble Co., Cin'ti

contains enough sarsaparilla alone to give it the highest place as a promoter of good health.To this, add the most delicious herbs, roots, barks and berries and you have the reason why millions of people drink and grow healthful on Hires' Rootbeer

A 25c.package makes 5 gallons



GILLOTT'S PENS at the Chicago Exposition

AWARD: "For excellence of steel used in their manufacture, it being fine grained and elastic; superior workmanship, especially shown by the careful grinding which leaves the pens free from defects.The tempering is excellent and the action of the finished pens perfect."

(Signed)FRANZ VOGT, Individual Judge
Approved:{ H. I. KIMBALL, Pres't Departmental Committee
{ JOHN BOYD THACHER, Chairman Exec.Com.on Awards


Sets any name in one minute; prints 500 cards an hour.YOU can make money with it.A feat of pretty type, also Indelible Ink, Type Holder, Pads and Tweezers.Best Linen Marker; worth $1.00.Sample mailed FREE for 10c.stamps for postage on outfit and large catalogue of 1000 Bargains.

R.H.Ingersoll & Bro.65 Cortlandt St.N.Y.City

BIRDS' EGGS and Naturalists' Supplies, Egg Drill, Blowpipe, and Hook, nickel-plated, in pocket case, only 35 cts.

Illustrated catalogue for 2-cent stamp.

CHAS.K.REED, 262 Main Street, Worcester, Mass.

WANTED.100,000 BOYS,

to sell the EUREKA MARKING TAG for marking hats, etc., now and in Summer vacation. Sells at sight. Send 10 cents in coin for samples. Address Eureka Marking Tag Co., Cedar Falls, Iowa.

SEND for Catalogue of the Musical Instrument you think of buying. Violins repaired by the Cremona System. C.Story, 26 Central St., Boston, Mass.

PLAYS, Dialogues, Speakers, for School, Club and Parlor.Catalogue free.

T.S.DENISON, Pub.Chicago.Ill.



A Tale of the Sea

AFLOAT WITH THE FLAG. By W.J.HendersonIllustrated.Post 8vo, Cloth, Ornamental, $1.25.

Mr. Henderson has combined his knowledge of the sea with his experience of several years as an officer in the Naval Reserve, and thus has made a story of the New Navy. The story follows the experiences of four American boys during the Brazilian revolution, two of them being on the American cruiser Detroit, a third having enlisted in the Brazilian navy on the battle-ship Aquidaban, and the fourth being a soldier on the side of the Brazilian government.


SEA YARNS FOR BOYS. Spun by an Old Salt. Illustrated. Post 8vo, Cloth, Ornamental, $1.25.

Poems by

Mrs. Sangster

LITTLE KNIGHTS AND LADIES. Verses for Young People. By Margaret E.SangsterIllustrated.16mo.Cloth, Ornamental, Uncut Edges and Gilt Top, $1.25.

Mrs. Sangster has a charming way, quite her own, of writing verse to please the young, and many of the lines in this volume will be committed to memory and carried into the riper years of the "Little Knights and Ladies."


ON THE ROAD HOME. Poems. Illustrated. 16mo, Cloth, $1.25.

Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York

The above works are for sale by all booksellers, or will be mailed by the publishers, postage prepaid, on receipt of the price.


"Those rays, Tommy," said Mrs. Judkins to her little boy, "means that the sun is drawing the water up to the sky for rain."

"And then," replied Tommy, "are we soon going to have a salt-water shower."


I know why the elephant by a thick skin
And a tough one is ever begirt:
It is so when he's struck by the trainer's crowbar,
He can laugh in his trunk all unhurt.


"Mr. Tompkins," said Willie Smith to his teacher the other day, "when the whale spouts does he do it to bale himself out?"

I'm very fond of buckwheat cakes,
I'm very fond of pumpkin-pie,
I love the cookies mommy makes,
I love upon the grass to lie.

I dote upon a lot of things,
Like toys and apples, curtain-rings,
But like must boys
I think that noise
Is just the best thing known to man,
And that is why an old tin pan,
And battered spoon,
This afternoon,
Have kept me busy as a bee;
Bang!bang!Boom!boom!Hurrah for me,
I don't need toys
When I have noise.


Nobody can deny that postage-stamp collecting is a great help in teaching boys geography.Jack showed this at school when his teacher asked him where Nicaragua was, and what it produced chiefly.

"It's on page ninety-eight," said Jack, "and it produces more sets o' stamps than any other country of its size in the world."


"What I can't understand about the sun's light," said Wallie, when he first heard how many millions of miles away from the earth the sun is, "is how it manages to get here so early in the morning without travelling all night."


"Mamma," sobbed Bessie, "make Willie stop smellin' my roses.He's took all the perfloomery out of one of 'em already."


Jimmieboy's small brothers had both got out of bed on the wrong side, as the saying goes, and their differences had been frequent.

"What are those babies fighting about?"finally asked Jimmieboy's mamma.

"About all the time," said Jimmieboy.


"MY daddy's got a little watch on his bicycle that shows how far he goes.Every time he goes a mile this thing marks a mile," said Tommie.

"My pa has a better one than that," retorted Bobbie."Every time he goes a mile his registers two miles."


"What has become of your club, Harry?"

"Oh, it's broken up," said Harry."We made a rule that no boy could be President twice, and after we'd been President once we couldn't go on with it."